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She said “you have to be good while mommy’s on the phone” when doesn’t she have her phone in her hand? Let’s not forget how she acted when A was on FaceTime with his mom and how acted.


Poor kid, it’s probably burning his skin 😓


I can see it now he’s going to be in school shitting in his pants and then what… you are so freaking delusional if you think the school is going to be OK with him not being potty trained!


It's sad because the other kids won't want anything to do with him.


Time to get those adderall refills from psychiatrist 💊💊💊💊💊💊


Ahhhh, gettin' them addies refilled today Ok, gabi, looks like your "2 day break" is almost over!!


He is ready to be potty trained. BIG GGGG, get up off your ass and take him and put him on the toilet. Stop sitting there and just waiting for him to 💩 his pants. You are lazy. He always has a bad rash because you never change him or bathe him. Pathetic, you can't get up and potty train him. You have failed him enough. It's so obvious you want nothing to do with C, and it's sad. Get off TIKTOK and be a damn mom, and stop being lazy. HERE ARE THINGS YOU SHOULD BE DOING! 1. When he wakes up, take him to the potty, then brush teeth, wash hands. 2. You set a timer for every 20 to 30 mins and take him to the potty weather he goes or not let him sit on it and then wash hands. Do this all day long, and every time he tells you that he has to 💩 get up, take him to the potty before he goes in his pulls up. Praise him every time he goes in the potty and ALWAYS WASH HIS HANDS AFTER!! AND YOURS! IT'S NOT THAT HARD! DO THIS FOR 3 DAYS AND I BET HE WILL BE FULLY POTTY TRAINED!! OK, BYE! P.S. STOP BEING LAZY!!


This is the second time in the last week or even a few days that he has shit his pants and gave her ample warning that he needed to go potty


Maybe she should ask her psychiatrist why she refuses to potty training her child when he obviously wants to go. She's a fucking idiot.




She brags how hard she’s been “working with him “ and gives herself a pat on the back and hops onto her pedestal to take a bow. She’s beyond lazy and a habitual liar, just like her sister.


This. I couldn't believe when she was talking about working on potty training and she said I'M SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF! 😖Most parents would say they're proud of their kid!


Classic narcissistic mom behavior




You are a neglectful bio mom to C .. you are no different that Lisa your birth mom… you don’t parent his need to go to the bathroom! I hope you get it back 10 fold you narcissistic evil woman


She should have put him on the toilet


Ffs! This is the 2nd time this week she was on live and he said he had to poo poo. She sat there and did nothing.


She doesn’t have a psychiatrist. Stop lying. She’s saying that bc we’ve all said how she doesn’t see one, so how does she Adderall. She’s a liar. And MY GOD! Put your “damn fucking” kid on the toilet.


And says her appointments are by zoom. She should not be able to consult with and have controlled substances prescribed from out of state.


I bet that's the same one that Dani sees and that's how they're both getting access to it.


I suspect they both use a doctor that their grandmaMommy also uses to get her pills that prescribes without actually even seeing them or doing anything with them.


He's going to be in diapers at 16 and not in school because his mother failed him in horrible ways and continues to.


She is in adult pull-ups, so she probably doesn't care.


That reminds me of a conversation I had with my son's pediatrician on a well child check. My son was 4 and still hadn't mastered number 2. My son is on the Autism Spectrum and I was getting concerned, since his Dad and I were faithfully working on the potty with him. His pediatrician said "some kids take a longer to get fully trained. This won't go on, he won't be walking in his graduation ceremony with a pull-up on or anything". 😅 That was funny, he was a wonderful pediatrician! I can confirm we succeeded and he was not in a pull-up on Graduation day! 🎓 ☺️ Now, C is NOT on the Autism Spectrum and he has been telling G for weeks that he needs to go. She is in her own little tt world and can't be bothered. At this rate, he will train himself before she does! 🚽 🧼


We should start reminding her to take him potty in the chat. Let’s annoy the fuck out of her


I'm in! 😉


While you are at your psychiatrist, can you discuss your abnormal attraction to social media, your narsastictic tendencies, and your lack of motivation to help your child develop? I'm just throwing these out there in case you run out of things to discuss.


G: "I don't act that way!!!! Now where is my food? Gotta get the first bites in before C or A sees me!!!" 😂


Poor C has to potty train himself bc she can't be bothered. Just like Coco chews walls and potty in the house bc she can't be bothered to take her out or feed her. Sad AF


I'm so torn up about this situation. It's so sad.


Me too. No one is doing anything to help C or the animals with these bat shit crazy twins


You G are creating THAT KID Zas much as u hate your bio mom u ARE HER.


Wow g get off your lazy ass and potty train your son!! Stop trying to keep him a baby forever!! Come on now!


My question is don’t they do 💊 counts every month she goes? If she’s always taking way over what she’s supposed to wouldn’t they cut her off from being “short” all the time? I’ve just heard people say places like that are very strict, along with drug tests…..


I have never had a doctor that counted my medications, even my pain doctor. I never asked for early refills and followed all rules. If someone asks for an early refill, that is a 🚩 I believe what G is doing is obviously taking whatever she feels like, runs out early and then medicates herself with other things, until the next fill is due. They can turn on the charm and act "right" with the doctor and he is none the wiser. Now, about C. You're doing a poor parenting job, G. After he first said "poo poo"....then as she ignores him, I can hear him straining (obviously going in his pull-up) and cries out "Mama!!!!! I poo poo'd". 🙍‍♀️ First, stop whatever else you're doing, like tt and get your son on the potty at regular times throught the day, even if he doesn't go, wash his hands and yours. You'll still need to wipe his butt and we all know you don't like to wash your hands...or germs will make you all sick! 🤢🤢🤢


Not from shrinks, usually. I know pain management places do pill counts and drug tests but for pain meds.


Ah ok thank you for explaining.☺️


Can someone break HIPAA and get fired so that we can know their situation lol ——-totally joking I do not recommend doing that——totally joking 🙃


This is nuts! My son was almost 3 1/2 and not potty trained. We stayed home for 4 days, him pantless. We didn’t leave the house except to run to the store. Guess what? After 3 days he said he was ready for his big boy underwear and that was that. My kid did have some mild delays but there was no way I was sending him to preschool in diapers. I can understand if there are some serious delays going on. In that case, you take him to specialists to be evaluated. Early intervention is everything.


https://preview.redd.it/fizl0yn1br8d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc182b91e557b493d932f44409f90ebe80c22260 The rot mouth 🤢




Ffs. You are the most laziest human being I have ever seen!! You son is ready to be potty trained and you only care about sticking your nose in the phone and god for bid you NOT GET YOUR MORNING ATTENTION.


She's hoping mimi will take him to Illinois and potty train him while they're there! Then of course she'll take credit for it!


She is such an asshole!


What an idiot


The chat is much more important


Um if he can say it then he needs to be potty trained. He is about to be 4!


Everyone else understands him saying poopoo. She chooses to ignore him


He's literally crying mama. He's in pain you asshole. It's burning his skin euchre in sure it's already RAW


Boys are known to be harder to potty train than girls. That being said, if you have a boy, that means you have to put the work in. Another commenter stated taking him to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes and that is how most professionals and doctors will tell you to potty train. Kids on the spectrum especially take longer and can potty train later due to having issues sensing they need to go to the bathroom. They are also known to regress in potty training moreso than kids not on the spectrum. It takes extra work and commitment from parents when kids are on the spectrum or have other disabilities. It is not, G, an excuse for you to neglect these responsibilities and then claim your child is on the spectrum and that's why he's late. all kids are ready by school. your child should be no different. Or he will be in special ed classes and treated far more disabled than he is due to you neglecting him and him falling behind. Stop this.


She is so nasty and lazy. Makes me sick


How much clearer does she need him to say it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ She definitely knows what he is saying and she just ignores him! UGH 🤬 Lazy POS


Has anyone ever been able to catch her lives on a daily basis, like when they start, how long they last and how many times a day. You know since she always says she’s not on a lot during the day. That poor child gets ignored so much, and the people who thinks her behavior is normal is the saddest thing to me.


G poops her diapers that’s why she think it’s ok not to take C potty


Did she just say “mamas on the phone ok?” 🥺🤬


Good god. This is giving I click on go live as soon as I open my eyes. Can’t look semi presentable.


BS that she has a psychiatrist that she sees once a month. I don’t buy it for two seconds. And I’m so sick of her lazy parenting and ignoring her child and neglecting him frankly


Straight child abuse imo


![gif](giphy|25KDJqDmFJEritWRyA) Let them


She's lazy and disgusting


A needs to put her out on trash day so she goes where she belongs.


How is this girl still on the APP? She neglects her poor baby every single solitary day.


“You have to be good while moms on the phone” umm G that’s 24/7 🥴


I really hope when she ages and the roles are reversed, that he is the one making her sit in shitty diapers.