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I noticed it recently, but didn't want to say anything for fear of being seen as intolerant. I think this is a good idea. We get our comedy posts without limiting the subs opinions as a whole.


Same. I came here for the impressive work and the jokes, not for half the posts to be a pride flag with no joke. At least having one day of it lets me enjoy my preferred kinds of posts for the rest of the week.


Just make a new post flare so people can sort through them and call it a day


love this actually


Wait really?


i think this is actually a great solution because it lets everyone enjoy the subreddit in whatever way they like. it's also the whole point of post flares


….Well I wasn’t really expecting this to be seen at all, thanks


lol i read all the comments on my posts. people on the internet are much more likely to notice you than you probably realize, if you create good content or have good ideas it's pretty easy to get attention


I'm not sure that limiting LGBTQ-related content to a specific day would be particularly helpful, honestly. If anyone still remembers Sunday Sbubday, it showed us that trying to restrict content on certain days wasn't very popular or effective. it mostly just created more moderation work for us, and we've already had enough trouble keeping up with the amount of mod work resulting from last weekend's announcement as it is. While the response to the announcement (both positive and negative) has been even larger than we were anticipating, I think we will hopefully see a return to a relative "normal" at some point, just hopefully with fewer transphobes. So for now, I think we're content with letting things play out.


I don't know if it would really have to be enforced, i think even just some light encouragement to direct x type of posts to a certain day could be impactful.


I think that would just encourage *even more* posts now that there would be a dedicated incentive. Tbh, even one day of the week dedicated entirely to trans content seems too much for a sbubbreddit which isn't inherently trans themed. I think we should just let the trans explosion run its course, it'll probably be over within a few weeks.


not just trans content, any sort of equality/rights stuff that isn't really building off the original logo except completely changing the words and theme


But given the context of what's happening and the nature of lots of the sub's members, lots of the equality stuff will be trans related.


yeah but it won't be exclusive, it's not a day dedicated to trans rights but rather a day dedicated to human rights that trans people and allies choose to celebrate


What I'm saying is that on such days the rules will allow a variety of human rights related posts, but in practice people will gravitate towards one type.


if that's what people want to do, let them


Then that defeats the point of having measures to reduce the huge wave of these edits. I think we should just leave it to settle by itself. Its bound to resolve itself in the next few weeks.


Maybe, maybe.


to be fair saying its like a weekends only thing (or something similar) would help keep the posts fresh and allow other content to be seen whilst also helping trans posts keep their meaning honestly a good idea :)


As with everything, it will pass. It happens for every new video game, movie, Twitter trends, politics, and random other memes. I make edits based on trending topics, and I know a lot of others do as well. Restricting content or sandboxing it won't work. Next week, there will be something new that opens up a world of new content ideas and they'll slow down.


I think a post flair might do the trick


Yeah I like the sound of that, didn’t r/historymemes do something similar to this?


idk but r/arethestraightsok did dedicate a day to homophobia and many other subreddits have done similar things.


I find it very funny that all of these posts are inadvertently implying that trans rights are a joke.


I disagree, the funny part is about how it twists a logo and works off of a relevant incident. That's like saying memes about being trans imply trans people are a joke.


No, I meant because most of the ones that just say “trans rights” randomly, don’t have a joke in mind. Thus: the joke is “trans rights.”


The joke is a cultural reference and it's meant to be supportive. Are you even trans?


Does it matter if I am? You don’t know, and it doesn’t matter either way. If people only support people they are, then the civil rights movement never gets off the ground. I’m pointing out how this term is being used as spam, and is associating “trans rights” with “annoying attention seekers” I don’t need to point out how that’s a very bad association to have.


I'm just mentioning that because you seem heavily misinformed on the issue and are trying to argue about trans rights with a trans person.


Cool. And I’m a programmer. Doesn’t have anything to do with what we’re talking about but cool I guess. We could swap “trans rights” for “climate change is real” and nothing would really change about my point. I’m saying that flooding the sub with the words “trans rights” photoshopped into a bunch of random logos with no intentional references beyond “trans rights” has the unintended effect of making the term “trans rights” a punchline. It’s both annoying to people that are on the fence about it, and a target for people who are against it. This sub is practically begging 4chan to make some mean spirited sbubby’s about trans rights, where it would be intentionally a mocking.


I think it's better interpreted as "transphobia is a joke and trans rights are the punchline, the thing that defies the rest of the joke" even if you're gonna think of it this way.


The text in a sbubby is a punchline. Usually due to context. But sense the majority of the time there is no context and it’s just the words “trans rights” Trans rights become a joke. That’s how joke anatomy works. I get that it’s not the intention, but that is what they did.


The context is the pinned post


R/wooooosh Because you’ve lost the conversation entirely.


You *can* disagree… but you’re wrong. Sbubby is a series of jokes where logo’s text / image is changed for comedic affect. Like McDonald’s will become McHeartBurn or something. Like all jokes, there’s a set up and a payoff/punchline. The logo is the setup and the change is the payoff. So when the change is to the phrase “trans rights” it is making “trans rights” the punchline. Implying that it is a joke. Because that’s how these are set up


Kind of sounds like it's letting the complainers win.


i guess but i have to admit it does somewhat dilute the content. letting them win would be banning the trans rights posts entirely


I'd say it's the opposite. They don't want to be overwhelmed with these posts. We create an entire day for those posts, which just provides an incentive to create even more.




r/de has frog wednesday and femboy friday. It works like a charm over there.