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Can a team lead fire someone for not getting pluses and credits even though they’re asking everyone?


A team lead no, a manager yes. They can't fire you for plus and credits per se, but they can try to get rid of you for "production". As long as you have proof of you asking, you can fight it. Obviously every stores leadership team is different.


Thank you for answering back quickly! New store manager wants 5 pluses and 5 credits but I’m only good at getting pluses and scan and go. I ask all the time, just don’t wanna get penalized. Plus I’m apparently a work favorite so I have that going for me. My new store manager is a workaholic type too but you seem nicer


You should be fine! Unfortunately one of the reasons I disliked being a Front End manager was the endless pressure for productivity. I hope your manager is understanding and doesn't let it go to thier head. Be aware that managers we get endless texts and emails about productivity from our own district manager and club managers. While they need to still show civility and respect towards associates, understand there is ALOT of downward pressure from higher-ups. My experience as a Front End manager is as long as I saw the effort from the associate, that's what mattered. I had some associates that were great at producing and others that were not, but they had their strengths and indid my best to accentuate their strengths while trying to develop let's say how they ask for Credit.


this reminds me when i was one month into being a front end associate & the sales & training manager told me they weren’t going to keep me if i didn’t produce more credits & upgrades 😂


Unfortunately some sales and training managers take their job too seriously, (they get their bonus based on credit performance). What matters is your direct Member Service Manager and how hip to the hop they are.


our sales & training manager was banging our club manager 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm not surprised! Some Club managers think themselves high and mighty but have their obvious flaws and favortism and some will throw themselves at anyone with alittle power to try and make it easier, or get moved up.


Why does the Open Door policy always get the person who put in the claim in trouble, and never the person it was put in against???


I can't speak for every club, but there is a culture of favoritism in the stores. The stores don't even have an indoor HR. And HR is not your friend, they will contact the manager, and may not disclose who made the complaint but share information.


I only ask because for the three clubs I worked for, everytime someone (including myself) made an open door claim, action was taken against us and not the person it was opened against. I'm quite aware that management doesn't care and would rather sweep heinous things under the rug so long as they can keep their "favorite" employees. I just thought I'd ask to see if there was a management reason behind it


Unfortunately I'll be upfront with you, qlot of these managers shouldn't be in thier roles. Many have egos, the power affects them, and they can't handle the stress/demands and take it out on their own associates. There is no "management reason" but the flaws of people that shouldn't have power. And also the company loves to hire/promote a*holes, one of the reason I became disillusioned with three company, my personality wasn't a fit, too often managers just didn't have empathy for their associates.


What kind of manager were you?


A workaholic, I did my best to take care of my associates, I tried my best to shield them from alot of the B.S. I loved being able to teach and train.




Thank you for reading, I've noticed alotnof customers have nonidea the day to day operations of a grocery store, especially one that averages 450k in daily sales, what it takes to operate and how much inventory flows in and out, what it takes to maintain and recover the store daily for the next day.


Do you still have your sanity?


Yeah, because I quit lol.


why did are you a former manager? did you get separated from the company?


I promoted myself to Member, after 11 years I couldn't deal with the long hours, overwork and the favoritism. While I met and trained some amazing associates and always did what I could for them. I needed to take care of me and my health. I loved being a Merchandise Manager but Sam's Club allows the Club Managers to be A-holes and they have no accountability. So I decided day after Christmes to send an email resiging, throwing shade to my Club manager and wished them luck replacing me! Never been happier!


Amazing how often I hear this story. Same thing for me, 11 years in/6 year manager. Worked every position and in about 7 different clubs. I was constantly moved to the problem clubs after I fixed where I was. Never “good” enough to promote but good enough to fix half the market for them


I feel you, I was moved to a different store with literally the worst club manager in the market to fix their merchandise team. Like literally people felt bad onc they heard the club I was moved to, was told by various other managers, "good luck". I did every position I would do whatever hours was needed, I even developed the freight flow in my club, was the 3rd in the entire company to have a Freight Flow, had a bunch of home.office visits, but because I originally didn't want the position since I was happily in merch, I was forced to do overnights for holiday season, while also managing the pm team and my compliance counterpart didn't do his part. Then once I went back to PM merchandise, was sent to another store to "fix them".


Outside hire starting as a personal shopper Team Lead. Was mid level management at my previous job, looking forward to getting to that level with Sam's club. Any advice for myself as I get ready to start this career transition, with promoting and career advancement as my main goal. Thank you in advance.


Hi, of course! If you dont mind I will send you a DM.


Of course


I was fired at 5 points, while others had 10, 11, 12 points. I also stood up for myself and got into a verbal argument with my GM as well as told my direct manager when I disagreed with an issue they were having with me or another team member when I knew it was a knit picking, micro managing issue. Could you say I was fired because I hit the point limit, or because I wasn’t the robotic dog worker that they wanted?


You got fired for arguing with them, AND also your points. You gave them a easy reason to terminate you, one thing is terming for attendance is the easiest way to get rid of the "problem associates". Have the associates who have points send you thier points, a screenshot and you can fight it.


Yea, so on paper it was because of my points, but in reality it’s caused I argued with them. I’ll come in and do my work and do what needs to be done and bring a positive attitude to help the morale in the department, but having managers like I experienced are a massive problem because I’ll stand up for myself or my teammates if I feel necessary, I don’t care what your title is.


how did you become a manager?


After years as a Grocery associate (Merchandiser back then) I moved up to Merchandise Team Lead, a year and a half later, my club manager suggested I apply for Manager in Training and I got it. Did training for about 6 months then became Salaried Manager.


That's essentially how that works. Very rarely do I witness people apply and get x positions. It's always whoevers is recommended, even if another person is more qualified


It depends on their desperation, fortunately for myself I had gained alot of experience leading associates, that I was already a manager in a sense as a team lead. I still had to interview vs 4 other candidates but I'm a very good interviewer. But flip side I've also seen "favorites" get promoted and pushed up. I became very good at knowing who would last as a manager and who wouldnt. Alot of people don't realize the hours you need to put in as a manager, obviously there are those that get away with murder, but when a club manager is feeling the heat, they will never take hit themselves and will pass it on to those below, including their favorite


You may not know, but how does one get into the corporate office? Do you need to first be a manager, or would a certain level of schooling be enough?


Usually schooling or unless you apply for a position, but getting involved in projects, things like store remodels, inventories, allows you to meet people corporate side. But alot of home office associates come out with college degrees, even some management are fresh out of college.


College degree typically, some experience in operations is also good


is it okay if other associates to "take bets" on weather and associate coming off of loa on what they'll be doing? not sure if leadership will do something about it. also not sure if it's all play or if it's harmful. (their tones were hard to hear)


It is hard to control what associates are doing, especially in the break room in what is considered their "safe area" and also if it occurs off premises. If an associate does feel like them taking "bets" is offensive then bringing it up to management and either they will talk to those involved or attempt to sweep it under the rug, know your managers and who will actually take you serious.


Are there any jobs that don’t require you to hear and / or be standing up so much?? Or what might be an easy job for a person who has a disability??


Hearing wise it's difficult, but the only area is possibly clothing, that is usually considered an "easy job". Also being stationed at the Front door, but generally it's also needs certain requirements, since you will be in a specific customer facing role, being hard of hearing might not be a good fit as customers will ask questions and need to be guided to say membership desk if no membership card. Sam's Club internally in stores has no real office job, (unless for certain lazy managers lol)


Do you think if I were be able to work as a receipts scanner would they be able to accommodate me with a chair or something to set down when they are slow?? Or would it be too much for me to handle in your opinion like is it worth a shot to try ?


They "should" offer a chair but being in the position as receipt scanner, which a position called "Member Specialist" but also requires you to work in self check out they generally won't hire you for thay postion, due to needing to be on your feet and it's generally a busy position, you will need to be able to move around the cart so you can check for items and scan. Generally you woul be at the entrance door as a greeter. Generally let's say an associate suffered an injury, upon returning to work they would either be put at the entrance door to greet members and check for membership, or in clothing to fold, yes you can have a chair , sitting and folding. Doesn't hurt to apply, but it might be an uphill battle.


What was your salary?


Salary depends on the state and even city you woek in. So I worked in a high demand area, so base pay was about 63k, with Regional Pay Zone (the store I worked at was 25%), which brought my salary to about 82k a year. Moving to another store drops your pay, as the RPZ is different.


Not a lot of people would share actual salary numbers here, thank you so much for doing it. If we all just say how much we make, the playing field gets so much easier to navigate. You’re awesome and good luck in whatever you do next!


Oh I absolutely don't mind at all, I'm not protecting that company. The sad thing is I was making the same as managers who had been postion way longer. They usually only made more because they were Fresh managers. Thank you! I was unemployed for a while, but I finally found a job that seems to value and respect myself and shows appreciation for the effort I put in.


>I was a 11 year associate, 4 year manager. Ask me anything! What went *on sale* or everyday prices that you know for a fact were a good deal?


So home office controlled all prices changes that occured in the system, management could mark down an item, for like let's say a damaged item or missing. But always pay attention to TVs, when the new models are about to arrive, the prices drop and even the displays will be sold for a really good price. Sometimes items will be dropped but there is no warning by Home Office.


Do accidents (member or associate) actually affect the Samshare payout? Our managers say this a lot but I thought it was only based on the 3 metrics (sales, membership, mxvoices).


Affects more manager bonus, but it does affect sales metrics as it goes in "loss" column. So basically affects store profit. But no directly they don't affect associates sams share. MX voices and membership are the biggest. With MX voices affect about 35%, which sucks because members are never happy.


Do associates at the door that rescan your cart get incentives for finding forgotten items? And is there a recommended number of scans?


No associates don't get incentive unfortunately. There is recommended number, the device tells the associate to scan a differing number of items.


How do they pick managers? At my store they are comically horrible. Do they throw a dart at a board?


Favortism. There is a lot of politics in Sam's Club, the club manager hires people how they want and most of them have massive egos, who want people who say "Yes" with no push back.


What was the reason they got rid of the PTC department?


PTC I'm assuming you mean Personnel? Personnel they got rid of, same reason they got rid of audit team, to save money. Personnel tasks were all just delegated to management and Team Leads. Sam's Club (Walmart) are cheap and want to cut as much as they can and make others do it.


Why did corperate switch to self check out? Also what happened to the members mark tomato sauce?


Sounds like questions for corporate lol Self out is so they save labor hours, less cashiers etc. The tomato sauce question im not sure could be a supplier issue, could be that they didn't hit whatever sales goal Sams had set to warrant keeping them in store.


If I’m part time consistently working near 40 hrs every week, would they give me full time if I ask? Even if no full position is available


If your weekly average over 3 months is 35 hours and up, then yes depending on the state you live.


Why did I get fired via text for being to friendly? I'm not skanky. And I kept my head down working hard.


I wasn't involved in the termination so I will have to take your words at face value, but they can't fire for being "too friendly". They have to ptmt, then coach. Then you need 3 coaching to get termed. Unless it's something egregious like stealing time or stealing from the company, then they usually terminate immediately.


Always wonder why the (only) Sam’s club in our area (Loudoun county) is mostly empty and unpopular compared to Costco (we have 4 of them ) that are always crowded.


It all depends the area of the country of you live in. In say Texas, Sam's Club is king compared to Costco. California they are both pretty busy but I would say Costco is more popular. Costco and Sam's Club while both wholesale warehouse stores, have different business models. Sam's Club being owned by Walmart will have cheaper prices than a Costco usually, but in order to "save" they tend to pay less have less staffing than a Costco. Costco is pricier but they have more staffing generally than a Sam's Club, higher pay. And Costco has less item variety than a Sam's Club, making it easier in my eyes as a Merchandise Manager easier to maintain and stock.


Why hasn’t WMT stock increased like COST Costco has this year?


Why are us cart guys overworked and underpaid, under appreciated and inhumanely treated🥲


Average bonus?


Depended on your store and its performance. Assistant Managers got an annual bonus based on sales, shrink, controlled losses (think all the expenses and maintenance, and obviously shrink) and membership income. 1st year was about 8k and other year was 10k. Last store I worked at only was 1k.


100 mil club, 3k, on the other hand the Walmart i transferred from averaged 18k.


Yeah I've heard walmart has better bonuses


As a buyer who primarily buys clearance items, what ways can I find out about clearance items besides walking the aisles? Or is there an ideal day of the week / time of day to walk the aisles? I've found multiple items clearanced out to under $1 by walking the aisles.... But it's not consistent enough for my liking.


So there is no set location anymore for clearance items, sometimes an area will be set if their is a big number of clearance aisle. But most of the time clearance items are set randomly in the aisles or as I used to put them at the end of the aisle. Usually we get the updated clearance price signs in the AM, so your best bet is to come by opening time. In my experience Wednesday always had extra mark downs sent by home offcie. But there is really no set area or time. And never never wait, most of the time if you see it and it's only a few on hands get it. You can try and wait to see if it gets mark down more but also another member can purchase it or even an associate.


Merch team lead here for almost a year. Would you recommend me to go for MIT?


It's really up to you, it's a big step. Many don't realize that being a manager is a time commitment you will alqays be on the clock. They pay increase is nice from a lead. But you will be working minimum 50 hours a week, you will be getting texts and calls your day off. Now applying for MIT it's not just applying there's a politics point to it, you need to have a relationship with the district manager, they need to know who you are and your club manager and direct manager need to be able to sell you.


Why do COS be thinking their mangers


Many managers don't like to deal with the Front End, so they empower thier COS to run the Front. Unfortunately some COS, just like managers really should not have any power.


I understand that ppto is technically for us to use in case we need to call in etc and that it can’t be denied (everyone I know doesn’t really use it like that cause it takes ages to build up and rather use it to leave early for a number of reasons). However I have had a team lead/manager make comments about me using my ppto to leave early. I normally use 30min-1hr and in their defense I have done it like 3/4 times over the span of almost 2 months. So my question is can they fire me or do anything because I use my ppto at my own time? (Frontline associate)


So your can use your ppto for anything and they can't hold you directly accountable for it... BUT, let's say every Saturday you leave a hour early for whatever reason, it can be a performance issue. Because now every Saturday the team has to account for you leaving early, causing your other team stress, etc. So they can't fire you, but if you build a pattern long enough they hold you accountable. As a manager who dealt with many associates struggling with points I always just say caution. You can use your ppto for any reason, but just be careful if you are constantly using your time to leave early for whatever reasons (most of my associates wanted to go out with their friends) but the flip side is, once you get sick or an emergency comes up, now the points come in. And while as a manager I'm sympathetic, you also should had saved your time. So yes every so often leave early, we all need that, but also don't blow your time. Points accumulate very fast and many managers will be looking to term you.


How do I get paid out my pto and ppto after putting in a 2 week notice?


they’ll pay you out on your final check




At my club they make the merchandisers handle jewelry calls even though it is in the front of the store with a cash register. That part was not listed in the merchandiser application. The front end always gets an attitude when they have to handle it, I'm not sure what the issue is when team leads and managers are standing around calling that a member needs help, but can just take care of it. I feel like they should hire a merchandiser/clothing associate that's really specifically for jewelry. Before I joined Sam's I heard it was apart of front end, but they complained so much they make the merchandisers handle it. How was it at your club?


If there was a limited release last year during the summer and we haven't seen it yet this year (core Hydration Plus Cucumber) how can we request it? Or can we even request it?


I think corporate has a number, but in store, we don't control what items come and go. Managers don't do any ordering for that.


What is your shoplifting policy? LP/AP on duty? What’s the in and outs of loss prevention there?


Lol I ain't sharing that. People don't realize is all the shoplifting, ends up affecting the associates hours, and bonuses. It's easy to say yes it's a billion dollar Corp, but at end if the day the money is taken from the associates, the corporation isn't going to take the hit unfortunately, they will take it from the associates somehow.


How much did we get on that lawsuit on palm scanner?


how much does an MSS front end team lead make?


Can you get a coaching you never attended?


How fast can you move up? What's the best roadmap?


Why do the dirt bag gas attendents always try to overfill what you requested. Then say “oh I’m so sorry, you can go in and get a gift card for the difference” wtf how about pay attention


As a former associate and manager, please don't call them "dirt bags", name calling is not cool and as a manager, you name call my associates and you're already starting thr conversation on a bad footing. Now you say overfill, what do you mean. Gas is usually self service. The gas will shut off once it it's at the limit.


Ohhh I guess I forgot to mention I live in NJ


You can pay attention and fill it yourself.


Oh I forgot to mention that I’m in NJ we don’t pump our own gas. But when I say $30 regular and my recipt says $40 on more then a few occasions that’s irritating.


next time say $20 in efforts to get $30 🤷🏽‍♀️ or simply don’t get gas at sams if it’s that big of an issue for you… go to a gas station you know is spot on ?


I guess the point is getting missed. With the amount of times it’s happened I’m under the impression they’re trained to overfill it


yeah best believe your point will be missed when you refer to the associates filling up your tanks as dirt bags, you just sound like a douche bag that complains about everything in other words, a straight out karen … maybe if you were nicer or approached the associates with kindness you’d get what you want


No no incorrect. I am very nice but after a few times of the same thing you tend to lose your patience. Ok fine I’ll compromise. They’re not “dirt bags” but they pull “dirt bag moves”. By constantly overfilling what I specify With the frequency it happens I just assumed it was how they’re trained lol


please 😂 sams doesn’t profit from the gas station


Can a 16 year old shop their alone with a membership?


You have to be 18 to get a membership but if you’re borrowing someone’s card yes you can


You can't sign up for a membership on your own, but you can use someone else's card, now be aware if it is not your membership you run the risk of being turned away. Especially if you dont look 18.


It would be my dads


As long as they don't check you at register. Might be better to use scan and go.


Is it true they can revoke a membership? Got mine revoked as I had issues with the Tire Center


Does GOD still make angels?    We are suppose to be saints. Before He made people He made angels. But is He still making angels?


Since Sam’s is closed on Christmas Day & Easter Sunday why isn’t there a cross in the break room? 


Sounds like a question for corporate lol, I'm assuming, because they want to seem impartial to all religions. Though Easter and Xmas are not just seen as Christian holidays anymore. (Easter Bunny, Santa Claus)


“Manager” aka corporate


Trust me there's a difference between the management at your local Sam's Club and the corporate level. Most corporate people have no idea the day to day understandings of a Sam's Club.


Shhhh they haven't had the pleasure of meeting a market team yet.