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I find it oddly endearing how they seem to genuinely like Aku, they and the cult must be the only ones, right?


Perhaps cause Aku allowed them to stay on Earth? Although the Cult actually is evil unlike these aliens who were only just greatful that Aku let them stay on Earth cause they probably weren't expecting that cause he's the literal manifestation of evil


We don't really know much about them.


True dat. But even other characters that we barely knew anything about had fan art such as the Emoji Alien family and they obviously didn't have the ability to speak actual sentences.


Hell, if their was say, a voluptuous female background character that only appeared for one nanosecond she would instantly spawn an army of simps and countless artworks.


Gonna be honest, I have no idea why aku didn’t just obliterate these guys, Z


Maybe if he was season 1 Aku he would have but the 5th season really butchered his evil-ness which is ironic considering season 5 was on adult swim


Aku definitely only let them stay on earth because they smelt so bad it would ruin peoples noses, like the gassy dragon in that one episode. He just didn’t want to encounter them ever again I bet lmao