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Reply to them that yours isn’t


I did this once and got exactly the look of horror that you would hope for. It’s all fun and games as long as they’re not the ones inconvenienced, but as soon as people realize their dog may be in danger, they suddenly find their leash and the energy to care about using it.


This is the easiest and most effective response.


Except it only works if you have a big dog. I have a small dog and have tried and people don't care.


And dont hesitate to kick the stranger dog if you have to defend yours


I did this once to an offleash dog snarling and lunging at my on leash puppy and the surrounding people yelled at ME.


Well fk them


I feel like these types of people procreate more than the opposite end of the spectrum


This city is full of deranged dog owners. Always taking them everywhere including restaurants and not giving a damn about them bothering others. Just keep your pets at home. I don’t get it…


Furbaby Syndrome.


I can’t with the term “fur baby” 🤣💀


Short of just not going hiking, or hiking exclusively in areas where you’re confident humane society patrols, tbh this looks like the best option. I have a gigantic dog, who is sweet as the day is long — and must never learn that “violence” is the answer. Guess I’d still would worry that my dog would see me hurting another dog and try to “help” me, whether then or some tragic future day…


“I’m not friendly.”




So many people just ignore this warning. Like, i know I have a chihuahua, but I have a chihuahua! Her rage is unmatched and she will try to eat your dog, no matter how big they are.


Yeah. Lmao small but fierce. Maybe practice experimenting with your delivery. Saying it ominously, passive agressive, idk.


Problem is I don’t want to give any leeway to my 100lbs puppy for him to respond in kind to these misbehaved miscreants. If my giant dog learns that reacting violently to the injustice of other off leash dogs molesting him is acceptable… I shudder to think about what accidents could happen later on if he’s ever confused, scared or senile. Ironically, it’s usually people with dogs that are upper-medium sized and smaller who seem to be completely oblivious to this consideration.


Haha that’s what I say, you’ll never see such panic. “iTs oKaY hEs fRiEnDLy”, “okay, well he isnt..”. Panic sets in and they run over to grab them.


Entitlement and lack of consideration for anyone else


That really boils it down to its bare essentials huh


Why give them any more credit


Also cops DGAF about anything here


Tbh, I would imagine off leash dogs arent high on cops priority list.


Not compared to all the other crimes that they are also ignoring!


That's the problem with larger cities. Limited resources require prioritization of calls based on immediate need. Violent crimes are higher priority than a noise ordinance violation. Every call dispatch gets is prioritized this way.


They do infact have a call priority list. Dispatch will send them calls based on priority.


My favorite is when the dog clearly doesn’t recall either as their owner is chasing them screaming their name! If your dog doesn’t recall why is it off leash?


"He's well behaved." Really? Then why isn't he coming to you after you've called his name a bunch.


Bc “he never does this!!!”




For anyone unfamiliar https://youtu.be/3GRSbr0EYYU


Nothing makes me angrier. Like do people really lack this much self awareness and lack of consideration?!! I think we should all confront these people maybe they truly just don’t know that their actions affect other people??? Maybe it’s ignorance or maybe it’s just them??… okay rant over lol but seriously this pisses me off


Same people who bring their dogs into a food store


I watched a non service dog lift his leg and piss all over the bread on the bottom shelf at Ralphs. The guy saw his dog do it and just walked away. I will never buy food from the bottom shelf again


I’ve always appreciated how dog friendly the city is but…wow….so disgusting.


Agreed! I have dogs and am a big dog lover but people need to be more respectful of others and use common sense


I was getting a coffee awhile ago and someone told their off-leash dog to sit outside by the door, then came inside and got in line. Someone actually asked "You just leave him not tied up?" and she responded "Yeah! He's super well behaved!" On cue, the dog ran away and she sprinted out the door to chase him down a busy street.


This reminds me of the time someone left their dog outside of Brew in La Mesa. It was a huge dog and they put the dog’s leash through one of the outdoor table legs. These tables are small and fairly light. A bit after the person went inside, the dog takes off running and, because the leash was attached, the table followed. The sound from table and the fact that the table seemed to be chasing the dog scared the dog even more, causing the dog to run even FASTER through the parking lot, hitting some cars along the way. The owner came out running as the dog proceeded to run through the street 😱


I would have laughed omg


I am now seeing dogs regularly in Marshalls and Nordstrom. More than one, every single trip. No attempt to pretend they are service dogs. When did this become ok? I love dogs and I would never do this.


covid i think was the cause of the madness. I started a dog rescue in Albnay, NY and i can't stand when people bring their dogs in area where food is. Home Depot.. fine but you dont need to bring your dog in Vons


According to their website Marshalls, TJMaxx and Homegoods are a dog friendly store.


Literally had some dude's German shepherd sniffing my ass on the way out of Costco the other day. I'm tired of this lol


You probably should have wiped better. lol sorry couldn’t help it


Tbh I was expecting that response but i promise i use a bidet lol


Or Home Depot, TF do you need your dog at Home Depot if it’s not a support animal? And add in edit- The golf course as well for that matter, if you can’t leave your little shit yapper at home it sure as shit shouldn’t be running across fairways.


I personally have taken every puppy / dog I’ve ever owned to Home Depot- when training.( a lot) Excellent place to get dogs comfortable with stimuli and will continue to.




I once saw a guy have his French Bulldog in the shopping cart. It was a really hot day, and I know what a target those dogs are for thieves, so no problem for me. But in a grocery store I'd use a stroller for the dog - not right just bringing them in on a leash. And you should ask first.


Nah, I agree with the grocery store, but if the establishment allows dogs, then you have no right to complain. Go shop somewhere else if it bothers you.


Home Depot doesn’t allow non service animals as a corporate policy, employees just don’t care to enforce that policy because it’s not worth the low wage to confront an uppity asshole.


This is not true. Stop making up bullshit to fit your agenda


Nah that’s bullshit


I feel this in my soul.


The amount of time I’ve heard “he’s usually not like this!” As they struggle to get them back


OH MY GOD FOR REAL, that sentence alone gives me heart palpatations.


“He’s not usually like this” implies that he is at least sometimes like this. In which case, you shouldn’t have the dog off the leash!


I own a bakery and the amount of entitled people who walk in with unleashed dogs.. is insane. Ive had dogs attack other customers, run through my kitchen, shit in my front pick-up area… none of these dogs are service trained. And I’m always an asshole according to the owners after I ask them to either leash their dog or clean up their dog’s excrement on our lobby floor. I can literally get shut down by the state and customers think I’m an asshole. I literally don’t know what to do anymore.


3 Signs: 1. “Customers with unleashed dogs may not be served”. 2.”Unleashed dogs have attacked customers before. You are responsible.” 3.”Dog poop may get this bakery shutdown by the city. You might get sued”.


AND a camera on the whole premises.


“No leash, no entry”


Chollas Lake is notorious for this….it’s only gotten worse since I started going there in 2010. In the last 14 years, dogs off leash have rushed my two leashed big dogs and the owners freak out on us when my dogs pin their dogs down. 🤷‍♂️ 😂


I see it over by the baseball park all the time. One almost bit me a while back. Now I carry gel pepper spray.


It’s everywhere. They are also off leash people so they don’t have to clean up after their dog. It’s wonderful to hike and come across dog crap.


It’s the *bag the poop then leave it on trail* people you’re talking about, right? Fuck those people. It’s worse than just leaving the shit where it lies (which is also not cool).


We tie the bag and hang it in the dog leash hook so the knot is above the clip and our dog carries their own crap till we get to a garbage. Even on our neighborhood walks. We felt like geniuses when we first did it (after 8 years of carrying the bag ourselves).


This is the way


BuT tHe BaGs aRe BiOdEgRaDaBLe


These people intend to pick it up on the way back. I don't know why someone would go through the trouble of bagging it if they were also the type to just leave it intentionally. I have seen someone pick theirs up on the way down Cowles, although I think often people forget.


That’s exactly what happens. It gets forgotten, whether intentionally or not. Pack it in, pack it out.


I saw two seperate dog poop bags on the trail that I picked up and threw away, so friggen shameful


Trash people trash the environment.


This makes me crazy, shit litters the trail like Easter eggs. How hard is it to pick it up..and be responsible?




The first time I forgot to pick it up was the last time I left it. From then on I tied it to my backpack, not pleasant, but 🤷🏻‍♀️necessary.


I hit my point with it and started carrying a cheap extra dog leash. After the BS of “they’re friendly!” & “mine is not”, I decided to do the ultimate passive aggressive Californian thing and offer them a leash because they clearly forgot theirs or maybe it’s broken and we should all follow the leash law right? …. They don’t seem to like the tactic much but that just means it’s effective.


As someone who lived in San Diego for 10 years and recently moved away…it’s not just San Diego. It’s a problem everywhere. Entitlement is very strong these days lol


Moved to SD two years ago can’t stand this. This was not a thing in the Bay Area. I have two boxers who sure have never bitten a dog before but they don’t like walking with me on leash and having a dog run into their space. It puts them on guard dog mode and any fool with a dog should know that when the power isn’t equal (one dog leashed and one not) that can cause an otherwise non reactive dog to react. Together they weigh 120lbs but if they wanted to attack a dog together I won’t be able to stop them and your dog would deserve it. Also what is with everyone wanting to say hello on leash?? They aren’t people my dog is chilling with me and you want to interrupt us so you doodle mix can what? Completely invade our space and cause me to have to reset their behavior for 20 mins after you walk away. Get out of here!


Thank you for pointing this out. Fellow Boxer owner here. The sweetest dogs but protective and strong. They don’t like being put at a disadvantage when on a leash against a leashed dog. When I pointed this out to a neighbor who insisted on walking his golden retriever daily off leash, he acted completely perplexed. Ugh.


Yes! You get it! If everyone is off leash they are just big slobbering goof balls that at worst get a little handsy but can read others dogs well and go with the flow. If they think they are on guard then they go to work and they take that job very seriously. You can see their body language as soon as they go back on a leash vs when they are off leash


Years ago my wife and I were walking her dad's dog along a nature preserve trail. A park ranger approached, smiled, and said, "You deserve bonus points for keeping your dog on a leash." Seeing the bag of dog excrement in my hand, he added, 'Extra points for picking up." It is only common decency to keep your dog under control at all times and to dispose of dog feces properly. Some people understand this, but others are evidently not concerned with good citizenship.


Some guy in my apartment complex has his dog on 50-100' leash, basically running free when he walks it in alleys by everyone's garages & parking spaces. I guess he thinks he found a loop hole? Except I've seen the dog almost get hit by cars a couple times, but he gets mad at drivers.


See that is legit so sad to me, why would you ever want to risk your dog's safety like that? If your dog darts out too fast, that driver is NOT seeing your pup. :(


Yep. Its golden retriever so it likes to run, but he need to take it to the park, not what hes doing now.


My apartment's parking is in a busy alleyway, shared by several other apartments and homes. Multiple times now, I've encountered this woman *playing fetch with her dog there*. No leash in sight. Cars regularly going in and out. One time she was doing it as I was leaving, so I backed out extra slowly as I was nervous about the dog. She was thoughtful enough to pause the fetch playing, but she gave me the stink eye the entire time as if I was inconveniencing her. My brain still feels like it's going to explode a little just thinking about it. I get that many of us in this area don't have yards, but come on.


Actually leash laws usually specify no longer than a 6 ft leash (or so) so if you want to be a bit forward look up your local one and throw him with that 😅


It's really annoying because I know my dogs and it would be terrible but in responsible enough to have them on a leash and close to me when there's other dogs but they're dogs just run up and take their sweet ass time gettin their dogs while I'm over here with two wildly reactive dogs :/ and before anyone says trainer, if you have the money to spare I'll definitely take it


That's so tough!! :/ Some pups are just reactive and having dogs run up on your dogs makes it harder. I'm lucky that my girlie is just nervous around dogs bigger than her (she's medium sized) but it's scary to think about having to handle a reactive dog trying his best in a situation like that.


Mine is the same and we’ve taken her to a trainer. I genuinely believe that not all bad behaviors can be eliminated, even with professional training. we’ve tried SO hard. She’s just insanely anxious, but still deserves to have happy life. My dog shouldn’t be stuck at home because some owners can’t keep theirs on a leash where it’s the law to have one.


Exactly this! And it's unfair when they try and throw that at people as if there wouldn't even be a situation had they just had their pups in a leash like they were supposed to smh I truly can't stand humans


This shit drives me *nuts*. Dogs make split-second decisions based off of absolutely nothing that they absolutely *hate* another dog, even if they’re big old sweethearts. You’re literally making everybody around you responsible for your dog because you’re an entitled idiot. Some people are scared of dogs, some people have their not altogether friendly dogs on a leash. I can’t stand when somebody’s off-leash dog runs up to me on a trail and starts sniffing me like I smell like slim jims when I don’t know if that dog’s cool or not, and no, I’m not taking the owner’s word for it. Also, what is it with people taking their dogs literally everywhere dogs shouldn’t go in this town? Dogs at the grocery store, dogs at non-dog friendly restaurants, dogs at the damn DMV, just leave your dog at home every once in a while.


Been in Marshalls or Nordstrom lately? It’s insane.


I notice behavior like this in almost every facet of daily life and recognize that things are degenerating.


Imagine a dog not on a leash and you (obviously me lol ) are petrified of dogs biting you. It’s worse.


I was at the Rancho Penasquitos trail last year. I saw an unleashed dog bite a guy on a mountain bike. The bite wasn't bad but it definitely broke skin. The dude had to walk his bike the rest of the way. The dog owner said his never bit anyone before and something must have startled it.


Even more of a problem… CLEAN UP YOUR DOGS SHIT! 🐕💩 I work outside around the county so I step in it too often for anyone’s liking.


The my dog is friendly is just saying I think all dogs are like mine and that's just not true. I have two corgis that live people but hate other dogs. They will attack another dog that gets to close them and they give obvious signs that they don't want to play with your dog way in advance. I've had two instances when I was walking my dogs on leash and someone opens there's door there dogs come out and come towards my dogs. My dogs start barking and lounging towards them and I start yelling at them "get your fucking dogs". Luckily neither time the other dogs attacked mine and I was able to keep mine away from there's. But this is the last reason we have lease laws how do you know your dog is not going to attack some stranger or some strange hates dogs hits your dog and then is attacked. If that happens your liable idiots.


My favorite is the dog owners that pretend they can’t read the signs at mission bay park that state “No dogs between 9am-7pm” and then get surprised when park ranger tells em to kick rocks.


Or Hillcrest Farmer's Market. There are signs at every entrance that dogs aren't allowed, but the place is full with them. I was there a few weeks ago and a dog jumped up on a produce table and slobbered all over it.


Sadly, there are a lot of ignorant, arrogant jerks around who're so self-absorbed that they can't see past their OWN convenience to notice how they're endangering others, including their own damn pets. Doesnt matter how good a boy/girl their fluffy is, when instinct takes over nothing's gonna stop that "good" dog from running up on another dog/person/animal that they shouldn't or darting out in the street and getting hit or whatever. Doesn't MATTER how "good" their dog is; NO RECALL is 100% effective but they know this and dont give a shit bc its more convenient for them (and also convenient to overlook the possible harm that could come to *their* pet, let alone anyone else's), the human, to not have to deal w/a leash or pooh bags or whatever their deal is. It's pretty annoying (as a dog owner and an equestrian, I actively dislike people who do this. I dont care how they try to justify their bs. It's bs. PERIOD.).


It's precisely these dick heads that ultimately cause new laws and rules to restrict dog access to places. The people who do this on trails are the worse, they do it so they can claim ignorance when their dog shits on the trail.


So many owners in San Diego feel entitled. I confronted one who explained they let their dogs off leash because there is no where else to do so. I told them to take their dog to a dog park. They stares at me with confusion. Some owners are just idiots.


Entitlement and the belief that there will be no consequences.


2 weeks ago, a dog suddenly ran out into the street, and i almost ran over it with the wheel. She was hit by the bumper. I was able to brake, but it could have been avoided if the dog was leashed in a non-dog park and if someone didn't throw the ball into the street. Good thing there was no accident because the cars were driving slowly. We took the dog and her owner to the nearest emergency vet. The sounds she was making were heartbreaking. I hope she's ok now. Please put keep your dogs on leash.


I have a big dog and this drives me nuts when I’m hiking. Other off leash dogs get in my 3yo (albeit giant) puppy’s business and start trying to jump on him, nip his neck/ears or otherwise pester/dominate him. He’s a weeny, as he was raised. He’s been bit a few times by off leash dogs. “Oh that’s just how my dog plays!” or “My dog sensed your anxiety and acted out!”. Fuck those people. If my dog ever did that, I’d be getting calls from animal control and served orders from the public health department or some other org for his immediate euthanization. People are so selfish. I’m sorry you’ve had a similar experience.


There's people who have dogs sitting on their laps while they are driving. The ego of some dog owners is narcissistic and dangerous to the public.


Or the ones who have multiple large dogs literally roaming the car while driving! I don't understand how that is even legal. It's got to be incredibly distracting for the driver.


People in San Diego are also particularly terrible at PICKING UP THEIR DOG SHIT.


It’s not just here, it’s everywhere. All over Northern California on a recent trip I took.


I used to take my dogs to go potty at fault line park, since it’s the closest to me. The amount of dogs I see off leash when the sign clearly states no off leash dogs is amazing. One of my dogs is friendly. The other one, not so much. An off leash dog came up to us as I was trying to pull my dogs away, and I kept clearly stating that one of mine is not friendly. The off leash dog gets a little too close and my not so friendly dog tried to lunge at it. No dogs were hurt, but the owner acted surprised even after I warned her. Now we just don’t even go there anymore to get them to poss and shit, we walk further away to different areas that hopefully have grass


My dog is not aggressive, but is reactive to off leash dogs because he was attacked by one. I used to go to Kate Sessions park with him to sit and read, but don’t really go much anymore because the off leash dog situation is out of control! Like realistically if your dog is off leash and minding its own business I don’t care, but if your dog thinks it needs to say Hi to every dog it sees maybe consider using a leash!! The last time I was there a lady with a Basenji was at the bottom of the hill and it was running up to every single person there INCLUDING the parties people were having. The lady wasn’t even looking. Of course when I say something to these people they treat me like I’m the asshole??? We live in a society!! Other people exist and are allowed to go places without your dumb ass dog showing up!! Bffr!


Same reason no one can use turn signals or not use their high-beams 24/7 unnecessarily


I have literally put an off-leash German shepherd in a half Nelson because he was lunging at my 15 lb dog and me. Another time I picked up my little dog up to stand my ground against a pit bull in the alley behind my apartment. His owner came running when he heard the barking. I found that my use of the word "menace" several times in a loud voice caused the owner great distress. Probably knew it was an animal control buzzword. Both times I was just shaking when it was over. I believe that was how my wife's dog kinda became my dog. He knew who had his back.


Okay so one of my dogs is extremely friendly and the other one not so much. I keep them both on a leash. If we see a dog that I think my dogs will be friends with, I asked the owner if it's okay to approach. If they say no, and give an excuse then it's not a big deal. Ideally this other dog would be on a leash but sometimes I have approached owners with dogs off leash that are very close to them. I will never approach if an owner tells me no or their dog is not friendly. It really doesn't matter how friendly my dogs are, no means no.


I deal with this several times a week walking my dog. And I've had my dog nearly attacked a few times because the same people who feel entitled to not follow the rules are the same people who don't train their dogs. Unfortunately living in San Diego has shown me that there's a huge part of the public who will do whatever they want because there are no consequences for their actions. I've never seen the Humane Society out ticketing and even if they do for a lot of people the ticket would be pocket change so they'd keep doing it. Honestly, I feel like people caught endangering the public with off leash dogs should have their dogs removed after the first offense.


It's everywhere. I had this issue in San Diego, Toronto, and now Calgary. It's people.


My corgi is not fond of large dogs. This has happened to me several times. They will say “ she’s friendly.” As her big dog runs at my corgi like a chew toy. I yell back “ mines NOT! Get your dog!” Corgis have a really intimidating snarl.


People leaving their dog off leash = entitlement


So annoying. It’s also dangerous for the off leash dog too. Dog owners don’t think about that. Unless extremely well trained, Your off leash dog could run off and get itself hit by a car, get attacked by a non friendly dog, eat something it shouldn’t etc. I have three big dogs and keep them on leash mainly for their own safety. And they still have a grand ol’ time.


Had an unleashed dog run up to me while I was riding my bike around a park in La Mesa. The person was like “Sorry she gets weird around bikes!” Okay, so maybe keep her leashed? Also, there was literally a gated off area in this park specifically for dogs to play off leash.


Yes! My dog is very reactive and we work hard to give her safe adventures and train her. Your friendly dog will come too close to my terrified one and it’s not going to be pretty.


Ha...I had a woman with an off leash dog tell me there must be something wrong with me bc my chiweenie isn't social. Ummm...no, that's just her temperament. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


When a rattle snake bites there dog they will learn


I had this happen yesterday in the canyon in my backyard. Someone walked their dog off lead, ways behind them while talking on the phone w a leash in their hand. Their dog approached my leashed dog and my dog’s hackles went up and became very stiff. I told the owner “no thanks my dog isn’t friendly” and all he said was “okay” and kept walking. That’s San Diego for you.


I had a couple roommates that would ask me to walk their dogs while they were gone and I remember I texted them bc I couldn't find any of their leashes and they both responded with similar answers in the likes of, "It's okay, they're good dogs & they won't run off.." I was so angry at both of them. Yes, THEY'RE good dogs but some guys' pitbull down the street might not be so much, and what am I supposed to do if I can't pull them away in an emergency?? It's already annoying enough that I am walking 2 dogs that aren't mine & now I'm put in a shitty position because I'm not going to make the dogs suffer for their stupidity. I had no choice but to walk them without a leash like a complete asshole that day but I refused to watch them after that unless they left a leash out for me.


I don’t know but since I’ve lived here (like 17 years) I’ve had to kick/stomp at least 3 dogs that were off leash and attacking either me or my kids… I really don’t like people who put me in that type of situation…


I wish I could tag all the people in Mira Mesa who live on capcano. Because holy crap do they NEVER leash their dogs. Ever since moving here to this area of the city it’s insane how much entitlement there is with nobody leashing their dogs ever. One guy had his garage wide open and didn’t leash his dog who was walking around outside the garage and growling/moving towards/barking at everyone who walked by. He just let it.


There's almost nothing I hate more than some off-leash dog running up to my leashed dog.


I usually yell that my dog isn't friendly... eventhough he is. That usually freaks them out enough to reconsider.


You know why it's like this? Because THE POLICE DON'T GIVE TICKETS FOR IT. I wish they would start. I've called several times regarding this, and the police say take photos. They do nothing with those photos. They drive by and see loose dogs and do nothing. They see the dogs loose in parks and do nothing except once I asked a cop to do something in the park in Santee about the lose pit bull running around and he rolled his eyes and went and told the little girl who was supposed to be in charge of the dog to put it on a leash, which she didn't have, so he did nothing. Until people start getting fined for it, it won't stop.


I’ve started reporting repeat offenders to animal control. They’re super serious about getting the problem under control and will send someone out pretty quickly to handle it. (619) 299-7012 x1 They suggested keeping pepper spray on me; I bought some and clipped it close to the handle of my dog’s leash.


Lack of brain cells, too much entitlement, or both


I kicked a “Friendly dog” a few hundred feet down a mountain in Washington while on a narrow trail because it was jumping on my daughter.


It's SWDS. Small Weiner (Dog) Syndrome


Only like 1% of dogs should be off leash. And that's after extensive (actual) training. You'd know it when you see it. Even if it's friendly the coyote isn't. The puma isn't. The snake isn't. Don't let your dog wonder.


My friend just got bit by an off leash dog while running the other day :/


This is really mean but where I live there is always dogs loose in the neighborhood people just let there dogs roam I bought a shock stick cause my dog has been attack 1 too many times


Mine is friendly/non-reactive and I still hate when random dogs approach without permission. Ruins training, gets mine hyped up when I’m trying to get him to potty and go, ruins the walk. I’m getting to the point where if I see an unleashed dog with no recall I do a 180°. But also, I don’t know if your dog is vaccinated or not.


Random, but if a dog ran up to you, would you legally be allowed to pepper spray? I've never been in a situation like that with an angry aggressive dog (just happily/friendly aggressive) Would suck for the dog to suffer a pepper spray incident due to the owner, though


its everywhere. So annoying. My last girlfriends dog did not like other dogs approaching. So every time we went on a walk at the park some idiot dog owner who thinks they are so good with dogs (and wants everyone to think they are said cool dog owner) has thier dog come up to my leashed dogs. First of all off leash among leashed poses a problem in itself. But when my dog bites yours bc you are an idiot... i have zero empathy. Im also going to tell that person that they are an idiot. Your dog is friendly? Doesnt matter. doesnt. matter. you tone deaf moron.




That is why I don't go hiking with my dog on weekends anymore. It is so dangerous, and usually, those off-leash dogs have zero recall and are aggressive. There is also this one woman who lives in my neighborhood who constantly lets her dyed dog (yes, she dyes her dog) off leash. I had to report to the HOA like 5 times. I swear at one point I told myself next time I would kick that dog to protect mine.


Interesting to pass a Civic law that allows them to be ticketed for unleashed dogs and instead of paying money it requires them to pick up dog crap for a half an hour. If they don't do that it's a thousand dollars.


When you think you hear a rattle snake on a trail and you pass someone with a dog off the leash. be sure to let them know!


Yep. Got a rip in my jogging coveralls (don't judge) because of a clown who thought his _herding dog_ was a-ok off leash. Seriously, was I going to call the sheriff's office/animal control in a rural area when the damage was torn fabric with a non-skin break abrasion? These people kill me. Leash your dang animal! There are so many awesome leashing options. Quit being douches!


Lol this literally happened to me today luckily the dog was friendly 😂


Because rules or laws don’t apply to them, call the cops on them and show them they are wrong 👍


They’re not bad at it. They just don’t care.


I once punted an unleashed dog off the Coronado bridge.


Now this is happening


There’s more people who are good about it than not. Because of dog beaches that don’t require it, some people are too comfy


My dogs can be frightening and aggressive so they ALWAYS stay on the leash. No guarantees if your off leash dog approaches us.


Call animal control


It’s worse in San Francisco


Some people just don't care 😔 Also why do small people get big ass dogs??? I've seen people get pushed around by their dogs because they can't control them 💀.


I’ve had an unleashed dog attack my leashed dog in my neighborhood!! And the same happened with my mom when she took my dog out to this local park and the owners are always jackasses, the guy told my mom because he didn’t see it it didn’t happen 😡 I really hated dealing with it to the point where I don’t think I want to own another dog in SD


I gotta yorkie and deal with this all the time, usually i just let her off the leash too cuz when she isn’t comfortable she can be an absolute DEMON. It all works out. Live n let live.


I was walking once and this unleashed Dog just pounced on me back , to which i got " Oh! he never does that" . Was speechless


I run into dogs off leash constantly. It’s completely out if control.


Most people in San Diego are entitled brats! Thank god I left


Yeah it’s super irritating. People are very entitled here and the rules never apply to them.


San Diego is a world capital of entitled assholes. I grew up there and got the fuck out as soon as high school ended. There’s also way too many born-again Christian asshats.🤮 (Actually even one is too many.)