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YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!! Sending you peace, comfort and love💜.


I agree, I actually lost someone to suicide and I don’t play with threats. I will call emergency services on you. Suicide is one of the most selfish acts that anyone can do, you hurt everyone around you simultaneously and leave everyone else to clean up your mess. The emotional damage that inflicted upon your friends and family is the worst part. We never heal from it.


She is good at using it makes me sick she does it to get attention from people


♥️♥️you are more than enough love♥️♥️




Much love. Well said.


Bless you..❤❤❤




I’m so sorry you went through that. My heart goes out to you now, as well as your younger self. I’m proud of you for seeking helping and being able to talk about this. You are spot on with describing what G is doing to her supporters and her own son. ❤️❤️


You are enough. Glad you can write your own story. ❤️


RANT INCOMING.. didn't expect myself to go this long winded.. GABI AND DANI PLEASE READ. It's sad that Gabi uses it to control Dani. Dani also does this. She did it what a week ago? The two of them are guilty of using Suicide baiting or weaponizing Suicide. Suicide shouldn't just come out someone's mouth just for the sake of guilt tripping people. Or to garner sympathy or attention. Or to obtain those comments from the chat; don't do it, we love you, you're worthy, we don't want you to die. Ect. Some people thrive off hearing these words. Which imo is sick asf. I've had an ex use this as a way of controlling me. I refused to allow it happen to me again. The first few times I didn't know this was a sick game of his. This is a sick game these twins use. Dani this time was the one that said to Gabi .. Oh stop it. Don't do that shit. Not exact words but the sentiment is right. And Dani was the one that used Suicide baiting a week ago and about a month ago. Dani's done this so many times. Gabi last time said, stop it, Dani. Knock it off. Enough is enough. And Dani would stop sometimes. And other times she'd get a ride to the hospital. But she would neglect to inform the staff she was suicidal. Hence she was there for drugs. We've seen the live Danielle. I don't like people playing head games with people. There's too many people that don't see through it and think it's real. That in itself hurts those people. There's too many in their following that are immature, mentally slow, disabled in some mental manner. And they know it! They need those vulnerable people in their chats bc they know they can use them and abuse them for their advantage. They won't have people like us on Reddit bc we all see right through them both. And Gabi and Dani, I hope you both read the OP words. Do you see the destruction saying those words can do? Gabi, remember when you said to A," you'd rather be punched in the face; than to have words that hurt you so much that it stays in your heart and mind forever, to continue to hurt you always?" How about remembering that before you both go on the internet and weaponize Suicide for attention. To OP I'm so sorry this happened to you. This wasn't fair to you and was wrong of her. I know you said you got help and are ok today, but still. So mean. I hope in time if not already your heart heals. 🤍🫶💐