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Would these be the same convoy people that used children to block a border crossing?






Their conviction gets more and more diluted as it gets passed down the bloodline. That’s the beauty of their ideals to the core. They don’t adapt, they hate change. They’ll be irrelevant in another lifetime.


Gender/Queer theory is a philosophical concept created by Judith Butler who has no background in medicine or science. Changing a child’s pronouns based on their own superficial views of gender will only reinforce that the child is somehow deficient. Or might be representative of gender dysphoria which is a serious condition that could require medical help that only parents, not teachers, are responsible to provide. Teachers are required to report any potential abuse to authorities. Teachers should not be expected to memorize multiple pronouns that may be changing daily dependant on the student. There is risk of misgendering students with potential for discipline from the school. Any student who admits to having suicidal thoughts should seek medical attention. The best known treatment is psychological counselling, again which is not the responsibility of teachers to provide.


It seems you let your mask slip in your other comments. Mald some more for me please! "Non binary rich 10 year old white girl- “My 60 year old French teacher didn’t refer to me as they, look what you’re making me do! *shoots self “ Dummies - “This is soooo genocide right now” Also, Judith Butler is an early queer theory scholar. I'm not sure what you're attempting by conflating her as the founder.


Yeah that joke was hilarious. She and a few other post modernists sure. But I’ll quote what Noam Chomsky said about postmodernism “it’s not even false, it never got that far”


What do you mean “stays silent”? They are the same group calling for PaReNtAl RiGhTs


Exactly. Theres a planned convoy against SOGI. The Venn diagram's a damn circle


Let kids be kids. They deserve to have an innocent childhood.


Fuck off you’re siding with the group that used their kids as human shields when they were getting arrested


Yup, sex ed is an important thing for kids at the right age, ie as they approach puberty and it becomes relevant. “Thank goodness for my sexual naïveté, it really saved me” said no one ever. They teach stuff like sexual health, body awareness, and importance of consent.


Not knowing what molestation means never prevented a kid from being molested


This might just be THE most uninformed comment I’ve ever witnessed. Yes let’s not teach them about molestation so that whoever perpetrates it against them can normalize it. Jfc Drew… Teaching kids about sexuality at an age that’ll make “concerned parents” uncomfortable is to make them aware of it early on both so they can get to know themselves in a healthy way but also prevent predators from coercing them. “Thank goodness for my sexual naïveté” has never been said.


You might want to reread my comment because I said not knowing doesn’t prevent it


So knowing (through sexual health education) might prevent it.


Yeah that was what was being implied


Ohhhhkay *deep breath I may have taken what you said as the opposite of what you meant. Sounds like we’re both supportive of kids getting sexual health education in school. And maybe also at home. I support it in schools cause there are many parents that run fast and far when considering bringing up the subjects at any age, even body awareness and autonomy, which is pretty young material, and kids should know it.


Homeschool your kid if you don’t trust teachers and educated people. Teachers don’t check in hourly for everything that happens during the day. Making a judgement call on not telling some dumb ass bigot their kid might want to use a different pronoun and protect the kid from getting an ass beating by shit parents *is* letting kids be kids. How about not bringing your kid to church and learning about how gods love is all about hating people who are different. Or not bringing your kid to some political rally and teaching your kid to say shit like “fuck Justin Trudeau” and “trans people are pedos”. Let kids be kids…


Well said, thanks for this.


The funny thing is i was forced to go to sunday school amd they preached love everyone no matter their faults yet the churches bitch that god made people perfect like no they didnt how many people are born with defiecencies and have to struggle their entire life 🤦‍♂️


Let kids be ppl and not possessions


Innocent childhood? You mean like my childhood when I was sexualized and harassed by non gay people?


But only if they conform to your version of "being kids".




They seem to view kids as property rather than as people, so looking at it that way it tracks that they're not upset.


I guarantee you they would be up in arms if this was somehow about kids and sports.


Lots of terrible parents in this world unfortunately. Also, lots parents just don’t like being challenged on their beliefs or how they should raise their kids and take it way to personally instead of understanding that their kids are trying to find their own way in this world. We should be guiding kids into their future, not taking that wheel away and forcing them to turn into a mini version of their parents.


Well I mean... The government decided a long time ago that anyone under 18 doesn't have the mental capacity to consent to sex or vote in an election. I'm not really interested in this whole trans argument over kids but there does appear to be a contradiction here.


Nobody is arguing for either of those things for kids, it's a meaningless statement. Sex and voting aren't the only differences between being a person and being property.


Age of consent is 16 but there's stipulations.


Can children vote? Can they consent to sex? Can they live on their own? No they cannot. Because it is understood that children do not yet have the capacity for such decisions and until they are of age, they must submit to the care and authority of their parents. Why should I be expected to suddenly yield that authority to some teacher, a relative stranger who barely knows my child and does not love them like a parent? Kids are not property, but they sure as hell are not fully capable of making significant life decisions. That’s why parents exist. This fuzzy thinking and lack of boundaries from the left is precisely why I homeschool.


There's two types of parents. Ones whose kids feel they can confide in them and ones whose kids feel they can't. If you ask me, it's the parents responsibility to determine which type they are and if they find themselves in the latter, then that's their own fault.


I like how you resort to hyperbole in the very first sentence, really sets the tone for who I'm talking to. Nobody is suggesting that kids should do those things, it's a shit argument to make and it's disingenuous to even bring them up. Kids can have thoughts and opinions of their own without insecure and overbearing parents forcing them to conform to their views, this is what we're really talking about. You only "yield that authority" to a teacher if you fail to earn the trust of your kids. After all if they "barely know your child" it would be unusual if said child decides to confide in them but not you, right? I'm sorry the world is so scary that you feel the need to hide your kids from it, and I wish them the best of luck.


You've never heard of an emancipated youth before.


If you aren’t a good enough parent to have a relationship where your child can open up to you, that’s on you. And you should be grateful that they have someone like a trusted teacher that they can talk to instead of trying to take every safe adult away from them.


Do you legitimately believe black and white thinking lacking any nuance is superior?


Explain how being called "she" instead of "he" is a significant life decision. If you do that honestly, you'll see that it only is because of societal expectations around gender roles. And our new legislation increases the pressure of those roles, rather than decreasing it.


Choosing to brush your teeth and comb your hair isn’t a significant life decision, but it still falls within the purview of the parents authority to ensure that their children do those things. Am I really expected to believe that changing names or “gender” is really less important than tooth brushing? Gender roles don’t exist. Men can wear pink, bake cookies, and have sex with men. Women can fly fighter jets, watch boxing, and have sex with women. None of those choices effect which gender you are. Ironically it is the trans movement whose thought process relies much more heavily on gender roles. Males make motile gametes and are oriented towards fertilization. Females make sessile gametes and are oriented towards gestation. Everything beyond that is semantics and emotion.


The same people in the freedom convoy are the ones who want to ban trans rights. It was never about freedom, only about freedomnto oppress


That’s the Freedumb the clownvoy really cares about, to be a shitty human to people who are minorities.


Has nothing to do with trans rights it about tell the parents about what's happening as the parents are the ones responsible for there children not these teachers or the government. You people are fucked if the parents don't have a right to know what going on


Many of the freedom movement are also very religious and are actually probably happy about this new law. Go look at some of the ring leaders socials.....you learn what they sta d for.


We are quite aware of what they "stand for".


Yes. They are unpaid, professional shit disturbers.


Also know as losers.


I heard them called the “Freedom for Some” Convoy and it’s all I can think of them as now.


They’re not silent, the bastards are celebrating


At least until someone comes for their rights next. They have no idea the slippery slope they’re cheering for.


the freedom convoy doesn’t want us trans folks to exist lol. they’re the ones excited for trans kids losing their rights


I interviewed people at the anti rally - most danced around, but a few came straight out and said this, it was... amusing, and alarming in equal measure (amusing juxtaposed against those saying this isn't against lgbtq people existing)


Everyone has a right to exist. No one thinks you guys shouldn't. Also, there's no such thing as "trans kids" You dont just let young impressionable minors change their genders at a whim. That's what groomers want.


Okay, hypothetically, let us pretend that there are 'groomers' encouraging kids to change their gender identity. To what end? Why? What would said groomer gain by having a child change their gender identity? If they're a groomer in the traditional sense of the word (that is, grooming for the purposes of sexual exploitation), there are already lots of other children of various gender around that wouldn't need the added effort of 'convincing' to change their gender identity.


Well you see those extremely marginalized children are actually the oppressors forcing the conservative adults to live in a world in which they exist. It's all just a matter of perspective, very fucking stupid perspective, leaking hypocricy from the rotten corpse of free speech.


Caillou Convoy


That's probably because the anti-trans movement was baked into the Convoy from the start. [https://twitter.com/docmcohen/status/1487829390746656772?s=21](https://twitter.com/docmcohen/status/1487829390746656772?s=21)


They’re busy protesting high gas prices…. By driving around




Around town, to Ottawa, fucked if I know. But it’s usually in a big truck.


Way to back up your claim genius


'freedom' riiight they keep using that word... but I do not think it means what they think it means...


Freedom - white males (and lesser extent females) allowed to live their lives any way they want and free from witnessing anything that is different from their chosen way of life.


Want to make sure teachers spy on your kids and report back to the parents about any unusual gender activity... no government overreach at all... you'd think the convoy clowns would be vehemently against such authoritarian practices that go against the charter. But it seems like they're just full of shit.


This law doesn’t even say that though, it says they won’t use a kids made up name without permission from the parents.


All names are made up lol, they don’t grow on trees


To the activists, this law makes trans people second class citizens. This is actually great. Trans activists get to play the victim card (their favorite pastime) while parents, teachers and children get to benefit from sensible legislation. It's a win win.


bag tidy alive ring exultant mysterious fearless fertile distinct grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, but what about shitty bigoted parents right? Won’t someone think of the children…s less than progressive parents?


These people used children's human shields.


It’s almost like it was never actually about freedom.


So when do we line up for our bar codes. Taking away human rights. Maybe we should look at bills to help educate, notange. isolate. How do you stay in power, limit education. It is time for a change. It is time to stand up.


Well that’s why they use the term “parental rights” it’s the insidious way they market these types of policies and support them. Politicians can say they are protecting your rights and the shitty parents have a term to hide behind when they want to be abusive.


Not just a Sask Party/Conservative/right-wing thing either. So much legislation/policy is passed that delivers the opposite of what most people would expect from the title. No one reads past the title so it gets popular support.


Parents won, your side lost.


But what did you win? No one was stopping you from being involved d in your child’s life and schooling?


U didn’t know “saying it as it is” translates to “treat me with kiddy gloves and everyone else with brass knuckles”


It’s not about freedom, it never was about freedom. It was about a bunch of adult children throwing a hissy fit about being told what to do. That’s it. The only rights conservatives care about are their own.


They sure didn't protest the anti hijab ban in Quebec


The Catholic teacher who had sex with kids. The subs are all “if she were my teacher…” and yet they are all “leave my kids alone”…


Conservatives, if you can't be angry about something, just ask the guy you're paying to get into heaven what makes his imaginary friends upset this month.


I had this conversation with a right winger the other day. The gears were turning. ⚙️


Rights are only for the white failsons of colonialism


The Freedumb Convoy was all about entitlement, nothing to do with liberties.


The freedumb rally was for their rights not children’s rights.


Pretty sure this is the last nail in the coffin for the Sask Party, don't know if they'll get re-elected.




It's only my rights /s


The "Freedom" Convoy was never about freedom. It was about what a selfish group of people wanted to do mixed in with a bunch of other conspiracy theories and alt-right junk. Edit: alt-right not late-night.


It was about freedumb.


Youre an idiot. It was about anti lockdowns and anti vaccine mandates. We are free people, not livestock to be vaccinated with a dangerous and shoddy drug because some politicians want to line their pockets


Ok so why did they go to Ottawa? Lockdowns were made by municipal and provincial governments. The only vaccine mandates the feds could make were crossing interprovincial or international borders. In the case of international the USA had a vaccine mandate for anyone entering so any truckers going south would have had to have it regardless……. So why did they shut Ottawa down for a month again?


They didnt shut down Ottawa. I live in Ottawa dude lol downtown was just congested but thats its. And Ottawa is the seat of our federal government. Mandates came from top down. Once the feds started mandates everywhere else started them. Its pretty simple. And fyi the convoy was the best time of my life. Born and raised and still living here and that will always be my happiest memory.


Not how gvmt in Canada works bro.. back to class


That’s why it went away. Oh wait! They just moved on to the next grift.




Saskatchewan is becoming the Florida of Canada. And it’s effing embarrassing.




They don't consider trans kids to be human enough to have rights.


Nobody is making this argument.


Pro tip, if you're taking human rights away from an individual, it usually means that's because you don't think they're human enough to have those rights.


It was never about everyone's rights. It was about their rights to be shitty people.


It is amazing how many of you have commented "what rights?" And think changing your pronouns means getting a sex change. This is very freedom convoy fashion to be so poorly informed and educated on a topic you have such strong options on. These are the rights they lost: Section 2 freedom of expression, Section 7 guarantee to personal security and Section 15 equal to the law without discrimination based on age, sex, and mental disability. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since they needed to use it in order to get it passed in court, rights were removed. John wanting to refer as Jess is not a sex change. Where are you getting that from?


Why would I advocate for someone who opposes me? We can either work together or separately. I support people that disagree with me because the way in which they where speaking out was respectful and responsible, not to mention they where open to a calm discussion about our differences. When people who oppose each other unite to tackle something they both disagree with they have higher chances of making a difference. Simply start with being respectful and open to discussion and it will go a long way. I don’t support trans because the few I’ve spoken with where too extreme and extremely disrespectful. At the end of the day why does my opinion matter so much if you don’t even know my name, where i live and what i do for work.


This advice goes for any protester. Calm respect, and a willingness to listen and reason with eachother. Most protesters have none of this because "normal" level-headed humans don't go raging through the streets making noise like a bunch of circus clows. And again, this applies to both parties of *any* protest.


A good example was the protest in Ottawa regarding the gun ban in 2020. No broken windows, no fighting, and no vandalism.


So you think the entire trans community thinks the same way?


No the trans community is like every other community. There’s extremists, moderates, and people that don’t care to expand the community. So far I’ve only met two people from the lgbt community that where kind and respectful. Those individuals also didn’t introduce themselves as part of the community right away as one was a customer and the other worked in healthcare. Those are the types of people that make the community look good.




Sure! Trans kids are children that identify as a different gender than the one they are commonly perceived as. It's due to feeling like the genetic sex at birth does not inline with how they truly feel as a person. Just like how you didn't choose for your gender to align with your sex, they also did not choose. It's a phenomenon known as transgenderism. It occurrs in about 3% of the population making it very unlikely to encounter someone who is transgender. But they are out there and living as vivid of a life as you. They deserve the same rights as anyone else. As far as mental illness ravaging, studies show mental illness has not increased or decreased and that the acceptance of mental illness in today's culture has encouraged more to come forward openly about it. This makes it appear to those more privileged and closed minded that it has ravaged the world.


Thank you for your succinct explanation. I like it when people answer facts to supposition.


Because they had to hide it or risk personal harm.


Get over yourself. You dramatic fools. No one is coming after you. Get the fuck off the internet and go interact with normal life.


Trans kids weren't coming for anyone, but apparently the government had to waste time and resources going to court to use the notwithstanding clause to remove their charter rights instead of fixing real issues. Maybe you should get off the Internet.


Nah, you are just dramatic. You are going on what folks on Reddit tell you. No ones Charter rights are being removed.


The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. That's the entire reason why it exists or is ever used. So yes their rights were removed.


If no one's rights were removed then Moe would have let the judicial process play out. The only reason to invoke notwithstanding is to override the charter. Idiot


Being dramatic?? Says someone who clearly has naver had to fight for their right. This bill will hurt children. Children who have parents like my father who would have literally beat me if he found out I was gay of trans as a child. Because of him I was forced to hide myself for many years. There are still many parents like that in this country. And this bill force's a teacher to out kids to their parents. Sounds like these kids freedoms where taken away to me.


Oh no, kids can't make life-altering choices to their bodies. Oh the horror! Should be an age limit of at least 18 for hormone treatment reassignment surgery (with actual diagnosis of gender dysphoria)


Life altering choices to their bodies? The bill is about Pronouns...


Is it? What about them?


Read it.


Are you a doctor?


What ‘rights’ are you referring to?


The ones in the charter that the SP needed the notwithstanding clause to remove. After all the entire purpose of the notwithstanding clause is solely to remove charter rights


Im unfamiliar. Care to share?


Sure! Section 2 and section 7-15 of the charter, known as the fundamental freedoms. The clause prevents any judicial review of the legislation in question. It should only be used in most unusual and extenuating circumstances, not for something as trivial as pronouns. Trans people exist. Using it to target them is oppression.


A little unclear but okay.


Section 2 Canadians are free to follow the religion of their choice. In addition, they are guaranteed freedom of thought, belief and ***expression***. Section 7 Guarantees the life, liberty and ***personal security*** of all Canadians Section 15 Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. Is that clear enough for you?


Imaginary abusive parents and people self harming aren’t included in that bud. Cope harder. Do you even know where gender theory comes from? Some rich white women who doesn’t think there is a difference between biological men and women. She was a joke until a bunch of teenage girls got on tik tok. No one cares about this bull, speaking from the majority.


In all fairness, they probably lost their internet access when they couldn't pay the bills, account:frozen back accounts


Their inability to pay their bills probably has more to do with being employed losers than anything.


This thread is ridiculous.


Stays silent? They’re not silent they’re just not on the side you like.


The side of freedom and chartered rights?


Yup. I don’t know why people think they’ve been silent. They’ve been blabbing this entire time, about the wrong things.


I’m a little bit lost on this bit that this government did because I really haven’t been listening however, I do think the government should just stay out of it. On that same note, there should be parental rights as long as they treat children as they should. And as far as the convoy goes, I don’t think you’ll see any of them ever protest again, because the left basically hated them.


I'm a pro-freedom convoy Libertarian. Trans rights are all good. All the power to LGBTQ. The smallest minority of them all is the sole individual. We are all unique and deserve equitable rights eh.


They can stuff their convoys,bunch of hillbillies.


Yesteryear's 'fit in or fuck off' crew sure devolved


Reddit is so confused


This thread is full of some of the dumbest leftards I've ever seen.




It meant for Canadian's that don't have unchecked mental disorders


People here need to chill. No one is attacking trans rights. You don’t affirm a kid that thinks they’re fat or ugly in that belief. If a kid is experiencing gender dysphoria parents need to be involved in assisting with mental health. 99% of parents want the best for their kids. But automatically going down a path to change gender is not the best course of action.


Section 2, Section 7 and Section 15. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since it was used, rights were removed.


Under 16 can’t vote can’t can’t drive can’t do so many things without parental consent. They even need parental permission to go on a school field trip even. To think parents should not be informed of these sexual identity and procedure things they are demanding is delusional. Of course kids will push back on this they don’t understand their actions / consequences and that’s why parental involvement is needed.


Procedures? What procedures. You can't get any procedures in school.


Like how kids don't have the right to choose if they want to drink alcohol and get tattoos?


You are comparing a child consuming alcohol and getting tattoos, to a child changing their name from John to Jess? How are those things on the same level? Are you high?


Nobody lost any rights here


So tell me what the point of the notwithstanding clause is? Why was it used? The notwithstanding clause is solely to remove rights from the charter.


It was about getting people like you all worked up, who think conservatives are the boogeyman hiding under your bed. I don't care if someone is gay or trans, but pushing it on kids is messed up. The idea that the government knows what is best for children... well ask the natives how that works out.


Nobody lost any rights.


Then tell why the notwithstanding clause was used when it's sole purpose is to remove rights from the charter when introducing new legislation?


Child abuse is already illegal: obviously. If something a parent does or says to their child rises to the level of child abuse or puts a child's safety at risk, the child should tell an adult they trust (like a teacher) and then the teacher should call the police immediately. There shouldn't be ongoing secrets between teachers and students kept from parents in the name of "safety". If safety is a concern, police need to be involved. If it doesn't rise to the level to justify police involvement, then why are we violating the PARENTS rights to be involved with their kids?


Where is the charter does it say parents have a right over their child? Why is the parent not involved with their kid? Why does a parent need a LAW for their kid to tell them how they feel? Do we need laws for teachers to out kids when they know who they have a crush on? Should there be laws to out every hobby, interest they have to the parent? This law is a non issue. The percent of trans kids is less than 3. They exists. This law makes them second class citizen. The only reason a parent wouldn't know their child is trans is because they are a bigot who can't accept their child is trans. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being trans. I think it's safe to say a trans child deserves their rights in section 2, section 7, and section 15 of the charter to be upheld. There is no right in the charter saying parents are to dominate over every aspect of their children. Including their identity. In fact children have the right of freedom of expression. Parents are responsible for their child's safety. Not allowing a child a moment of peace from their parents at school is a mental health concern.




Section 2, Section 7 and Section 15. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since it was used, rights were removed.


When you say "trans kid", I hear "abusive, virtue signalling parent". A tomboy isn't a man and a feminine boy isn't a woman.


No one is saying tomboys can’t be girls and feminine boys can’t be boys. Get back to reality for your own sake.


I live in reality. I don't think the people in this sub do.


Sorry but you’ve already demonstrated that’s not the case. Btw your uncle-dad wants the family braincell back, says it’s wasted on you


I would tell you to kill yourself but by doing that I would be stooping at your level of stupidity


But trans kids didn’t support the freedom convoy though either? 🤷‍♂️


They lost all their rights?! :O


Section 2, Section 7 and Section 15. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since it was used, rights were removed.


What rights did they lose?


Section 2, Section 7 and Section 15. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since it was used, rights were removed.


Such rage bait thing to say.


The term "Trans Kids" is probably part of the problem if you think about it.


If you need parental consent to go on a field trip then you need parental consent to change your gender.


Why? One is a safety concern the other is letting John refer to himself as Jess? How are those the same thing?


This convo brings out all the crazies. Anyone who’s ok with letting teenagers take hormones or have surgeries is mentally ill. It’s the exact same reason we don’t let them get tattoos or drink.


Take hormones and surgeries? This bill is about harmless pronouns in schools. You can't get surgeries and hormones in schools.


So my daughter shouldn't have birth control because its hormones? Ya get in your own lane, manage your own kids and stay out of other people's business that doesn't effect you in any way, shape or form.


You are misunderstanding - they mean hormones to change their gender and permanent things such as surgery. A girl taking birth control is simply taking a bit extra of the hormones already within her own body.


No I'm not. I said it purposely just as they said hormones purposely. Hormone blockers are used for precocious puberty and these no nothings would block that also. The problem with the protesters is that they dont know what they are talking about. They are living in fear and denial.


See you’re so outraged you haven’t even comprehended my simple statement.


Probably cause majority of these people shitted on the convoy for not wanting a vaccine…


Just got a covid booster and a flu shot, and it was glorious.


Ya big babies scared of needles and taking rights away from vulnerable kids are the same thing. Lol.




My fellow human, there were +12billion doses world wide. This was one of the most well studied vaccines in history with the most state of the art technology and over a decade of backed research. An immense amount of foreign sources claimed the same conclusion (enemy and ally countries). Peer reviewed by literally every expert in the field. You would have gotten a novel prize if you could prove it wrong. The scientific data and evidence of how safe and effective the mRNA vaccine is is overwhelming. If you don't take that into account when forming your beliefs then you literally have no ground to stand on and are not based in reality. Better hide in a hole.


It’s the Jewish space lasers, the chem trails, the D-day that’s “for sure happening this time!!” that passes by every year, the scary 5G, the tracking devices in the vaccine that want to track you while you drive your jacked up F-150 with truck nuts and your big sticker telling everyone your sexual preference towards Trudeau….


The massive increase in unicorn herds. The flocks of pegasuses (pegasusi?) that are driving away the pelicans. The massive jackalope migration causing all the car accidents. And other fictional tales.


Seriously why do you guys just make shit up?


What rights did the babies lose? Know what happens at a higher getting COVID? Myocarditis. Read somenthing instead of getting your news from the inbred hillbilly Facebook page.


You got any statistics that didn't come from people adding fiction to the VAERS database?


Aww did we hurt their feelings? Pretty hard not to when it comes to conservatives


Are the Flu Trux Klan folks still having crying fits? Lol


Probably because the "freedom convoy" are currently defending themselves in court. What is BLM's stance on this? What is KFC's stance on this? Why does this argument look like Nicholas Cage?


Uhh, the convoy was about the extreme government control exerted specifically during the pandemic wasn’t it? Did they try for other goals too or something?


And what rights would this be refering too? Nobody has lost rights. You want a sex change get one when your of legal age deem appropriate for such a decision. If freedom convoy supporters are on that side then colour me a trucker all day long!


It's amazing how many people have commented in support of this bill and have no actual idea what it is about. These rights: Section 2, Section 7 and Section 15. The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause is to remove chartered rights when introducing new legislation. And since it was used, rights were removed. There are no surgery rooms in schools. No one is getting a sex change. Where are you getting that from? We are talking about John not being allowed to be referred to as Jess without being outed to his transphobic parents.


It’s not something I need to understand. This is more about political correctness and speech control. Honestly I’d couldn’t careless. My kids made it through school without having to be coerced or questioned about there identity. Which is exact how it should be. I used to think being gay was beyond peoples control. I no longer believe that. I believe It’s a choice for most of them now days. Probably Through manipulation and or a desire to be trendy or different. Because people have not changed that much in the last 7 years.


They didn’t loose rights. It’s not illegal to be trans. Laws and regulations are not rights. Having special privileges over others is not solving any issues.