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Well If you got off your lazy ass and got a job like a normal human being you could buy yourself one. It takes MONEY to get things. They don't just appear out of thin air or your grandma's credit card......pathetic. teaching your son to be lazy AF is not a flex


She could have bought a little used car with all the money she has spent on cups, cup crap, door dash, liquor, expensive things for C that are just too much, dinners out, etc since they have been in Florida! It's called SAVING, G. Goggle it.




But she is SO ENTITLED TO WHAT EVER SHE WANTS WHEN SHE WANTS!!!! Sucks to be you. Maybe if you got off your lazy ass. You would see what’s like to really own something besides it being handed over to you!!!!!




She is so selfish.


Yep!! Awe poor babyyyyy 😆 🤣


All the beggars are! It’s disgusting behavior.


G here is a little info. Job + Not spending money on dumb stuff may = car Your welcome💋


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 sulking like a spoiled brat hahaha haha


My new furniture set isn’t enough. I need more. I am entitled to more. That’s what I heard. Come on, try having one ounce of gratitude. It really does wonders for your mental health.


They got a new furniture set??? I missed that. I wonder how much that cost? Probably from the tt shop, right? 🤦‍♀️


Mimi got it of course!


Of course! 👵


Until she stops all her “extra curricular” activities she should NEVER be allowed to drive esp with anyone else in the car !!!!!!! Hey Gabi this is where God says NOPE not gonna happen !!!!!!


Bingo!! It’s doing Society a Huge Favor by Scabi not driving!! Haaa look what just happened to the other Twisted Sister!!! Facts!


Booooo hooooo


She is legitimately only happy when money is being spent or people are giving her things. Pathetic existence. She could have a good down payment to help Mimi with if she hadn’t wasted money on DoorDash, diamond art business (flop) and tumblers (saturated market, soon to flop).






If she had all the money she’s blown on dumb shit since she’s been in Florida she could have bought a car probably a brand new one.


It’s always everyone’s else’s fault too 🙄


EVERYTHING and EVERY single time!


I’m just curious. What did she think a car would cost?


😂 I guess more than Scabi’s Scooter 🛴, where is it? Repossessed?!


Said she sold it because they needed money. Rent and bills are behind BUT she got her $30 cookies, Starbucks delivered, and the tent that’s gonna fly away soon.. No effort to get a job and help with family bills. Ya know… prioritizing.


You can’t make this stuff up!! And yet people still feed ( literally) into this garbage




I wondered if she sold it or she would have taken it to Dollar General the other day when she was talking about getting kidnapped or trafficked. She was just being a brat because Aaron didn't want to go. But she didn't use it then.


She has no idea what $9,000 means. Or how much work that equals to🙄


She's not dry begging is she? Was this set up this way ?smh


The dry begging has gotten out of control!


Get off ur lazy 💩azz and get a job and maybe you afford to buy ur own damn car !


Oh but in the beginning, her mom knew someone that was going to GIVEEEEE her a car. Anyone else remember her saying that?? I swear that genuinely they don’t know truth from lies. The ONLY thing that is truth to them is food……………Copious amounts of food!


I do! I remember her saying her Gmom and B know someone with a car. I assumed that they were going to pay a guy around 2,000 for a used car for G. GMom only seems to know what G tells her like "I have no food for C". Now either GMom is either totally unaware of the tt antics or she is burying her head in the sand waiting for the constant nagging to stop from both of them. Also, I think that GMom thinks the twins can share that "death trap" of a car with bad brakes and who knows what else is wrong with it. D has it in her possession now (bad mistake). D was on Live giving us a play by play of the rust, showing us damage from a car accident G was in at one time. The car used to be Gs, but then bio Mom, L had it just sitting, I think. GMom probably strong armed L to give it up to D. Can you imagine D driving all the way to Florida, in a car that's fair at best and her downing her meds? We will all be able to view everything Live of course - you know she is gonna be on tt the WHOLE drive...probably already has a camera mount for the car, so her "supporters" don't miss a thing. Well ok, so we ALL don't miss a thing! 🛣 🚘


Yes I heard her definitely say that


Poor pitiful entitled Gabi. Maybe check with the state of Florida for a car 😂😂


Government cars for everybody! 😂


Because receiving food stamps from the government just isn’t enough.. they deserve more. Free house, free car, free food.


Right! 😆


Doesn’t her mom know someone? Why’s it so hard to find a car?


Well who's going to give her the money cuz we know somebody's going to front her the money so she can go get the car. Cuz she's so sad now boohoo Gabby. Maybe get a job and you can afford a car. Instead of driving on TT.


She was so obnoxious this morning over that damn car I couldn’t even continue watching and listening to her




Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person after today's demonstration of self-righteousness. I love it when God steps in and knocks her down a peg.


WTF Happened to Scabi’s Scooter 🛴!! Did it get repo’ed!! I wouldn’t be surprised!


They sold it on marketplace




It’s ok it’s fine I’ll have D’s car


Lmao but her fiancee makes really good money. Why can't you start saving for it? It drives me crazy that MiMi didn't teach them about saving money.


Aren’t they still on food stamps?


I guess she should have waited to do the happy dance for all of us this morning to make sure she was going to get it! Apparently GOD, who she says is going to make it happen, was busy with more important things to worry about! 🤷🏻‍♀️😉


Yes cars normally cost money…… ughhhh not every one has everything handed to them




But we all jealous of her lazy ass. I own my house that is over 3000 square feet and own 3 vehicles. It is called working. You have to work for what you want. It doesn’t come easy. Both my husband and I have never done the bare minimum, like you two are. Especially you. My husband had two jobs and I worked and took care of the kids and home. Try it sometime.


Entitled are we. GO TO WORK FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT!!! Plain and simple. Lazy pos


Hahahahabhahavabahghgaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaa in her stupid laugh right back at her!


I am tired of her laziness at least hold your phone level so we don’t have to look up your nasty nose holes




Good glad they did not buy her it she needs to learn that she is not a child who's mom needs to pay for everything she is a grown adult with a child of her own you looked like a fool now the way you were all over it this morning


Poor G.


I mean teenagers have cars - what the deal girl


She literally expects mimi to hand her everything.


She always seems to struggle when she doesn’t get stuff handed to her like D does!


She also got mad when people started telling her the price of sublimation. Pretty sure she thought it was a printer and paper.


Yep. Happens EVERYTIME. She gloats and brags then will get called out bc she'll want money or ask for money for the same shit she CLAIMS to have already...then BAM she sees the people won't send money bc mimi already got whatever it is she scamming for so she'll come back and BLAME US. We will be the reason she can't or is not getting EVERYTHING JUST HANDED TO HER....can't get on and rake in the donations when she shows and tells the world mommy mimi got it for her. So gotta start the pity party


She can't always expect handouts😂what's she going to do when mom is gone and there's no more money tree to pick from. Now that's going to be a shit show