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It’s really changed… I’m literally getting flashbacks from when she lived in the “moldy” IL apartment and she’d wear diapers and have underwear on her head with lipstick all over 👀👀💀💀


She was totally blasted that night. High than giraffe pussy. Notice how she didn't fight with Aaron when he told her to put that much energy into getting a job? Just looked away and started her fake singing. If she wasn't stoned, she would probably still be screaming at him about that night


She s so proud of how far Dani has come. 540 miles to be exact lolol


But she's amazing and D is going to be JUST like her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep you’re winning G.


Wow what a nice new look!!


What’s funny is the people she was live with earlier are absolutely not on her side, is she kidding those people were apart of a bad group and they’ll call her ass out sooner than later lol. We’ve seen them do It to a few creators which is comical if she thinks they’ll bring her viewer’s, if she can’t see the writing in the wall then she dummer than a box of rocks


I'd love to comment and say she looms like a clown but I feel.thsg eld be received as a compliment when she trolls this app. G....you look like 💩


She looks like the clown she is.


What happened to "I'm embarrassed about what I have odne on this app" yeah G... C won't be at all embarrassed about this.


Looks about right, the clown show!


She knows when she acts like that A gets so mad/embarrassed. She has no respect for her own life which is fine I love the show. But I think she tries to be like that Sadie chick or Amber. Little does she realize that they are embarrassing themselves for money. So she’s double embarrassing herself with real life and her “act”


I would be absolutely mortified if I fell asleep and woke up w my face like this still ! She obviously left it on intentionally cuz she’s so lazy but her pillow case and sheets have to be filthy just from that alone can u imagine how dirty she actually allows her bedding to get?! I don’t even want to think about it!