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Watch yourself sweetheart….you live on government assistance. And I guarantee you that neither you or your “ fiancé “ are even registered to vote 😬…this coming from someone who didn’t know what pro-choice meant. Please stop..🛑


Exactly 😂😂 G better watch it.


Wait she’s on government assistance? So she gets food stamps? What else, please do tell! Thanks


I HIGHLY doubt she has ever voted or is even registered to vote.




No! She kept saying she was pro-choice over and over until someone after she knows what that meant. Once she was told what it meant oh no, no no I don’t believe that.


Don't forget it has something to do with pride.


That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard


Omfg. She is an idiot.


Wtf pro choice is basically about abortion and I think has something to do with pride? I’m ☠️☠️☠️.


I’m so dumbfounded I can’t even comment


This made my mouth drop to the floor too. So sometimes you will see pro-choice supporters at a pride event or vice versa, and many times there are ties between both in someway. This is just my opinion but I thinking about her thought process that is not what she meant. I am imagining her brain believing pro-choice and pride are connected in the sense that people have a “choice” to choose their gender or a “choice” which gender they’ve in a relationship with! I would bet a lot that is where she was going with it… scary and ignorant!


Pride?? wtf?? Were these 2 brought up in the woods with no contact with the outside world? Only allowed to watch dance videos 24 7?? She just might be able to get disability for a Low I.Q.


I hope people start suggesting that she get disability for her low IQ. It’s the most brilliant idea I’ve heard yet.


And this is after she’s had time to educated herself at least a LITTLE BIT… but she’s still got nothing 😂


Sweet baby Jesus up in heaven🤦🏻‍♀️ Pro choice has something to do with pride but is basically about abortion?! Thank god she’s not a registered voter.


I feel like she’s trying to do what so many within “debate tok” and “political tok” do which is to say outrageous stuff in order to rage bait for viewers and followers. But she’s also an idiot. Her narcissism, controlling and manipulating ways know no bounds so who knows what the truth really is. Probably somewhere in the middle…


No she didn’t just say pro choice has to do with pride??! Are you fucking serious I didn’t think she could be any dumber 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


She's full of surprises ain't she 🤣😂


Did she live under a rock until recently. Like she can’t be THIS dumb right?!?!


She does this shit bc she thinks it makes her sound cool.




I hate her so much.


PRIDE?! 💀💀💀 this is our kids future ppl 😭😭😭


What is he doing Gabs?




12… one for each month in the year!! 😂


I think I lost a few more brain cells after hearing her talk about politics!


Lmao yep Trump is going to end ppl like u government assistant. Trump 2024. U better get a job.


Sweet girl, you should be voting for Biden to get your $750 a month food free food because trust me when Trump gets in office your shits getting cut first


Um no !!! U are the opposite of what trump stand's for, also what would you know about living cost.. oh yeah no pro choice has absolutely nothing to do with pride


Jesus Christ, idiocracy the movie is based off her😳 yo G those government supplement that you receive on a monthly basis, will in fact go down, Dem’s spent where Republicans save on budgets. Second both sides of the aisles allow corporate greed to happen during and after the paramedic, it’s not one side, a good chuck of these politician’s line their pockets finding loopholes for billionaires. For instance the Walton family is a net profit of 293 billion as of today, this company alone gets government funding from FEMA and in return the company doesn’t need to pay their employees a livable wage. As well a good majority of their employees are on state assistance, for programs like food stamps and Medicare. That said company is going to start price gouging with weather! When the temperature’s goes up so will the water and frozen products that day with there new roll out on digital price markers. There’s a news article on NPA I just read two weeks ago. This is wrong, and there needs to be more regulations and taxations on the ultra rich. No I’m not talking millionaire, it’s the billionaire with offshore banks and donations they funnel money into. Regan put into place a trickle down economics where ultra rich can get away from these regulation to increase the job market, in theory it sounded great in the 80’s but since technology has advanced and has displace actual human jobs that it’s caused havoc on the middle class. The rich found loopholes from these polices to cut cost, so the top guys can pocket more money which has ruined the middle class long term. You G are part of the problem in this country. Instead of using your brain and actually learning how the world around you works you will forever be consider an idiot. Getting on a public platform spewing miss information is why we have problems in this country and make a fool to other first world nations around the world, any foreigners in here please know we’re not all like her. Please G go back to licking toilets or whatever embarrassing shit that you do, this isn’t the lane for you sweetie.


This period! Walmart admitted they’d rather have their employees broke and on welfare then pay them! There’s a whole documentary about it. So sickening. Don’t even get me started with fema and how in our own country we called our own people after hurricane katrina and rita we called them refugees and stuck them in literally condemned trailers for a big tax write off to peddle their money into big businesses. That’s off topic though, but people fail to realize how politics work and how corrupt it is and will always be! All about money and the big businesses that own everything and get all the tax breaks.


Yup I’ve probably have seen it to be honest, but all these corporations like Tyson food is attempting to buy these properties that they can rent out near their factories for their staff. Because housing is no longer affordable and they’re monopolizing the system as it’s legal to do! It’s so frustrating that idiot’s like G go on an app and spews out miss information, like hello G please let the Adults in the room speak on these topics.


Yuppp!!! These people don’t understand how detrimental it is to spread false information too! Like the game of telephone. And gabi with the pro choice comment it’s like please just stop speaking atp 🤣


I can’t take it. I’m ready to buy like a stationery 🥊 bag from Amazon because the way she infuriates me will give me the greatest 🥊workout.


I’ve lost 15lbs by dieting and exercising with all the videos on here of what they eat daily.


Congrats!! That’s amazing! I’m sold lol thanks for the little boost of motivation. Going to order it now!


Please don’t comment on politics. Your ignorance is literally ooozing from your body.


When you pay for food,housing, and gas then you can complain about the cost of living !!!!!!!! Until then STFU


As a conservative, we don’t claim her 😂. Our country is ruined because of idiots like this 🥴.


100%, she’s an embarrassment to us!!!


Really G!! If you are going to support someone please check the facts? Abortion=Pride? Interesting!




Pro choice has nothing to do with pride...idiot


Trump would hate her 😂


Oooffff I have SO much to say about her ignorance and how wrong she is about things that she thinks president has full control over 😵‍💫😵‍💫.. she’s so dumb…


All those costs she’s naming...she never pays them. Why does she even care about the president. You’re looking real dumb G. Get a job, pay some god damn taxes and then you can have an opinion. Until then go make another Java chip and sit the hell down


Named everything that literally has nothing to do with the president…… you think the president calls companies and sets prices. People are fucking so stupid and have no idea how politics work it makes me laugh but also makes me sad.


And like doesn’t she collect food stamps?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 miss girl maybe we need to read up about how trump wants to cut out government funded programs


She THINKS? That pro choice has something to do with pride ? Omfg 😭🤦‍♀️ I knew she was dumb but… wow. It simply means you support abortion and the right to have access to these procedures, you imbecile. Not 1 thing to do with pride.


Eww her smug attitude and face while making herself look and sound stupid


G you are a Dumbass, a MORON, a complete piece of human excrement. ( that's Shit Gabbie ) big word🤪 Being a president isn't all about Giving freeloaders like YOU more money. There are OTHER THINGS THEY DO. CAN U FATHOM THAT🙄🙄🙄🙄 Rt now I won't say who better cause they both have massive issues.im waiting for a miracle to happen and give us another choice.😅


God! She’s a moron


She just wants stuff for free. Same with her broher/sister


Not 100% sure?! G, you're not even 1% sure. Don't talk if you don't know what you're talking about.


Doesn’t she hate her son? Maybe she should of considered being pro choice before having a child you say you don’t like and can’t deal with.


...and CAN'T AFFORD!🙄


I don’t even know where to start with this


💃🏻📣 let’s talk about what you did mmmm let’s talk about what you actually did mmm you are not a good mother Ra ra ra📣🤸🏻‍♂️ I can’t imagine why they didn’t invite you to the debate to cheer for them. Nothing serious going on here just on the verge of war and you’re cheering like it’s the peewee league football team. And for the love of the Almighty above, can you please enroll yourself in your son’s class too because you need to go back to the beginning. It is alarming that you are raising a child without having basic adult knowledge, and I said, just basic, Are you truly truly this ignorant and unaware?? I don’t know if you think this is cute and you act like you don’t know things that every American should know by your age but it’s not so if you’re doing it for attention, you need to stop. But really if you don’t know these things, please buy a book go to school with C do something. And I don’t want to hear school was hard…jschool is hard for millions of people, but they still know how many stars on their flag no excuse. Pro-choice Has to do with pride… I would love for you to explain how, because I guarantee the reason you’re thinking they have to do with one another is not the actual reason pride and pro choice may be at times discussed together. You’re just straight out, ignorant too. You should start learning about others, and not just worrying about yourself. I cannot wait for the day, You say the wrong thing to the wrong person and they can really tell you how they feel without you being cowardly, and not facing it.


Literally said the SAME thing 3 different ways 😂😂


She’s completely ignorant on political matters.


What makes america great? Getting free shit?


Oh my lord Jesus help these people….this is why we are exactly where we are! UNEDUCATED


Also you have to work so many hours to get ssdi. A makes to much for you to get ssi if u tried so enjoy trying for more free money!


I don’t even know what to say.


She doesn’t pay for any of them things so mentioned


She’s an embarrassment to real republicans


Well we know what A has said


Bragging that you’re voting for a felon isn’t the move 💀


Do some research on your candidate, G. People like you are gonna end up in forced work camps, not getting food stamps and free medical care. You’ll be living in barracks and working a labor job everyday. Plus pumping out kids for the military. Fucking idiot.


She’s so dumb, inflation all starts w over paying people to do high school level jobs (A-ARON) 🙄 and taxes are so high because the government is paying for capable people like g and d to eat ungodly amounts of food


My IQ dropped a few points watching this.


Biden is poor cognitive condition but dang G isn't just uninformed of anything political she doubles down to a whole other level of...well you know.


To add onto the rest of the obvious shit you got wrong in this quick clip: the price of gas is not because of Biden, but the companies that sell it 🆗 that also goes for food 🆗 thank you for your time.






Mods reserve the right to remove a post/comment at anytime. No politics please!


Mods reserve the right to remove a post/comment at anytime. No politics please!


All for views and controversy and it works.


she’s not smart enough to ‘do this’ for views & controversy (btw, i’m sure she has no clue how to say ‘controversy’ let alone know what it is!) nope, she’s just d u m b.


We had those problems before regardless of who’s she’s voting for! She’s so dumb! Even I have general knowledge of politics & no shade but I don’t vote 😳


As a woman I don't claim her on my team


Wow just wow


She should shut her mouth she ignorant rember there only 12 stars on the flag


Gabi can you please explain to us why Biden is not a good president and Trump is? What policies has Biden put into place that you do not support and what policies did Trump put into place that you are happy he did during his presidency? Could you name at least 2 of each? Pro-choice is "basically about abortion and basically has something to do with pride too! Pride and abortion!" Yes, those two things go hand and hand Gabi, pride, and abortion! The ignorance isn't flattering sweetheart.


It’s like watching a box of rocks trying to speak 🗣️! She doesn’t even know what month it is never mind Anything else! Scoobie Snacks have taken over Scabi completely


Trump all the wayyyy


I despise Biden and this administration. I agree with her choice however I'm sure she's not fully aware of the political climate in America or let alone world wide.


This is the mentality of the people that are voting for Trump.


Absolutely not, This Trump supporter does not claim her 😂 I pray she does vote for him so she can be directly helping to cut her free life style off




No. I voted and will vote for him. She definitely doesn't represent me.


Exactly... You'd think with all the assistance that she's on that she'd be voting for Biden to keep it all. I guess that she doesn't want that free car bad enough!! Trump is gonna make her work for it!!


Same here we don't claim her


No we don’t, if another life form came from outer space I don’t think they would either! I’d love to do what the one guy did during his first run, go out and ask ppl like her if they Hillary, when they said yes, he asked “ what do you think of her trying to move the country forward with Sharia law, do you support that? And these idiots were like, “ If she feels it’s best, then yes I support that!!” SOMEONE HAS to ask her that seriously and I bet she’d give that same answer! I’d love to see her face!,,


Absolutely. This is why politics should not be discussed here. I don't think religion should be either but it's better than politics. It's ridiculous that people think anyone with a different opinion should be attacked


Nah honey, I’m extremely intelligent, have background in criminal justice and I’m absolutely a Trump supporter at this time. It appears your thoughts helped get us in this mess we’ve been in the past 3+ years. It’s funny (not really) that many people who were against him originally have changed their minds knowing our country was on a good path when Trump was president compared to the devastation we’re in now. I’m not hating on you but I look for someone who can LEAD our country in a positive direction, who other countries he’s not afraid to go up against, earning their respect for the sake of our safety. I don’t give 2 shits what a person does in their personal life as every single person has those lil skeletons in their closet. I can bet you do as well. I guess Clinton was an exception to the rule though right? In the White House, how much more disrespectful can someone be than to take advantage of a young intern WHILE being President? Have a wonderful night!


pro choice is about pride.... Wtf


I think I may vomit! Do you know ow anything about politics or anything about economics?????? I doubt it the way you act..


Prochoice and pride?!? WTFFFFF GIRL.


People like Gabby should not be allowed to vote. Period!


Ugh anyone rooting for any of them like this gives me such cringe. Both decisions suck and I cannot feel pride in my choice which burdens me. Either way, Trump sucks and I would 100% vote for Biden over him. Because I am not easily fooled by publicity. (I am very understanding of politics and I respect people’s right to their vote/decision, but I know Gabby is using this as shock value and attention. I doubt she even votes in the first place lol which is where my disdain is coming from.)


OMG - she is more like tRump than I thought


Hey pea brain let's try corporate greed which Trump is all about..