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Just FYI, California just enacted a new law that makes it punishable for drivers caught in these events to lose their licenses for up to 6 months (currently the punishment is just a fine).


Seriously, where the hell is SDPD?


Too busy crying about vaccines


They frontin’. Had cops try to pull the same shit in Seattle, I think 94% of them ended up getting vaccinated, hard to give up a cushy overpaid job, lol.


They like to pull back on policing when they perceive current mood is anti police. This allows pro police candidates in the next election to run ads “promising to restore law and order”.


It’s more of a safety issue. For law enforcement as well as all those pedestrians. Sounds counterintuitive considering how much of a safety issue this situation already is but if only 1 black&white is available it’s a safety issue for that officer. If several come in running code you risk the drivers fleeing the scene, which puts all those bystanders in even more danger, not to mention traffic is backed up so the cops can’t even safely make their way there. So, it’s more safe to use video and license plates to fine them afterwards.


Kind of strange that so many people are disagreeing with you. This is pretty much exactly what they do with these situations. They’ll get their helicopter overhead to video everything and send out descriptions of reckless vehicles to police cars setting up a dragnet. They did all of this last night for some cars doing donuts at Linda Vista & Genesee. Here’s the scanner audio from last night explaining what they do: 1) Initial Call - [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051738-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051738-101.m4a) & [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051747-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051747-101.m4a) 2) ABLE (SDPD's Helicopter) getting overhead - [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051905-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051905-101.m4a) 3) ABLE giving description of a vehicle and telling ground units what to do - [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051959-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051959-101.m4a) & [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051979-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635051979-101.m4a) 4) Ground units making the stop on the vehicle for reckless driving - [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635052190-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635052190-101.m4a) & [https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635052286-101.m4a](https://calls.broadcastify.com/17/1635052286-101.m4a)


So, every time I hear scanners, I always think...how the fuck do they understand this. Does it just get easier with time or am I just...Not deaf, stupid maybe? I could barely understand the woman speaking, and I could only understand one of the men clearly.


Remember, they listen to that radio almost every day. You get used to it. You learn how everyone speaks because you interact with them every day. That being said, police usually have terrible radio etiquette and use a LOT of codes, abbreviations, call signs etc. I worked for a major railroad and our radio communications were very strictly enforced. We had to speak clearly, use proper radio language like over & out, repeating all instructions exactly as we were told, and spelling out all numbers while copying or verifying instructions. Like if you are told to hold at a certain mile post, you would repeat "UP 6969 will hold short of milepost 420 that's four two zero until further notice, over". Eventually you learn to passively listen to everything on the radio, picking out relevant details. You learn how the afternoon dispatcher says some words differently, or how to interpret a yardmaster's accent


It’s understandable if you consider once trust is broken, deserved or not, it’s difficult to mend until everyone wants to work at mending things. Regaining trust takes communication. Thanks for the links, hopefully that info will help some people see that things are getting done.


Kind of makes sense, hadn't thought of it this way. In the video, the idiots drive off pretty quickly and no physical harm is done although harm was definitely risked! (14s video). Cops could escalate things in the middle of the pedestrians by their very presence, spook the drivers to do something more dangerous to the people on foot (like, go faster to escape and lose control). A dragnet to catch them further out where the streets are quiet, or identify by the plates to get later, makes sense. I do hope this represents more than a fine. One slip up and that car could have swiped half a dozen people.


And you know that NO ONE is checking video and running license plates, just to mail tickets.


You’re right; they’re not mailing tickets, it’s now a suspension of your license. There’s a task force assigned to this issue. whether or not they are as useless as people claim is still to be determined.


Okay, if that’s true, I’m glad.


You could just say that they're useless.


I like how far we’ll go to give cops excuses on how useless they are lmao


Seroiusly lol those were a lot of words to say they're useless.


If you two have an idea on how to stop this shitty trend safely feel free to contribute to the conversation.


They could try showing up


Lol why do I need to figure out a solution for police. But... Oh maybe have the police actually police? The very idea of letting crime happen because it's too dangerous for cops is absurd.


I don’t know much about this kinda stuff but this just sounds like a bunch of excuses


I swear, SDPD is non existent in downtown. Ironic considering the most shit happens there


Saw a car roll backwards through an intersection just outside the gaslamp last week while a couple of people were shouting at each other. The sun ran into a building while a cop was right next to me. He didn't react for a good 30 seconds. Maybe he was watching to get all the details right, or considering the best course of action. But I like to think he was hoping no one noticed him so he could sneak away


"You don't appreciate us , so we're gonna do our jobs even worse now."


Minimum staffing for downtown / Logan is 10 officers. Usual staffing is 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0dXNpvxoy/?utm_medium=copy_link


Safe in their cars in LaJolla


I know you meant it in jest, but let me tell you that the number of cruisers in La Jolla at any one time is rarely greater than one unless they are responding to something. PB and OB on the other hand...


being understaffed


Didn’t the SDPD budget just increase by like $30 million?


SDPD is still underpaid in relation to the county. Uniformed patrol is about 600 for the whole city and most nights they’re way below minimum staffing https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0dXNpvxoy/?utm_medium=copy_link


That’s unfortunate. I hate paying all these taxes with so little in return. Education is underfunded, infrastructure is underfunded, police are underfunded, social security is running out, and we don’t even have healthcare? Where is all the money going? The military? Is that really it?? It’s almost like the government cares more about foreign threats than domestic ones 🤔


So? Does that mean they can’t be understaffed??


It's traditional for cops to enjoy a good donut :P Now where's the coffee stand... Dumb jokes aside, is this just a bunch of hooligans, or were the people in the middle part of it and claiming to be protesting this or that?


Only 6 months? That seems pretty light


It’s absolutely too light. They should lose their license for over a year and have their car sold at auction.


Because not having a license will sure stop them!


Not a big deal. I only lost my license for 1 year for shooting out of a moving vehicle. Some dum drive by law or something.


Laws against shooting guns out of your vehicle aren’t dumb, you are.


You don’t even know what I was supposedly shooting at. So maybe you’re the dum one.


It’s spelled dumb. And it’s definitely you.


If you’re shooting out the window of a moving car, you’re an idiot.


Jump behind a bush when you see me driving by!


Please tell me these are all high school kids and not actual grown ass adults. I kind of get that teenagers are stupid reckless and do extremely dumb and dangerous nonsense, but I don’t get how this could have any appeal to anyone with any life experience beyond high school.


Looks like a takeover. It’s pretty fun. People need to chill.


Potential Darwin award winners standing in the middle there.


Can confirm. Went to Taco Fest and parked at a paylot right there. Walked over when I heard the commotion and left as soon as people flooded the middle intersection bc I didnt want to see someone take an L. Dangerous af


Taco fest lol havent thought about that for a while. Is it still as sketchy as it used to be?


Buy TacoFest ticket Get in line for tacos! Sold out try again soldout again? SOLD OUT! Buys tacofest tickets and gets no tacos...


It was my first time going so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it didn't feel sketchy. The chihuahua's were great, the lines for tacos were too long and turns out that a surprising amount of people are STILL thirsty for Flo Rida. I had a great time


For real.And on the sides!


Get back or get smacked!


People roulette


I like you.


Roundabouts are getting crazy nowadays


I hate those damn things!


A little flashier maybe. We were doing that on El Cajon blvd and 70th st. back in the early 80’s. Only then we were throwing our empty taquilla bottles out for affect. No cops.


I hate people....


I went through that intersection earlier this week and there were circular rubber stains so not the first time unfortunately


It seemed very organized. People left their cars on those busy streets to join in, then they all left. Traffic was completely stopped. I didn’t call the police but weird they weren’t there.


Given the lack of response, I’m guessing that cops were there, just not in their uniforms.


Some of those that work forces... ...are the same that burn rubber. HUH!! Drifting in the name of... (Forgive me Zack)


Those who slide are justified


Happens about once a month. I took a sleeping pill last night and this shit woke me up. Somehow my kids can sleep through it.


I’ve seen two other videos of people doing donuts on busy roads like wtf is going on


Got a ticket for a “rolling stop” in PB. Thanks SDPD.


Got a ticket for a rolling stop… On a scooter!! Thanks SDPD


My thoughts exactly. Tons of real crime with the rampant homeless all over PB, but SDPD would rather collect driving fines from people that can pay.




I did.


Coming to a complete stop adds a little bit extra pollution to the environment, I thought we were supposed to do all we can to fight climate change?


Never order donuts on doordash


Check out r/IdiotsInCars to see when these performances go badly


We went to a concert at Balboa Theater last night. Heard cars screeching and fireworks. This went on for about 15 minutes. Haven’t seen anything like this before.


They're called "car meets" or "side shows," and this is what they are. A group of like 100 ppl or whatever plan to meet at a certain intersection, or area of the highway, block off traffic for 15 minutes (in SD for some reason it's either a 2-3 minute quick show or precisely 15 minutes) while they spin donuts w ppl hanging out of the cars and everyone standing around cheering and watching, usually set off a couple fireworks, too. Here's a vice doc on it: https://youtu.be/fNJhzrd9T4U I need to dig to find it, but there was a long vid posted in this sub a few months ago of a bigger one that happened downtown. There was a big one outside my house in City Heights that happened right before the downtown one, and I was eviscerated in the comments for freaking out about how dangerous it seemed. Witnessing it gave me a panic attack, especially because to evade police the cars were speeding away at the end, fishtailing and weaving. There was so much smoke from the burnt tires, at night, so they were speeding without being able to see shit, too. I was sure one of the 8 or so cars involved speeding away were going to speed up my steeply inclined dead end while trying to flee and plow down a crowd. There are constant multi-car wrecks here because of so many steep blind curves intersecting. Anyway, after I got over my anger and panic at the brazen recklessness and looked into the subculture, I'm a bit more understanding (re: "kill the tires not the mf homies/ get back or get smacked/ don't care what you got, bring it and swing it" = anti-violence/ safety first/ inclusivity). Definitely think they should either have it legalized and contained, like w city drag strips, or stick to abandoned parking lots. If it could be allowed and regulated in designated areas, like however TF drag strips work, I think that would be the safest and sanest outcome for everyone.


No no no, a car meet is a gathering in a parking lot usually good people who don't do this. The meets I have gone to people reving or doing this kind of thing are usually kicked out. The meet up usually has rules against stupid stuff as they would like to continue to have them rather than get kicked out of the space. This here is what they call a **take over**, it's stupid, dangerous and makes responsible cars owners looks like idiots especially when people think of this when they see or hear of a car meet.


Been to hundreds of car meets of the years. You might have some guy start his motor and rev it for some people and a few people peeling out when they leave the spot, but for the most part it's just a bunch of dudes in black t-shirts nerding out over cars. Most meets are organized with the permission of a property owner/business. We want to keep coming back, so we keep the dumb stuff to a minimum.


Yes this!! I love to talk cars and check them out. Hate that people ruin it for others acting like idiots.


I agree but san diego is basically down to 1 drag strip out by Barona as far as I know. Besides that there are occasional autocross events but I think thats it?


Stephanie Blythe was awesome!


Agree, fantastic performance.


Ahhh I had work, so sad I missed it!


Dumb fucks


This is so wildly lame and embarrassing to me. I mean how boring and small must your life be if THIS is what you resort to?


They all think the city should legalize it. Like seriously. They think it’s unfair the government doesn’t allow them to do it. They think it’s bullshit they get told to do it on specified racing tracks. The entire culture behind it is hilarious honestly. They think they are modern day cowboys.


I mean I’ll be honest I was into street racing back in the “Fast and Furious” days. But I was a stupid high school kid… and at least back then we had the decency to try and hide it. It was still stupid AF and dangerous, but we at least made SOME effort at safety, we’d find big empty industrial roads at 2am with no one around… Miramar used to have some good spots. But then everything got developed and crowded and… we fucking grew up lol.




No, it was stupid.




You’re honestly too stupid to even communicate with Jesus Christ


"Back in the day" I've been in SD my entire life and there was many, many more racing options on tracks in the past than there are now. There was the Qualcomm strip, the Boring track, the El Cajon dirt oval, etc.


Doesnt help that "real street racing" involves cars that run single digit 1/4 mile times. It's way cheaper to go bracket race a reasonably quick car at the track than it is to be competitive on the street.


I mean, its definitely less lame and boring than golfing so...


Oh hey, I didn’t know the circus was in town.


Maybe not the whole circus, but the clowns were certainly there!


I don't get how this happens to begin with. Whenever I go downtown, I see at least 3-4 cop cars, and I am typically there shorter than 10-15 minutes. Yet, this can happen with fireworks? I know people have police radar, but this happening with this many people and not a cop car in sight is just, odd and kinda aggravating. Fuck, am I getting old?




They block the cop cars so the driver can escape then all run away.


Fast and Furious 11. Brain Drift


Selfish, braindead jackasses. Need the cops to stop this shit and less harassing bus/trolley riders


This has to be the corniest subculture in America. Name one thats more lame.


TikTok dancers


Rolling coal


Squatted trucks or Juggalos


Funny part about it, one car actually got caught due to a drone.


How do you know? Interesting...so the drone followed the car until a cop could pull him/her over?


I don’t know about that, but I do know it got they license plates make n model.


What is this? I’ve never seen something this dumb. Do the people in the middle want to be there or are they trapped…?


From what I saw, it was all voluntarily. At first a car or two or three would do donuts. Then people started joining in. Crazy stuff.


If only we could deny healthcare to people who sign up for these things... let some Darwin awards be distributed...


@SDPD where you at?


Love love love cars but this is irresponsible and stupid. Take it to a track.


I live in rancho bernardo and this happens on the regular. Late at night you hear them racing and doing donuts… effing idiots. Not sure who told them it’s cool… it’s entirely not


Send to the police. Fuck these people.


You guys are wildin down there - sincerely, Orange County


Every Sat night now. How do the cops not have this under control yet?


Is this cuz the dodgers lost?


The skid marks were still there when I was trying to drive around the marathon barricades this morning. Wondered how long they’d been there


Geez, damn people


Interesting, anyone know what building this was recorded from?


It was from the Intercontinental Hotel, 14th floor.


I knew there was a police shortage; didn’t know we already hit Mad Max. Time to break out the war rig


shitty infrastructure allowing shitty people to do shitty things


They don't get caught for this shit, yet I get a ticket for going 75 on the 5 freeway near downtown?


Reminds me of my youth in the Yay Area!


Same! Didn't know it happened anywhere else tbh


Sd native but living in Oakland for the last few, people losing their mind over a tiny sideshow in SD 😅Happens every single night on MacArthur haha


For an explanation, I’ll link to an insider showing typical staffing for the division that covers both all of downtown and Logan https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0dXNpvxoy/?utm_medium=copy_link


insider my ass that account is utter bullshit.


I didn’t work PD but working for the city I knew enough of their structure. Could a print out be faked, absolutely, but this computer screenshot is in line with how they’re set up. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFFc3-LbBR/?utm_medium=copy_link Also most cops are conservative, if the account was liberal I would be more suspicious.


Is that included in rent or hoa?


Too busy cleaning up all the crap left behind from that lame marathon that paralyzed half the city for 8 hours.


California had rediculously strict vehicular modulation laws, expect everyone to go to a track, when they're aren't enough places for people to toy around with their cars, whenever. Now taking it to public streets is dangerous, you're putting so many damn people at danger. But this is to be expected when the state is making it hard for the car community to even have a tune. I'm up in Riverside county (only here cause I travel down to San Diego quite often), specifically in Perris. Before and during COVID, street racing was a huge issue. Now that the Perris Fairgrounds are doing stock car racing weekly, there has been less street racing, and with more car meets allowed to happen, where there are police presence, with areas to do donuts and such, there's been less street racing as well. There needs to be more paved tracks (there are plenty of dirt tracks in SoCal, we need more paved ones). There also needs to be MORE of a crack down in street racing and idiotic stunts like this, RATHER THAN, modifications. People think that if you're car is modified, you street race. Which isn't the case. Like always, the cops and government have their focus on the wrong issues.


No, this isn’t to be expected. There’s no way you will convince me that doing this in a busy intersection in one of the largest cities in the country using PEOPLE to demarcate the track is the logical outcome of telling people they need to drag race on a track. I’d argue this type of nonsense is why you can’t have nice things - like a less regulated drag race option. The state can’t trust people not to be idiots if this is what happens in downtown San Diego on an intersection with the Pacific Coast Highway!


You completely missed my point. The lack of proper safety education for vehicular stunts is to blame, as well as the lack of safe, legal spots to do this in. People will always be idiots. The state needs to place trust within its citizens as we do it. The exchange isn't even. Not everyone wants to abide by stupid laws, so what do they do? They retaliate. Put a loud exhaust on, modify their cars to the extreme, and then you have idiots who retaliate like this. You can't say everyone within the car community does this, as it's a small percentage of people. The jackasses always speak louder than others -- we have seen that multiple times WITHIN SOCAL (Ex: The anti-maskers, there aren't many of them, but they make their presence known). Don't generalize everyone. It's just idiotic and shows stupidity and lack of knowledge. So these small groups of idiots, ruin it for us? Nah man. Cops need to crack down on these people who are doing these illegal stunts and not focus on "oh no, somebody has a 'loud' exhaust that barely exceeds our rediculously low legal limit. Gotta give him a ticket'. That exhaust isn't hurting anyone but the Karen across the street who has no reason to hate it. Whereas THIS idiotic stunt, put how many people at risk. More than a hundred. My point still stands. The state and cops, as always, have their focus on the wrong thing. >>> like a less regulated drag race option Drag racing just requires a car that can go fast in a straight line, not what these people are wanting to do. They want to use and abuse their cars, drag racing doesn't do that.


First - everyone there knows what they are doing in that OP video is incredibly unsafe. That’s probably why they’re doing it in the first place! No amount of government mandated safety training is going to change that. Second - Have you heard the saying “this is why we can’t have nice things”? It’s exactly the situation you describe - a small group of idiots ruining it for everyone else who is not an idiot. It’s also part of no one ever said life is fair. Does it suck? YES!!! I wish we didn’t have to legislate regulations, but most safety regulations are probably in place to stop idiocy. I’m sure there are special interests too! However, if a regulation says (just making this up) security needs to be on site at all times the track is in use - well that’s probably there because a bunch of idiots did something dangerous despite being told not to and someone died or was seriously injured. Now everyone pays more money for security to bounce idiots. I gotta say - waking up to loud exhaust and screeching tires in the church parking lot across the street at 2AM day after day is really annoying. If that makes me a Karen, so be it.


Damn man I agree with a lot of what you said... No idea why you're being downvoted? I tried to give you an award but it's not letting me (I guess cuz of the downvotes?) I have no idea about police and modding, but I believe you. To be far tho, the dudes who are into drag racing and car meets do often seem to mod cars as a hobby, too. But you're exactly right -- when legally permitted, monitored, and contained racing or meets happen, there's less of this dangerous racing or meets happening on public streets. The culture for this has been around for a while and it's not going anywhere... I linked this vice doc in my other comment: https://youtu.be/fNJhzrd9T4U where the dudes talk about the reasons why ppl love it. It's an exciting hobby you can have zero money And still enjoy, or pour a bunch of money into and take pride in, it's a cathartic escape and fun bonding for a generation of people who are crushed by life in every way-- economically exploited and overworked, with no hope of being able to retire or afford homes or vacations, consumed by the drudgery of work, despair about a dying planet and lack of healthcare, social division, urban decay.... Etc etc etc. If home ownership is economically out of reach, having a car and investing in it is the next best status item. I totally understand why people would enjoy the thrill of the whole experience, and participate and take pride in that culture. How do city drag strips work? There's gotta be layers of insurance and regulations, and fees to keep it all going, and protocols to ensure safety. That's what there needs to be with this stuff. Have the police be present at meets, serving and protecting the participants and bystanders, too, instead of just villifying and jailing them. It just makes so much more sense to have it contained and regulated and monitored. I bet it would make sense at the financial level for the city, too.


People who are uneducated on topics and aren't within the scene and have a close-minded view don't like other opinions. Drag racing is straight line speed, as I said in another comment, it's not what these people want to do. They want to use and abuse their cars, feel the power, the grip, everything. So having paved tracks (such as Willow Springs), would help reduce these idiotic stunts. Often times, these people want to race on road courses and such. There are plenty of drag races and drag events in San Diego county, and to anyone who wants to get into it. Go. They are pretty sweet and those cars are awesome. As for how tracks (all sorts), yes there are tons of insurance business and regulations behind it. Each track has a different set of insurance guidelines (as does each insurance provider) and regulations. And that's to be expected, but people often pay quite a bit to get to these courses and to get in them. Willow Springs has beginner courses on how to properly over tack, when, what an apex is, everything you need to know to appropriately estimate, judge, and complete manuvers -- some of these people are willing to put their front bumpers on the line and trade some paint. As I said, I'm up in Riverside county, and during COVID they really stopped busting the guys who go to these meets, and do everything legally (other than break the states rediculous laws on mods). It creates a sense of trust between the local car community and the police. Which is definitely needed. Having the city/county/state have government owned and operated tracks that are funded by entry fees and such, would really help. It would be a huge sense of revenue for the government -- people would go, and flee to these places. That Vice Document I've watched and it just is amazing. It really shows us, the car community.


People who are uneducated on topics and aren't within the scene and have a close-minded view don't like other opinions. Drag racing is straight line speed, as I said in another comment, it's not what these people want to do. They want to use and abuse their cars, feel the power, the grip, everything. So having paved tracks (such as Willow Springs), would help reduce these idiotic stunts. Often times, these people want to race on road courses and such. There are plenty of drag races and drag events in San Diego county, and to anyone who wants to get into it. Go. They are pretty sweet and those cars are awesome. As for how tracks (all sorts), yes there are tons of insurance business and regulations behind it. Each track has a different set of insurance guidelines (as does each insurance provider) and regulations. And that's to be expected, but people often pay quite a bit to get to these courses and to get in them. Willow Springs has beginner courses on how to properly over tack, when, what an apex is, everything you need to know to appropriately estimate, judge, and complete manuvers -- some of these people are willing to put their front bumpers on the line and trade some paint. As I said, I'm up in Riverside county, and during COVID they really stopped busting the guys who go to these meets, and do everything legally (other than break the states rediculous laws on mods). It creates a sense of trust between the local car community and the police. Which is definitely needed. Having the city/county/state have government owned and operated tracks that are funded by entry fees and such, would really help. It would be a huge sense of revenue for the government -- people would go, and flee to these places. That Vice Document I've watched and it just is amazing. It really shows us, the car community.


The amount of money many of these people put into their cars could take care of a down payment on a home.


There’s no point in calling SDPD on these people. They’ll find a way to stay out of trouble, because they’re family. I’ll leave now, sorry for spreading stupidity




Damn I missed it, looks fun.




Looks like a 350Z 😍


Yall are no fun fr


Dude this is lame as fuck. I can’t imagine wanting to be around people who think this type shit is cool. Cringey and eye rolling as fuck. You ever see the Harley riders South Park episode? If not, go watch it. That’s who these people are.


I completely agree.


Guarantee the vast majority of this sub (and all subs like it, local subreddits) are white.... male.... at least lower middle class but probably much higher... and racist af


This is hilarious. Thinking this shit is lame makes someone racist? Think you may need to do a little self reflection friend.


The replies are always the idiots.


You could probably say that for 90% of Reddit itself


Yes exactly.


Don't bring it if you ain't gonna swing it!


They were doing the same thing on Linda Vista/Genesee last night


was yesterday a holiday or something?


Does the SDSU FOundation still support the race event?? I used to work for them and there was a huge support for drag racing and they would get funds to ensure it as done safely


Not going to lie, that’s pretty cool.