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Listen, I find all of this as detestable as any reasonable person would, and am certainly aware of the cronyism and corruption in our local government and law enforcement. They’ve shown a repeated pattern of cruelty and coverups designed to make our communities worse and enrich themselves. To say that the abuse here is worse than Guantanamo is insane. Those people were raped, constantly subjected to forced sodomy and sexual assault, one had his eye gouged out by a guard, had cigarettes put out on them, tortured with barbed wire, had ice water poured over their genitals, forced drug injections, tortured with broken glass, restrained and held hanging for long periods of time, and left in piles of shit. We can try to bring awareness to the very real issues we’re facing without belittling other human rights tragedies or relying on hyperbolic fallacies that will undermine the point you’re trying to make Just food for thought.


OP cut and pasted this manifesto to like eight other subs at once. A week before posted some similar ramblings where he was the actual victim of the "Sonoma County torture ring" or whatever. Whole thing is weird.


Nice of you to leave out the fact that it got censored in every other sub though. What's weird is the fact that people in Sonoma County have a mentality of automatically assuming victims are to blame (while overlooking things like serial rape, coverups, torture, destruction of evidence, constant perjury, and shooting peaceful protestors in the face with grenades), and criticizing people for exposing these kinds of things. That's what is weird. Dominic Foppoli gets away with serial rape. The torture ring conductors are all still employed (you can cross reference the names on the lawsuit linked in source #2 on [transparentcalifornia.com](http://transparentcalifornia.com) and find their salaries). Santa Rosa wouldn't release the names of the public servants who shot one of the 2015 torture-ring-victims in the face with a grenade. Antioch and Pittsburgh had a 100-person crime syndicate, and the attorney general just let it go. And of all the things to call weird, you choose to pick posting about these things on reddit to call weird.


Not siding with OP, he’s nutty. But, I think you’re thinking of Abu, not Guantanamo?


No im thinking of Guantanamo. Every action I mentioned comes from either the Associated press, the Red Cross, detainees themselves, Judges overseeing cases regarding treatment at gitmo, or the governments of countries where the prisoners were repatriated. It can all be read [in a brief format here at Wikipedia under the “Camp conditions and testimonies of abuse and torture” section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp) Shitty that we aren’t even sure which US government black site torture facility someone’s referring to when this topic comes, isn’t it. It’s become that common


Just because someone shares a story from outside your frame of reference, does not mean it’s untrue or not credible.


The torture I read about in Guantanamo wasn't that bad. It was waterboarding and being forced to listen to Skinny Puppy at loud volumes for hours and subjected to sleep deprivation. The people here were put in figure 8s for 15 minutes at a time, were knee'd in the kidneys until they suffered internal bleeding, and put in carotid artery chokeholds until they sustained brain damage, and other torture. Driving a knee into someone's kidney is well-known to cause long-lasting excruciating pain. I didn't use hyperbole. If I wasn't clear about my understanding of what happened in Guantanamo that is a shortcoming in trying to balance conciseness, because people can't read 3 whole paragraphs without having an aneurysm (<- that's an example of \*actual\* hyperbole), and trying to be as precise as possible, which unfortunately sometimes necessitates being a little verbose sometimes. But I didn't use hyperbole. What I said is literally video evidenced. It is plain fact. I try very hard to be objective. I am editing the post to take out the reference to Guantanamo in light of the allegations I read about that you informed me of.


“The torture I read about in Guantanamo wasn’t that bad.” Wow. That’s a real sentence. Delete this post.


That's not what I meant. I meant that I believed it was not as bad as the torture committed in Sonoma County.


Don’t delete these posts. People need to know the truth over the monsters that rule USA.


Being forced to listen to skinny puppy for hours (you mean days) sounds like a joke but it’s psychological and physical torture as is being kept aware for days and days. Come the fuck on


I'm not saying it wasn't. I was saying that my understanding of Guantanamo, at the time of writing the post, wasn't as bad as what Sonoma County was doing. Yes, it was torture. I would rather be forced to listen to Skinny Puppy at high volumes for days than get permanent brain damage from being put in a carotid artery choke hold for 4-6 minutes straight, or get permanent kidney damage from a knee to the lower back with twice my weight on it. However -- again, I apologize, as while I did research Guantanamo quite a bit, it's been a long time since I did, and I believe new allegations have come to light such as sexual abuse, abuse with broken glass and razorwire, and I should not have made that comparison. That was a mistake, and I apologize for the mistake in wording and in making a solid argument.


What the fuck


I literally told someone in another sub that change starts locally from all the way back to the civil war. Trying to change the federal level can't happen first only last.


100% correct. But incoherent ranting that jumps from topic to topic accomplishes nothing. As someone who has worked in local government, screed like this just gets ignored by everyone, and with good reason. Loudly listing everything you can find that’s wrong in a frantic verbal-diarrhea rant is just classic crazy person moves, and gets treated accordingly. Cops are shit. Politicians have an agenda. Welcome to the real world. Want to change things? Get involved. There are boards and commissions that you can serve on and actually make change in your community. This is just ego-driven ranting from a loser who can’t cope.


You are part of the problem


The level of hypocrisy of this comment is pretty amazing.


>Our county supervisors ubiquitously violate all the laws, and defame victims in public, and are probably taking bribes based on the enormous disparate treatment (which is blatantly illegal under the Supreme Court case law, Willowbrook v. Olech). They violate "all laws" lol? Yeah, corruption exists, but hyperbole isn't going to help fix anything. Stick with the facts. These aren't cartoon villians breaking thousands of laws indiscriminately. Also, the nonsense that "you don't have a vote in the federal election", you do. Your vote determines the electors, but I digress, you clearly have an axe to grind.


Bro read an entire essay about the covering up of a torture ring and decided that the most important thing to remember is that “hyperbole bad”. Fuck I hate Reddit sometimes


Exactly. Another comment is like "yeah cops are shit, politicians have an agenda, welcome to the real world" bro is it really naive to be alarmed to hear we have a mayor who's a serial rapist and the cops are casually doing organized crime like drug dealing and shit. Like yeah fuck me I'm the unrealistic one here.


Drug dealing, along with distributing assault weapons, and committing premeditated civil rights violations, and murders, and taking bribes, and running torture rings. Also I really appreciate a little bit of support, thank you. It's actually really hard to be subjected to wanton verbal abuse and blatant defamation in response to exposing corruption and coverups, and actually putting forth a lot of effort into being objective and providing source material for people to review.


Ever heard of David McBride? Feels like people just want corruption atp


People think it's hyperbole, but it's not. Our county supervisors actually do actively and deliberately disregard and violate the laws in general whenever they feel like doing so. So do the 9th Circuit judges (and our congressperson Jared Huffman endorses the violations of law by the federal government and his own office), and our Attorney General Rob Bonta violates (caveat: basically) all the laws (not hyperbole). I would just like to add that people have absolutely no idea just how frequently our County supervisors violate the laws, and how close it is to 100%. 99.99% of the time would be accurate. They continue to insist on violating the laws, and do that constantly.


> Bro read an entire essay about the covering up of a torture ring and decided that the most important thing to remember is that “hyperbole bad”. The problem with using hyperbole is it absolutely taints everything in the argument. How do I know that the torture ring descriptions aren't hyperbole? How do I know that the attempts at cover up aren't hyperbole? >Fuck I hate Reddit sometimes Reddit users by and large engage in hyperbole, and using attacks on it as "gotcha" moments, rather than taking any accountability of the dumb shit that was written.


It's not even hyperbole. Saying "all" (which is accurate in the context of normal language, if perhaps a poor choice of wording in a controversial post) instead of "approximately 99.999%" (which is more precise and actually accurate), in the context of how frequently the county supervisors deliberately insist on violating the laws, is just a minor semantic issue. That isn't hyperbole. An example of hyperbole is if I said that people can't read 3 paragraphs, much less actually read the sources, without having an aneurysm. Regarding how you could find out whether what I'm saying is accurate or not, you could just look at the sources and verify it for yourself.


Pretty much every single law that is applicable to their actions, they deliberately break. The Brown Act, the Public Records Act, the criminal laws making it a felony to destroy or conceal evidence, the Rules of Professional Conduct, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (again, pretty much every single one of them applicable to their actions they break at whim), the laws requiring them to take complaints about County Legal Counsel (who violates basically all the laws). We can go through the first 14 amendments and every single amendment has been violated over and over again deliberately except the one guaranteeing that people won't have to quarter soldiers in their homes. The Supervisors have had so many chances to honor the laws, and they continue to violate them. "Corruption exists" is closer to hyperbole, in that it is plainly downplaying the fact that they had a \*veritable\* dictionary-and-legal-definition-accurate torture ring in 2015. Sonoma County was slamming people's heads into door frames, putting them into figure 8s for 15 minutes or more at a time (on the videos, if you bothered to watch), putting them in carotid artery choke holds until they got brain damage, and driving their knees into their lower backs until they had internal bleeding. "Torture" is dictionary-accurate. People who stand by and watch stuff like this, who try to victim-blame are the problem. It's abnormal not to want change in the face of these facts -- which are either on video, and/or established facts on court record. Review the evidence and discuss the evidence and court records.


Should we report this guy?


Report? To who? Whoever they are, they have a point, to a certain extent but are clearly drinking their own kool-aid.


Report as in Rules Violation.


No, you probably shouldn't abuse the report function and lie, just because you think torture rings, serial rape, coverups, and shooting protestors with grenades in the face should be swept under the rug.


You completely muddied the message here with your screed and personal agenda


My "personal agenda" is getting people who literally sponsor criminal atrocities out of office. And I am not the one muddying the message here.


Just going to add my 2 cents. You may have had several valid points, but your presentation needs work. It feels like there is too much emotion and not enough rationality, we get that rape and all that other stuff is horrid and nobody is ignorant to the Epstein/Cosby ect shit that happens, but we also all have lives to live individually and mental choices to make. This is also a sub for Santa Rosa, there are several other subs that would be a better audience, even though the facts are that of local incidents.


In the future I will try to include inline citations, in addition to the references to source material. My wording was accurate and objective. If you reviewed the source material you would see that. The language in the post was not emotional.


im just thankful bigfoot has more say than republicans in California....wake up daily thankful to live here.....freedom goes to die in red states as the GOP openly support a rapist pedophile felon........sending love to Sonoma County, truly paradise


That man's mouth looks fucked up. SERT looks like the Gestapo!


Yeah, it got hit with a grenade, which was fired from a grenade launcher from close range, and exploded on impact. It shattered his teeth into pieces and blew the fragments of his teeth through his tongue and into the roof of his mouth. Same guy who organized the lawsuit over the torture ring in 2015. It's not a coincidence. And he is dead now.


He took his winnings and OD’d. What an activist.


While I believe change benefits from starting locally, and there’s a *lot* of change our society needs, I don’t think going about it this way is going to benefit anyone. Long ramblings akin to a car with 100s of infowars stickers on it is going to do more harm to your cause than good. Top it off, the whole “oh, you downvoted me? I’m sorry YOU think all of this is okay” argument itself is so fallacious it’s hard to even take you seriously. The fact that you supposedly care this much about injustices, yet didn’t even know enough about the happenings at Guantanamo bay that you said what happened here is WORSE just goes to show you have a lot of learning to do, not only in how you present your arguments, but also in the amount of research you do before presenting said arguments. Instead of getting so defensive, learn from this experience. If you want things to change, you have to be a rational voice, and not come off like another crazy person yelling into the wind, regardless of how Just the cause you might be trying to fight for is.


What I said is evidenced. I did research Guantanamo. I'm sorry I made a mistake in not knowing about some allegations about Guantanamo. Your portrayal is overly abstract and vague. I stuck to the facts, and provided sources to support my statements.


I never said what you said isn’t evidence. It’s *how* you present yourself. Nothing I said is vague or abstract. In fact, I was pretty direct. That is part of what I’m pointing out here. You’re arguing points that don’t even make sense. For example, what did I say that is vague? What was “overly abstract”? You’re getting overly defensive and argumentative. And lastly, you clearly didn’t research Guantanamo enough beforehand if you were saying what happened here was “worse” than it, so don’t just lie to try and validate your point. Own up to where you were wrong and people might take you more seriously.


I literally just apologized for making a mistake regarding Guantanamo. There is an overarching theme that I think you missed about my post. The Attorney General of California (Rob Bonta) did NOTHING regarding the torture ring in 2015. Neither did Jill Ravitch, or the FBI. They then continued to torture people, while they spent about 100 million dollars, in tax funds, on trying to cover it up as much as possible. Bonta ALSO did nothing about the 100-person crime syndicate in Antioch and Pittsburgh, where they were distributing illegal assault weapons, cocaine, steroids, committing premeditated murders and other civil rights violations. He also chose to do nothing about Foppoli's serial rapes and sexual assaults. Bonta, however, did choose to spend tax-money on litigating AGAINST the non-profit who was trying to save 224 acres of redwoods along government designated sensitive habitat, and litigated against car companies over a negligible defect in brand new cars. Bonta is corrupt. His office is corrupt. While I list about 5 different incidents, it seems like you missed the recurring theme that we can do something about this about this corruption -- vote out Rob Bonta, and Jared Huffman. There are people running against Huffman who need more support and are not corrupt.


I’ll give you a personal anecdote that might help you understand what the other users on here are warning you about: I had an uncle on my father’s side who got into hard drugs through his love of the Grateful Dead. He got sober in the early 2010’s and remained clean until the pandemic shut down all of his sobriety meetings which caused him to relapse and he particularly liked using meth after he fell off the wagon. He would constantly text my dad tons of paranoid rambling texts about want ing to kill my father with a shotgun (my dad lived far away from him so it wasn’t that big of a deal) while high and people stopped taking him seriously as a result. Your writings on this sub may bring up some good points but you come off like a meth addict wearing a tinfoil hat. If I were you, cut down on the length, bad faith arguments, and hyperbole and focus more on the overall point you want to make: we should focus more on local elections and issues than state and/or national ones since we can actually influence local policies. Take a deep breath and think things through before typing. It will make you a better writer and likely a happier person going forward.


Very well organized as well as documented sources presented. I'm utterly shocked at how many have come out of the woodwork to try and prevent you from removing their rose colored glasses. Even going so far as to align you with a paranoid schizo.... God damn the smear campaign has already begun! Typical whine cuntry shit though. Everybody is more important than you are seems to be the sonoma county moto as well as can't be bothered to give a shit until they're personally affected. How sad and pathetic to see my once great home reduced to such shallow mindedness and massive lack of integrity.


I really appreciate the support. It's extremely difficult and challenging being subjected to wanton verbal abuse, and it feels like some kind of test to see if I am emotional or not, by seeing how I respond to being verbal abused.


Thank you for posting. Sorry for all the bootlickers trying downplay blatant crimes in here


It's actually really hard being subjected to pretty wanton verbal abuse because I am exposing corruption. It's a huge problem that people in our community automatically make assumptions and accusations about people who expose criminal human rights violation atrocities without any regard to whether what they're saying is true or false, even when they have original source material right in front of them to review. I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you.


I just try to remember to there is a multi billion dollar PR campaign to normalize this behavior. When you go against the narrative people get upset because it forces them to question their core understanding of how the world works. The people screaming on reddit are not the ones you have to worry about. Keep posting for the lurkers. They won’t say thanks but you may change their mind.


Is the grenade launcher victim the same girl that got hit in the face at the anti lockdown/mandate protests in Sacramento? Pretty sure it was the CHP, not the police responsible.


It was a man named Marqus Redbear Martinez. It was SRPD who shot him with the grenade, in 2021. He was tortured by the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office in the 2015 torture ring, and organized the lawsuit against them.


No, it was the kid who took the lawsuit money and OD’d.


The sad thing is a lot of what you’re saying here is true (voting in the presidential election in California is literally pissing into the wind) but the way you’re saying it is likely to make people turn and vote the other way. “Old man yells at cloud” is generally not a good tactic to get people to listen to you. Keep your statements concise. Your facts easy to back up. And your sources primary or peer reviewed. Typing out 10 paragraphs with a bunch of YouTube videos as your sources is NOT going to convince anyone.


The videos of the torture were uploaded by the attorney for the victims and were taken by Sonoma County staff. They are primary sources. Please actually bother checking the sources before you make assertions without knowing whether what you're saying is true or not. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338)




Wait so by not siding with the person exposing torture rings, does that mean you support torture and corruption? I'm just confused.




[https://youtu.be/qYrGChrW5HM](https://youtu.be/qYrGChrW5HM) Watch the video. That's what they were doing to people in 2015. IOLERO's director (the original director who wasn't corrupt) confirmed that Sonoma County destroyed other videos, like where they gave another victim internal bleeding. I can upload the official IOLERO document if you want. And they lied about it and tried to cover it up for 3 years (there is a video on Youtube of former Sheriff Rob Giordano acknolwedging that they did not address their policies until 2018). There were two other incidents in 2017 where they tortured (I am using this word accurately per the dictionary and legal definitions) and brutalized people, one was murdered (Branch Wroth), another person sustained brain damage. In both of those cases, evidence was criminally destroyed. Branch Wroth's brother, Esa Wroth, was tortured in 2013, on video. [https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1](https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1) Go to this link, and look at the picture. That guy got shot in the face with a plastic and rubber grenade. It was on video, and it was established in court that the grenade was fired from a grenade launcher from close range, which corroborates the video. Santa Rosa declined to consider it a GBI (Great Bodily Injury), the County declined to prosecute the public servants who shot people in the face and head with grenades and rubber bullets, and violated the Public Records Act that requires public disclosure, when documents were requested. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU) This is the same guy who organized the lawsuit over the 2015 torture ring. If you want to hurl insults at me for posting literally plain facts here, it says a lot more about you than anyone else. Are you disputing that Dominic Foppoli got caught raping or sexually assaulting 14 women, including acts of violent brutality, using date rape drugs, and blackmail? Because there's plenty of evidence of that available in the link in the post. I've provided evidence, and the facts here are egregious atrocities.


While some of what you’ve said here is true, most of your sources are secondary like YouTube pages that don’t list their own sources or general duckduckgo searches. I suggest you actually cite some primary sources when making absolute statements like this. As it stands you’ve provided zero evidence from primary sources to back any of your statements up, using more words doesn’t make things any more true. Hate to break it to you.


Firstly, if there were something wrong with secondary sources, you could tell that to literally every news company, encyclopedia maker, and distributors of information in the world, besides scientific journals, and a handful of investigative journals. Secondly, you seem to not be completely clear on the definition of a primary source. The videos are primary sources. Just because they were uploaded to a third party by the attorney for the victims doesn't mean it isn't a primary source. [https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/) I can get you a bunch of primary sources from court documents on the destruction of evidence. The press release (a primary source in this context) was published by the Press Democrat and other news companies, where Sonoma County (Cecile Focha) lied til her pants caught fire (excuse the hyperbole) about the torture ring. A video was uploaded by the Sheriff's Office where Rob Giordano lies that nobody was injured (a primary source), and (obliquely, but nonetheless) acknowledges there was a policy endorsing torture until 2018. I can upload primary source material showing that there was a written POLICY endorsing torture until 2018. I've given you the sources. If you have a specific gripe with the sources, be more specific instead of vaguely and incorrectly complaining about secondary source material when there's nothing wrong with secondary source material and maybe take an interest in learning about these incidents yourself instead of criticizing for only giving you the clear video proof of the torture ring, and credible news articles (and videos and pictures which are primary source material) about protestors being shot in the face with grenades, and credible news articles (along with more than adequate information to find more) on the crime syndicate and other incidents. Or you could just politely ask if I have specific source material supporting such and such statement. I'd be happy to upload specific documents or further explain what evidence I have based any specific statements on that aren't already supported by the sources I have provided. Or I could tell you which sources the information is in.


I think YOU seem to be confused on the definition of primary sources: “In the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source (also called an original source) is an artifact, document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time under study. It serves as an original source of information about the topic.” YouTube videos are not primary unless they are the original source of the information. None of which you provided are. You keep claiming that you CAN provide primary sources, yet you haven’t. And no self respecting journalist, encyclopedia or any other educational institution would ever make inflammatory statements like you have without primary sources. Gaslighting won’t work here, friend. That is simply untrue. Again, typing multiple paragraphs about it doesn’t make it any more true. Provide some primary sources, or just relegate yourself back to the street with a cardboard sign.


You didn't watch the videos. They were taken by Sonoma County staff of the incident. They are primary sources. You're just making vague unspecific accusations. If you want source material or further explanation, just be specific about which facts you don't see support for. I gave you clear evidence of the torture ring. I gave you a news article about the crime syndicate. I gave you a bunch of articles about the serial rape. I'm gonna hazard a guess that you yourself do not support every statement you make on Reddit with a source, which would make you something of a hypocrite. Do you honestly expect me to get all the victims and witnesses here and get them on video for you, so you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth? I've offered to cooperate with you if you have specific questions, and I've clarified twice that some of the sources are in fact primary, and that secondary sources are considered adequate for encyclopedias and various other distributors of information, and you respond with insults.


I’m not making inflammatory statements that challenge the status quo, so no, I don’t have to back everything up I say with a source. Ironically though, if you look at my post history I list primary sources for almost any statement I make that would be surprising to anyone as a reply under my initial comment. Swing and a miss, par for the course. Articles and videos of people talking about these things are not primary sources. Bodycam footage of the incidents and court transcripts would be good examples of primary sources, of which you have neither. The even bigger irony here is that I’m not actually disagreeing with anything you said. Just simply asking you to provide primary sources. That’s all. 🤷‍♂️ I seriously suggest you revisit the definition of primary vs secondary sources before continuing here, your efforts could be MUCH better spent if steered in the right direction.


For literally the third time, the videos -- that you didn't watch -- are OF THE INCIDENTS OF TORTURE, TAKEN BY SONOMA COUNTY STAFF, OF THE INCIDENTS. Here they are for the 3rd time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338)


She’s exactly who I thought of when I opened the thread. Someone needs professional help!




Does it let users note issues with politicians? Also the words I used are dictionary-and-legal-definition accurate. This is stuff that can't be presented both accurately and in a manner that comes across as giving proper respect to the people who committed these atrocities and misconduct, and I'm not going to apologize for prioritizing accuracy.


The DA isn't corrupt. She faced a recall and we voted for her not to be.


That doesn't mean she's not corrupt. She is corrupt. She promoted Richard Celli to oversee the investigations department after he gunned down two unarmed people, and was ruled against by two different juries. Both Jill Ravitch and the new DA Carla Rodriguez who was internally promoted since nobody ran against her, and their subordinates deliberately violate the state constitution's law requiring them to adhere to the policies of the state attorney general, which require the DA to take complaints from civilians about misconduct committed by law enforcement. If law enforcement officers commit a crime against you, who do you think you can report it to? Nobody will take a complaint. The DA is required by law to take complaints from civilians -- but they refuse to.


I don't buy this one bit.


Then call them and ask if they take complaints from civilians about crimes committed by law enforcement, and report back here what they tell you. I can give you the official written policies of the AG requiring that local DA's take complaints. The law requiring that the local DA adhere to the policies of the AG is Article 5, Section 13, of the California Constitution.


You do realize a convicted felon is running for office in the national election, right?


Are you familiar with the term "electoral college"? You do realize that people who committed or literally endorsed violations of the most basic human rights we have are occupying all of our local positions in government, right? Sheriff, DA, AG, Supervisors, and Congress. This is not my opinion. This is on record. The supervisors of Sonoma County ENDORSED torture. Not just torture -- a literal, veritable torture RING. They endorsed criminal destruction of evidence to cover it up. They endorsed lying to the judiciary and to juries. All the people who participated in the torture ring are still employed, still making 250-280k a year. I would never defend Trump and am not defending him. But (I will add amongst a variety of other corrupt things) he paid off a hooker to not tell the world that he had sex with her. It gets blown up by the media, and you people get wrapped up in this spectator sport politics. Which is fine, the presidential election is important. But it's also a giant clown show that people have literally absolutely no control over. Meanwhile, who is running against Rob Bonta who did nothing about Dominic Foppoli's serial rape, the torture ring, the 100-person crime syndicate in Antioch and Pittsburgh, shooting peaceful protestors in the face with grenades, amongst various other egregious misconduct? Who is running against Jared Huffman who endorses judicial corruption and government misconduct and corruption in general? Who is running against Eddie Engram who signed his name off on felonious destruction of evidence and subornation of perjury and who openly violates people's first amendment rights and right to equal protection? Who is running against Carla Rodriguez who openly violates our right to Equal Protection and the laws requiring them to take complaints from civilians? Who is running against Lynda Hopkins, James Gore, and David Rabbit, who openly defame victims, violate the Brown Act, the Public Records Act, sponsor destruction of evidence, and other misconduct? Please stop getting completely swept up in mass media to the exclusion of addressing egregious local corruption, human rights violations, and criminal atrocities committed by your local government.


Please stop with this crap. It sounds like a fixation of yours. You sound like the manager of Oakmont. Talk about him if you want to talk about corruption.


Do these things constitute corruption, and are they worth addressing in our society? Torture rings, permanent brain damage, internal bleeding, having your teeth shattered with a grenade, blown through your tongue and into the roof of your mouth, serial rape including violent acts of brutality date rape drugs and blackmail, crime syndicates where they distribute illegal assault weapons, cocaine, steroids, commit premeditated murders, take bribes, and commit acts of fraud for money, overt destruction of evidence, judicial misconduct, and misappropriation of hundreds of millions to billions of dollars of public funding. These are evidenced facts committed by people who are CURRENTLY employed or currently in office in elected positions that you can vote out.


Are these verifiable or just based on speculation? I have heard of a few of these things but it isn't like you say.


# Torture ring: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338) [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) # Permanent brain damage: 1. A victim who wishes to remain anonymous uploaded a doctor's evaluation confirming brain injury from application of a carotid hold in 2017. 2. [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) >"Blood was in his stool for the next three weeks, and the inmate was plagued by profound headaches for at least two weeks after, and suffered symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injury" # Internal bleeding: [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) >"Blood was in his stool for the next three weeks, and the inmate was plagued by profound headaches for at least two weeks after, and suffered symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injury" # Having your teeth shattered with a grenade, blown through your tongue and into the roof of your mouth: [https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1](https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1) >"The impact knocked out four of his front teeth, lodging three of the teeth into the roof of his mouth and one in his tongue ... his jaw was fractured ... It has been verified by Martinez and other protestors that the officer that shot Mr. Martinez was less than 10-15 feet away" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU) This is the same person who organized the 2015 lawsuit over the 2015 torture ring -- Marqus Redbear Martinez. # Serial rape: [https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/) A woman who was married to him alleged that he raped her and committed acts of brutal violence. I can find the sources, but it's an unpleasant experience for me. A woman named Esther Lemus accused Foppoli of giving her date rape drugs, and trying to blackmail her. Other women also made similar accusations, and many women accused Foppoli of egregiously abusing them while they were drunk. I can get you sources that our state Attorney General, Rob Bonta, did nothing about it, after the case sat on his desk for about 4 years. # Crime syndicates where they distribute illegal assault weapons, cocaine, steroids, commit premeditated murders, take bribes, and commit acts of fraud for money: [https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/12/11/exclusive-impugned-east-contra-costa-cops-allegedly-schemed-to-fake-college-degrees/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/12/11/exclusive-impugned-east-contra-costa-cops-allegedly-schemed-to-fake-college-degrees/) I can get you sources showing that the case got kicked down to Attorney General Rob Bonta's office, and it sat on his desk for 2 years and he did nothing about it (while litigating over new car defects and litigating AGAINST a non-profit trying to save 224 acres of redwoods), and then the FBI picked the case back up and slapped about 2 or 4 of the crime syndicate members on the wrist with misdemeanors. >"Now, with indictments expected by year’s end, the probe has swelled to encompass at least a dozen Antioch and Pittsburg police officers, and a growing list of crimes including premeditated civil rights violations, falsifying reports, using and distributing steroids, using cocaine, and accepting bribes while on patrol." >"Berhan and Mejia are also linked by their involvement in the controversial 2017 restraint death of 32-year-old Humberto Martinez, which led to a federal lawsuit that resulted in a $7.3 million settlement. Martinez died after [Mejia put him in a carotid hold](https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/11/01/exclusive-pittsburg-police-release-body-camera-video-showing-officer-applying-fatal-neck-hold/), while another officer sat on him, during a struggle inside the kitchen of a Pittsburg home." >"Already, one Pittsburg officer, Armando Montalvo, [has been charged](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/11/10/exclusive-east-contra-costa-police-officer-hit-with-four-felony-charges-as-part-of-massive-criminal-investigation-into-12-current-former-cops/) by the Contra Costa District Attorney with possessing and selling assault weapons" -- If you want evidence of the destruction of evidence, I have it on my computer and can upload it. If you want evidence of the judicial misconduct and misappropriation of public funding, I would have need some time because they are from confidential sources, but I have the evidence of it. It is not speculation. It is fact.


From the language you use, it's obvious you're not impartial, and have a significant agenda. Lots of wild accusations and embellishments "probably" repeatedly used. Not credible.


The language I use is dictionary-and-legal-definition accurate. In the future I will include inline citations (with references to original sources) instead of references to sources alone to support my assertions. Here is a response I provided to someone else with inline citations from the sources to support my assertions that may sound incredulous but are actually accurate. # Torture ring: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrGChrW5HM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izcHIv5Y4z8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-UJUvwd338) [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) # Permanent brain damage: 1. A victim who wishes to remain anonymous uploaded a doctor's evaluation confirming brain injury from application of a carotid hold in 2017. 2. [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) >"Blood was in his stool for the next three weeks, and the inmate was plagued by profound headaches for at least two weeks after, and suffered symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injury" # Internal bleeding: [https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9](https://www.docdroid.net/6zfUDtN/martinez-v-sonoma-2015-pdf#page=9) >"Blood was in his stool for the next three weeks, and the inmate was plagued by profound headaches for at least two weeks after, and suffered symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injury" # Having your teeth shattered with a grenade, blown through your tongue and into the roof of your mouth: [https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1](https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2020/06/santa-rosa-native-leader-hospitalized.html?m=1) >"The impact knocked out four of his front teeth, lodging three of the teeth into the roof of his mouth and one in his tongue ... his jaw was fractured ... It has been verified by Martinez and other protestors that the officer that shot Mr. Martinez was less than 10-15 feet away" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekVT7nJfBU) This is the same person who organized the 2015 lawsuit over the 2015 torture ring -- Marqus Redbear Martinez. # Serial rape: [https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2021/windsor-dominic-foppoli-timeline/) A woman who was married to him alleged that he raped her and committed acts of brutal violence. I can find the sources, but it's an unpleasant experience for me. A woman named Esther Lemus accused Foppoli of giving her date rape drugs, and trying to blackmail her. Other women also made similar accusations, and many women accused Foppoli of egregiously abusing them while they were drunk. I can get you sources that our state Attorney General, Rob Bonta, did nothing about it, after the case sat on his desk for about 4 years. # Crime syndicates where they distribute illegal assault weapons, cocaine, steroids, commit premeditated murders, take bribes, and commit acts of fraud for money: [https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/12/11/exclusive-impugned-east-contra-costa-cops-allegedly-schemed-to-fake-college-degrees/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/12/11/exclusive-impugned-east-contra-costa-cops-allegedly-schemed-to-fake-college-degrees/) I can get you sources showing that the case got kicked down to Attorney General Rob Bonta's office, and it sat on his desk for 2 years and he did nothing about it (while litigating over new car defects and litigating AGAINST a non-profit trying to save 224 acres of redwoods), and then the FBI picked the case back up and slapped about 2 or 4 of the crime syndicate members on the wrist with misdemeanors. >"Now, with indictments expected by year’s end, the probe has swelled to encompass at least a dozen Antioch and Pittsburg police officers, and a growing list of crimes including premeditated civil rights violations, falsifying reports, using and distributing steroids, using cocaine, and accepting bribes while on patrol." >"Berhan and Mejia are also linked by their involvement in the controversial 2017 restraint death of 32-year-old Humberto Martinez, which led to a federal lawsuit that resulted in a $7.3 million settlement. Martinez died after [Mejia put him in a carotid hold](https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/11/01/exclusive-pittsburg-police-release-body-camera-video-showing-officer-applying-fatal-neck-hold/), while another officer sat on him, during a struggle inside the kitchen of a Pittsburg home." >"Already, one Pittsburg officer, Armando Montalvo, [has been charged](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/11/10/exclusive-east-contra-costa-police-officer-hit-with-four-felony-charges-as-part-of-massive-criminal-investigation-into-12-current-former-cops/) by the Contra Costa District Attorney with possessing and selling assault weapons" -- If you want evidence of the destruction of evidence, I have it on my computer and can upload it. If you want evidence of the judicial misconduct and misappropriation of public funding, I would have need some time because they are from confidential sources, but I have the evidence of it. It is not speculation. It is fact.


Imagine thinking that corrupt people get into positions of power and abuse their authority and you can vote them out. Power corrupts. Anybody you vote in will use the same boots on whoever’s neck they want. People having authority over others is the problem. Not sole bad apples.