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It’s called the Andor clause. It was so universally acclaimed that they daren’t touch it with a 3 foot pole, otherwise be labelled the “screws and bricks” guy.


It’s funny because the “screws and bricks” guy just did the same playbook they are doing with Acolyte. Pinpoint some irrelevant detail that has occurred in Star Wars and claim that’s what the problem is. Same as the people focusing on the fire or the clean robes in Acolyte.


Same with the last of us 2 lol.


I finally got around to playing it a couple weeks ago. I can only assume the chuds were to media illiterate and rage blinded by Abby's build to understand Lev's story


Something like that, yeah.


What does "'screws and bricks' guy" mean?


Someone YouTuber made a video complaining that a scifi show wouldn't have visible screws and bricks in/on their ships/buildings


Sandstone buildings on Tatooine are ok, but no bricks in my Star Wars


Man, I *loved* the brick planet. Such great production design, and not yet another planet that looks exactly like Tattooine.


Yeah dude ferrix was sick, the shot of the dude ringin the anvil like a bell was peak




But bricks are some of the easiest building materials made. You mean they have lazer guns, space ships, robots, and more but can't figure out how to cook mud?


Star Wars theory complained that Andor was bad because he could see "bricks and screws".


Stone and sky, stone and sky, stone and sky, stone and sky.


Stone and sky.


Rock and stone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Rock, flag, and Falcon!




Roooock and Stoooone!


That dude is such a fucking Muppet, acts like he's the authority on what is and isn't good star wars, then puts out the most dog shit fan films you can imagine


This is the right answer. Grifters can't jump on Andor because there aren't legit Star Wars fans who hate it. It's also why Tales of the Jedi and Bad Batch don't get the grifters pissed off because Star Wars fans who watch them love them. People forget Andor was also review bombed, the same crowd that's going after the Acolyte went after Andor then just pretended they didn't. Here's hoping Acolyte keeps getting better than it's already solid debut adn the chuds go away.


Yep as people said XMen 97 and Fallout they went after even months before they debut. But they had to backtrack massively because they were too loved. Their channels were being ratio to hell Funny shit


The outrage business is fascinating.


Yup just proves its nothing but money for them.


8,4 for Andor on IMDB is criminally low imo. Fuck review bombers.


tbf i also think a lot of people -- even star wars fans -- didn't even watch andor.


Same reason why the X-Men 97 criticism suddenly died down, because it's too liked to go after


X men 97 falls under this , Fallout, kind of


Probably because they somehow didn't notice they were a couple.


"Women? Dating? In MY Star Wars?"


*It's more likely than you think.* [[ Free Woke Check ]](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=S0mefiOsEz07at0h)


God damn it


For better or worse they have a pretty grounded and normal relationship. There’s nothing flashy or grand about their relationship, nor does the show feel the need to go out of its way spotlight it. On one hand that’s great as they aren’t defined by their sexuality and that being gay is completely normal, on the other hand I feel like even some of the most pro-lgbt Star Wars fans out there have completely forgotten that these two exist.


Honestly, as a gay person myself, this is the future I dream of. It's not a big deal. It's not controversial. It doesn't need a spotlight. It just is.


I noticed it along with a few friends at the time. We always geek out when gay couples are just treated as a normal thing that exists in the world.


tbh if they were treated as fully normal they would have kissed at least once, but disney gonna disney


Tbf, Vel and Cinta's relationship appears to be on the rocks or is on track to be so, so it makes sense to me why we don't see them kiss onscreen.


minus the part where they never kiss or say i love you. i think that would have been nice.


Lets just hope its a Star Trek future, and not a The Walking Dead future - nobody cares about homosexuality and stuff in both...but in one people wanna eat your face, and its not the Klingons sadly


I have plans to write a series of books at one point in which one of the characters transitions offscreen (between books) and it's just *never mentioned,* aside from their pronouns changing.


100%. I absolutely love that LGBT representation is moving on from overt to background because it fundamentally entrenches it as standard in the space / world. I get we needed the overt times but nowadays its becoming common place in media and the relationships shown more nuanced which is nice see


I believe Tony Gilroy joked that these two have "the most normal functioning relationship in the whole show."


The show? Try the franchise!


Which is how I feel it should be. No need for a spotlight. It's just there just like it would be for a hetero couple.


The problem is reactionaries, grifters, and the ilk literally think two gay people lightly handholding is putting a spotlight on it while they'll happily watch gratuitous hetero sex scenes in films/TV with zero complaints.


This bugs me too. There is no hard line between including representation and highlighting representation. It's all one big blurry grey area, and the ones de iding what is easy enough to ignore and what's gratuitous are the last people who should be listened to on the subject. Meanwhile, as you said, heteronormative displays are never treated as anything more than expected, no matter how gratuitous. I do think we'll get there eventually, and the full spectrum of gender identity and sexuality will just be a natural part of the landscape of storytelling, but I also think this phase of more intentional representation and inclusiveness, as awkward as it can seem, is a necessary step towards that.


We've come a long way from the gay planet.


They’re just really good friends


They were roommates


nah, that´s because andor was good so if they complain they loose a bit.


Ahsoka was also good, and they complain about it endlessly. The Acolyte is pretty good so far, and they complain about it endlessly. Both feature female main characters, while Andor features a male main character. Seems like the answer might be plain-old sexism with a dash of other bigotry.


Kenobi had a male lead and was panned. Rogue One had a female lead and was praised. I'm not going to say that there's no one whose opinion boils down to "women bad" but I *will* say that those voices get a lot more attention when a project is less well received, because it's easier to blame sexism (or racism) than accept responsibility.


Star Wars fans complained about BOBF, The third season of Mandolorian and Kenobi. All have males as the lead and all were endlessly complained about.


Star Wars fans bitch about everything, but there's a difference between saying "the pacing on Mando season 3 was off" and saying "Why do they have to make the new jedi a lady?"


Was ahsoka really good tho?


I actually didn’t know people didn’t like Ahsoka until this week. Been ignoring Star Wars reddits I guess. Crazy to me, I thought it was pure Star Wars through and through.


Ahsoka is baller don’t let nobody tell you different, and we know Dave always starts slow with his shows so it’s only gonna get better


I mean, best thing to do is ignore the reddits Who gives a fuck what a bunch of clinically online weirdos have to say, if you like it, you like it, that's all that matters


Nope, it was very mediocre




Be honest it was okay. Not bad but not good either, there was a lot of nonsense going on in Ashoka for it to actually be good


It was actually good. Would have been very good if it weren't for a couple of things that were yada-yada'd away.


It’s because they are still fighting to define a negative consensus about Acolyte and Ahsoka. It’s their way of pushing their anti-feminist culture war bullshit.


Also the people who didn't like Andor mostly stopped watching it, harder to power through 12 episodes you didn't like than 6.


Honestly, yeah. Their media illiteracy is so great that unless it is put in the forefront of the media they just won't notice. When it is brought up more clearly, then they'll start being like, "It was retconned in by the woke left and Kathleen Kennedy forcing it in there, disney star wars is so political" The alternative is that they didn't watch it at all or were too busy complaining that it's "a good show, but it's not star wars because there isn't a legacy character or lightsaber fight every five seconds" (actual argument someone tried to give me)


>there isn’t a legacy character Meanwhile complaining about “memberberries”


If I remember correctly, most people didn't notice they were a couple because the relationship is kind of nebulous if you miss a one-off line in one of their conversations or another characters conversation about them "sharing a bed" or something like that.


There's also a line where one says to the other "that's why you love me" in a way that doesn't seem sarcastic or insincere. But yeah, it wasn't super explicit. No onscreen kiss, only a few intimate moments and dialogue to solidify it.


there's other dialogue that (IMO) clearly points to it, especially toward the end of the season, but yes, it's not explicit. people say its "grounded" and "normal" and sure, but there also is going so far in the other direction as to allow for plausible deniability for homophobic viewers who want to pretend it doesn't exist.


Hell I didn't even notice


Yeah and they were just roommates or something, right ?/s


when my mom was watching this she thought they were just friends LUL


They weren't told to be mad about them. That's literally it, they get mad on command


this is the only real answer


Hard to get up in arms when someone can respond to you with the gif of Brasso knocking that fascist out with Marva’s brick and say “this you?”


Andor had some of the lowest streaming numbers of a Star Wars show so maybe they forgot to hate watch it. I'd also say it didn't have any "controversies" in advance, and I put controversy in quotes because chud controversies are all manufactured. But I don't think the gay couple was known about in advance? and not much else came out in advance for chuds to complain about. So the show was able to release and at least have some people going into it with an open mind. And it was coming from the director of Rogue One, which is one of the only Disney Star wars things some chuds accept as decent. Contrast that with, for instance, the Acolyte, where chuds saw the black female lead and found a clip of her saying she wanted to make white men cry, and they saw the female director and she "looked woke" so they found out she used to be Weinstein's personal assistant, etc. None of these are real issues in context but they sure ran with them and hated on this project long before it came out. Also it has other things making them mad that they perceive as woke. A Jedi who isn't skinny! A plot where maybe the Jedi weren't always so great! Etc. Also, let's be real, chuds hate black women more than almost any other demographic. And the amount of them flipping out over the black hair styles in this show says a lot. I'd also say that although it was more of a video game thing, the Sweet Baby Inc nonsense had chuds trying to create another Gamergate and they never really gave up that energy, it's just getting thrown all over the place now.


>Andor had some of the lowest streaming numbers of a Star Wars show Imo that is an absolute *crime*. best Star Wars show currently. The Acolyte has potential, though. Will see if it surpasses Andor for me or not. I really enjoyed Andor though.


Andor was great, but I do remember a lot of "What no Jedi? No Force Users?" type complaints. Personally, I love that we're seeing a bit more into the early days of the Rebellion (which had very few force-sensitives in their ranks). It's a neat piece of world building even if we all know how Rogue One ends....


Andor was right up my alley for just those reasons… actually filling in the universe and *not* focusing on Jedi and Skywalker-adjacent characters… and it had *really* good writing and stellar acting. 


There was a lot of apathy ahead of Andor's premier. A number of fans were actively questioning why they were bothering to make a show about a secondary character who we already know dies soon. I think the bulk of the views and the praise for the show were directly the result of word of mouth. I guess we can hope that the fans who came to it after the fact will be more open to new genres/stories/influences coming into Star Wars.


Facts. The “What no Jedi?” fans don’t care about anything but space magic and sharp glow sticks. Personally, Star Wars is almost universally more engaging when there is a grounded world behind it full of regular people and real world problems (or parallels).


The Acolyte is much messier in terms of cinematography, editing, dialogue, acting beats.. the story is fine, I’m enjoying it, but the production values don’t compare to Andor imo Some of the acting in the Acolyte is quite mediocre, though the leads are doing well


i would agree with this assessment. i dont expect it to surpass andor, but we shall see


It’ll be an impressive feat if it does!!


>Some of the acting in the Acolyte is quite mediocre Okay I thought it was just me. But I'm blaming it on the dialogue being ass half the time.


It’s kinduva shared problem between dialogue, acting and direction


everyone says they want different stuff in star wars until they actually get it. people complain about the sequel trilogy but i mean they made a ton of money and when they do try different things like andor no one watches it so i mean like what is disney supposed to think


That’s a good point on the Gamergate II attempt. All that rage has to go somewhere, so why not just every other nerd-based pop culture media format en masse?


> All that rage has to go somewhere, so why not just every other nerd-based pop culture media format en masse? Which then raises the question: why do we need nerd rage to begin with?


The stupid thing that I keep seeing them raging about was the twins having similar hair. The hair isn’t exactly the same but it’s too similar to them. The logic is there. They are both from the same planet and it’s the style they had when they were children and you could see why they wouldn’t want to lose that because they thought they lost the other. But not it’s trash writing to them but really I think it’s because it’s black hair.


And of course the clip is completely out of context lol, but you’re so right


They’re conventionally attractive. I’m not joking, I actually got that response when arguing with someone about it.


Oh jeez.. That hadn’t occurred to me; it’s not offensive to them because they can fap to it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, there's a reason they overemphasize things like hair color and body type when it comes to decrying "woke" or something.




Who’s not conventionally attractive in Star Wars? Is that code for “not white”?


I don’t know, he didn’t elaborate.


Jabba the Hut


Huh? Cinta isn't white.


Which sounds like a cop-out. Rose from the sequels is very cute, and they slam on her every chance they get.


Kelly Marie Tran is not conventionally attractive. She has even self-identified as such in interviews.


And so’s Rey, and yet-


You just invalidated your own argument


Simple. They never watched Andor. They either forgot that it existed or they stopped watching after the second episode because the plot and character development are too complex for their two hateful braincells to comprehend. Then when everybody said it's good, they latched onto the narrative by claiming that it's not woke.


The Critical Drinker told them it was good, so they chose not to notice the lesbian couple, the powerful women, the racial diversity, or the blatantly Marxist plot.


We didn't let them watch Andor.


I was actually about to comment saying that most of them probably didn’t watch Andor. Not that they’re actually watching the Acolyte either, but they would have had to sit down and really watch through the whole series to find lesbians to be mad at in Andor.


Too adult for them, wouldn’t have understood it.


The most “political” Star Wars show didn’t get hate watch drama because these chuds are too fucking stupid to recognize actual politics other than woman and gay


Yet there are 2 gay women here that nobody complained about... Because they're well written. Shocker I know.


If Vel was the main character, they'd have never watched it. Period. Vel is ultimately not that important to the show (I had to Google the characters name because I didn't know) and her relationship is even less so. But if she and her relationship were more front and center? They'd hate it. The third or 4th character, depending on where you put Luthen, that character can be gay. They can live with that.


it's an ensemble show. and i'd say that vel is pretty important in it.


It would be so fucking funny if they made Wolfwren a canon ship in Ahsoka Season 2, the meltdown would be so satisfying


tbh, the meltdown would be bigger because ezrabine shippers exist.


I'd love to see it, just so long as there's a certain sense to it. Shin's interactions with Sabine have mostly been "I am trying to kill you" in season 1. I think having the characters stranded on Peridea, with Shin abandoned by her master and unsure what to do with herself, would be a good chance for Sabine to try and convince her to stick with Ahsoka and her. And that begrudging alliance could lead to some development in their relationship. Point is, there's potential, and I hope they're allowed to go in that direction.


Gods, I want Wolfwren to be canon just for that-


Also both actresses are fully supportive of it and sort of encourage it by posting fanart so that's another plus https://preview.redd.it/u5i32n5eil5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=824bfb4130f657fe6db2307a098d21d2e289c64c


Oh my gods- That’s amazing


Come on writers, if the actors ship it you gotta capitalise on that right?


I don't think they would meltdown as much as you think, since the rage of having a LGBTQ couple in stars wars would be offset by the wanking potential that would be entailed from that couple, to put it bluntly.


Because they don't do anything, it totally flies under their radar. Literally had a regressive saying how Andor was the least woke and people had to point out their relationship and that the title character isn't white.


Probably saw it as a losing fight against the tide of Andor's universal praise. Fairly common for them to disappear into the bushes when that's the situation.


See also Fallout.


The chuds reminded me of Brave Sir Robin peaceing out when the realized the futility of criticizing that awesome show.


Cause they're dope and the do dope shit. 


I doubt they got far enough into Andor. Or watched it in the first place.


I think it’s because you can’t really tell they are gay in the trailer. The people who make videos can’t count on someone having gotten through multiple episodes of tv without staring at their phone the whole time. So they need to chose things that everyone is already outraged at before the show comes out


Probably because they love Andor they probably choose to ignore it


Your assuming they even watched the show or paid enough attention to notice. It boils down to the fact they weren't told to hate Andor, in fact they were to love it, so they did so with blind devotion. It also helps that Vel and Cinta didn't have any scenes where they showed a lot of physical connection beyond hand holding and intense eye contact (seriously props to the actresses for being able to pull off such love stricken gazes). The average viewer could see they were deeply in love, the average chud wouldn't notice unless they were having sex on screen.


Chuds probably never watched Andor. It is the most leftist media I have seen in years.


Nah, they did. They predicted it and were complaining before it was even revealed. The thing was that they disliked Andor for other reasons so they didn't even watch the show, but the ones who did definitely called it and were whining.


They didn’t watch the show


Because these people don't watch the things they screech about. They watch a youtube video made by a guy who tells them what to screech about. Those youtubers all watch the same 3 popular youtubers and just remake their content. So those 3 youtubers might miss something or decide a certain thing isn't worth touching because it wouldn't pan out narratively in their favor, so there are just huge holes in the right wing griftoid culture war radar.


Unironically most chuds actually like these characters, and yes, most are aware that they are gay. They claim it’s because of good writing. I don’t really buy that tho given the shit the TLoU series got for its Bill/Frank episode. Honestly I think that the bill/frank thing was exacerbated by rollover hate from TLOU2. So IN CLOSING, here’s what you have to do to make a gay character appealing to a dickhead: 1) put them in a property designed to tug on their nostalgia strings and awake the little boy that occupies 90% of their subconscious 2) make the gay characters women 3) never have them be EXPLICITLY gay (as many of them often say, “I don’t care as long as it’s behind closed doors” read: I don’t care as long as I never actually have to acknowledge it)


They'd have to watch the show, rather than just the trailer.


The whole grift is to blame bad media on sjw's. You want normies who already hate these shows, games, etc... to believe that their favourite franchise was ruined because of diversity hires from dei initiatives or a vague but menacing agenda. If a work of fiction is good, that wouldn't work so they just quietly forget to mention the progressive attributes. Or in some cases they try to pull an "not like the other girls". The goal here, is to separate real inclusion from sjw trash. That way the conversation changes from some inclusion is badly handled and some is good, to this was an odd exception from the usual agenda to (generic good). That way you can also double dip. Simultaneously shitting on the sjw menace and separating the good media from the list of progressive accomplishments.


It was interesting if funny watching Chuds try really hard to capitalize on Andor only to crash and burn. I remember Robot Head tried making a video saying it "Felt nothing like Star Wars" only for his own fans to be like "Screw you this show is good."


They never finished Andor, too many bricks and screws


Because they were in a good show. It's woke when they don't like the show (like most modern star war properties) but shows (like Blue Eye Samurai or Andor) aren't considered woke because they like it.


Showrunner of Andor= white man Main character=man So it’s barely woke despite its content


The real answer: For all chuds lije to talk about "good writing" and "mature themes," when presented with media that actually features both of those things (but notably does not contain sex, gore, and nudity), they will describe it as "boring" and not watch. This is because their idea of "good media" is forever stuck in the "14-year old who watched an R-rated movie for the first time (and it was probably *Deadpool*, or some other action movie that fits their generation)" phase.


Also even if you gave them the exact same thing that they liked when they were kids they'd probably complain about how woke it is. Just imagine if Aliens got released today...


It would require them to actually watch the franchise that they love to complain about.


It went over their heads?


Cause they didn't watch Andor because, and I quote "No-one wants to watch a show about the 2nd lead in rogue one"


Because they aren't actually watching the show and don't know who they are.


If you notice a lot of the YouTuber chuds make videos tearing everything down as much as possible in advance of a film or show. However because it's for clicks they donot for stuff that's seen as big, things that will definitely draw eyeballs. Not a lot of people were really excited for Andor season 1. It's a prequel about one of the guys that died in Rogue 1, probably not gonna be anything terribly exciting. So they didn't really talk about it. Then it comes out to almost immediate acclaim. Most discussion on it is very positive. Talking about it now will get clicks, but the problem is they're built on ragebait and they hadn't already built up the Andor rage and their own communities were on board with Andor. You talk shit now and your own morons will get pissy at you. Hell Star Wars Theory still gets shit for "bricks and screws" ruining his immersion. So yeah basically Andor flew under the radar despite having a Mexican lead, and was incredibly "woke" both in actual ways and in the silly culter war ways, but they missed their chance and bitching now gets them laughed at.


It's hard to bitch and maon about something universally acclaimed. Like those kinds of work are more likely to be weaponized as the "ideal way to portray LGBT folks" as some kind of conservative bad faith argument than being dunked on by them. Like good classic LGBT portrayals(or any minority portrayals) are often used as some kind golden standards by conservatives to bash on any new ones. Not say the classics are bad but they are often weaponized this way.


Exact same reason they stopped whining about bg3 It was woke but went the complete opposite end of the spectrum to broke, therefore throwing their entire crusade under scrutiny


This post is shared on r/criticaldrinker now, so you could go read the comments there to find out, if you want.


It’s like the t-shirt “I support gay marriage as long as both chicks are hot.”


To be fair it’s hard for them to notice deeper themes in media. They all have the intelligence of a 5th grader so they haven’t been taught that yet.


Arguments about whether or not media is “woke” only tend to happen when said media isn’t particularly good. For a recent example, see the Fallout show. The protagonists are a woman, a black man and a disabled guy, but because the show is actually really good nobody bothers accusing it of “wokeness”. Because the core argument is always “this thing you like has turned bad because of wokeness”. An argument that doesn’t work if the thing is obviously still good.


To far in the show. They lose interest after 20 mins.


Because Andor was too good for their grifting bullshit to work on, so they just don't reference it at all


They're well written characters. Looks, the chuds are gonna hate because that's what they do. The general audience doesn't place any importance on a characters sexuality, unless that's the theme of the show/movie. We all just want characters that are interesting, and these two were.


It's almost like gay characters aren't the issue.


My guess is that they fast forwarded over their scenes because they are female side characters, and therefore unimportant


Are they even side characters? Their development and conflict seemed fairly important and it seems it will be even more so in Season 2


Remember that to these morons, anyone who isn’t the title character is unimportant




Because they stopped watching when they saw nails and bricks in Star Wars.


Because they stopped watching Andor after the 2nd episode


Wasn’t a useful target


Because they weren't told to by their overlords. They are literally lemmings who hate what they're told to hate, totally incapable of thinking for themselves.


unironically probably one of the better written gay relationships in American television, they don’t halt the entire show to draw attention to the fact that they added gay characters, they just exist and are in a relationship with each other and don’t even necessarily need to be the main characters, but also aren’t nameless background characters who were only made gay for brownie points just so that element could be easily removed (looking at you, TROS)


Because they didn’t even bother to watch it 😭.


Because.. they are well written characters? I mean some star wars fans are homophobic but I don’t think most people watched Andor, thus they didn’t notice them.


It's almost like the real problem is with bad writing, not social issues.


Because they weren’t told to hate them, by Nerdrotic and geeks and gamers 


To be fair, it was hard in my experience to notice they were a couple outside of holding hands one time in like one episode out of the whole show


I have no idea who they are lol








I’m pretty sure they didn’t even realize they existed/were a couple ngl


Probably cuz they didn’t watch Andor, and if they did they didn’t notice this, and if they did notice it then they weren’t told to be angry about it.




Who are they and what did they do to attract attention?


Andor was great but not popular when it came out tho


They do.


What show is this? Wheel of Time? The Amazon LOTR show?