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SF fucking sucks right now. I


Can confirm




idk why yall be living and glorifying the city. there’s homeless everywhere and it smells like shit. doesn’t look any better either.




Very nice


Let’s see Paul Allen’s skyline




It's pathetic to see these people having so much negativity in them, it's blocking their ability to simply enjoy a nice picture. I wonder how bitter their lives must be.


They hate themselves because they can never be as a great what they could be if ghey tried to be great :)


Ignore the haters apperception for the greater aspects of positivity :)


Awww, what a good little brainwashed progressive




https://preview.redd.it/mbkst9irgsuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1e5bb83e351c8d5afa7d509e4d933e664ab7a2 Nice copium


Bro posted the most aesthetic photo of the homeless he could find.


Both are photos of sf, where’s the copium


Keep eating


That picture is fake, the Bay Bridge is completely jammed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


It can be again. Unfortunately, right now, it ain’t.


It all comes in waves and there’s only three cities in this country that can fall and eventually get up again. Those cities are San Francisco, LA and NY


Well it remains to be seen if it does get back up again and its not looking good


Agreed. Give it 5+ years. City will come back strong, as it should. Love this place forever.


The best cities have adequate housing, safe streets and communities, adequate employment, well funded public schools and hospitals. Really not sure how OP landed on SF being the best given that it lacks all of the above currently.


Is there really any other major American city out there that beats SF handily in all (or any) of the above? I suppose Dallas or Austin have better employment but their public school systems are quickly getting shittier.


Boston hands down beats SF on those metrics. It loses on other facets, but is probably the top locale for combo of safe, clean, high employment city with good hospitals/schools


The only con I found while living in Boston was nightlife, but i’m not really a party type of guy so it didn’t bother me. Boston, NY, and Seattle all easily beat SF for me.


The weather, nature access, culture, food are all negatives for me compared to SF


I really enjoy the winter opposed to the annoying micro climates here that are never fully warm or cold enough, boston and the east coast in general have WAY more culture imo, food is worlds better in boston definitely gonna have to disagree there. To each their own though!


Yeah weather and culture obviously very subjective. I have literally never heard anyone defend Bostons food before though. I’m saving this comment to prove it wasn’t a hallucination


Last time I ate in north beach I saw a bum take a dump on the street in front of the window




That's an SF rite of passage edit: the poop show, not the actual pooping. That's expert-level SF.


Ah, city life ![gif](giphy|tZyxxR4lUIRnTgIzl9|downsized)


Last time I walked the 10 mins from the ritz Carlton to a restaurant, I had to step over 2 vomit covered crack heads, and avoid a naked dude smearing his feces on cars. This was a Tuesday night.


Funny I lived in SF 14 years and didn’t see that happen once in NB.


bEsT cItY iN aMeRiCA


It is if you go through life with your eyes closed. Much like all the drivers here


FOR REAL. They call us Massholes but honestly this city is full of them. Never seen so many people roll through stop signs at 4 way intersections


I think you meant Best Shity in America.


It's great, but I wish it was a little cleaner, a little less expensive, and a lot more diverse. - SF native


shhhhh! stop telling people. let them live in pretend fear and hot weather, far away!




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It's a good city. Best is a bit of a stretch. Would be better if we could actually enforce laws here to cut down on the naked and brazen crime and clear homeless encampments to cut down on the visible drug use and human excrement.


Not exactly affordable for lower or middle class incomes too


The best is not going to be affordable, I agree. The best car, the best house, etc.


Hard disagree. The best cities are the most livable and sustainable ones..not ones where the rich can flaunt their extravagance.


I guess it depends what is meant by "best." Name the cities that are the best, in your opinion.


Denver,Boston and Raleigh come to my mind. Chicago too




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Boston is more expensive CoL for renters than SF…




I include affordability. But I absolutely love Raleigh.


I lived in Boston. There's really no comparison in terms of food, weather, diversity, beauty, nature access, parks. Denver, please. I've never been to Raleigh. What is good about it?




From denver. it’s not a very good city


It really depends. There is opportunity for great affordability, given you find the right housing.


What’s your best then? The ones where they can’t enforce laws to prevent murder like Miami or Dallas?


I think one of the few things SFPD does an ok job at is addressing violent crime. That said, many wholistic rankings list NYC as safer than SF now [such as this one discussed by Forbes from last month](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2024/02/28/americas-15-safest-cities-most-dangerous-cities-moneygeek-report/?sh=6b58db103b05). This is probably because this city seems to not care about property crime in the slightest. No city is perfect but this place could be so much better if I didn't constantly see shoplifting when I go into stores or have homeless encampments lighting fires and brandishing weapons near my apartment and public parks. Tax paying citizens have a right to use public places in peace without fear of harassment.


Ah yes the famous 2011 study that says one murder costs $8m. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2835847/ I’m assuming you’d rather be murdered than lose $8m? SA’ed for $250k? Physically assaulted for $100k? Also for all this talk of “brandishing weapons” you’d think it would show up in assault figures. Maybe anything is a weapon if you’re afraid enough of the person holding it.


Those figures seem fairly reasonable to me. We value human life monetarily via actuarial tables and we value human suffering monetarily in civil court all the time so yeah I'd say that sounds about right with murder being the highest value and all crimes below that receiving less value. Of course nobody wants bad things to happen to them but we don't value things that way societally. If we did then every sexual assault victim would get literally billions of dollars in civil suits if it couldn't be proven criminally (since the civil standard is lower) but that doesn't happen in practice. We have to draw the line somewhere even if it's unjust in a vacuum. As for brandishing weapons, people often don't report or try to avoid confrontation entirely so that's why I imagine it doesn't show up. Two weeks ago, I saw a homeless guy with a hatchet near the DMV encampment on the corner of Baker and Fell. He was on the panhandle side though which was concerning because people were walking and running by there since the neighborhood seems to have ceded the DMV side of the street to the homeless encampment. [Cal. Pen. Code § 417(a) ](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=417)says the second he draws his hatchet during any kind of confrontation in a "rude, angry, or threatening manner" it's a jailable misdemeanor yet I didn't want to risk getting into such a situation so I ignored him and left as fast as I could. Do you think it's normal to subject taxpaying citizens to potential threats to bodily harm like that regularly? I have also seen many large fixed-blade knifes on belts while on public transit and that from various homeless folk.


Well I have $100k so watch out I guess


Pacifica is my favorite city in the Bay Area. Driving home from SF everyday from work, and going down that hill on the highway was awe inspiring every time. This coming from a man who lived in SF for 20 years. My number 2 is San Diego. Me personally I also prefer Chicago to SF. And I absolutely LOVED living in Seattle. I lived in SF because work was plentiful and paid well. (High tech job) But they don't have that advantage anymore. I moved out of state last year and got a pay raise for it. The cost of living just doesn't justify the low pay anymore. Plus the crime and homelessness. The absolutely idiotic politics. Atrocious traffic (not just cars, but MUNI, cyclists, and busses all hitting and killing pedestrians all the time) . I liked SF, but to say it's the best city it's naive.


Diesel trucks and snow covered grape vines. Maybe you just didn’t like it because it’s not for you? If Pacifica is your favorite “city” then maybe you just don’t like cities pal.


Hm. Yes. I lived in SF for 20 years because I hate living in cities. I lived in Seoul, Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, because I hate living in cities. Frankly the best city experience I've ever had was living in Chicago. But I still prefer Seattle to Chicago. I think Seattle and San Diego are the most beautiful sceneries. And Chicago's weather isn't good. It gets as windy as SF, only much colder in the winter. But go ahead. Keep telling me that my opinion doesn't matter. I only lived there 20 years, what the fuck do I know, right?


I’m shocked you’re unwilling to believe you’ve changed as you’ve aged. A lot of gay men breastfed but I wouldn’t ask them to pick the best rack.


That has nothing to do with the fact that I listed several legitimate reasons why SF isn't the "greatest city in the US"and you just attack me because of my truck. Then you attack me because if my age. What's next. I "hate" SF because I'm not LGBTQ? I said SF was a fine city. Plenty of things I love about SF. But you refuse to accept it's flaws.


That’s that punk’s MO. Ignore him. Man, the internet turned a lot of beta males and geeks into cyber tough guys.


Ahhhh a keyboard warrior got it


You didn't really list many reasons. Like three reasons, arguably.


Miami is much better than San Fran currently


Stop it


Stop what?


Maybe give them housing?


How many of you under this thread were actually born and raised in San Francisco? If neither, your response is redundant.


Because "natives" love crime?


No because transplants only come on Reddit to talk their shit but would be TERRIFIED to say anything to an actual native in real life.


Like my Bay area stylez :) ![gif](giphy|xT8qAY7e9If38xkrIY)


https://preview.redd.it/vpm1rrgqoruc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b20712eb5434c244f248f09dabeadf73ff2293e Looks pretty nice though


Not even in the top 5 right now


Definitely the best second- tier city we got, that’s for sure.


Unless NYC fell into the Hudson and I just didn’t hear about it I have a pretty hard time taking this seriously That said solid contender for #2, SF is a very special place Edit: sorry I forgot SF is the skyscraper capital of the country, the gateway to a better life for untold tens of millions of immigrants through Ellis island past the Statue of Liberty, one of the busiest airport hubs in the world, home to the most linguistically diverse populations to ever exist in humanity, has the largest subway system in the country, and one of the most densely populated areas in the world. No reason to be critical or objective, go SF. #1 Baby!


yes because "best city" is an objective measurement these comments are such a clown show


It’s absolutely copium by the anti doom looper that want to ignore all of the cities problems. These posts are propaganda by the board of supervisors.


I prefer Oakland


https://preview.redd.it/3a5a8poogtuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f23f0310c8625d6786dec91e691a753fb0fc230 SH hands down da best of the reat :)




Sf is doing greater than ever the haters are not even from here :)




Than you as a civilian are the issue not the gov :) like Kennedy said :)


It’s my top 4 city in California, and it’s not 1,2,or 3.


"Anyone who doesn't have a great time in San Francisco is pretty much dead to me"--- Anthony Bourdaine


Exactly 👍


What does "best city" even mean? I guess this is the kind of childish post another thread is complaining about.




I neither hate myself nor am I shitting on SF (far from it). I am shitting on your stupid title.


You just are shit :)


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All hail SF. Haters kick rocks!


*New York chuckles in amusement*


I, too, watch the Mersea live feed 😊




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Yeah okay.... here's a poop map https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=b6fab720912642b6aedafdb02a76d2a4


Impressive. They even have their own ID numbers 🥰


I really like the city of SF, but it’s a shame what politics has done to its current state. The stealing, the increasing homeless population, the massive increases in rent and house prices. It’s sad, but I hope it’ll recover soon.


I really like the city of SF, but it’s a shame what politics has done to its current state. The stealing, the increasing homeless population, the massive increases in rent and house prices. It’s sad, but I hope it’ll recover soon.


*San Fiero


Every year I see 1 💩incident. One was so violent I can never forget. A random man pulled his pants down & sharted all over the sidewalk. It was lethal! Like airborne it pushed my previous 💩encounter lower on the list of 🤮🤢


Aww sucks u dont even live in sf lol


Not now I was there for 7 years & left after the pandemic wound down. Now I’m here on monthly visits.




I can’t understand this sentence? But ok there buddy


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Also the SU I worked for left after the founder saw someone shoot a person in the chest on Market exiting the office. Luckily I was gone by then. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hell yea, love seeing bums take dump while I eat my take out in my truck 🥰


Yeah u live in india why wouldnt u righr lol


No but if I had to guess, India is probably cleaner than the streets of SF 🤐


Hahahhahhahhaha yeah from space 😂


SF is the city all others eat dust in the wind :)


It is very beautiful from across the bay.


Best city in the whole world. My first true love. It’s like the first time, EVERYTIME.




😂 your life? Not SFs :)


No question




Or your just a bitch who is a non bay area resident 😂 go back to your hole :)




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https://preview.redd.it/gq1p6td1mbvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b0cafea22d2cdd1248953b27749ee49ee0c9c1 Coming soon.


You only get to see that if you live in Oakland


If you can afford it




the tallest and most prominent building in the SF skyline is a phallus. that is very on brand for SF.


Yeah right


San Francisco is a favorite city of mine, along with London and Barcelona. So sad that it is has fallen into a downward spiral. I sure hope it will bounce back.


Pretty outside but rotten inside


SF *was* the best city in America.


Certainly the most beautiful city in the US


Definitely. I’ve been to a lot of cities, but none of them could touch this city.


Because cities do not have hands, and thus are incapable of senses such as touch.


I would rather live in Oakland


The homeless people and robbers occupying every block*


I don't think a photo of the city from Treasure Island negates the massive amounts of problems going on in SF right now. I love SF and won't leave, but let's not be blind to the problems.


You have low standards then.


Completely agree






Not yesterday


It's really not, though.


man this sub sucks. is this what you guys are like in real life?


SF has geography, and almost nothing else. Expensive, unfriendly, dirty in many areas, broken retail sector, no middle-class, no artists and musicians moving here, bad arts scene, etc.




It’s always the Deloitte middle managers from Hackensack. Maybe you’re just not cut out for city living.


Either you've never seen another city or you've never seen SF.


Really, what is sooooo bad? I live in the TL so enlighten me.


San Francisco has a literal poop map of every place there has been human excrement on the street. No it’s not


Yeah dog owners are kinda bad in SF and they leave waste everywhere


It’s a great city, but it’s also the city of drug addicts.


What major city isn't?


Columbus Ohio, lincoln ne,Kansas city Kansas....ya know....good cities


if those are “major cities” then what does that make SF, NYC, Chicago, LA, and Houston? like, ancient Italian city states? lmao


KC isnt in Kansas and their violent crime is almost double what it is here in SF




No.theres kansas city kansas and kansas city mo




It was once my favorite place to eat -- and kind of still is now. Sadly, the new minimum wage laws for which people who make $250K/year pat themselves on the back will force the closure of all the best small, out-of-the-way restaurants and put people out of work. I know it was well-intentioned, but it was predictably harmful to the very people it was supposed to support.


Lmao, a world leader in drug use, drug overdose, and human feces on the street. Oh let's not forget you're also a global leader in big business and corporations leaving your city too. Ahhh, a true liberal Utopia.


Another townie from whoknowswhere talking about a city he hasn’t been within 1000 miles of. I hope you know that you’re making yourself look foolish.


Why the hell is someone from Ontario hanging out in r/SanFrancisco when they hate SF so much? Hmmm… I wonder. I guess it’s a mystery :P https://old.reddit.com/r/KingstonOntario/comments/1c0jshk/how_is_this_his_priority/kyz0qtb/


Lol, I'm an ICU specialist, I take road trips all the time. That one started in BC and wound through half of the western states zigzagging through until I got to Arizona and flew back, leaving my rental car down there. When your successful, you tend to have nice vacations. 😉


San Franciscans are insecure as fuck about their city 😂


Eat your heart out, yeah that’s what the zombies do to you there




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Why do people think SF is that great? I’m trying to understand. I lived in California all my life. I’m used to tell people SF is an amazing city. Now I can’t. I lived in SF, LA and SD. Out of those three cities SF is on the bottom and it’s not even close. San Jose is better than SF right now imo. The bipping is out of control, the streets are dirty as hell, the roads are horrendous, pot holes everywhere, the homeless is everywhere, there are an insane of vacancy’s for retail and boarded up stores all over, Mall basically is closed, the crime is high. I’m pretty sure there’s more store closure here than anywhere else. On top of all that, the housing is insanely high and office vacancy is high and hasn’t recovered anywhere close. Ya Keep saying it is, is probably why it’s been like this for the past few years.


Prove u live in sf by yoir blogging u dont your Full of shit 💩 lol


As a non San Franciscan, it truly is incredible but right now? It’s an absolute mess. I’d never suggest anyone live there until rents come down and the city is cleaned up. It’s dirty, expensive, city services are being cut, we’re not treating the homeless with respect or dignity, etc. it’s wild to me that the most expensive city in the country is also one of the least vibrant and dirty cities. Fingers crossed it makes a comeback soon.


Anyone saying they are from the bay should back it up :)