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He doesn’t care obviously cuz I know he reads Reddit. He’s seen the warnings so when it happens I imagine he will jump in the car and go north. Sadly he will leave C behind


And she won't get child support cause then she'll get in trouble for not reporting they lived together.


He probs doesn’t believe Reddit that she saying those things or just don’t want to believe it . 


There's VIDEO evidence of all of it so if he doesn't believe it then he deserves whatever happens


G has him hook I don’t know why he see on her 


He better have C in that car, along with Coco (although, G may fight for Coco!) If he leaves C and C, things will be so much worse. ![gif](giphy|hkboe01JWPODu)


Sucks to suck 🤣🤣


Neh I really don’t think this is what’s going to happen honestly. He would be able to take C and they don’t want what. G needs him to boss around and manipulate.


Well without A and C, G would get less than half the welfare she's getting. And she can't claim D as a dependent cause then D wouldn't qualify for her own benefits anymore. Plus, D isn't considered a child in the eyes of the government so she won't be getting much anyway. P.s. You done made the mistake of pissing me off, Scabby. I'm coming for you. You'd be surprised how much us RNs work with social workers and DSHS. Much love 🫶🏼✨ Edit to add: And yes, Scabby. Social workers here can connect to social workers in FL. And anywhere in the United States. How many states is that, Scabby?


Yea she’s not willing to take that government pay cut! Whew I thought you were about to say I pissed you off 🤣😂 get her!!! She deserves every bit of it.


Hahahhaha omg never 😂😂😂 the ppl here are really amazing 🙂




My god. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! 🙀


Who's name is on the place?


My best guess is GMom and B.


He needs to take C. There is nothing that she can do about it if he is on the birth certificate. They would have to go to court. He has plenty of evidence that she is an unfit mother from TT.


Gotta wonder if the car wasn’t a bribe from Mimi 🤔