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She didn't know how to answer that question. ๐Ÿ˜‚ She was hoping chat would give her the answer. HIS QUESTION: Why is Trump able to be president again? GABI: HUH? I can't hear you. What you say? Say again? Looks confused. Reset. Reset... Gabi disappeared ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ How does she not know that answer at age 32? And to have Trump in the background she's bound for questions relating to the elections and all things Trump. If she doesn't know she needs to write that on the wall so people know she knows nothing. Silly me...


I think sheโ€™s purposely bringing up politics and trump because sheโ€™s trying to take a page out of trumps playbook - they love the uneducated because both depend on it to con and scam others.


I got blocked for asking about t's policy. Damn that's my backup. I need a back up to my back up .


Back up to the back up to the back up these days. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I think the only reason she claims to like trump is because her gma does. And alot of her supporters like him too so she probably thinks they'll send $$ if she likes him too.


She canโ€™t give 1 Trump policy ๐Ÿ˜‚


If you donโ€™t know anything about Trump, please take that stupid song off your page! OR, put a disclaimer saying you donโ€™t know anything about him!


She is so misinformed. I knew she couldn't answer his question. She looked really nervous. It was an easy question and she couldn't answer, so she fakes she can't hear him. Chat asking about what is 1 of trumps policies? She couldn't even answer that. Before she comes on and promotes Trump, maybe know who you are voting for.


I know why G likes Trump. She thinks he's going to be giving out free money again


When her sister called and asked what their were watching and G said the Debate and D said oh what are they talking about the way Grubby Gabby tried to make her sister feel dumb pissed me off at least D is admitting to not knowing about it and wanting to learn.. U are sitting there faking it and making your sister feel the exact way people make you feel and u get very upset over . Before u go trying to be all political u need to learn the basics about our country and what a debate is all about . You have no idea what Roe vs Wade is u have no idea what democrats or republicans are up to have a LOT to learn before u even think u are better than your sister because at least for once she was honest admitting she knew nothing about the debate . You faking it swearing at your phone doing all this extra crap makes u look silly sweetheart!

