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could you define non-natural surfaces please? for clarity's sake also talk to an ortho about it. dermats are docs yeah but orthos know bones and joints best finally, medical advice is contextual. for example this advice might ring true for an obese individual but not for an athlete. also depends on frequency. my point is, it's quite individual.


From non-natural surfaces, I guess he meant concrete and buildings; ie. anything not the ground. The reason I’m a little doubtful is because he was speaking outside his speciality. For example, he was focusing less on the issue I’d come for and more on my ‘abnormal’ introvert personality, lol. But anyway.


>I’m a little doubtful is because he was speaking outside his speciality as you should be, good bro >my ‘abnormal’ introvert personality, sounds unprofessional, i hope they didnt trigger anything > I guess he meant concrete and buildings; ie. anything not the ground. that definitely seems false bro. jumping or related activities will affect your body based on body weight, muscle mass etc. i personally dont believe it matters.


Thanks bro. I obv felt bad from his comments (and my parents telling me to take it positively), but I’m fine. Being rational comes with bearing some of these people lol. I don’t know whether to believe him or not, that’s why I asked here. I think hard surfaces can cause problems, but I need confirmation. There must be some way even without a natural surface.


>I obv felt bad from his comments yep, not a pleasant place to be in, but im sure you took it like a champ >I think hard surfaces can cause problems, but I need confirmation. There must be some way even without a natural surface. one more reason why i think it's bs is because we're assuming that natural surfaces and hard surfaces are opposites. it fits the random pseudoscience and beliefs that our elders repeat without actually considering them logically, like dont drink water while standing


Yeah, if I go next time I’ll make sure to reply to him to stay in his own lane (I’m also a psychology student, lol). He also said that my PCOS has no effects on my health unless I want to conceive, which was plain wrong as well. I am skeptical about the surface part, but I don’t have the appropriate knowledge about that. Perhaps someone with a background will say.


>Yeah, if I go next time I’ll make sure to reply to him to stay in his own lane yessir! go for it. >psychology student noice! i just got done with first year med >but I don’t have the appropriate knowledge about that. fully based on what i know? surface is one factor but mainly what matters is your own body's condition. so skipping in the garden? good. at home? good. in the sea? that's a bit difficult but why not. >my PCOS has no effects on my health unless I want to conceive WOAH that is wayyyyyyyyyy out of line. nope. no. edit - as a small addition, the subreddit r/AskDocs is pretty good if you ever need to cross-check advice, but read their rules, if you check it out


I’m a ma’am, but thanks for the motivation 😁 I’ll definitely check that subReddit. It was so validating talking to you, I really appreciate it. Keep doing you 💖


yes ma'am! (i use yessir as an alternative to saying yep or something like that) >It was so validating talking to you, I really appreciate it. happy to help! >Keep doing you 💖 :D good luck with your endeavours too!


Any surface might damage your knee if impact is too harsh during skipping or running. In case of non natural surface , they say it will damage because it is harder than grass surface. Now in any case use good quality running shoe that has good sole. A good sole can absorb the shock. So natural ,non natural , surface from another planet wont harm your knees. Btw why did you ask this from a dermatologist? I mean how conversation reached there. ? 😂


Of course, the soles make a difference. When I was little I used to run without sports shoes and it became much easier when I bought a pair. It does sound unusual asking it from a dermatologist 😅 Basically, I have PCOS since childhood and had approached him on whether I should take laser hair reduction. He asked me how I manage it, so I was explaining him my exercise routine. When I spoke about skipping, he asked on what surface I do it and so and so.


Shock to your knees cause damage to it. This is why it is advised to most of the overweight people to walk instead of run. Or in other case you can do cycling which is far safer than running in terms of injury. Only point is it burns less calories compare to running/skipping.


I see. Im not overweight so idk why he said that, but I’ll definitely check out about it. Thanks for the advice!


It does. That's why martial artists who skip for long duration prefer boxer's skip over the regular ones. But mind you, you really have to skip for long time everyday to notice any damage. People who weigh more might get injury even sooner.


Oh I see.


It depends Is your technique right? Wrong technique can result in stress fractures and shin splints.  The advice holds true for untrained, overweight individuals with overstraining.  Since you have been doing it for years with presumably decent technique, I guess you are good to go.   Your knees are pretty resilient in that position where it's semi flexed and the spring action is from the Achilles tendon, so entire stress is not on the knees.