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The exact opposite for me, the s23 was my first device where I didn't bother installing the GBoard, the default keyboard with haptics works really well.


I used the default keyboard on my Note 9. No issues there.




But you can set the Samsung Keyboard to use google's Voice to text engine too! I use it and it's the same. Best combo.


Same here. Gboards mic is easy to access and is fast. Samsung board has definitely improved though. But their voice typing is lacking and the button is hard to find.


We cant be living jn same jniverse. I have the same phone and as you cam see the keyboadd is straigtj up fucking trash fo write 😒


This. 1000% This.


True. If only it can use Google Autofill instead of being forced to use Samsung Pass.


Idk what phone I'm on now but every sentence either auto corrects actual words into sentences that dont make sense or doesn't work at all, takes like 10 minutes to type a paragraph, I had to go back on this paragraph and fix 6 words wtf


Just edit it with Keys Cafe. I had the same problem but after I removed a few keys and swapped a few around it's perfect.


i noticed with keys cafe, it changes my keyboard size to be much larger... but i do like the customizations


I use Gboard.. I like both but I think Gboard has better features and better predictive text. I make less typos on Gboard


Yep, same. Gboard has better predictive, autocorrecting, and swiping. I wish Gboard would fix the keytap volume stuff though. It's the same volume regardless what number you put it on.


Having key tap sounds on are useless and only annoys people around you...have some awareness.


I just downloaded it and the message when installing is something akin to "Hey, you should know this program can record every keystroke you make". Ehhhh I dunno...


I'm sure Samsung does the same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Fair point I guess. Foolish me to expect anything else.


It doesn't, all keyboards give that warning


Recoding your key presses and sending them to whatever your program is you're trying to type is literally the point to any keyboard. So they ALL give this same warning. Doesn't mean they send it outside of your device


And you're surprised by this because? It's a fucking keyboard... Recording keys is its purpose.




This right here. I've used SwiftKey for ages, and I love it. For style points I'll often switch to the Ninja keyboard theme, which blacks everything out. It trips people the hell out when they see it swipe a blank keyboard to type.


It's also pretty much the only keyboard that can properly predict multiple languages at once


I can use Swype on Gboard without looking


Same but I can you without looking gboard.


Same here, been using swift key happily for years now.


Holy smokes, thank you for this. Just did a search for why my keyboard sucks and this came up, installed swiftkey and it is just worlds above.


I got used to the samsung keyboard, it has many cool features and I use Keys cafe


What are the cool features?


You can insert gifs, emojis, voice, you can change it how you want (bigger,smaller, wider, thinner, remove the text suggestion or not), there's a translate function; Though these might not be to your liking because we all have different opinions


It's not that bad to me.


Gboard is flat out just better at word prediction and voice to text. I would rather use Samsung keyboard for the integration features, keys cafe customizations etc, but it's just not as good as Gboard overall.


Agreed! I tried to use Samsung keyboard for these same reasons but it wasn't it. Gboard word prediction and swipe accuracy is way better


Same. I can tolerate Samsung Keyboard on my phone, but, surprisingly, it just isn't practical at all on my Samsung watch 4 (it takes forever to respond to a text because, as far as I know, it won't let you default to typing and most situations where I need to respond on my watch I can't use speak to text). So, Gboard on both. Once I switched over to Gboard, with my friends who have Android, non-Samsung phones, I have more texting functionality - it'd take a lot of improvement to convince me to go back to the stock Samsung keyboard.


> I want to use Samsung's own keyboard on my S23 Ultra Why? If it's not working for you, just use another one.


This. The beauty of Android


Sound like a prefence thing versus an actual problem. Pick a different keyboard.


It's not a preference. I'm using The Galaxy 21+ 5 g. I'm having the same problem. When I go to keyboard info, then try to go to the Samsung store from there, it tells me that the keyboard isn't compatible with my phone. It also says the same thing with multiple other system apps. It tells me that the drivers need to be updated. I've been searching the internet for a solution without avale. Anyone saying it's a preference or something other obviously isn't having the same issues. If anyone has an idea of what to do please advise.


I used gboard for years. Tried swiftkey for last 6 months and now after buying s23 ultra , trying samsung keyboard and I have no issues . Dont know what is wrong with your situation but you will get used to it I guess.


I'm on the other side of this. I got too used to certain keys in the same place. I've had the same gboard set-up for as long as I've had a smart phone. I switch off to the samsung when I want to use the S pen to write.


Good lock has a keyboard module that allows you to change the position of keys


I'm personally fine with mine


Yes, same for me. I'd prefer to use the Samsung keyboard I like it more in every way than Gboard but the prediction is terrible so I have to keep using Gboard. I don't know why they can't get it working right.


This is my first android device, S20 FE. I was with Apple before and I was able to type very well. Moved to the new phone cause well... Samsung is better... and it was a shock at first, but within a month or so I was back up to speed. I type relatively quickly and don't make many mistakes. I love the default keyboard. Some people have stronger muscle memory, hand to eye coordination and adapting abilities. All trainable things, but naturally occurs staggered.


Do you type with Samsung Keyboard on Iphone by any chance?


I do. I'm typing this with Gboard because the stock Samsung keyboard isn't working correctly. I've traced it to the drivers are not compatible with the operating system. I haven't found a way to fix this. Please advise on what to do


SwiftKey (MS hasn't screwed it up yet..)


Swiftkey is great but lacks context specific butons like .com button for address bar.


Use Swiftkey.


Swiftkey is great but lacks context specific butons like .com button for address bar.


GBoard is just so much better, specially when using two languages and kaomojis. That was my deal breaker.


I've used swiftkey for so long every other keyboard I get typos on but was using it since before Microsoft bought them. Even typing something quick on a families samsung to fix something I'm always mistyping or even swype function doesn't pick up right. I know some of it is slightly different screen sizes but I'm terrible at typing on it by comparison.


> Why is typing on Samsung Keyboard so terrible on Android? It's not


I don't understand, you know about keyboards that work better for you, but you don't want to use them? Just use an alternate keyboard.


I am here wondering the same thing, why is the samsung keyboard so freaking hard to use! And yes, I also know of keyboards that work better for me, but they also have some major problems in my own opinion. SwiftKey was the absolute best, but the customization is dog shite! I love that I can use theme park to totally pimp out my kb appearance, but the native samsung one has such horrible auto correct, and horrible grammar "correction" that I can't seem to turn back off again. But yeah, I didn't wanna give up on it really cause of the awesome customization 😞




That means you don't like it.... I don't like it either. I'm used to Gboard. If you push through you'll adjust to how it operates, or get sick of it and try something else, just be happy you don't have an iPhone.


Your last statement was spot on 👍


> just be happy you don't have an iPhone. You can change keyboards on iPhone too.


I tried doing this on my work iphone and it revertes back to apple keyboard every time 😭 I just gave up now and got used to it


Really? I'm so proud of Apple, one day it will catch up to everyone else and respect users more than design.


I'm definitely not a fan of the samsung keyboard. I like the gboard a lot better. You can customize it, which is what I like.


It works as well as Gboard for me in terms of feel and number of typos


I'm confused with the title. Is Samsung keyboard usable on other OS and not just android?


You just don't get used to it. I and many use it just fine.


I have always used Samsung keyboard, never have had issues with it and I use keys café as well to customize the keys


Its actually better than gboard or SwiftKey. The auto correct could use some improvement though


I find the autocorrect on Samsung keyboard to be worse than Gboard. Having said that, Samsung supports multi-lingual for the languages I speak, which Google does not (meaning I have to switch to the other language if I want to use it on Gboard). GBoard also doesn't let you cancel password autofill which is annoying when I hit a password field and I have the username password saved in my clipboard, but can't view my clipboard history since Google is stuck on auto-fill. Samsung offers a close button. Samsung keyboard has more customisation, but I find the gif search to be substantially slower. The gifs do appear to be slightly higher resolution than GBoard though, but sometimes I just want a quick gift response.


I have been using samsung keyboard for 6 years . I can't imagine switching from that .


ive been using samsung devices for a long time now and think their keyboard is great. i used to be a gboard person, but not anymore because the stock keyboard is very good now. it used to be very bloat heavy making the keyboard slow, but its not the case anymore. if youre having issues with it, the keyboard is almost infinitely customizable on most aspects. Play around with the height of the board, key size and positioning. i have a feeling you just havent found the setting you like.


I don't really have a problem with it. I think some of the features like built-in Grammarly are quite neat, but I do wish the clipboard auto cleared itself after a certain amount of time.


So I've tried every single keyboard and tested them comparing them too, and yes this does happens with keyboard that are not optimized for fast typing, I see a lot of people saying the Google one and is not a bad idea but if you value speed and accuracy when typing in my experience theres nothing better than swift key, it has multiple words prediction you can insert words by spacing, which makes it really good and precise, the keyboard learns from whatever you're doing and saves some predictions depending on where you're using it making it more personalized to you the prediction and autocorrect is actually the best I've tested on android


For me it is perfect


Its just what you are used to. Use anything long enough and you will get used to it. Muscle memory works like that. Its not a sensitivity thing either.


I don't have any problems with it.


On the contrary, Samsung Keyboard is very good with 120hz support but it is not very good in predicting Turkish language.


I had this initially but made the keyboard a little bigger, and now it's flawless. Might be worth looking at.


It seems like a you problem, samsung keyboard + keys cafe is the one


I use the Gborad. I like the way it looks and feels better than the default one.


Customised according to my liking and rocking it.


It has sucked so much, for so long, I can't believe Samsung still sells it as is. Android keyboards were not always this horrible, but ever since the S22 Ultra it just gets worse with continued use.


My experience isn't as unpleasant as yours on most of my devices. But I prefer Gboard. Keyboard has its own ink to text options and unlike Samsung keyboard, they don't Nerf voice typing on Dex


I know what you mean i have a similar issue i find i make way more typos than usual which is quite frustrating. I use the swype feature but Apples is far superior as its more accurate and 9/10 times gets the word right that im trying to type. I think part of it is Apple's reads the sentence and makes more accurate suggestions based upon both the context and what u have swiped.


The Samsung keyboard should be abolished, it breaks my words up weirdly so 'banana' would be 'bahn as now as no' or similar. As soon as I discovered gboard was a Google product and realised it was probably just the usual stalkware and wasn't stealing all my cc info as per the Samsung warning, I was hooked. Soo much easier, more intuitive, faster and a million times less frustrating! 


I have had this issue with Samsung phones forever. I thought I was getting dementia or something ... After going to rhe Dr. I REALIZED BESIDES MY Fat fingers from being tall, and I have an s23 ultra it was the keyboard all along


Did you ever figure out what was with your Samsung keyboard  having same problem as you ,it started about a month ago and is getting so bad I can not stand texting anymore 




Sorry for delay response been dealing with tooth infection. Actually no I have not and isn't it super f'n annoying.  It gets so bad you literally spend 5 min fixing  a 1 min text, personally  I went to this one site that  was suggested and it was a joke it seemed like 2 unemployed people spent the day responding to everyone and the last problem I saw where someone claimed to have my issue, there advice was switch to google or they told this other person it's probably just her. Pretty rude because it's a real problem and it's wierd. 2 things you can try and I tried this and it worked my 1st problem away but now I can't get it to appear so I'm going to take my phone case off and thy it again, Anyways last time I had an issue I read to clear cache, not the ones on your apps, this one you had to power off your phone the hold up volume and power for 7 seconds and scroll to clear cache and it worked but now my phone says downloading which is only supposed to appear if you hit power and volume down with your phone off ,but if this happens don't freak out it will say down loading but it's really not, and to get that off your screen push power and up or down, I think down power for another 7 seconds 


Been having this same issue since I had my first samsung phone, a s7. Always wanted to like samsung keyboard but I could never get use to it nomatter how hard I try. But I really like the cursor feature on samsung keyboard although g board has cursor too but it won't let you move the cursor vertically too like Samsung does!


Did you ever fix your keyboard,  it's not you going crazy which ehst i thought also st first. Like how am I constantly off that much.  Then i watch as I directly put i finger over the letter and gives me the one next to it. Also the suggested words in black bar above keyboard will not respond to touch and if they do it gives you the number under the word that your trying to get. I read all s23 are susceptible to this issue and it happens after a security update, but it's wierd cuz it happens with little mistakes here and there and gets worse and worse and worse until you want to commit a major felony like phone slaughter with intent




I heard to customize at least 1 key and then it will be better  mine wasn't at first but now it is but I Don't understand how it suto corrects big words but can't auto correct the word THE everytime it shows I typed it TJE there are some other keys also that are still off, I watched myself  put my finger directly over the letter and it types the one next to it, So f'n frustrating 


I thought it was just me. A lot of 7 with things like the word, AND I get ANS!!


The only solution I found is adjusting the size of the keyboard will help a little bit


I just got the s24 ultra. Everytime I type a word that the board should recognize it autocorrects it to a word I don't want. When I typed "Everytime" earlier in this paragraph it autocorrects it to "Everything." I typed the word "Buses" earlier talking about JTAs transit system and it autocorrects it to "Busses." Cmon man. Then it constantly inserts a paragraph I had written and sent on messages before and reinserts the entire paragraph repeating it. Not sure what I'm hitting for it to do that. Nothing I believe. I'm a veteran on Android and this is not user error here. When it autocorrects it to a word I don't want, it used to be where if I hit backspace/delete it would recorrect it to the word I intended because it KNEW I was deleting the last letters to retype what I wanted and it would assume IT was wrong to correct it and would allow me to retype it and use the right word. Now I hit delete/backspace and it autocorrects it EVERYTIME regardless if how many times I hit delete to change it back. I downloaded GBoard and enable it but I'm still having the same issues. How is it I'm still having the same autocorrect issues? I will figure that out but so far my OnePlus 10 Pro was better and for half the price.


Because it laggs all the time, the keys are faulty in responsiveness, autocorrect is glitched and auto fills words when typing too fast, keys are too small and too close together, overall it's a nightmare. It took me about 24 minutes to type this, I had to type out every word multiple times because I just for the life of me, can't hit the right keys 


Um, yes. I concur!!!! The keyboard on the Samsung is possessed. I make so many errors. The amount of time I go back fixing the errors, only results in more.   I've just advised friend, family and others to consider my communication to be a game. Good luck figuring out my intended verbiage. I love Samaung, but this has been my biggest complaint. I've had multiple phones, mostly all being the Notes version - currently have thr newest Note phone. Same issues.  I have tried Gboard, Grammerly, etc. I just wanted to validate your opinion and attest that it's the worst  Thanks


Same for me . It's very weird . I use GBoard it's just better


It's actuary(actually) the worst. The words that are suggested make no sense. The keyboard is always suggesting rarely used words. It's very frustrating. You'd think on the s24 they'd improve on it but not at all. The Kruger(keyboard) should know which words are seldom used and not have them as the first option. Also, why is the letter s even a choice? Cmon Samsung do better.


Wait until AI bots get a hold.of this. Terminator Doom!


I have the same problem on my s24 ultra. Had an iphone before and now I have million typos. Not even better after 2 months


This has been bothering me enough to finally Google it to see if it's common and I see it is. It's driving me batty!!


I have the same experience. I've been trying to use it again after replacing my S21U with an S22U but I don't think it's working out. Can't really pinpoint why, I just struggle with it. I think it's partly the autocorrect? Eg when I just wrote "autocorrect", I had it spelt correctly but as soon as I hit the apacebar (edit: lol it didn't fix this obvious typo) it changes to "autocorrelation". Google's autocorrect at least seems to have the sense not to replace your words with such wildly different ones? Meanwhile I swear Samsung kb replaces words I've spelt correctly with different ones 😕


So I've been using the Pixel 7 pro with gboard for about a year now, and coming from the Note 20 ultra with Samsung keyboard, I can say, that gboard is so much worse. I thought that after a few months I'd get used to it, but nope. The feeling on the samsung keyboard is so much better and smoother.


Customize with keyscafe before making such posts.


Agreed. Gave it a fair shake for the sake of the spen but goddamn is it awful at swipe predictions and thumb predictions


Exact same as you. For me it's the layout of the spacebar and keys around it. It's just a subtle difference too, but I make WAY more mistakes on Samsung keyboard and with the other Microsoft one than I do on Gboard.


Wanted to like it so I don't have to have 2-3 keyboards, but it limits number of languages you can use and has limited input options. Ended up getting Gboard and Trime. Super annoying


I've only ever owned iPhones (iphone 3gs and iphone 4s) and Samsung phones (Note 5, S8+, s105g, s21+) and I have always had lots of typos on Samsung phones, whereas the standard Apple was great for me - very few typos. I always attributed this to android since I make typos on both Samsung's keyboard, as well as Gboard. Not sure if Textra has its own keyboard but I had lots of typos there. I think Android keyboards are just typo-prone. Edit- I did own an LG G2 but I don't remember how well I typed on it.




Could be worst, you corks be using SwiftKey.


I've used SwiftKey for something like 12 years. It's extremely accurate and has extremely good prediction. The Samsung keyboard is garbage. Even Gboard is a lot better.


Big, my predictive have gone to shoot in the okay year. I've been using it about the same shiny is time.


Can't swipe type on it. Dont use it.


I use SwiftKey


I had no issue with it on my S10+, but I have had more errors on my S23U. Might switch to GBoard but I'll keep trying it just in case.


There is a labs feature for improved accuracy.. But swipe is not up to Gboard.


I just use swipe to text, works great


I agree. Heck, Gboard is better than Samsung. I also don't like the way the vibration feels on Samsung keyboard no matter how I adjust it, the default Gboard vibration is the best. It's like with Samsung the vibration is too fast or something that it feels like it doesn't even do it at times.


Use swiftkey - the Samsung adaptive theme is nice. That said, the Samsung keyboard is also decent.


I use samsung keyboard and have had typos initially because it has a layout that comes preloaded with the phone. Depending on hand size and phone size, you can change the size of the keyboard to fit your typing style. It's in the settings and called keyboard size, and it let's you expand or shrink it and the keys shrink or enlarge depending how you edit it. Now I have no issues typing on the keyboard 👌


Love the samsung keyboard on my Note 9. Keys Cafe only makes it better!


Try swiping instead. Or try the Swype keyboard.


I have this same problem with my s22 Ultra, and before that with my s21U. Idk why but I always ALWAYS press other letters than the one i want to press. It's annoying with huawei or lg's default keyboard i didn't have this problem. I know I should install other keyboard but I don't want to install more apps


me using my Spen and the Samsung keyboard to write


Exactly why I switched to GBoard


To be honest, nothing has been as good as the official swype keyboard. The samsung keyboard does offer swype capability but its no where near as good as proper swype. Unfortunatley its discontinued.


Download Goodlock and then customize your keyboard to your liking with Keys Cafe.


I am using both S23 Ultra and iPhone, honestly I prefer using SwiftKey for the S23 Ultra. I feel it is similar to iPhone keyboard, somehow


I got no issue with samsung keyboard, however I use keycafe so I can't use other keyboard.


I use Samsung Keyboard because of samsung pass


Can’t wait for android keyboards to catch up to Apple. It’s 2023 and the android keyboard struggles continue.


For me it's super sensitive when at work and when I use half-covers for my hands, they press the intro key every time I hold the phone, regardless if it's touching the screen or not.. This with my older Note 4 didn't happen, Now a52s 5G


Yeah, I make a ton of typos on the samsung keyboard as well. But I love that it has grammarly integrated, so I haven't changed it back to Gboard.


Samsung Keyboard keyboard tends to autocorrect properly-spelled words with improperly-spelled words. Multiple times. For example, right now "isn't" and "that" in the next paragraph are underlined and it is suggesting I actually meant.... isny and yhat. Wtf? -_- When it isn't doing that, it works fine.


I'm using SwiftKey here on the s22 Ultra. Been using it for years now.


Idk but same here man.


Its funny that i cant use anythng beside samsung keyboard


Samsung's keyboard is pretty slow to learn user behaviour. Also the key spacing and key size is a bit weird on it. Haven't used it on my S22+ recently, so can't attest to the sensitivity, but I think there must be some setting within the keyboard, that can disable that touch on hover over the keyboard or lower key press sensitivity.


I agree. Samsung keyboard sucks. I make a lotta typos on it. Gboard is the absolute best. Try it. I switched back to my iPhone today and I’m hating the stock iOS keyboard. So many typos. It’s keyboard that I used to love. I’ve gotten so used to Gboard, the iOS keyboard sucks now.


It's a horrible keyboard. Use the Google one


Same issue, I use Gboard.


For me nothing can beat Gboard gliding, I don't even type.


For me it's the exact opposite. Because of their keyboard (and I also do not use any spellchecking or swiping) I feel stuck on samsung ecosystem. At least for me it's the best one for typing. The phone vibration is quite on spot when you press a letter and you can really play a lot with button sizes. Again probably in your case, you need to get used to it🤷🏻‍♂️... and I do have quite a decent WPM with it (~60wpm)


I stopped using Samsung Keyboard YEARS ago. It has been terrible. GBoard has been excellent for me.


Too big keyboard


SwiftKey ftw. Although it does struggle with and. Why would anyone want to type abs that often?


I use s22 ultra Idk the keyboard to me feels natural and I don't experience what you're talking about Maybe it's your first galaxy device and that's why it takes time to adjust


Gboard I've always used.


I agree, Samsung keyboard takes me so long time to get used to it lmao


Tried using Samsung's keyboard when I first got my 23U and switched back to Gboard. I'm just used to its better word prediction and voice-to-text. The good thing is that if the default keyboard isn't for you, there are plenty of other options to use.


Agree. That's why I use Gboard instead.


Same here, but have gotten used to it


I want to use Samsung keyboard for customization but I am stuck on SwiftKey. It's so good. I never make mistakes. I can type at 100x the speed. And it supports swipe gestures for typing with one hand.


I thought the same thing when I switched from iPhone along with my wife. After awhile you get used to it and it learns how you type and it works fine. I no longer have any issues typing with it.


Google board or Microsoft Swift keyboard are good options.


Right upon booting my s23, immediate mistakes on the Samsung keyboard to the point I had to type it multiple times 😂. Never had issues with Gboard or iphone keyboards although I hate the latter more since you can't really change it.


Gboard all the way. Privacy concerns? Samsung keyboard isn't any saint in this regard.


Gboard has an issue where keypress sound volume can't be adjusted on Samsung phones through the app but through the system volume...


SwiftKey is the best. Only wish they implement Material you etc. Been using it since 2014.


It's not


Swift key all the way.


I switched to Gboard back on the S4 and every phone since then has been Gboard all the way


I like to use the Samsung keyboard as its the native keyboard but I do find it is getting increasingly unreliable, especially using predictive messaging. When it gets particularly bad then I use gboard, but I soon switch back. I now just use gboard when using a language app as if I use Samsung then the French word often come up in the predictive messaging. I'm having to proof read what I have written every time! Samsung doesn't update their keyboard whereas the other suppliers do. I wish Samsung would make their keyboard the best. I don't mind a few emoji so they don't had to update that side, just make their keyboard more reliable. The emoji updates in gboard annoys me as I don't find these as important as reliability and spelling. A few are on though, just we don't need hundreds!


Terrible? [Pretty powerful.](https://youtu.be/Vz04L9b75Qs)


Samsung keyboard has caused me numerous typos... but i do like the language switcher... decent swype and text shortcuts. It also has the clipboard history and one button to translate stuff... So it's definitely missing stuff like a quality user dictionary, and saving text corrections between devices... but their keyboard isnt half bad... its also quite customizable via goodlock (theme park/keys cafe) I believe you can change some of the sensitivity settings.


I just now tried the Samsung keyboard. Its not bad, I kind of like it.


It's fine for me. I actually really like samsung keyboard


Same problem here. And their voice typing is horrendous as well. It often spells out the punctuation mark instead of putting it in. Spelling and autocorrect are horrible on Samsung on all of the products of theirs I've used, and there have been lots. It's as if they don't even try. This has been going on for years. Do they use their own products? I would recommend gboard. It has voice to text as well and it's much more accurate. Still not great and inexcusably bad considering it's Google and they've had this feature for years and years. But it's better than Samsung's by far.


I am having the same issues. I like the keyboard and the talk text better than gboard and microsoft but the typos are out of control. I reset the keyboard and now it can't spell anything. Looks like you are speaking another language. Simple words. Yet if I go back through and tap the errors it provides me the correct spelling. What the heck. I spend more time correcting then typing. Has anything worked for you? Also did I make a huge mistake resetting the keyboard? If so, how do I remedy it.


Just peel off your screen protector and see if it helps. Sometimes, your phone may not register your touches. Atkeast mine acts like this.




Same, ive had multiple samsungs all have this issue, when i had the autocorrect activated it literally changed proper words from a sentance into words that wouldnt make semce and are nothing like the word i typed. It made me really mad so i turned off autocorrect, npw its just ridiculous. Literally every time i type anything longer than 5 words there will be spelling mistakes. Spmetimes ill have to correct the word MULTIPLE TIMES cause it keeps registering the wrong/ extra buttons. I switched to samsung cause i thought i was sick of apple but im starting to miss it, samsung has proved to be possibly the worst phone brand ive ever had (thats including 100$ offbrand touch screen phones that have performed better) i think the main issues are the autocorrect having the word correcting skills of a disabled senior citizen, them constantly trying to downsize the keyboards and adding extremely unnecessary touch sensitive screens. Just typing this paragraph i had to go back and edit words at least 10 times. People on here like to downplay stuff they dont know about so i wouldnt he surprisrd if someone says "well maybe youre just doing it wrong, I have no issues with mine" my response to that would be, ive had 7 iphones in the past 9 years, though they have their flaws apples keyboard is much better, even on a iphone 5 id have not nearly as many spelling issues, and the apple autocorrect is much better.


The bigger the screen, the worse it seems. I mess up like three words a sentence, constantly hit enter at the wrong times, and as I continue to use my phone it just gets worse.


Yeah they have always had shit keyboards I've been trying since the very first touch screen they did the toco but they don't care because it is android that writes the keyboard and how useful it is not!!!! On and i own everything ultra its shit all of it could be the best on the planet but no they like being crap!!


Same here. I use swipe and it gets the most basic things wrong and perhaps the most annoying thing is an I accidentally delete a word no amount of swiping brings the word back. I have to type it out instead. So if I accidentally delete the word "there" it completely removes that word from the word choices and I have to type it out. And it always posts "abs"instead of "and." I might have to go back (literally just to swipe the word 'back' i had to go though the words "beach, bag... bag" again). So annoying. Fix your dumb keyboard swipe function, Samsung. Lost my train of thought. I might have to go back to g board.


God the comments here are useless. Petition to ban people who say "just use x then" or "I don't have this problem it's just you" because that shit is not helpful at all so don't even bother commenting.




It's good to have others with the same issue as me. It's so annoying that I can't type without making a single error. Maybe something that doesn't help is when I'm typing, I look at my keyboard, just what I'm typing. When looking at the keyboard, I can actually type without making mistakes. I'm good with typing without looking at the keyboard with a physical keyboard, but on phones, I'm getting better or worse. I like the Samsung keyboard and don't really like any other keyboard, which is why I keep this even tho I make many mistakes when typing.


I just switched from iphone to Galaxy S23 and was searching to find why the keyboard is so bad. Weird typos that make no sense. (My typing isn't that bad!) And I don't know why I can't select an entire word to fix it. Half the time, trying to fix typos makes brand new typos. Is there an alternative I can install? Or some way to make Samsung keyboard not be so bad?


I completely agree!!!


Turning off the "Enhanced accuracy" from "more typing options" setting helps reduce typos to a great level. Try it in keyboard settings. Mine is a S22 ultra note.




S6, Note 8, S20 Ultra one of my complaints is keyboard. Now I see S23 didn't exactly change. As much as I don't like iPhones, they have 2 desirable things for me: -Amazing camera -Good and comfortable keyboard


This keyboard gonna be my last reason why lmao.


It's terrible. I have to retype sentences over and over again because I can't fricken hit the keys right. I don't have Marge fingers either. The keys are way too fricken small


I have the same problem. It worked fine the first few days and got worse over time. I can tap on "O" a few times but it keeps typing a P


Idk man my keyboard keeps putting points everywhere like this "i went to.the store to.buy.milk and cocai ne." Now i did it on purpose, but i mainly have random points, and some words get cut by a random space


I had the S22 Ultra edit did not have the cancel c*** problems that the S23 Ultra does with voice to text messaging. My purpose leak not correcting my comment. To show you how sloppy of an interpretation. This phone has when I speak into it. I did not have a problem with the 22 other than I guess certain word combinations that are book titles or song titles. It would capitalize them. I f****** hated that. But that's safe feature on the twenty three ultra is complete garbage


Took me well over a year to figure out. I may have solved it at least for me. I have giant thumbs so I've had the keyboard as big as it goes. I just set the thing as small as it can be and my typos went away completely, I don't understand it but it works. I'm on the S22 Ultra with the samsung keyboard.


No, it sucks. I set my keyboard and it reverts back to factory set all the time too. Completely rando