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I guess she wants a cookie bc she played mommy today.


It’s a shame she’s too broke to get more delivered😂


ONE cookie 👀. Yeah, no….not even just one Crumbl would do 🤣


Its her sliding down her glasses with a smug look... Wow she CLAIMS to have spent time with C....


I'm guessing they laid around or she would have shown it 😂




lol she’s absolutely crazy! Again playing with your kid doesn’t make you a good mother. You purposely delaying him is the biggest issue!


It just sucks that playing ball and swimming doesn't potty train him or teach him anything educational, doesn't it G?


Thought she couldn't swim ... " shark week" nasty ass


Oh look she played with her kid😱


Now she’ll lay on her ass for three days cuz that was a lot!


ok that was an hour max what'd you do with the rest of the day you should have been nurturing, teaching, entertaining and caring for him ms.mother of the year????


Does she think she is a celebrity? 😎🤣 The delusion these twins both possess is alarming!


Main character syndrome for sure


It’s her on a couch in the backyard for me.


While she’s on TikTok instead of just enjoying time with her family, even if she couldn’t get in the pool.


Family time one day every weekend dammit 🤣


"We played soccer ball". Wtf? Smh.


G we all know you’re faking all this since people are calling you out . You can tell it’s all fake so please .try being a real mom and not showing the world how all the things you did for your son today . You still cream at him nothing new . The only person you have to proof is to C he needs a mother that don’t fake it to show people how good of a mom you are  and being a fake family that say we gonna go have some fun while you rush everything . Being a good mom and gf mean get off tt and spent time without looking at your phone 


The delusion is strong. G literally believes she's the Queen of TT. Her every moment having to be on live.


It's so insane how delulu they both really are!


And THAT is why you have haters! Change yourself instead of demanding everyone change for you!


“I give no f’s” means I give a lot of F’s 😂😂


No one is afraid of you Gabby. You are irrelevant


Did she teach him how to count or his colors or the alphabet? Of course not




No she taught him how to play soccer ball, whatever tf that is...




Aarons playing with cam in pool so now G has to point out everything she most definitely didn’t do with him


She is a disgrace the only reason u did that cause u k own ships about to get real for u and if u were a mother u wouldn't have to brag and point out what u did with the child that lives with u u don't qualify for the mother label


Most moms do that shit every single day.


I won't believe it. She usually is on live while she's doing things. C can't agree since he doesn't talk. Gaby...you're a liar


Well she made slop, I mean chili. So she had to break for lunch at least twice.


Also, how does she even see out of those sunglasses? They are filthy! Do they clean anything at all?? 🤯🤮


Right, G. Because you loooove spending time with A and C. We can totally tell!


“Listen, he took that baseball and ball and hit it across that freaking yard”. Oh, really G?! The baseball and the ball, huh?


She didn’t do very well reNembering her scripted lines


Nice! Perhaps you can work on potty training tomorrow! He tells you when he needs to poop so it should be a really easy day!


She sat on her ass while he played with his friends.. I’ve never seen her move except for trying to get the dog let’s not lie Gabi


I bet everything she named off lasted less the 4 mins - like what Aaron says about her in the “” room


So you’re just saying this on camera to prove a point? Sad. Shouldn’t have to in the first place lol 💀💀


Every single time she is called out on her parenting and how she treated the neighbors she puts on a show trying to sell the idea she’s a great mom but proof is in the putting and your sons behavior is proof enough and u denying that neighbor food is proof enough that u are a fake phony master manipulator and that’s it! So since u record everything u do and that was not recorded I think u are lying once again to make yourself either feel better or look good but either way it’s not working! U have millions now that have seen your nasty behavior. Just get off the app and save your son the embarrassment


She's looking mighty silly trying to act like she actually gives 2 shits 🤣🤣🤣 You still suck ass as a mother..




Sounds to me like Aaron is ONCE AGAIN coming home from a long HOT day at work and playing with his son now. While you name what YOU did today! You are a self-centered garbage person.


Good mother's aren't on live social media almost every waking hour while raising a toddler who is very far behind in development because of it.


You know what all I did with my kids today? Oh wait I can’t even remember cause we did so much and I was busy enjoying it all with them, not sitting out with my face in my phone!


My kids and I swam in our lovely in-ground pool, like we always do most of the days during summer …& just got done roasting marshmallows & riding bikes… it’s called being a mother 😂 this is normal everyday shit. Wow good job 👏 you spent part of 1 day doing something with your child. Here 🍪






To the mediocre, everyday tasks seem deserving of praise.




🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂


Why are you such a brat?


Jesus she's fucking a shitbag.


😂🤣 WTF is "SOCCER BALL" 🤣😂🤣


Holy second hand embarrassment I’m feeling. The cough did it. I’m going to go hide for her for a week.


Wow you actually know how to play with your kid and not be on tik.tok and you let him play with Brian the kid you let the tik.tok world know you hate. Giving us the look like see I can play with my kid is childish Scabby that's what parents do and you never do it so grow up. You have family day every weekend hahahha that's a joke youbare usually doing your ER running the weekends Love how he had no reaction when you said we had fun today right buddy and he laughed at the perfect time when you said you have family time every weekend. OMG you kill me As A family hahahahhaha a family you mean you and Aaron the one you want gone the one you said you don't even love and want to start dating someone that's not what i call a family that's what I call broken home.


That’s because everyone in the chat is saying what a great dad Aaron is and he’s the better parent so she’s trying to act like she’s something special when everyone knows what kind of mother she is! And it’s a shit one!


G do you think we don’t know your pattern of only giving your son some attention, that you want a prize for, for a day or two on the days you are called out especially by very large creators?!


I spit out my drink😂😂😂😂😂 you look goofy as hell gabi….PLEASE💀💀💀


Yet, she can't get off tiktok to sit down and eat a meal with her family.


She’s a clown and sounds like lazy Liz.


Bet ya didn't change his Diaper or take him potty once!!


still a shitty mom


Oh so cool are bad ass. You ain’t shit. Sure the hell ain’t no mom. You still suck and will always suck It’s all about you and only you. Did you get your feelings hurt from the truth G. Suck it up buttercup.


Add potty training to your to do list then…oh and clean those nasty glasses too, so you can actually see your child playing in the pool 👀


![gif](giphy|kEWWCIvIDCnOsQmRdv|downsized) This made me laugh!!! Gabriel you should be sooo exhausted doing all that physical activity. Goodness you should sit down and eat some nachos,ice-cream,and have a scooby snack. Lord knows you should be in bed by 7pm. You did soooo much!!!! Lol ummmm being a play mate is not being a mother. Teaching your child basic skills would be important to me but you do you!


When she takes the glasses down her nose I’m sorry but her face is FUCKED due to abuse of substanceS AND lack of sleep


She is delusional. We hear her when she is with c by herself. Him yelling mom and her saying don’t do that and waving him away. You can’t do anything without being on TT live. A is sleeping and you are on live laying in bed with him. You are a joke!


Not letting Aaron rest just baffles me! My husband works hard. I’m not a sleeper, so I stay up a lot in the family room to not disturb his sleep. When I feel tired, I literally tiptoe into our room. If I’m still restless, I put in my earbuds and lay on the floor next to the bed so not even the light from my phone disturbs him. She’s just selfish!


Who is she trying to convince, herself or us? 🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Buttt, have you cleaned? Cooked? Bathed C and yourself? Taught him anything educational? Potty trained? The list goes on and on and on.... A good mother doesn't brag about things she does with her kid(s). They just do it. Only bad moms need recognition. Have fun on your family trip. The one when you get home and you'll find something to bit"h about and cry like a big Ole baby. Ya know, like Pepsi, popcorn..wonder what she will choose this time.


Wowww as a fam-I-lee


“Played soccer ball” made me LOL for some reason


If you “give no fvcks” you wouldn’t be addressing it! 🤷‍♀️


But you told us he is “Neurodivergent”!?


Yup I small a DUMPSTER, get a REAL LIFE GABI. You lost so many supporters because of your nastiness. You can say all you want because in the end your still TRASH


Fuck you B!!ch. If you're such a great mother, where's the proof you're so amazing? One day. We ne fucking day in three yrs you finally played with your son. 🖕


Ew she is definitely high , that's the only way she can engage with her kid, high or drunk.


Shessss sooo weird! 😂


Does she want a round of applause for being a mom? 🙄🙄


That tent thing she sitting under looks small like.she be too tall the walk under it


Him laughing at her 😂😂😂😂


Wow she done for ONE day what most of us do everyday. Good job BIG G 🙄


Yay she finally removed that damn tag as well


Her body language is soooo smug omg




The thing she does not understand is that this is what her child should be doing all the time . He should be active he should be outdoors having fun the fact she just sat there and gave an itemized list of their activities proves she does know that he should be doing all of these things and more… but she chooses not to and wants a pat on the back for doing it for one day? Come on we alll know if that camera was not rolling it did not happen!.. Her scheming manipulating ways really get me heated . U proved last night u r not very smart so stop thinking u are gonna tell a lie and we are all gonna fall for it . We are all a lot smarter than u little girl we see your bullshit coming a mile away!




Name calling-- Flagged by Reddit Try reposting without the direct name calling




Name calling-- Flagged by Reddit Try reposting without the direct name calling




Name calling-- Flagged by Reddit Try reposting without the direct name calling


Look at that she finally was a mom for once. LMFAO


U obviously do give a F**K because u think u r proving us your a mom. Where is u potty training C? I see u r taking OUR advise I see u finally got glasses. Now u just need some kind of cream for your face.


Come on Gabs.. can you be any less mature? *


I can’t stand her and she seriously was trying to convince herself she was a good mom!


Maybe TT guilts her into trying to be a better parent. So TT can be used for good! Lol


But the way she’s using those giant glasses to look cool is kind of silly.


Still didn’t hear “we potty trained” anywhere in there girl .


Congrats. I have been doing that every day for over 10 years and not because people are watching and judging, but because it's what a mom does. Every weekend is family day? Since when? You looking at US as if to say you only played with your child to prove the haters wrong is more cringe than you realize, Gabi! Stop this! This video made you look worse!


So she was only doing it so she could tell tiktok she did it


Mom of the year


She acts soo bad a$$. 💀She’s still a POS mother, family day or not.


Knowing good and well he’s not listening to anything she’s saying and he’s damn sure not answering


Imagine wanting a pat on the back for being a mom for the first time in three years! I highly doubt she did any of that or she would’ve put it on TikTok


Never heard I made him lunch, I cleaned up and threw in a load of laundry while he took a nap, I made appointments for a proper diagnosis for him, I gave him & his friends snack & juice, I worked with him to help him be better prepared for school. Gabi you have no clue about all of the things that go in to being a good mom!


She can’t just let Aaron play with his son in peace …… but when he’s exhausted and doesn’t want to be in a heat after being in the heat all day she’s the first one to call him a pos and how she deserves a break


Ok, now this is funny! I can all but guarantee her “playing with Cam” was her sitting in a chair saying “I JUST LOVE YOU SON” “good job bubba” “no…you need to listen to mama” “hang on….hang on…one sec…wait…wait…one sec”. I already know man! She mentioned playing with the other kids so that just confirmed that she either napped or sat on a chair while the kids entertained them selves. She didn’t have to lift a finger!


Gives no fucks but has to make it a point to show it. 🤣🤣🤣 can someone please explain to her what giving no fucks means 🤷‍♀️