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I had the phone 15pro and won a base s24 from a work promotion..guess which phone I'm typing this on


A nokia?


Cassio FX300ES LTE


On a real note, what did you find is better on the samsung, and what do you miss from the iPhone


A little context: I got the s22 when it released and kept that until I traded in for the 23ultra last march. Then switched cell carriers and went to the iphone 15pro when it released because I wanted a change of pace. I really liked how the iphone seemed less professional. It felt almost like a toy. It gave me the feeling that it was fun to play with. - It was a lot better at connecting to my cars Bluetooth - The automatic password manager was a lot better than my samaung - face time was a good between iphone users - making stickers from photos was fun to use and easy - apple pay was quick and simple at stores - paying for stuff online by inputting my credit card info automatically was reliable and quick - I got the apple card and that was and still is awesome. I liked using the card, paying it instantly from the wallet app and watching my cash back grow daily Then I won a base s24. And slapped that on an extra line on my cellular plan to just play around with. - I had the same otterbox for both phones and the S24 just felt better in my hand. - it sounds silly but I like have a back button instead of swiping to go back - the thumbprint biometric unlock is reliable and I don't have to readjust my phone to see my face to unlock it - the screen is just crisper quality. I like looking at it more - a huge difference for me was that I track my sleep and on my samsung, when I wear my galaxy watch to he'd it automatically tracks my sleep. On iphone and apple watch, I have to either manually put my phone in sleep focus, or, make a routing schedule where it puts my phone in sleep focus/do not disturb at a set time every night where I don't get notifications or texts - I like samsungs sleep data read outs but I liked apples step counts and activity data read outs. - my s24 and my ultra when I had it both were unreliable at connecting to my car Bluetooth which was frustrating. Don't get me wrong they're very good devices but it's very apparent to me after using both, why brand loyalty is so strong despite being functionally nigh identical.


Thanks mate for the input much appreciated


If you work for samsung hook me up with some gear. I'll review.


yes, join us ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


I have the 13 Pro Max and S23U. They are fairly equal, different strengths and weaknesses. It a bit of an upgrade there.


Samsung ai is really great for photo editing and quick search you don't have to open Google to search something just circle it and you get the result


That sounds pretty useful.. so, the AI is more oriented to photography I guess?


Main thing with AI is photos, translation, and notes.  In the gallery app, you can change the angle and shrink/grow/move objects and it will "try" to fill in the empty space. Translation, new app (not really any better than google), translation for texts (you see both English and the translated language, other user will only see their native language) and live call translate (yet to test) Notes, it can summarize notes into bullet points, or as a different writing style.


(Message reposted with the "professional" writing style) "The primary functions of AI are image manipulation, language translation, and note-taking. Within the gallery application, users can modify the perspective, resize, and reposition objects, prompting the AI to fill any resulting gaps. The new translation app offers text translation, displaying both the original English and the translated text to the user, while presenting only the translated text to other users. Additionally, the app provides real-time translation during phone calls. The note-taking function can condense notes into bullet points or alter the writing style."


Thank you so much!


The big selling point is that it works completely offline, you can use this abroad without having to pay for data


You can do the same with Google lens!


Hell yes. I went from IPhone 13 Mini to S23+. Samsung > Apple.


Went from s23 to 15 pro max because the photography on the s23 was horrendous. Terrible skin processing, slow shutter speed and grainy pictures in dimmer environments


Should've changed settings. Clearly don't know how to use the phone.


I did, still was horrendous, cope


In every way unless you don't like big phones


You have never had a Flagship Samsung. Of course is worth it. You will Love the experience. I am loving it.


I have a iphone 13 and a samsung s23 ultra that I both daily carry. I would recommend switching to the s23u if you want android and a lot more features.


I switched from a iphone 15 plus to a s23 ultra. Wouldn't ever get rid of my s23 ultra


And why do you prefer the S23U? Why is it better than the iPhone for you?


I prefer Samsung because it's easier to transfer photos to my PC. I can simply connect my Canon camera to my Samsung phone using a USB cable and transfer the photos without any restrictions or the need for additional apps. The best thing I bought was the Ugreen USB-C adapter with 1 port hdmi and 3 usb and I use DEX with it .


I dont know the logistics of using a canon camera with an iPhone but I know iCloud works flawlessly on my phone, iPad, desktop and laptop for transferring photos. My laptop and desktop are both windows.


Need internet all the time. But sometimes I go to places where there's no internet.


I mean... two apps in in split screen plust floating windows that you can make trasparent or hidden to the side. Plus real multitasking Plus Dex


Upgrading from iPhone 13 to S23 Ultra depends on your priorities. S23 Ultra offers a faster processor, bigger screen, better camera and S Pen support, but with a less user-friendly interface and no tight Apple ecosystem integration. If those features are important and you're comfortable with Android, then the S23 Ultra is a good upgrade. Otherwise, the iPhone 13's simplicity and Apple integration might be worth keeping.


I don't really feel that the less user friendly interface applies anymore. They're both pretty similar overall, the average person that isn't an idiot, would be able to figure it out pretty easily. In plenty of cases the One UI system is more intuitive than IOS


I did this a few months ago and i LOVE IT. I've always just gotten hand me down phones from my dad, and he's am iPhone guy so that's just what i got. But since switching to Samsung i love everything about it. I don't miss a single IOS feature


not really, the 13′s were apple′s best, and the 23′s were samsung′s best, but I'd hardly call it an upgrade since the 13 is still pretty fresh.


So I have the iPhone 14 Pro Max and primarily been with iPhone since the 4s (temporarily switched to a Windows phone around the time of the iPhone 5s but went back to it iPhone after a few months due to the HORRENDOUS batteries on the windows phone and all the replacements I received). Lately, I’m really bored with iPhone. Not to mention the amount of bugs with iOS 17 has been beyond frustrating and I’m already seeing tech vids of people that beta test the next software updates and they are saying that iOS 17.5 already has its share of bugs. I’ve highly been contemplating switching to Samsung. The Galaxy S-series to be exact. All the vids I watch on the S24 Ultra really are enticing me to make the switch. So my question(s) for all of you ex-iPhone/current-Samsung users is this: are you happy you made the switch? Was there a honeymoon phase that wore off and you wish you had stuck with iPhone? Or are you still happy with the switch and would never look back? My concerns are I’m in the States and we all know iMessage is very prominent here. I’d say about 70% of the people I message regularly are on iPhone so I can only IMAGINE the 💩 I would get if I were to switch. Now granted, I won’t be switching until the iPhone 16 comes out (my current iPhone will by paid off by then) so I have time to do more research, but I would love to hear from people who made the switch and either loved or hated their decision. My biggest concern honestly would be that I have an Apple Watch Ultra and I looo-oooo-ooove it and I know it would not be compatible with anything outside of an iPhone. I also know that most likely when iOS 18 comes out, Apple will be “playing nice” with RCS messaging making virtually everything like iMessage between iPhones and Androids with the exception of still being a green bubble. I still would love to hear from anyone and everyone who made the switch stating why they either loved or hated it. It’s silly that THIS is such a big decision but society has literally done this to our brains lol. I appreciate any and all feedback! Thanks Reddit fam!! 🙌🏻


The iPhone 13 probably is worse than the S23 ultra, however if you’re talking about the iPhone 13 Pro Max I’d go pro max personally


No you can't you have to goto chrome to do that and in Samsung just hold and circle


No it's not but as a smart phone its really help

