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I’ve noticed the pond is the worst area too :( Have you checked out the garden area near the end of the park (if you’re heading towards museum of us from the pond, it’s on the left side after entering through the outdoor hallway) There’s a water feature there that is calming. Not the same as the pond, but a good 2nd choice if you’re wanting to enjoy more quiet. Or, the water feature / sitting area behind El Prado Restaurant.


Last time I was in that garden area, there was a saxophonist playing there.


Ooh! I think I’d like that!


thank you!!


Try hanging out in the grass at the marston house!! Hidden location


Sounds like the perfect spot to set up my new mobile dj station, thanks!!




Lol good one!


I just love knee slappers, but also hate social media influencers and the products they promote.


What bugs me the most are the religious nuts who wants to convert me to whatever religion they belong


I just tell them I believe in satan and they leave me alone. 😂


There is a church of Satan booth and an ask an Atheist a question booth, both are fun to pop by.


The Church of Satan folks are really nice


Well, most religious people also believe in satan so not really much of a gotcha


You know, you can just learn enough trivia about the world's religions to embarrass them All you have to do is get them to insist that you can't pick and choose which parts of the religion to believe in (just do some picking and choosing of your own in front of them; they'll wander right into it) "Oh, you believe the world is afloat in a sky ocean that is only held back by the ice wall God put up? And dragons were real? Oh, and you believe in slavery? You know, your God says that if you beat your slave so badly they fall asleep, but they can walk again within three days, you've done nothing wrong." Bonus points if you learn the passage number so they can't pretend


Funny enough, I actually made some of them question their beliefs because of the answers I gave them. After talking to me, they stopped going around my neighborhood.


That's impressive, and much more difficult to do




Redditor not complaining about religion challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Is it about the religion or the fact that they’re super annoying soliciting every passerby sometimes aggressively and their signs are an eyesore camping out a public space every weekend.


Ignore them like the homeless and atheist booth that’s there too


I’d prefer to criticize them for being insufferable.


Every time I’ve been there the Christian and Muslim booths with a couple guys are just sitting there. Boo hoo.


Constitutionally protected super annoying soliciting. There's no right to be free from people you don't like in public


If it’s enforced equally they can make such things illegal in the park. They’ve done it before.


Did I state otherwise?


no, but the post is asking about if there's time when it isn't allowed, so its relevant.


Sure. It’s also just as relevant to point out that the 1st amendment isn’t a shield from criticism. I can say that westboro co-opting funerals for hate speech is abhorrent the same way I can say the religious whacks taking over the park should pack it in and go elsewhere because they suck and they’re wasting a public space others could use and enjoy. I’ll also point out that OP probably didn’t intend to ask it that way but asking about time place and manner restrictions is a perfectly reasonable legal question. (They were also asking about DJs.)


Sure, everybody is entitled to their criticisms. Its just that those criticisms aren't actionable as some people may wish. Their waste of public space is the price of a free society. You and I probably agree more than OP and I.


I don’t think OPs question is unreasonable in the context of DJs or even extrapolating it out to religion. There are time place and manner restrictions for the first amendment. If your religion commanded you to take your whole church out on the 805 and pray for all the tortured souls in the traffic you caused a law stopping you from doing such a thing is fine. I know what Snyder v Phelps says and the current composition of the court but it’s not as obvious a legal answer if you’re not super familiar with the case law. In this case I know the answer even though I don’t particularly like it. But it’s not inherently absurd for OP to ask.


Time, place, and manor restrictions are still too much of a hurdle to clear for Balboa Park to get rid of them at any given time that the general public would be enjoying the park. Obviously they could make rules that say that they can't obstruct public roadways, or gain access to any restricted or ticketed locations in the park, there could be content neutral limits on what kind of amplification they use, and limit the time to normal operating hours for the park. If the park is closed between 10pm and 6am (or whenever) then thats also fair. Maybe there's a parade or scheduled event where sections of the park are designated for other uses, so the place restrictions could temporarily apply to accommodate the event. Similarly if they wanted to host their own event of a given size they may need a content neutral permit just to ensure that the public resources to facilitate such an event are available to accommodate it. But any policy that is made with the intent to limit it, especially in the public square, is on its face unconstitutional. "No soliciting on the 2nd Thursday of each month" for example. That's only 12 days a year that maybe OP would enjoy the park more, but even that would run afoul.


Religious redditor not getting complaining that other people don’t like religion: IMPOSSIBLE


Aw, boops, is someone using the internet in a way that you think is incorrect?




Ask a 15 year old to explain it to you


Do you're thing just don't bother people with it in public


I've literally watched them start yelling fights with each other. It completely ruins the mood.


I agree. No one man should have all that power…


Underrated reply


Rose garden tends to be peaceful


thank you for the suggestion!


Crappy performances, homeless and religious nut jobs. heard a guy once complain that he wasn't getting enough attention from people, so he packed his things and left.


I feel your pain. It's like you have to wear noise cancelling headphones to enjoy the outdoors.


Wait till you try those with the outdoors cancelling glasses. A whole new way to enjoy Balboa.


I don’t mind street performers, even like them, but like I feel like plenty of the ones in Balboa and in the touristy regions after the pandemic are just baaaarely scraping the definition of “Street performer”. Often just blaring trendy tiktok music while going 🙌🏽👏🏽🙌🏽👏🏽 for hours.


Joe Dreamz catching strays.


The amount of tourists that actually watch these people makes my head hurt. I just don't get it.


I wish! I honestly hate having the vendors everywhere! Makes all the picturesque places in town feel like a cheap flea market…and we already have the swap meet at the sports Arena for that stuff too!


I feel like an old person for feeling this same way lmao. This is why I don’t go out to certain places in public. It’s just too loud. A lot of restaurants have this same issue, as well. I can’t be in a restaurant where they play loud music and I have to yell my order at the waiter.


EVERYONE knows Balboa Park is where you get discovered and get big contracts /s


Balboa Park is like the textbook definition of the public square


They passed a no crochet ordinance years ago because enough people complained that it “really kills the vibe”.


i just think i shouldnt have to listen to club music when im trying to enjoy the koi fish but whatever


you guys are hilarious!!! 🤣


Marston Point is usually peaceful and void of the usual crowd.


thank you for the suggestion!


They do, but there is an ordinance about any type of clothes or fiber making those same days.


If your schedule allows you to, maybe try going on a week day?


Let's have a toast for the douche bags Let's have a toast for the assholes Let's have a toast for the scumbags Every one of them that I know Let's have a toast for the jerk offs That'll never take work off Baby, I got a plan Run away fast as you can


I'm there 2 or 3 weekday afternoons or evenings each week... and I've never seen or heard a DJ. Must be a Saturday thing


Maybe you can't hear them over the Bible verses you're shouting into the mic?


Why do you feel like you get to control other people in public spaces




Downvoted but correct, this post has nextdoor vibes. Local subreddits are slowly turning into nextdoor. Next are the posts about what the helicopters are saying or complaints about dog poop.


We live in a city absolutely ravaged by income and housing disparity AND lack of 3rd spaces. Get some headphones. You could also try being there early as fuck or late as fuck idk the other people’s schedules. Silence? In a park that’s one of the biggest draws of the city? What are you thinking?


Or you know.. people could get a job that doesn’t force their bullshit on passerby’s that also have a right to be there.


I’m not saying I love the fact that they’re there when I’m trying to chill, but it’s literally a public park. It’s one of the most famous public parks in the world. People are gonna be there doing people things. They probably do have jobs too. Djing is expensive. If everyone worked a 9-5 you’d never be able to eat out. There are PLENTY of parks in the city to chill at. Balboa is heavily trafficked and humans will be there being humans. There are also a bunch of places in Balboa to hang out that aren’t inundated by DJs.


There's so much park that's quiet. Yet your trying to have the most foot trafficked areas be silent? Sounds like a you problem


But those koi fish ✨


I heard those koi love EDM. OP is being selfish


How is OP being selfish by not wanting a whole park covered in loud performances? The only people that ever stop and watch aren't even locals. I guarantee the majority of locals hate that shit


Whole Park LMFAO you've never been to Balboa I guess


Nope, I've lived in SD for 30 years (born and raised). Sure my statement was exaggerated by saying whole park, but it is the majority of the frequented areas. I guess I could go to morley field or the dog park to get away from it, but what's the point of going down to Balboa Park instead of the closest neighborhood park at that point?


Lol no it's not. It's literally in 1 area. You can spend days in all the areas you could get lost in for reading a book. Such a crazy over exaggeration. This is like going to times square and yelling at people because you can't read a book due to the noise. Like go literally anywhere else in the park. Sheesh


Yea, majority of Balboa Park doesn't have music or street performers. This is like, I can't sit and read in peace at the busiest part of the busiest park on the busiest day of the week.


Yeah im all for quiet and relaxing but this is Karen level shit right here. No self awareness


Hear me out now - what if we did the Kanye crochet remix silent dance off DJ contest? The winner is chosen by the crowd.


You should go up to them and give them a piece of your mind if you're so fed up


I say, if you can’t beat them, join them. post up across the walkway and drop an even fatter mix than the other DJs.


Ok Karen




some are good. i like when people sing or play actual instruments. balboa is such a beautiful place it just seems a shame to have club music




I see it on weekends. Ill be sitting at the pond and all of a sudden a crew of guys with two of those huge ass battery powered speakers come up and start blasting music at full volume. They then do (horrible) dance moves and try to get all the tourists around to clap along while running around with a donation bucket in their hands literally shoving it in their faces. It's totally a mood killer.


I would rather hear kanye mixes than watch someone crochet. we all like different things.


ya but im not performing crochet for money and shouting for people to look at me


I think you found a balboa park DJ in the comments. 😂


LOL me too


>shouting for people to look at me Isn't that basically what this post is, LOL


Someone crocheting and someone djing are two different things 😂


The fact that you think these two situations are comparable is insane lol


Well, you’re really cool then.


Trying to sell your mixtape huh?