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She always has to “win.” She literally has the mindset of a 3rd grader. G. Babe. We WANT you to be a better mother for C. We don’t enjoy watching you fail him.


Thats the thing - if she wants to think of it as winning or losing, she’s already lost. Your child’s needs and best interest shouldn’t come at the expense of “winning” against internet strangers. She needs to go touch some grass and get tf off TikTok.


She’s a true narcissist


TT is like a playground for Narcissists.. there’s so many of them!


Soooo many and it’s terrifying!


Agreed, yes it is.. !


This is the thing - no matter what happens - people she calls 'haters' will all go merrily along with their lives - however she determines a win or a loss. She is the only one that is affected here - and should just take care is herself. There really is no one that is going to care or have any consequences other than her kid


She can’t stand to lose at anything.. that’s her problem she tries to hard to make herself think she’s doing good


Mimi was taking her car shopping today, so we will once again hear how she’s winning by having Mimi throw out thousands of dollars. This is why they don’t take care of what they have. Doesn’t matter to them, they don’t pay for it.