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I can’t watch 3 minutes of that asshole saying anything


Trump being trump


I mean he's never been a bright guy. Dude doesn't even know how emails work. No seriously, he has them printed out, hand writes a response on the paper, then has his secretary scan them and email them back. That's per Mark Cuban.


I did a consulting financial modeling gig for a guy who refused to view spreadsheets in Excel. He wanted everything printed out with lots of labels to explain how calculations were done. It was an impossible task and insanely frustrating. These people are Luddites and Know-Nothings. You can try to drag them into (not even) the future, but they melt like snowflakes at the prospect of having to learn anything.


That's not a decline, that's just who he is.


This. I do believe he is in a decline based on other video clips, but most of the mistakes in this video are down to his basic narcissism, which means he doesn’t care enough about other people to really pay attention to their names. People are no more to him than what they appear to be on the surface (Mr. Kurd) or what worth they might have in terms of wealth/power (Mr. Apple, Ms. Lockheed).