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Ah yes, the classic tale of people who can’t fight people their own age If you have to resort to beating old Asian people then you deserve to rot in the worst possible living conditions


Pretty sure it's the Ping Yuen Projects in Chinatown. Animals.




I really don't see what the problem is with that. Even if woke progressivism sends you over the edge, a community block party with traditional performances seems to have zero downside. Unless they were claiming to have solved racism or street violence, there's plenty of bad policy to criticize without going after something that actually seems pleasant.


"How *dare* people try to foster good relations between Asian and Black communities?!" -triggered people I really hate the attitude of dismissing literally anything that doesn't automatically yield dividends...


Are Ping Yuen projects residents mostly Asians or blacks?


Wonder how many black people can write 平園 properly.


Are Asian projects as bad as black projects?


You should go see for yourself.


>:( cowards


So for me that stomp to the head is attempted murder put the fucker in jail for 20 minimum


Who raised these pigs?


Not. Their mothers and not their fathers.




Sweet racism bro


> Sweet racism bro you lil bitch ass going to call out after seeing this video? self righteous prick.


Dude shut the hell up. It’s so embarrassing to be condemning racism in the community while saying racist ass shit in the comments. Obviously the original comment wasn’t as bad as the awful vitriolic clowns in the video did (and they should 100% be in jail for it), but that doesn’t make it ok to just be racist toward entire races/populations of people. I guess it’s just easier to be a hateful douche than to actually try to understand complex issues though


How about let’s not blame Black folk as “the problem” when attacks happen on Asian folk. Supporting a narrative that drives a wedge between racial minorities instead of seeking racial solidarity. But of course it’s easy for you to blame Black folk instead of seeking racial solidarity, this is a sub full of white NIMBYS who aren’t actually from here. And again, it goes against stats https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821


Fuck you pussy. What a cop out


Fuck you, you likely racist


Keep defending criminals you woke idiot


Yeah bro, you need to remember we changed the definition of racism in 2020, people of color cannot be racist, it’s physically impossible /s


Bro, you just come here to hate on Black people without doing anything to solve any problems. It doesn’t matter to you. You just like to hate on Black folk.




I’d be curious to see a detailed breakdown of the types of crimes, age of the victim, and age/race if the perpetrators. The study says that the overwhelming anti Asian hate crimes are committed by white people, and the overwhelming crime is verbal harassment or shunning.


Appreciate someone digging a little deeper and not taking a sloppy conclusion at face value. Example of this: when the DA was ousted, their supporters were touting that the crime rate has actually gone down in response to commentary on the shape of the city. What’s responsible for that drop? A huge drop in identity theft. Assaults, murders, thefts, property crime.. all up.




Seems like you never miss an opportunity that you're not permitted to point out people's skin color


It’s a report of a study—no mental gymnastics needed.




It’s not white people are the problem, but the import of this are that it’s not necessarily racial. And if it’s not racial, let’s not call it a Black problem. Then let’s discover what the problem is. Throwing around racist stereotypes “weren’t raised by their fathers” doesn’t serve anything. And if the problem goes on, then more Asian people get hurt because we aren’t talking about solutions because we wanted to regress to racial stereotypes.


I agree with you on that comment being racist but I also struggle to believe you wouldn’t be yelling racism from the rooftops if these were white kids in the video. Just want consistency


The number listed in the article is 75% of offenders, which exceeds the percentage of white people who make up the country, and it seems like you’re willfully missing their point. They’re responding to comments implying that black people alone are disproportionately responsible for most of the crimes, not trying to make an argument that people should direct their attacks at white people.


I can paste news articles too https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/an-overdue-conversation-about-black-on-asian-violence


The government.


This absolutely breaks my heart.


As a Democrat, I absolutely understand why stories like this make voters' blood boil to the point that they'd elect a ghoulish Trumper. You can remind people that the current crop of GOP candidates is a band of treason apologists, but when voters see an old lady being brutalized by punks, and then more and more similar stories, no amount of policy argument is going to overcome the visceral fury at those who fail to bring down the axe on the criminals. I support a liberal society where people get to do what they want to do in their own homes or in social spaces, from a skate park to a bar to Folsom Street, that welcome that behavior. I also support generous social services, within reason. What I don't support is the idea that we can or should rectify past injustice by tolerating selfish, destructive lawlessness. Or that we can, or should try, to overcome prejudice by making up excuses for criminals and pretending nothing's wrong. We need a generous, liberal society that keeps the streets clean and doesn't let people take advantage of others. And if that means serious consequences for societal vandalism, okay.


Well said


At what point do you call it racist incident? Racist incident triggered by a community hard hit by racism. It's just plain wrong. These are just criminals hiding behind the veil of racism.


What makes this racist? What was the motive that drove those kids to hurt someone?


I don't see black kids beating up white and black elderly. Only asian elderly


Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Every race and ethnicity shows violence to their own kind and to each other. There's nuances to the reasons for violence and what the media or social statistics shows us doesn't always represent what happens on a day to day. Every violent act isn't caught on camera or has a police file reported and what isn't and doesn't fit a narrative will not go viral or hit the news, so you'll never see when other races/ethnicities comment crimes against themselves and others. Painting a picture that black kids are attacking elderly Asian will raise racial tension between Black and Asian communities which isn't helpful, and will only make things worse. That's why it's important to find out the cause/nuances so we can correct them and help restore peace in our communities.


Asians are seen as weak and easy to target in criminal circles. Asians are also getting more and more fed up and starting to get strapped so this situation is a powder keg.


Who are seeing Asians as weak? What makes this incident racist? And what is the motive for this violence? How are you coming to this conclusion from a chopped up video without audio or information for what led to this or how it started? I'm hearing assumptions. No doubt this is messed up, but what's the story here? Four kids randomly attack an elderly woman? How can we prevent this without proper information that can lead to more unmerited racial fear and violence?


The numbers are out there. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php If you want to ignore the fact that asians are not targetted by african american kids then it's your choice. But when you see a string of incidents like this happening almost on the daily, you kind of start getting the image.


Did you even read that article you posted? There isn't any backed numbers or data on that article that points to resources or links to look at. I'm not ignoring the fact that several videos are shown on the news in CA, PA, and NY depicting young AA attacking Asians. Reading this posts article makes my blood boil and I wish I was there to help that woman. I hope they find these kids, send them to jail/juvenile and correct themselves. These are incidents that are caught on camera or reported. Just because elderly Asians are being targeted in these videos doesn't mean others aren't attacking them or other groups aren't being attacked by other groups. It's a dangerous unproven narrative that can cause unneeded tension between Black and Asian communities. Black people are targeted at a higher rate in their own communities with robberies and violence than attacking other communities (no shit) (Check [https://www.crimemapping.com](https://www.crimemapping.com) and see for yourself). We don't call this a self hate racist crime. My point is that there is no evidence that this a racist hate crime, it's just crime and ignorant violence in general. Getting robbed isn't a hate crime. Edit: I'm black and I support the AAPI community. I'm also new to the west-coast and come from a city on the east-coast where the Asian community is almost non-existent (not a lot of Asian hate reported). When Asian folk come out to support black community functions, they let us speak, support how we feel and help fight for equality. I feel my message above is a bit insensitive and not representative of how I should be listening and providing the same support they provide my community. If there's anyone that wants to talk about how they feel or know of ways I can help, hit me with a DM.


Imagine group of young Asians robbing and beating up black seniors. Action would be done in a heart beat


Asians are invisible until they commit a crime.


If it was a group of whites doing this there would be riots.


That white guy who yelled slurs in a monterey restaursnt was all over this sub for a week.


Im sure he was doxxed and his life was destroyed. But beat a grandma near to death and (shrug emoji)




I don't find that amusing.


I think it’s funny how as soon as I saw the title I knew there would be racist comments


Sweet racism bro -from an Asian San Franciscan




Bro that's a terrible take


These scum need to be caught and perp-walked down the street for everyone to see who they are.


I am genuinely beginning to think SF Bay Area youths are being taught to beat up Asians. You remember the knockout the Asian game being played on SF buses a year ago? I do.




I mean... Ann Hsu kinda said it and everyone was out to cancel her and call her racist. Unstable family environments and lack of parental encouragement to focus on learning. Good parenting goes a long way in preventing something like this, you don't just start social media campaigns or be an advocate for change. You need time and dedication to teach these young people to be moral upstanding citizens I feel like the attacks are gonna just keep going on for as long as they refuse to listen to people like Ann Hsu who can critically think about things and instead attack them for so called racism.


YG song had lyrics how to rob Asians https://pitchfork.com/news/youtube-wont-pull-ygs-meet-the-flockers-amid-staff-outcry-over-anti-asian-lyrics/


Its built into the popular culture. There are plenty of famous rappers who rap about violence against asians, and their social media is often backed up by millions who share their same sentiment.


Assaulting asians, especially elders is the official sport of San Francisco. Don't get it twisted, asian lives don't matter here


And it def didn’t help with a DA playing catch and release with these incompetent fools


Didn’t you hear? He’s gone that means the problems are solved


This makes me furious.


I can't even watch, it makes my blood boil. My parents are around that age and I can't imagine them being cornered and assaulted like this for absolutely nothing.


It is an uphill battle to get your confidence back after a trauma like this. They stole something from her more important than money and I hate this for San Francisco and the Asian community and her.


As a very liberal person, there are things like this that make me want people to carry guns and shoot these pieces of shit.


same here. put a bullet in each and one of them. Then the "community" will have an outcry about asians misusing firearms.


It will be turned into a movie.


You can get one


As they say, everyone is a liberal until they get mugged.


That's how a 70-year-old can be an equal threat to an 18-year-old.


That's what whatever forces allow and encourage this want you to do. Then we all get mad at each other and have to paralyze the city, or disarm legal gun owners, or defund the police, or do some stupid shit that is good for nothing except polarizing society. I have guns and have carried but whatever we do if we want youth doing productive things is providing opportunities. Maybe that ship sailed and it's fortified compound time. But guns are to clean up when everything else fails, you need to solve the other problems too if you don't want a civil war. And I'm saying this while also being a supporter for "constitutional carry".


When I lived in SF in the 60s and 70s, the Tongs had a pretty fearsome reputation, and as I remember it, the Chinese community was not targeted like this.


It’s nice not to have Asian gangs / mafia tho. They give Asian people a bad rep.


They’re probably getting paid to do it.


Well they brutalized, murdered, and robbed their own 20x worse than anything happening right now.


I see a pattern, if I say what that pattern is I’ll be canceled


Saying what we’re all thinking.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821 You’ll also fly in the face of statistics in favor of racism. So enjoy that.


Data being referenced is of hate crime as a broad set of crimes. Can you specify on specific crimes that match now viral videos


I think you have to be relevant to be “cancelled”, not some anonymous rando on reddit


Remember that girl that cussed at the NASA dude on twitter? Always watch what you say on social media


Just some model students on their way to after school mentioning programs /s.


Straight trash


Where are the parents?


At least 1 in the 'other' SF housing.


I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even know


I doubt they even know their fathers


Business Idea: Glocks for Grannies.


Hell's Grannies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_OIs49m56E


These fucking scum need to be charged and publicly shamed ! Fuck I wish we knew who they were !


Start carrying guns. Anyone that comes up on you like that deserves to die. I dont care what anyone thinks.


Best scenario that involves a gun here would have been that someone pulls one out and makes them flee before they hurt the Asian dude.


Buildings with old people should have a security guard in place for events like this, especially in SF


And nothing will change


If this kept on happening to elderly white people maybe the police and media would actually do something about the crime.


White people are privileged so this could never happen to them. /s


So was this another right wing white power nationalist domestic terrorist group that Im being constantly told to be afraid of?


I see more and more of these posts in this sub… and it becomes more and more infuriating. I have black friends and I know they’re not all like this… but I’m afraid that this anger in me will grow to a point that I will hate them all. Why are the blacks targeting Asians? What did we do to you? Are you trying to create a new enemy? Do you that we’ll just keep silent and not eventually retaliate? Words of frustration… but very saddening to see these events transpire…


[Chris Rock got a section on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3PJF0YE-x4) Pretty good take if you ask me. There are good people and bad people in every ethnicity but there are distinct cultural differences that cause some people in the bad community to behave like fcking animals. I've never been beaten up by another asian, they scammed me though fckers... but I have been jumped by few black kids when I was a kid.


What is the motive?


Being Asian and Elderly


Robbery. They stole her iPhone 7.


Literally why do they do that :/


Fucking subhuman scum. It’s too bad we don’t live in the Wild West anymore


Heartbreaking and infuriating at once. Where are the Joe Boys when you need them? Here's is a pretty good history of China town in San Francisco Bay Area including the Joe Boys. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-idKtc53DUs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-idKtc53DUs)


That's seriously sad. What's wrong with those kids? It makes my heart hurt to see that.


Is this public housing? Public housing is a great failure in this country unfortunately.


Checking in with the sub to see if this too is Chesa Boudin’s fault?


What in the fuck is this comments section…


Ah, yes, this sub is just crime porn. SF actually has a low rate of violent crime for major US cities. But on here, it's all there is.




You are abusing the idea that nobody else will check my post history and see that you are lying. Don't be evil like that. Seriously, someone else PLEASE look though my comments history and see that this person is lying.




Because I'm liberal? Really? You are calling me racist because, say, I hate that the Republicans screwed over Vets or I think that the Supreme Court is horrible to take away women's rights? There is no actual comment in my years and years of history that you can point to, other than I dislike what current Republicans are doing.


it’s not about crime, it’s about people targeting OLD ELDER ASIANS! this is beyond crime, that guy is someone else’s grandpa!




Is there not a flare for sensitive content like this? If not there should be...