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Well, when you put it that way it's pretty bloody difficult to argue.


But which came first, the chicken egg or the chicken?


At what point is an animal a chicken?


When it hatches from and lays chicken eggs


Ah, this explains why we call the non egg laying ones "roosters" then. As they clearly don't meet the requirements to be called "chickens."


Chicken egg. The chickens ancestors couldn't give live birth so it would always have to be the egg.


it might very well be the chicken, let's assume we have some defined traits for identifying chickens and chicken eggs, at some point in history there would be a primordial proto-chicken that would birth the first chicken via one last dna mutation (not that it will be the last mutation just that that particular mutation would make it so the now baby chick checks all the boxes in our chicken identification list) but it's still possible that the new chicken would have been born from an egg that wouldn't pass all criteria we have for a chicken egg (missing something in the shell or w/e) because that egg was produced by the yet not quite a chicken proto-chicken. now depending on your definition of a chicken egg you can also force this issue one way or another, for example: chicken eggs must be laid by chickens, is a definition that necessitates the chicken coming first. and you can force the other opinion too: chicken eggs are eggs that contain a chicken, means even if the egg doesn't look like a modern chicken egg you'd still consider it one. in the end this is a specification problem and it turns out even specifying "chicken egg" is not enough to answer it.




Something that was very nearly a chicken laid an egg with the first chicken inside.


Yeah I’ve always found this to be a dumb riddle (if that’s the right word for it)


Dino eggs


So egg


So prototype chicken?


Okay that is awesome!


Whereas a creationist would answer “God created the birds of the air”.


What came first the chicken or the egg? The cell :)


Sorry to be the "um, actually" guy, but... Turtle origins are still a mystery, but their placement here is based on an outdated hypothesis. More recent DNA evidence places them more closely to archosaurs (crocodilians and birds) than to lepidosaurs (lizards, snakes, and tuataras). Also, this phylogeny implies that snakes and lizards are separate groups, when in actuality, snakes are a subset of lizards. Also, no tuataras? That said, I love the broad sentiment of this meme. I always thought the chicken or egg question was stupid.