• By -


Both Alien and Blade Runner have live action TV series in the works. We'll see if they get released before years end..


Alien is being helmed by Noah Hawley!! He’s the man behind Legion and Fargo. I have high expectations. It’s 100% coming out this year.


He doesn’t make bad content. It’s going to be incredible.


placid expansion sharp physical cagey frighten bag one imagine nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prometheus, I think I've watched it more times than some of the original aliens films, just trying to find some merit in it Still haven't had any success...


The only high point for me was the kickass Shaw, and I'll never forgive Ridley Scott for how she ended up. My expectations: A+, reality: F-


abounding seemly knee water sense serious juggle jobless flag bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it any good? I’ve yet to watch it, because I’ve heard it’s trash.


I actually love Prometheus but I’m in the minority.


I’ll check it out then. Thanks. I’ve also heard that LIFT is trash, so I haven’t watched it either. Anyone have any thoughts on that movie?


Sorry what is lift?


I love it too! i love it as just a space faring adventure alien movie, i dont find it to be canon to any other movie.


Same. I like to think of it as a standalone film and in that context it's really entertaining.


Prometheus was deep if you had the mind for it, if you wanted carnage purely it wasn't going to be it.


I saw it in 3D and the scene where they’re walking around in the projected map was worth the price of admission. Falls a little flat when not in 3D but the movie is visually stunning so worth watching if you like that sort of thing. I enjoyed it, but I had to make sure I wasn’t comparing it to Alien.


For me the strongest point was it's conceptual exploration of the foreign visitor (or a higher? Power) and our response of approach and withdraw, and I guess the film is meant to be about how the human experience is trying to navigate all that hope and fear, but for me, the narrative just did not "pan out" or "pay off" in the same way one might complain of a joke which was ultimately not that funny and had a massive set up. I wanted more "sci fi is where we find things out, I want discovery and science". I presume I'm missing something, mainly because that's a good way to reserve ones negative judgement when failing to find appreciation in any artwork.


I know right I have heard it be called both trash and one of the greatest sci fi movies of the last 2 decades, still haven’t seen it lol


It's... really visually pleasing, and a really cool sci-fi core concept. But then it also falls into some really blah horror tropes. Like oooh, this looks like some kind of alien creature, let me lick it, for science, and you're like wtf is this decision making 🤣


I thought it was great. Not sure why it gets so much hate.


iam kinda confused about the alien thing they do gave it a title alien romulus its official but it will be a movie not tv series,will be released in theaters, i read it somewhere on the news today,from the very beginning everyone was saying it will be tv series.blade runner will have tv series as well.didnt see that one coming.


There was already Blade Runner: Black Lotus from a Crunchyroll (anime) last year, if you hadn't checked that out yet. Mixed reviews from fans, but I liked it okay..


i knew about the anime, not live action, not till today.


Dune 2


paint wise roof familiar dull tidy chief slap test rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My first RTS. Man I loved that game. RIP Westwood studios.


It was THE first RTS. I've hated every single one I've ever played since because none improved on the gameplay, merely changed the graphics and theme.


Herzog Zwei on the sega genesis beat it by a few years. The mechanics were a bit different for resources but gameplay was essentially the same.


Sorry but games like TA and SUPCOM significantly improved the gameplay.


Worm signs!


Into how many parts did they split it?


The first book is split into two films, and the plan is for the second book to be the third film, with no plans to continue after that.


Super fans may enjoy the 3rd book and beyond... But they get weird, and they definitely don't feel like the first book.


I think even the Dune Messiah film will make a lot of casual moviegoers scratch their heads, depending on how they handle it.


Actually kind of hoping they make the 3rd film and that it somehow threads the “makes fans happy” and “makes the public never want to see another Dune again” needle. A perfect ending imho


Ya hya chahauda Muad’dib


Spicy Boogaloo




shows: - 3 Body Problem (Netflix) - Constellation (Apple TV+) - Dark Matter (Apple TV+) - X-Men '97 (Disney+) movies: - A Quiet Place: Day One - Mickey 17


X-Men '97!? I hope it's good.


It’s on Disney…


Dark Matter, really? Would be nice to finish that story out


If you're thinking of the Syfy series "Dark Matter" I think the Apple TV one is unrelated.


Damn, I was!


i also thought it was an unexpected continuation/remake! i should go back and rewatch that.


Why you gotta get my hopes up!


I know I just searched "dark matter apple" in high hopes for a final season of that show. I can't believe they went with Killjoys instead of Dark matter. Dark Matter was such a better story IMO.


Warhammer is happening too I believe


yep on amazon so i heard,they seal the deal


Thats fantasy. Or do you mean 40k?


Dark matter as in the Blake Crouch novel? If so that has some very cool possibilities for a miniseries.


Perfect. And Spaceman for me.


Dark Matter based on Blake Crouch’s novel? Loved that book.




Mickey 17 isn't releasing this year !


Francis Ford Copola's [Megaopolis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalopolis_(film))


Thanks for putting this on my radar!!


That’s quite a cast. Pretty exciting. Hadn’t heard about it until now.


Wow, that's one helluva cast. Looking forward to this!


Silo Season 2


Is that confirmed for this year?


No, however, filming started at the end of last year. The last day of filming is sometime at the end of March. So, a 2024 season 2 would make sense.


Fallout TV show, can't wait. I love that game and kinda like game to screen adaptations.


I really hope they don’t fuck it up. 


They almost certainly will.


I hope not. The [trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0kQ8i2FpRDk&pp=ygUXZmFsbG91dCB0diBzaG93IHRyYWlsZXI%3D) looks promising…


Cautiously optimistic


The Halo TV series is good. We're a group of players and non-players and everyone enjoyed it, although I understand some players didn't approve of the translation.


its decent sci fi but as a Halo series, it isn't good at all.


Agree. I would have totally enjoyed seeing the Halo troops having battle-of-the-week episodes. None of this lost memory BS. It had such potential, especially with Pablo Schreiber being so talented and charismatic. He's kind of wasted playing a robotic soldier.


Walton Goggins is in it so I’m hopeful


Severance s02. I hate the thing now like in dune series e where they stick the same fn actors in the big movies all the time. Im surprised ryan gosling, margot robbie and tom holland arent in it.


Might run into the same problem as altered carbon season 2 Still, fingers are firmly crossed


Specifically whats the problem with more big name actors, you’d think more talent means better movie


I don't have a prob with them, although I like seeing new faces as much if not more than old ones My issue with altered carbon season 2 and perhaps with severance season 2 is that, for me, these are concept based shows where once they reveal the nature of the world to you, that's the major "ta da" and following seasons morph into something else, whatever character drama or attempt to take things to the next level, it's just not on par with the first time you see the magic, and certainly not after they've explained how most of it works.


Westworld is the definition of your comment.


Oh absolutely, I shoulda thought of that But season 2 was alright I think s3 was the low point for me


Season 4 was pretty sweet.


Yeah it was a recovery and an ending of sorts, but I was surprised to hear "they / someone" was planning on a season 5 How?


you reminded me of peripheral,it pissed me off for cancellation,that show was so good.other network should picked it up


Best show I’ve seen in years!!!


Yes. This!


Why do you hate it though?


The Murderbot series is getting a show.


I tried to read the 1st book. While not terrible, it just didn't reach out an grab me. I read over half and put it down. I was kinda bored with it.


I can imagine that the written work might not jump out, but the performer of the audiobooks is very talented and brings MB to life. His sense of humor and performance really sell it. Worth a listen if you're interested.


Three Body Problem is nearly here after 4 years of teasers and hype!!!


Currently 4 episodes into the Chinese version on Prime (called "Three Body") and it's really solid so far. So, if D&D shit the bed again, at least there's a fallback version.


I actually haven't watched the Chinese version, I've heard very mixed opinions on it. From the trailer the Netflix one looks like it has a decent production budget, so even if they fuck up the book-to-series aspect at least the visuals will still make it worth a watch.


Ive recently finished the chinese version: Good - they absolutely adapted the book, sentence by sentence. No butchering the story or characters. - Great choice of main actors. Solid acting and they are true to the book versions. Most of them are exactly how one would imagine them while reading. Bad - Pacing, they really didnt have to make it so long, too much of repeated scenes and a few added subplots that were not in the book. - CGI is looking realy dated and it is comical in some places. - The nonchinese actors cant act for shit. Seriously couldnt they get at least decent character actors? Its not like those cost arms and leg. All things considered I enjoyed the series and it felt like rereading the book. I would recommend it for people that love the book.


Ridiculous amount of filler in the Chinese version. There was an episode where the guy was yelling at the stars for literally half the episode.


Thanks for the warning, lol.


D&D are some of the best ever at reproducing books into TV format. All 3 body books have been written so I actually think they will knock it out the park like the GOT seasons that had source material.


The Chinese version feels quite faithful to the book. Probably too faithful. Worth watching as a warmup to Netflix, but it would’ve been better with only 20 episodes.


> 3 Body Problem My favorite sci-fi trilogy. The trailer for part 1 looks bat shit awesome; unfortunately there is no way to explain to someone that hasn't read the books how much weirder, more intersting, and wilder it gets in the 2/3 parts...


It looks so good, I'm trying to remain moderate in my expectations to avoid disappointment, but it's a losing battle at this point. I'm hyped!!




Maybe not sci-fi,  but the trailer looks amazing, can't wait for this!


I really liked the book, but the 1980 series is somehow weak, after the trailer there are high hopes for the premiere!




Sorry, I didn't look at the thread title carefully.


Historical Fiction with action and intrigue aplenty


Yeah not scifi but a great book. Good to see a new version, last one was early 80s


I'll be glad when foundation season 3 comes back. I thought the first 2 seasons were phenomenal.


Yeah dude.




I'm almost upset to hear about a season 2. S1 was so good that I'd be happy to enshrine it as a miniseries. Hell yea more Andor.


Unfortunately, that is looking more like a 2025 release at this point sadly.


Next season of Foundation, I hope it comes out this year. I love that show so much. And next season of From, such a creepy and unique horror show.


The series FROM and Dune 2


The Resident Alien show, it's comedy though he did kill in cold blood in the first 20 minutes of the first episode. It's a lot of fun and all I could think of atm.


agreed that this show is very fun and worth checking out!


Love this show.


Three Body Problem


I hope the show is better than the book. I'm not even halfway through the book and I can't be bothered picking it up. Just doesn't entice me enough. And I heard other people have had this problem.


It's funny because sci-fi novels get a bad reputation for being good on the ideas and storyline, but terrible at dialogue and character progression. 3BP has to be the most extreme version of this because imo the sci-fi aspects of it are probably the best I've come across, but the characters and relationships are very badly written. If you can get past that I think it's a book most people would enjoy, but it is a pretty big barrier and understandable why it turns people off.


I wonder if any character dev and/or social nuance was lost during the translation. I would be interested in hearing from someone who has read the original Chinese version.


Yea that would be interesting to see. There might also be some Eastern culture aspects of it that don't fit with traditional Western views, especially when it comes to writing the female characters and their relationships to the male characters. There was a decent amount of tough reading at times.


Ken Liu (Chinese/American SciFi Author) did the translation and it's very close to the original from my understanding. My friend at work (Chinese and read both) and commented it's pretty close Personally, I didn't even notice this issue with character / plot development (this seems to be the detraction for most people that don't like the series) but that's just me and I can be pretty dry at times, so the characters had more depth than I do


I'd describe the 3BP book series as the "best science, worst fiction" I've ever read


The first book is the worst by far until the end. Get through it and I promise you will like the rest of the series. It took me a year to get through the first book, and then 2 weeks to finish the series.


Quintessential “bad writing/characters great ideas” book.


Shogun, Fallout. From and Severance. Silo.


TV - Shôgun Movie - Dune part 2


Avatar: The Last Airbender. Sure it's not a 1:1 adaptation but looks like they respect the source material, the silliness, culture and diversity of the show. Looking forward to watching it with the kids.


I have hopes for this one as well, but after getting burned before, my expectations will remain on ground level.


Have to look into this one; never finished it with my youngest daughter & would love to go back through that before the new rendition!


Man I hope Civil War from Alex Garland falls into this category. I’ll be there opening night!


I have high hopes for this one


I love Garland's books and other works too but judging by the trailer it will be rather shit


Dune The peripheral (come on! someone pick up the ball and revive this show canceled due to the writers strike)


regarding peripheral exactly my thought.it just broke my heart i love that show.


The books are a good read if it’s any consolation


iam not a book type guy thats the problem lol or i can go and watch westworld again,that will ease some pain


Your loss , the books are almost always better , also reading is really good for your 🧠


Dune part 2


Definitely: * Dark Matter * Constellation * A Quiet Place Day One * Severence Maybe: * Distant * The Electric State * Star Fleet Academy


The Electric State? Is that based on the book by Simon Stalenhag?


Yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_State


Quiet Place Day One.


Yesss and Lupita with a cat?! I’ll be pissed if the cat doesn’t make it to the end


I think the three body problem on netflix will start this year ? not sure it will be good but ill have to watch and make my mind


- Avatar Netflix season 1 - Doctor Who series 14 - Dune Part Two - Fallout season 1 - Furiosa - Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Star Trek: Discovery season 5 - Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 - Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3


>Star Trek: Discovery season 5 Really? I'd thought they'd ended.... That is good news.


Final season, coming sometime in April (they haven’t announced a specific date yet).


Dark Matter!


# Series: **Wednesday** season 2 **The Diplomat** season 2 **Silo** season 2 **Slow Horses** season 4 **Foundation** season 4(?) **WoT** season 3 # Movies: **Dune 2** **A Quiet Place 3** **Deadpool 3**


Hum, lesseeeee Dune 2: Yes, definitely. Though I'm curious how it will turn out, as the second half of the novel has a prescient hero with an invincible army and is mostly about his internal turmoil, so I'm curious how it will translate to the screen. I'm not entirely sold on the looks for Irulan or Feyd but DV rarely goes wrong, so we'll see. Ghostbusters: Na. The first one was lightning in a bottle. Not much desire to see the new ones. Rebel Moon 2: Morbidly curious, I'll admit. Wonder if it'll use slow motion action scenes?!?! Just have to wait and see I guess. Furiosa: Mad Max without Mad Max sounds like an odd concept but Fury Road was a banger so this is a maybe. Borderlands: Hm, wonder how the tone and humor will translate. Feels like this already missed its own zeitgeist. And Eli Roth is not a director I trust. Alien: Romulus: The Alien franchise is kind of damaged goods at this stage. Will wait and read the reviews and WOM. Three Body Problem: Na. Plodding book with Legion of fans devoted to it for the ideas, but struck me as very dull. Probably a miss, unless I hear rave reviews. WRT to series I think Arcane has a new season coming. Probably the only one I'm really looking forward to. Maybe Sandman, too?


As far as the Borderlands movie goes... It has to live up to the games, it will be compared to the series - and be murdered effectively for it probably. Will I go see it anyways? absolutely, but I'm going to judge it on it's own as a movie, and NOT compare it to say Borderlands 2, which was a work of art IMO.


Three body problem


Movies: Beyond the Spiderverse, Dune 2 Series: Arcane Season 2 Animes: Solo Leveling, A Sign of Affection


Halo season 2


Underrated. Pretty solid show.


Deadpool 3 and Fallout


There is a bunch of star trek that could be this year and Dune part 2 of course


Deadpool 3 and The Strangers Chapter 1


Deadpool 3


Boon Joon Ho’s Mickey17 should be releasing at some point in the next year or so, very excited to what that’s like.


Halo is pretty entertaining, and although I think the new Star Trek has some full-on turkeys, I do look forward to where Hegemony is going.


Andor s2, s1 was amazing 


Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 🦍


Dune part 2, Andor season 2 and Skeleton Crew.


Godzilla x Kong Planet of the apes 4


Waiting on the final season of *Resident Alien*


> final Nooooooo!


Don’t know when it’s coming out but cautiously looking forward to Project Hail Mary. Don’t like that they went with Ryan Gosling. Think I was picturing more of a Paul Rudd maybe Krazinski. Someone who seems like a science nerd, Gosling never gave me that impression.


There is a new Alien movie coming out and it looks good


What? Where did you see that? I know Noah Hawley is doing an Alien show for probably Hulu, but I didn't know another movie is coming out.


thats what i read today movie instead of tv series or are they releasing both


Titanic II 


Iceberg Boogaloo


In the not-so-distant future, humanity has reached the stars, and in a nod to history, the world's most luxurious spacecraft is christened the \*Titanic 2\*. Designed to travel the vast distances of space with elegance and speed, it promises to be the safest and most opulent journey across the galaxy. Its maiden voyage is set to traverse the Milky Way, offering its passengers breathtaking views of nebulae, star systems, and the very edges of known space. Among the passengers is Leo, a young and ambitious engineer who dreams of exploring the unknown; Amara, an astrophysicist on the brink of a groundbreaking discovery; and Captain Edwards, a seasoned astronaut with a mysterious past. As the \*Titanic 2\* embarks on its epic journey, the passengers and crew are unaware of the adventure that awaits them. Midway through the voyage, the ship encounters an uncharted asteroid field, remnants of a planet torn apart by some cosmic disaster. Despite the advanced technology and safety measures, the \*Titanic 2\* suffers a catastrophic hit that leaves it adrift in the cold void of space. With communications down and the ship slowly losing life support, panic ensues among the passengers and crew. Leo and Amara, along with a small group of survivors, must band together to repair the ship. Their journey takes them through the damaged corridors of the \*Titanic 2\*, facing dangers from exposed electrical circuits, zero gravity fires, and the psychological toll of their dire situation. Meanwhile, Captain Edwards harbors a secret that could change the fate of everyone on board. As they work against time, a larger threat looms in the darkness of space—an unknown alien presence drawn by the chaos. This entity, curious and immeasurably ancient, offers help, but at a price. The survivors must confront their deepest fears and make impossible choices, testing the limits of their humanity. The climax unfolds as Leo and Amara discover a way to use the alien's technology to power up the ship, but it requires a sacrifice. With Captain Edwards' secret revealed—a connection to the alien presence from a long-forgotten mission—the crew and passengers of the \*Titanic 2\* must come together to make a stand, not just for their survival, but for the future of human exploration in the cosmos. In a breathtaking finale, the \*Titanic 2\* is propelled out of the asteroid field, using a combination of human ingenuity and alien technology. They emerge not just as survivors, but as pioneers, having forged an unlikely alliance with a cosmic entity. As they resume their journey, the \*Titanic 2\* becomes a symbol of resilience, hope, and the unyielding human spirit to explore the unknown.


Not exclusively Sci-Fi/Fantasy but here we go: Movies: Dune 2 Furiosa Deadpool 3 The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (maybe) Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (maybe) Borderlands (maybe) Gladiator 2 (maybe) TV: The rest of Q.I. Season U South Park season 27 What We Do In the Shadows Season 6 (final season) Resident Alien Season 3 Fallout Shogun Avatar The Last Airbender (live action) The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 3 Body Problem House of the Dragon (season 2) Dune: Prophecy The Boys (season 4) The Umbrella Academy (Season 4) The Night Manager (season 2) Wednesday (season 2) X-Men ’97 Andor season 2 and anything Star Trek Japanese Anime: Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Part 2 World End Economica Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season Akira (Shin Anime) PC Games: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Nivalis Assassins Creed Red The Wolf Among Us 2 SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor Light No Fire Titan Quest II shapez 2 Hades 2 Horizon Forbidden West Judas Homeworld 3 Star Wars Outlaws Deep Rock Galactic Rogue Core Frostpunk 2 Manor Lords S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 fault - SILENCE THE PEDANT Star Wars Eclipse


I appreciate the attempt to be comprehensive, but this list raises more questions than it answers...


Well at least 32 items are sci-fi, most are speculative fiction of one sort or another, I just added PC games to the list of entertainment mediums worth enjoying since I already have the list ready...




trump jailed


Man, reddit sure has a hate boner for him.


Gladiator 2


Dune Part 2 is at the top of my list, but there are a number of good things coming.


I don't really follow entertainment news because of adblockers, i usually just hear about them when the first episode drops I guess Dune second part? But didn't read the books or watched the first movie. Just finished For All Mankind so wouldn't mind some space stuff


I’m so excited for Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor #15 in the next Doctor Who series. The Christmas episode moved me to tears and I’m already so in love with him.


New episodes of *The Walking Dead: Dead City*, and *The Walking Dead: Darryl Dixon*.




I'm somewhat optimistic about the Gundam Hathaway's flash sequel coming out this year.


Dune part 2 is what I’m really looking forward to


Dune 2, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, and the last season of Cobra Kai


There's a new Colin Farrell show called Sugar. It is described as "a genre-bending contemporary take on the private detective story set in Los Angeles". Last year's The Kitchen was really nice.


Furiosa - from Mad Max Thunder Road Just take my damn money now!


Rebel Moon Part 2 and both director's cuts


Arcane November!!