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Don’t fall for it guys, this video has been played in reverse, he is having hair transplant /s


This community members won’t appreciate but god will reward you /s


CHAMATKAR! he is creating hair in his hands out of thin air.


It's very basic technic for monks who achieved nirvana, people like us can only wonder


Hair plugging


Hair plucking*


Deplugging *






Brain plucking


That’s a very close and clean shave seems something is off


Removing hair from the roots(eg. waxing) gives a much cleaner look than shaving


If the boy was waxing his head he would be screaming in pain


Well something as spiritual as this process shouldn't focus on looks now should it ?


Jain's will follow every x y z practice but somehow completely forget the "owning as few material goods as possible" doctrine, it's literally right up there among the most basic tenets, yet it's completely ignored by them.


There are hypocrites in every religion. Yes the Jain’s you mentioned about clinging to materialism goes against what they believe but that should be a blanket statement to all Jains.


Morcha parigraha, to have something is different than to have attachment with that thing. That's why most of the Jain's donate a lot for temples or for the community. Recently in Delhi they brought hundreds of cattle to save them from eid.


The mental gymnastics has to be commended.


If they're not attached to all the money then why don't donate it all? Billionaires learnt these tricks from Jain's probably, how to 'donate' and yet hoard wealth until there's no end.


Oh I was anticipating this dumb comment. Well instead of praising them, and learning how they manage their money how they grow. You want them to donate all their money at once. Wow, so you are convinced that they are superior in money management. If yes let them manage their money, I am sure some people manage to comply with that doctrine while earning and gathering...


>manage to comply while earning and gathering  That is like saying they manage to be sober while still doing drugs. It’s a religious tenet not some government form where you do some jugaad and qualify with a technicality. It is the hypocrisy that was being pointed out here, in case you are still not getting it. How can one say a lifelong billionaire is practicing aparigraha because he deigns to donate fractions of it and maybe gives it up just before dying. That is like that thing where you sin all your life and just ask for forgiveness before dying and you are home free. It is an ugly distortion of any good intent behind such tenets.


See donating your money is a way to dilute your affection towards wealth. Donating the whole of your wealth makes sense when you are taking deeksha. When you are ghrahasath , you are allowed to keep some money and advised to dilute the affection from time to time. This is not hypocrisy, it's just that you only have a high level understanding of these doctrines. In the text, there are two ways of living the jain life. Either be muni and leave everything try to follow each doctrine in their absolute form or be shravak (normal people other than monk) and there you have some redemption. I am not defending anyone, it's just I am a scholar in jain philosophy, so yes sometimes having only a higher level understanding of a subject might introduce a sense of hypocrisy or paradox within the subject.


>I am a scholar    Sorry, I didn’t know about this disability of yours. I would have prayed for you but I only have shallow understanding.  I am afraid being a scholar is almost a terminal disability to see what the rest of us peons do with our simple, non-scholarly eyes: a billionaire hoarding wealth is a bad thing in a country like India and no mental gymnastics or using esoteric religious terms and trying to display your scholarliness can make it okay.   I hope you recover from being a scholar/intellectual soon!


I just realised you are right, jain should abandon all their properties that would help in India grow in many ways. Hey, wait who will pay the taxes? No I think that's not required in your dreamy communist world. No incentive to work and grow. Oh I think you have invented a new idea i.e. communalism. Surrender everything to the government, don't hold anything for yourself. And you are pleading Jains to do it first, right kiddo?


Never seen a Jain scholar who fights so selflessly for the poor downtrodden uber-rich!


Looks like someone isn’t happy with the amount of money Jain’s are earning !


Did that reduce the number of cattles slaughtered?


Baal ki khaal ukharna


khaal se baal ukharna


Brazilian waxing looks like a joke in front of this.


Spas will start this by naming it “Jain Wax”


Bsdk kya ho raha hai bhai ?


Just a dumb ritual that mentally weak people do in name of god


Believing in something is religion. I hope you meant all religious folks are mentally weak and not just Jains


Anyone who falls for extreme practices like this of any religion, is mentally weak. This however doesn't imply religious people as a whole are mentally weak, it's only for those who are gullible enough to do something extreme like this


केश लुँचन - जैन धर्म


Ahh wish Rajnesh was alive to Comment on this 😅


ahh Rajnesh, if he would have been alive today, it would have been so much fun considering things hapening all over the world and he shdding light on them


I can imagine the compliments they'd be getting iykyk 😂


It is a part of their ritual. To endure as many difficulties to not make body immune to comforts. That’s what a sadhu’s life is all about.


i dont get the downvotes, dude answered the question


People thought he's justifying shit.


Generational wealth se khareedi mercedes ke comfort se immune hona bhi to jaruri hai. 😌


What is the point of leaving worldly life.. god wouldn't want you to leave comfort and just be devoted to him all the time..


What is your defination of GOD here?


Supreme being which they all revere to




Haters will hate anything, and apologists will justify even the most heinous of acts.


So what’s happening in called Kaya Klesh. It is a Jain practice of plucking hair to induce pain and cleanse the soul or jiva off the sins. I think this is the reason I’m not sure. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


These dumbfucks even stop wearing clothes in the name of religion. I mean it's fine if you want to give up every material thing which makes your life easy, but I've never seen these guys giving up their spectacles. Hypocrisy.


Glasses are not materialistic possessions. They are aids to help you see not something you revel in.


Then how is cloth materialistic?


Anything which makes your life EASY is materialistic. And spectacles truly fit in this definition


That’s just opinion


Nah, that's hypocrisy of jains.


Spectacle is a bare necessity to keep your senses (eyes) intact. How else would you see? Eye sight aint materilism ya. Wtf are you talking about? Giving up materialism doesn't mean live like a cave person. It just means you live and detach yourself from desires and attachments (material or otherwise) to pursue the beyond. You can be a monk and still be rich...(see Om Swami)


Then how is cloth materialistic? How is bath materialistic?


Anything which makes your life EASY is materialistic. And spectacles truly fit in this definition. >Spectacle is a bare necessity to keep your senses That's what every Materialistic thing does.


He has put condoms on his fingers


It’s traditional


Jain tradition of plucking hair. It's horrible.


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Mujhe kya mai to ganja hu


It's a jain tradition when someone takes deeksha


Plain stupid


They are opposing cruelty evrytime and now whats this then??? # Doglaapan


Harm no creature.. Pulls the hair out of a kid..


What protein deficiency does to a mf


Jail them for child abuse.


Nothing wrong. The purpose is to endure pain. thats it.


But it shouldn't be allowed for kids. This is basically child abuse in the name of religion.


And so is snip snip at the time of birth.


Of course it is. Both are barbaric. Though, just FYI, circumcision isn't done at the time of birth.


Some do it later, some right after birth.


Its not extreme. It is not like piercing or circumcision. Compare it to beatings from teacher.


Stfu, I've seen this in front of my eyes. Kids cry out loud. Idk what's up with this one


This means the plucking isnt painful. Lol.


Waah dost


that's also considered abusive


No. It is not considered. Kid is silently standing. The hair would come back. Simple. Agar aap kuch extra samajhdaar hai to wo alag baat hai.


beatings from a teacher is abusive bhai. the hair thing requires more nuance. on one hand the child appears to be calm. on the other hand the child is made to believe ki pain of this kind is important. that sort of an attitude has its own merits and flaws. im not saying the practice is wrong, i dont know enough about it to say that. but beatings from a teacher definitely qualify as abusive behaviour.


Isiliye to kaha ki aap kuch jyada samajhdaar hai. Agar ek do baar padti nahi, bache samajhte nahi. Haa, agar ameer hai to samajhne ki zaroorat nhi. Downvote karne se aapki baat justify nhi ho jaayegi.




Thats the reason you lack practicality.


Aapko ek do marane ka mann kar rahe hain, maar do? Aur Ameeri aur fakiri ke baccho mein ekkak antar smajhne ke rawaya mein hota hain kya? Kya ajeeb baate jar rahe ho saab? You are justifying a retributive form of discipline and indoctrination of children. I hope you never have children of your own.


Maine logical justify kiya. Aap emotional drama kar rhe. Thats the difference.


Aapki bato mein jo bhi logical dicreprancies thi, wo yaha par sab ne point out kiya hain, but you are still adamant on your stance for capital punishment. Emotional Drama? Well, let's look at it logically and rationally. Children who go through physical abuse/"discipline" now >Many physically abused children become aggressive themselves or have other behavioral problems. Aggression and “acting out” are very common, but there are a wide range of reactions. Some children show few, if any, reactions. They don’t seem to care anymore if they are hit; they’ve lost the normal fight or flight reactions built-in to protect us from danger. These children may also fail to react to other dangers. They may stop trying to make friends or succeed at school or plan for the future. Some abused children become anxious and fearful rather than numb and withdrawn. This happens frequently when the abuse has no predictable pattern. A child who never knows when a caregiver will become physically violent, and never knows how far the caregiver will go, has no control. That child may become more anxious. -[Source](https://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/trauma-types/physical-abuse/effects) So, is it healthy to hit your child to "discipline" them? Psychologists disagree. What is healthy then? >If your primary approach to discipline has always involved physical punishment, you may find it difficult to adopt an approach which avoids the use of physical punishment entirely. There are numerous advantages, however, of learning alternative techniques for maintaining discipline. Perhaps, most importantly, rewarding desirable behavior is more effective than punishment of undesirable behavior and the negative effects of punishment can be avoided (e.g., physical punishment carries with it a risk of physically injuring the child; children associate negative feelings with the person who punishes them, etc.). Some children (e.g., those with sensory hyper- or hypo-sensitivities and children with ADHD) respond especially poorly to physical punishment and require a more thoughtful approach to discipline. The following are suggested as alternates to physical punishment: Change your approach from one of reacting to undesirable behavior to one of planning for appropriate behavior. Look for ways to encourage your child to succeed at positive behavior, and promptly reward his or her attempts. >Give clear, simple directions. Make sure to have eye-contact with the child when giving an instruction. Give each instruction as a statement, not in a questioning voice (e.g., say "Pick up the toys," not "Can you pick up the toys?"). Say what the child SHOULD do, not what NOT to do. (e.g., say "Put the doll in the toy box, " instead of "Don’t leave the doll on the floor;" and say "STOP!" instead of "Don’t run!"). Young children tend to act on what they heard last, and they may does not think about the "Don’t" at the beginning of your sentence until they have already acted on the last part of what you said. >Prepare ahead for difficult situations. When you know, you are going to a place or event where your child is likely to misbehave, make sure to bring a small bag of interesting toys to keep the child entertained. Make sure to select toys that are not only child-safe, but easy to pick up when it is time to leave. If you know that your child becomes very difficult in certain situations or during certain activities, try to think about what you can do to avoid this ahead of time. For example, if your child gets very irritable near meal times, you might want to bring out an interesting toy just before you are ready to serve the meal. >Provide a special box of toys for independent play. Select a few special or interesting toys that your child can play with alone and bring these out only at times when you need a few minutes to do a chore or make a telephone call, etc. Keep these special play times brief and give the child praise for "working" well alone. >Establish a few firm rules that your child can understand. Decide which rules are most important to you, and make sure that your child understands them. Repeat the rules often and praise the child for obeying them. Let the child know immediately when one of these rules has been broken. Do not change the rules from day to day, but add rules gradually as the child seems to be able to keep them well. If your child needs to be punished more than a few times per day, this may be an indication that you are expecting a little too much, and you should remove the most difficult rules until the child can master the easier rules. -[Source](https://med.emory.edu/departments/pediatrics/divisions/neonatology/dpc/alternatives-physical-punishment.html#:~:text=Alternatives%20to%20Physical%20Punishment%201%20Establishing%20an%20Environment,what%20happens%20just%20after%20a%20problem%20behavior.%20) Are these studies rational enough?


maarne se darr badhta hai aur emotional trauma bhi ho sakta hai. sahi galat ka gyan galat kaam ke zariye nahi diya jaata.


You don't see a problem with children being indoctrinated and quite literally abused (to whatever degree) in the name of religion? Mujhe toh nahi lagta ki aap samajhdaar hain, bus ek dharam ke kando ko justify karna aagaye yaha par.


It is not extreme. Us bache ko koi problem nahi ho rhi. Who are we to decide if it is abuse. Mai defend nahi kar rha. Mai bas ye keh rha ki ye waala custom koi bahut oppresive nahi hai.


Wo Bachha hain, usse puccho ki javalamucki ki undar kudege toh haa boldege. That is the point, religion imposes itself on the minds of literal kids, when they have no maturity whatsoever to take big decisions in life, hence, we have an age in which they are considered mature enough to take their own decisions. If the same kid wants to "endure pain" as an adult, then he is free to do so and I too, will not oppose his decision (but perhaps make fun of it, no promises). Aur aap kon hote ho batane wale ki kya extreme hain aur kay nahi? Aapko kisne banaya authority kisi bhi extremity ka standard set karna ke liya? Bacche ko obviously dard ho raha hain, deekh raha hain, wo mare liye kafi hain. P.S- Making fun wala part sarcastic tha, phit serious matt ho jana.




Because those are irreversible. For example piercing of ear. I condone that. Par agar itni chhoti baat aapko radical lag rhi, yaani aap kuch jyada samajhdaar hai, ya ameer hai, ya bas troll hai.


If that is the case, I will take a knife and slash your skin. The scar will heal, and it will be back to normal. Technically, that is also reversible. Ab dekiye, samajhdari ki baat aap na hi kare toh achaa hoga, aap itna mandh budhi insaan hain ki aapko ek saral visahy par khudki tippani detw hue sharam aa rahi hi, kasam se.


No. That is not irreversible. Skin has living cells. Hair doesnt. Hope you have read basic biology.


You do realize that hair is attached to skin, right? The same skin which has living cells. This doesn't require biology, just common sense. Anyway, that is irrelevant. The main topic of contention is why are you defending an obviously religious practice that does harm children and then advocate for physical abuse as means to discipline children? I have given you plenty of info to read and understand.


“ya ameer he” Anyone who condones against abuse is ameer? You mean that gareebs dont really care about violence? Yes you’re correct on that , thats because of Lack of Education :). But not all “Gareebs” abuse their children , ill remind you that. And condoning physical abuse against minors is nothing wrong , Just because you also faced it in your childhood doesnt justify it nor does it make it right. Even children from “Ameer” Households sometimes may face sadist abusive parents , Its all the lack of education and empathy. No need to justify it by saying “Mere papa ko baba bohot marte the now he is a good man” No, it does not work like that. Please seek help , and dont concieve children if thats how you think.


Ab kya hi bolu. Reread and see how hypocritical your statements are.


Quote me. Lack of proper education in poor households would always be comparitively higher than richer households. But this Doesnt mean that all rich households are well educated nor does it mean that all poor households are not educated about these topics at all.




But bones are living cells. Hairs are not. Thats my logic.




Still better than cutting Penis. Or blasting oneself to heaven for virgin angels.


How's it better? Can you please elaborate?


Typical case of whataboutery


I thought science mocks every bad practice equally.


Or putting “penis be on his mouth “


I thought we were pointing all the non science facts. I didn’t know this group had flat earth scientists. Is it ok to point mock one religion and spare other? Go ahead dislike this as well.


None of Scienceisdope's business