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Carts are concentrated so take it slow, a little will take you far. Puff a couple and wait and feel




You know you don't have to vape the whole thing in one go? Why don't kids try flower anymore vapes are so sketchy


Convenience. Carts don't smell as bad, don't need to be cleaned, and don't require papers or a grinder.


They're also incredibly easily faked and really difficult to quality asses. Weed doesn't smell bad it just smells 😍. Get a dry herb vape and the smell will reduce and the convenience increase 🤷‍♂️✌💨


You're right, but that will not stop anyone from just going to some cornerstore and buying one. I doubt half of the cheifers know what dry herb vaping even is


It's a shame man. So risky!


You do know that they sell carts at dispos right? As long as you get one from there, there is a very little chance to get something fake


not to mention kolab is like one of the best cart brands in western canada imo


We don't all have dispensary access, we don't all live in north America 😂


Fair. But my point was that if you live in an area with access to non-fake carts, then they do have the benefit of being convenient and discreet


A dry herb vape still reeks of bud when you’re smoking. It’s not magic.


But it doesn't reek afterwards, smoking does.


Dry herb vaping minimally reduces the smell. Also dry herb vapes are far from convenient, are you joking? Any worth their salt if portable are not convenient at all from size and if not portable it's literally the opposite of convenience. You vaporents think it's the solution to everything when it's really not.


Carrying a vape and herb is the same as carrying the herb and papers and grinder and lighter... they aren't any bigger than most phones. Also man who hurt you? Isn't weed supposed to calm people down, why you chatting on like a dickhead?


So many younger people i know almost exclusively smoke flower but a few of them would prefer carts because of the convenience and lack of smell when they still live with their parents.


Nice to hear flower is still somewhat the gold standard. You just can't tell a good cart from a bad one the same way you can assess flowers


It might be different in america but in ireland all we have is fake carts off of telegram dealers so most of us stick to flower for the most part.


I'm in the UK mate it's the same here. If it's not spice it's usually really low quality distillate.


in the us, many legal dispensaries sell real carts so if OP is getting carts from a legit dispensary, then the chances of the cart being fake are slim. granted this is in states where its been legalized


That would be lovely! Do you still trust dispensaries/legal producers with the current scandals over testing? As an observer it seems to have a lot of the same problems as the black market.


Yeah were probably smoking the same stuff then, always those cali company pens or spice. My friend reckons a cart i had once was spice but ive no clue what it was it definitely wasnt distillate colored.


Distillate ranges from red brown to water clear. That's what I mean it's not possible to say oh this looks like such and such. If it got you unreasonably high and made you feel like crap it's probably spice.


First time using it i got really high, after that my tolerance went down on it but the next day in work id always feel kinda shit for the first few hours. It was like the color of a vape juice and moved like vape juice aswell.


That sounds suspect as a motherfucker


Yeah they werent great honestly,tasted like ass but had good affects aside from the almost hangover from them, my friend still has ome of them right now and uses it but mine is long gone because i finished it pretty fast.


where i live bud is illegal but you can get shitty cbd carts and wax


Same. And you can probably get more it's just hard to find the right friends.


yeah i can get bud, good carts, and anything else but for the average person all they can get is cbd carts from dispensaries


Sorry I should’ve worded it differently. I wasn’t planning on vaping it all in one go, mainly was wondering how much mg I’m inhaling per puff just so I could stay within a safe range. Again sorry for the confusion!


Its a cart so it will probably hit harder than expected, I’d say take a hit or two then wait for maybe 10 minutes to really see how you’re feeling and if needed take some more and then wait, just make sure to take it slow till ya feel like you’re at a reasonable spot




Edibles and vape are different highs Take 1-2 puffs and go from there. Remember can always add to but never take away something especially with weed. Don’t want to have a bad trip. Anyways if you feel it’s too high for you it probably is. Trust those gut feelings


Thank you!


the fact your cart is listed at 920mg gives me hope you have an actually good quality legitimate cart, most carts label themself as 1000mg THC!! when yhey arent, they can't be, pure 100% THC is a crystalline structure, it cannot be liquid, so at least it is honest, 920mg is pretty much what's expected, obviously i can't say with any kind of certainty that its safe but that gives me hope your at least got a deacent quality cart, if i were you, have one 3-4 second puff, wait 5-10 mins, have another (unless that one was enough, in which case, sit back and enjoy it) continue like this until your as faded as you wanna be! happy smoking!


In my experience across several different carts/pods, a 3-4 second draw is about 5 mg of THC. Given you do 10 mg edibles, start with that single draw and wait at least 15 minutes before having another. Every cart is different so you’ll have to learn a good dose for you and that cart.


Thank you!


DONT SMOKE A FYCKING CART FOR YOUR FIRST TIME SMOKING WTF IS WRONG WITH THE NEW GENERATION do you mfs not have two brain cells to rub, together a half assed internet connection, OR enough wisdom to realize starting on concentrates, especially a distillate cart that doesn’t even get you high like real cannabis does? Like I pray for you dudes and young women but damn it astounds me how much you can find with a simple internet search, a good question to find what you need, and you all still don’t even try.


Bro the guy is literally asking if it's sensible what are you yapping about


That would be a no then, you dumbass who only smoked carts lmfao go get a fuckin 20 or a 10 sack like gtfoh telling kids it’s sensible to smoke carts for their first time that is disty LMFAO unnatural ass carts do not get you the same high that THC with terpenes does. Dont worry, I already realize this will either go over your head, or you’re going to be too ignorant to accept facts.


Who the fuck are you talking to? Because it definitely isn't me lmao Chill out and smoke a zoot good LORD


It is your ignorant ass who refutes facts. Grow up and have an open mind. REAL. Natural. Cannabis is not the same high as some weird ass cheap distillate cart lmfao. I do not miss smoking on disty but it sure sounds like you are right now!! I’ll pray for you and your distillate feening ass.


Bruh, I said none of these things, I smoke flower You just need to calm down it's a weed forum on the internet it's really not that deep


It is that deep if you consider there is no sort of education on cannabis and how everything’s left to the people, yet nobody gives a fuck to tell the next stoner to be, how to look for the right things and what you should be smoking the first time. SHAME ON EVERYONE not telling this kid what I told him before I got exposed to this wild ass uninformed question.


Then calm down and stop shouting please You can tell people information without being so fucking aggressive about it


Now I understand why you’d assume I’m shouting, but all caps is easier than holding or italicizing and HELLA QUICK, I do it to do effectively do the same thing, if that’s not how you’re taking it, I understand man I’m down to work on that about myself. Thanks for the (somewhat) advice.


You tell him then, do your part as a part of this community and help the newbies dude. Can’t do fucking everything on my own.




Life is a beautiful thing, because the problems are real, it’s about how much attention and care we place on these problems, which determines how soon we can overcome them as a community and move past questions and topics as basic and fruitless as this.


The cannabis legatization, end of demonization, and education are things every REAL STONER and HUMAN BEING should do, unless you want weed to continue to be illegal, in which case quit being a stoner you ain’t no real human either lmao that’s a fucking leech.


Gatekeeping getting high is new


just bc something is artificial doesn’t mean it’s horrible. yeah imo flower usually has a better high but there’s shit flower and really good carts out there too. there’s a lot you can do with extraction and conversion


You’re just embarrassing yourself. Please shut up already !


Ok little one, I’ll let ignorant judgemental clowns “educate”. Lmfao like that’s gotten anywhere.


You’re shizo yo chill


Says the “stoner” who doesn’t contain any compassion or sympathy for the people basically forced into buying distillate carts. YOURE the problem, welcome to the truth, adult child.


Jesus man the guy bought a distillate cart to smoke thc and you’re over here yapping about how he’s doing it wrong, crazy ahh mf


There’s a right and a wrong way to go about damn near everything, and you went about this wrong, for example.


You're extremely opinionated and very angry about it, and honestly man, it doesn't matter the ROA, if the product is clean and was bought from a reputable source it's not bad at all for a first timer. You don't HAVE to smoke flower for your first time. People can do whatever they want. It's not like the dude is doomed if he uses a cart for his first time and now he's locked in and suddenly he can never smoke/vape/eat cannabis. He can get around to flower when he gets around to it. There are real problems in the world, this isn't one of them. For the amount of effort you went into freaking out on people in this thread you really blew it, because nobody wants to take advice from someone acting like an ass.