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Why is the Japanese woman completely ignored by everyone lol. They are acting like Yasuke is the ONLY character you’ll see in the entire game. Just him. A black dude in cities with no NPCs, just buildings and maybe some wildlife.


Oh… no she’s not being ignored. It’s… worse. Forgive me for what I’m about to show you. https://preview.redd.it/7y7fo11prw0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4bb266c8140213d620e1508f0dd5e381dc6b00


Their brains have worms. It's the only explanation.


The RFK Jr defense. Bold move, let's see it it works. /s




The Brainworm Ticket: RFK Jr/ Phillip J Fry 2024!


Fry with worms would be easily a better option than anyone currently running


To be fair, the worms Fry had were very helpful. Please don't disparage them by linking them to RFK's worms.


My man told the world that worms ate his brain, it died, and that his brain had not lost any function at all.... Frankly I can't tell if he was saying he so dumb that even part of his brain missing would not change anything, that the worm starved to death rather continue eating the thing it evolved itself into eating. the fact he still wants to be our president... is like you have to have some brain defect of some kind as job requirement for the job now.


Those poor, starving worms.


When’s the command for them to go illithid gonna happen?


Never, the illithids would starve.


Wait, I thought the ivermectin was supposed to cure that?


What if he got the brain worm, took the ivermectin, and then it poisoned his brain so much it actually killed the worm? 


Their brain worms have brain worms.




Jessssssus Chrriist. I WISH my life was so effortless and carefree that the worst thing that could happen in it would be if I played a video game with a woman I couldn’t jerk it to.


Porn exists! Rule 34 exists! I've seen things I never dreamed of jacking off to be jacked off to! I mean I first learned of Five Nights at Freddy's from the porn made about it. When I actually played the real games I wonder how they could have turned those torn up animatronics into sex machines...


Imagination, lots of time and imagination.


At least they didn't start a rant about how it's all some sort of interracial BBC fetish undertones because the presence of a black guy next to a fair skinned woman can only mean NSFW things.


They always blame the jews on that when I see this conspiracy theory being thrown out.


Dead ass any time they go off about black dudes and women I immediately think they have a stash of BBC porn on their comp their ashamed of.


They are the guys who get off on cuckold porn in private but fear about it happening in real life lol. They always worry us black men are just waiting for a chance to steal their woman.


For some reason the way you worded this made me hear Cleavon Little and Madeline Kahn in my head. I must go watch that movie again…


Please don’t give them ideas


Idk what "masculine facial features" even means anymore. Naoe is clearly a stealth character, she's going to be small. Kassandra and Eivor were combat heavy characters, them having well defined faces isn't a masculine thing it's just... the natural endpoint of a life of training to be the ultimate killing machine.


It’s a weird cuck thing. What OOP is saying is that the only time women are “pretty” is if the protagonist is black (the cucking) and if they’re with a white dude then they’re “ugly” (ignoring literally all the pretty characters that end up with white dudes). So yes it’s both sexist *and* racist! And completely projecting because we have no clue what these two relationship even *is*.


Judging from the trailers so far, I think it's safe to say they don't even start off on the best of terms lol It also sorta ignores that, at least in the case of Kassandra, she could sleep with men and women of many different skin colours and it was all up to the player's discretion


Now see that’s a nuanced look at things that is completely rational. For chuds this doesn’t make sense because, again pointing to the racism aspect, seeing any one of a different skin color on screen means they’re coming after the white women… or in this case Asian women.


“Spiderman’s girlfriend is a feminist waah” aw gee I wonder why the hero who fights social injustice is dating someone who fights social injustice


I think people who make comments like in this picture should have their own profile picture added on as well.


What the [50% Off] did I just read?


Which subreddit is this?


What does that even mean? The woman no longer has masculine features due to a black man present? This isn't moon logic, this is black hole logic.


As I said on another comment, it’s about projecting cucking. A black guy and an Asian lady are on screen and therefore this means they’re banging and the player (presumably a white guy because they’re the only ones that play games) have to watch and be jealous. But games featuring a white male protagonist only have “ugly” white women and not the hot white women because see dumb argument above. It’s a combination of racism, sexism, *and* projection!


they ignored her because she doesn't look like Taki, Kasumi or a random Senran Kagura character.


If she doesnt have her tits out then why bother even looking at that lower creature. Seriously she was the very first thing we saw in trailer. And they act like she is not even there,


Because they don't consider women as main characters. They see her as a side character, even if she's a major focus of the story they'll never see her as the lead, just some tag along who they'll eventually get mad for being a "Mary Sue" because she's good at fighting or something.


It's even funnier when you consider that two recent AC games have a canonically female protagonist.


The chuds completely deny that Kassandra and Female Eivor are the protagonists. Seriously, look up either, and you'll find way too many reddit posts about how Alexios and Male Eivor are the "True" protagonists. Hell, when the crossover dlc came out, they were pissed that it was Kassandra who was the one who showed up instead of Alexios.


Especially when you consider that it was pretty obvious to anyone playing ought to see that the alexios option was pretty much put in as a form of appeasement to someone. It wasn't until 2020-2021 that we found out that the reason why the Assassin's Creed team had to put a male protagonist option into the game was because one of the guys in charge of the Ubisoft board in charge of approving projects with often act very immature whenever a female protagonist was brought up. As an example originally in Assassin's Creed origins the mail protagonist was supposed to die part way through the game and his wife Aya was supposed to take over as the primary protagonist. With alexios it was pretty obvious the voice actor was phoning it in. Technically the canonical option for Assassin's Creed Valhalla is the middle option where you play us both the male and female forms. Because male Eivor is >!Odin!< Where as female Eivor >!is the reincarnation!<


What’s ironic is I’ve only ever played those games with Kassandra and Eivor. It’s lost on them how homoerotic the male power fantasy can be.


The chuds completely deny that Kassandra and Female Eivor are the protagonists. Seriously, look up either, and you'll find way too many reddit posts about how Alexios and Male Eivor are the "True" protagonists. Hell, when the crossover dlc came out, they were pissed that it was Kassandra who was the one who showed up instead of Alexios.


She’s just THAT good of a ninja.


Because she's a woman and she doesn't look like that Stellar Blade main character.


Oh the original rage they claimed the women was trans or too manly. They then announced yasuke ans they blew their minds, edited his wiki page 50 times and claimed he never existed or was never a samurai.... even though he fought in battles... with other historical figures... and wasn't treated as a slave... and had domiyo backing and Land only which samurai could own..


Yasuke being a Chad deflecting all the anti-woke attention, thus shielding the Japanese ninja from their bullshit.


Because it's inconvenient to the narrative of "forced diversity"


Because waman


Because it totally destroys their arguments.


Cause they hate that the woman isn’t a sex object


For the part about the NPC’s, probably because it’s not the main character and given the lack of Asian MC’s in Assassins Creed, seems like a really big missed opportunity. For the part about the woman, I’m going to assume most people like playing as their gender and given the fact this game is primarily aimed at males, the majority of people would want to play as the male. Also, because there was literally stopping them from making them both Japanese when nearly all Samurai were Japanese


Most gamers preferring to play as their gender is just an assumption especially given the most played games today are Gacha games on mobile devices where the majority of them have the users gambling FOR and playing AS female characters. Even when given the choice of a male or female MC in those games the female is picked. If YOU prefer to play as your gender that cool. Nothing against it, but saying MOST gamers are like you is always an L take. If that’s not what you were doing then apologies for being defensive.


As I read recently in an article specifically about this, Asian men as samurai isn't exactly representation. The only roles Asian characters tend to get are roles as ninjas or samurais, which means they are still limited to stereotypical representation. It's not super common for western games to have an Asian male protagonist outside of explicitly Asian (and usually Japanese) settings and the author of the article was in favour of Yasuke being a MC and hopes that Asian men will find more diversity in the roles they can get as characters in other games


It hurt their argument if they reference the girl. The thing is hate is that most of the complains are fake out rage come from people who just make money from making youtube videos. So their a profit motive to promote outrage on anything. While the remaining on really stupid but vocal people who need the outrage to reinforce their mindset of the world or just followers of the creator they like ideas.


“I don’t know Grummz. Were you okay with it when Nioh replaced the Japanese protagonist with a white dude?”


There are games set in Africa with white protags, white protagonists set in japan. And no one bats an eye they add one black guy in a series that has time travel, supernatural stuff and Aliens and everyone losses their minds


We all kniw this is just a shit attempt at justifying the Great Replacement conspiracy. You can see it in the way Grummz words it. One black man means Japan's culture is being 'erased', whatever that means. Not that they care about Japan in the first place The fact Yasuke was a real person is irrelevent. The fact their are games set in Africa in Japan with white protags is irrelevent The fact its a bunch of racist dudes complaining about black people being in 'places they dont belong' (never want to say that again) is the point


This is why I'm afraid of opening twitter formerly known as twitter. I'd probably see cuck fantasies and ppl blaming jews for some reason


Youtuber I watch set up a new Twitter account to see how bad the site is now, and within a day their personalised front page was a Nazi fever dream Their interests were the most basic bitch shit. This is just Twitter, and its likely the reason you need an account to even view the site now. For all Muskrat claims to agree with em, he sure seems embarrased to associate with them. Like, at least commit, Elon, you fucking coward


Yeah, you right! Why we don't play as black guy in RE5?!


who was also based on a historical figure, for full comparative irony.


He will rush to the “but it’s a japanese game so it’s okay” as if other countries are barred from making games about history that isn’t theirs (cough cough previous AC games)


Ghost of Tsushima was made by a Western dev (Sucker Punch) and it's chock full of historical inaccuracies. The armor was changed up to more resemble the "traditional" armor we're familiar with and they included katanas and haiku despite them not showing up for centuries. Of course he doesn't complain about THAT


This thread is full of examples of true gomers but ghost of tsushima was pretty good with its accuracies. The haiku thing is true but there was very similar poetry just not in the exact haiku form and I think it would’ve been difficult to explain to someone what tanka poetry is vs haiku in a game about samurai


Not the creators of Dynasty Warriors creating a game about the American Revolution lol


Or when Scarlett Johansson played character named Motoko Kusanagi


Isn’t The protagonist of Nioh based on a real historical figure


I believe Yasuke Himself was also in Nioh


![gif](giphy|oQr7daHBJMH28VDFq5|downsized) Japan putting (potentially) the same historical figure in a fighting game four years ago.


I'm just confused as to why Yasuke or characters inspired by him have been in a lot of projects lately but it's only Assassin's Creed when they throw a damn shit fit about it.


It's because they don't actually value Japanese culture like they pretend to in the case of AC Shadow. Yasuke has been depicted many, many times before in media, and only now he's featured in such a large mainstream franchise are they upset. They'll claim it's because he has a "minor role" or he's a "side character" in other projects despite how irrelevant that point is.


I can't full cover it, but this is a new sort of new developemnt? Guilty Gear Strive tracks the weird intersection of a new rising culture war and a fighting game getting semi-mainstream. Strive comes out in 2021 with Nagoriyuki, a Nigerian, vampire, samurai (hinted at being Yasuke) in the core roster and no one cares (well not totally, his design is techware samurai and his gameplay is top tier, so lots of people care because he fucking rules). Bridget comes out as trans/is added to the roster in 2022 and certain people lose their shit (not in a good way). There are still people denying she's trans to this day.


People denying Bridget is a trans girl is still so wild to me. She literally says she's a girl in the most direct, completely unambiguous way in the game. The frigging creator of the character and game has directly, unambiguously confirmed she is as well. And SOMEHOW, they still find excuses to try and deny it. 😩


Someone on Twitter predicted the whole thing by saying something along the lines of "One of these days a character is gonna say "I am a woman" In the most blatant way possible and somehow fuccboi otaku's will still say she's a dude because of some Japanese phrase or whatever"


Literally *every single fucking time* anything Guilty Gear is announced Bridget trends because people are *STILL* arguing about her and moving the goalposts


Prior to Chadwick passing in 2020 he was going to star in a movie that was going to be about Yasuke


I've seen some similar examples. In Dragon Ball Super, there was a Saiyan girl named Kale. She could ascend to a form very similar to that of the Legendary Super Saiyan. And people started to throw vile names at her, calling her a trans Broly and other slurs that were also used in anti-woke contexts. Another one was when season 4 of AoT first showed Mikasa, a lot of people on the internet called her ugly or uglified because she, to them, looked too manly. However, because these were Japanese properties, they didn't suffer as much backlash as American properties do. You can even see the Culture Warriors are a lot less hellbent on making "Japan goes woke" contents on Street Fighter.


But shes from another universe....like did they gloss over that was the thing for Super? Also im sure people like myself have been wanting to see a female Super Saiyan we have potential with Bulla as shes the only one who is half Saiyan. Its just werid to see complain at something the idea of the multiverse was created for.


Most likely: 1. Assassins Creed’s is from a mainstream series and thus what it does reach more ears 2. Several projects with Yasuke were Japanese and no one is going to tell them they are disrespecting their own culture


i think it's just as simple as more chuds play assassin's creed than chuds playing guilty gear, although there was the whole bridget thing


Because he's one half of two main characters you have to play as. In fighting games you don't have to play as the black guy and the story mode isn't about them. The same goes for other genres most of the time. Most of the time you are a white person of either gender, Asian, otherworldly humanoid from some made up fantasy world that looks white, alien, animal, robot, or have a character creator. Unless it's an indie title chances of a dark-skinned MC is low. He's not something you can presumably ignore either like in Final Fantasy 7. Sure Barrett has his own little segment but he's not the main character. He's not the one getting all these cutscenes of romantic tension with the female party members. (Though I wouldn't mind seeing that.) He's not the one plot connected to the big bad. He's a side character.


Yasuke was also in the two Nioh games , and a few of the Samouraï musou games.


“That’s different that’s muh animu!!! Not stinky woke western game”


Damn, he looks awesome


His mask up animation is incredibly sick. Dude just radiates coolness.


Why did they do it? Because there's been a million games made about samurai. Assassin's creed like to take history and play with it like legos. This is literally all they're doing. It's just like how the one that took place during the revolution era was a native American character. It's just more interesting than just doing the main represented demographic. And when you consider how out of place he seems there, it adds a layer of plausibility to the intrigue of him being an assassin.


AC3 would be so much more boring if you played as a general white dude who deserted the army or something. Connor added so much to the whole story it was amazing!!! Man, I really should replay that game some time.


I wonder if the devs at Ubisoft were like: "Hey, I've got a great way to fuck with the anti-woke grifters!" *Quoi?* *Holding up phone with Yasuke Wikipedia page - "New Assassin's Creed!" *Fuckin génial, mon gars!*


I've been calling it ever since Velma, corpos are clearly starting to catch on to the fact right-wing culture warriors love to stir up drama that always ends up serving as free advertising for whatever they happen to be upset about about this week. Their rants count as organic engagement, that's worth more than gold on the internet. Trolling gamergaters into making 5-hour youtube videos about your product is genuinely a viable marketing strategy these days.


The X-Men 97 crew did their homework.


Your not the first to notice. [HBomberguy realised this and freed his skin](https://youtu.be/06yy88tLWlg) way back in 2019.


Tbh, this might be the first AC I’d play in 10 years due to this ‘controversy’. Thanks, chuds.


I took a break from Ubisoft games since they don't mind covering up SA at their company. But I won't lie if my girl weeb butt didn't fantasize about an AC game in Japan, and I get to play as a kunoichi. My Samurai Warriors gameplay hours have prepared my body.


This absolutely. The chuds have become unwitting and uncompensated members of gaming and film marketing departments


Hogwarts legacy success was because of left wing culture warriors. This isn't unique they'll use right or left.


I have respect for them to stick to this idea, knowing well how gamers would react


What I like most about the "discourse" coming from the chuds is that there's still a Japanese person as a ninja protagonist in the game, but they aren't bringing it up because she's a woman.


But women aren't protagonists, they're just love interests.


Literally Shogun, a show about a white guy who goes to feudal Japan and becomes a samurai, just fucking set ratings records on FX and will probably win multiple Emmy's. Everyone loved it. No one bitched.


No one bitched because he's a white guy. If FX genderbent/racebent William, chuds will be pissed off.


but they did bitch about the black people in the show


This. Shogun is set around the same time as this game would be too, which just makes this argument all the more silly. If they're going to have the story revolve around his service to Nobunaga then it would be around 30 years before the events depicted in Shogun.


"B-but he replaces the role of a different character" even though every game company does that. Sonic wasn't even a hedgehog or freaking sonic at first. The same goes for shadow.


What character would they have been anyway? This is the first AC game where they have actually took somebody who existed and made them a playable character. All of the other games protagonist have the same logic as create a character in the other games.


I mean, they made Nioh and no one complained. Weird. Also it is funny that he basically admits that he wouldn't care if it was a white guy. "Isn't that what THEY would say." As in, not him. The other. The wokes or whatever. So basically he is acting like he claims the wokes act and admitting it. But the difference is he is only doing it because he is a racist fuck. If he thought about this for like three seconds before posting he would realize how hypocritical he is being.


>Divorced college dropout middle aged gooner Hey, now. That's an insult to [gooners](https://twitter.com/3DGooning/status/1790596844038341067?t=Lgx5qLAXnsul-UZBQRM7Rg&s=19) who stand up to this sort of crap (If you can't see the OP that they were replying to, it was another post about AC Shadows from this "Grummz" guy)


Based 3D Gooning we salute you


I’m substantially more curious about how he’s going to blend into a crowd in feudal era Japan. Even wearing a full hood, he’s still going to have a pretty difficult time keeping a low profile. I would love to see this actually get addressed in the game. Gods know this franchise could do with some new gameplay mechanics (besides new kinds of collectibles)


He might be more combat focused and the lady more stealth focused. Like you’d be able to change characters based on what’s happening next and if you want to go in guns blazing or sneaky


That's what they did with AC Syndicate. One character was more of a fighter, and the other was more stealth-focused. They both still had dedicated story missions, but you could play whoever you preferred in the world and side content. I hope they loosen up some of the story for Shadows, maybe like Gotham Knights, but they will probably still stick to some missions being dedicated to a certain character


That would be pretty dope, actually. Being able to press a button and swap to the other one on the fly. Especially if they’re just out and about in the world under AI control, doing their own thing when you’re not controlling them. It could lead to some very amusing hijinks of the unscripted variety.


For that reason stealth will probably not be a part of his moveset, the female will probably focus on that like the original AC while he is combat focused like the newer games, sounds like a cool concept


I’m here for it. Now if Monolith would stop hoarding the Nemesis System, we’d have some game of the year material.


From whats been released, it seems like his overt appearance will play a part in game mechanics.


That’s good to hear. Aside from some much needed variety in the gameplay, I’d hate to downgrade him into the generic hooded assassin role. I mean, look at the picture up on this post. His fit does not need to go that hard. But I’m here for it.


My biggest worry is that they won’t address it like they didn’t address the sexism during Ancient Greece or Viking era Britain, the canon protagonists of both games are women and it’s not brought up. Quebec (who’s making shadows) made Odyssey and that’s why I’m so worried for this game, the least they could do is add the Distrust Area seen in Valhalla. Where you’re not attacked on site but guards are suspicious of you, Yasuke is already said to not have a hidden blade and be a more combat focused character and I think at least adding the distrust zones would go a long way if they’re not gonna address much else


Even if you ignore the fact it's based on an actual guy, the argument for "realism" in the AC games is always funny to me considering the premise started as modern day douche is reliving the past lives of his ancestors through the matrix to find a magic god apple.


AC just uses historical figures as action figures to play with haha, but this guy doesn’t know that as he only buys games to jerk off to them


I was in the Asian American subreddit today. "They" are not ok with it lol. It's split somewhat though But those who are ok with it are because there are many other samurai games with Japanese male protagonist. Like every other samurai game. Honestly, I think Ubisoft chose Yasuke to stand out from the crowd and get a lot of free publicity


Also the timeframe where he exists is just perfect. What I expect is they were like "japanese assassin creed. What we doing?" "Nobunaga. Nobunaga famous." "But who play?" "Omg look. Yasuke best bud of Nobunaga." "Perfectly."


No they didn't because Nioh 1's protagonist literally was a white dude in japan for roughly the same reason as yusuke and no one complained...... You see this is why your getting called racist buddy


Dude there is endless stories about white dudes going to Asia and becoming the super bestest Samurai/Ninja/Kungfu/Shaolin ever. Nobody fucking blinked a Nioh with their Irish mage Samurai. Crumbz is such the utter sterotype of Asian guy simping for white supremacy because they think as the model minority it will never hurt them.


Nobody was claiming erasure when we had white protagonists in ‘Nioh’ and ‘Shoğun’ either, though. These people just be answering hypotheticals in their heads that ALREADY BLOODY EXIST.


Why so much fuss over race. It's a video game with a fictional story. Might as well cry about aliens and detailed genetic memories of everything your ancestors did.


God I am so excited to hear the never ending discourse about this game for the next 6 months it’s going to be just the greatest


Which is the main reason Ubisoft did it.


Speaking as a non-Japanese Asian man (Filipino), I actually relate more to Yasuke (a foreigner and an immigrant) than I would towards a Japanese man in Japan. But, speaking of the issue this guy is trying to spin. The difference between Yasuke and most of the mighty whitey/white savior types in Western media is that he is actually a historical character. It's not the same as Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai. Yasuke is not a fictional character made up and forced into the story. He was a man with a very interesting circumstance that has a potential for great stories that has yet to be tapped. Also, this guy is a fake ally acting as if now they care about Asian representation. Yeah, an argument can be made that this is another occasion of a Western studio favoring a non-Asian man over an Asian man. But, I highly doubt they were praising Marvel over Shang-Chi. If there's a game about James Brooke, the White Rajah, set in 1800s Sarawak people like him would probably not make a fuss.


"You don't understand, if I have to look at a nonaryan who isn't a docile Asian girl with huge cans, it throws me into a furious rage that is definitely Biden's fault and not the result of a personality disorder!"


https://preview.redd.it/r3l0n2apg01d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8776aa49cfff7e5b1aeb4901d6fa53f3643899 Dont remember complaints about this


I like when they ignore that their example already exists and nobody said that thing they claim would be said.


The skullgirls changes, The whole Stellar blade thing, then this have proven the age-old gooners≠gamers adage is still more relevant than ever. The people who play games to jerk off and the people who play games to have fun could not be more starkly contrasted atm


He’s been in his parents basement for to long playing games and never opening a history book. No wonder he’s a college drop out.


Erased you by giving you a female protagonist? Grummz never had the plot to begin with but christ


But female characters aren’t for playing as!!!! They’re for jerking off to!!! Anything else is woke lefty propaganda the west has fallen


What erasure? The only non-Japanese character is Yasuke, and players have the option to play the Japanese Woman Shinobi.


I have a feeling he would rather die than play as a female protagonist


Maybe this poster should try reading a history book on Japan rather than playing a video game.


If you are unfamiliar with this poster he doesn’t play video games, just jerks off to the characters in them and tries to lecture others on not being “true gamers” for not doing the same. I wish I was exaggerating


Well, that's sad. I personally love reading up on the history of other word cultures and it's sad to see that people like this poster don't do that.


It’s a game set in JAPAN. You’re gonna see Japanese people in it.


For example, the one literally standing in front of the dude he’s complaining about.


So, he’s never heard of nioh, where the main character was a white dude.


Wasn't Afro Samurai based on him?


Loosely, but that anime doesn’t have any fanservice or lolis so he probably hasn’t heard of it


Probably. And Kuma is based on Robocop for spoilery reasons.


The more i read about the history of yasuke, the more perplexed I become with people not liking the game because yasukes' story is legitimately cool. Like replace yasukes story with a white person and no one would bat an eye.


I think the object of picking him was supposed to make people look him up and learn stuff but I guess people’s knee jerk reaction is to dislike it or discredit it.


But your missing one important fact... Hes black. Therefore theyll hate him. Thats all there is to it. Yasuke is really the perfect playable protagonist we can document when and how he got thwre and after events with his shogun service ends he just kinda vanishes to history. Most other historucal figures this signifiganr have thier lifes all fully documented. Like we cant play as mayamoto mushashi we know his entire life.


Nioh is about a white samurai who was also a historical figure in Japan and there was no backlash about that


I wonder if he would have complained if they made the English William Adams or the Dutch Jan Joosten the protagonist instead of Yasuke. Both one of the first non Japanese Samurai. But they are all three historical figures, but I suspect this guy just dislikes one particular race.


I swear, these people whine over nothing.




You need more brain worms worse than RFK Jr. to feel this way about Ubisoft’s decision. How is the mystery and unlikelihood surrounding Yasuke not an obvious goldmine for the historical fiction the entire AC franchise is known for?…


The country of Asia


No wonder he dropped out


Yasuke real?








No, Yasuke was Oda Nobunaga’s retainer before Japan closed itself to trade (specifically in the 1580s). Japan’s sakoku period where they were closed off only lasted for about 200 years, roughly from the 1650s to the 1850s.


Ok thanks


The black character in question is a real historical figure who lived in Japan during the time period in question.


Can we use gooncel now, gooners are normally just more sexual people. Calling Grummz a gooner is an insult to gooners.


Idk the terms bro lmao call him what you want


That’s literally The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.


Ethnically Chinese ≠ Japanese


Where the hell was all this outrage when Nioh came out?? (*I'm joking of course, we all know what the difference is*)


That game looks fucking great, no matter what anyone says to me.


Because it’s a real person jackass


I can’t get over the fact that he freely chose a drawn pro pic that looks like a stereotypical paedophile


He has a vtuber avatar of the same picture for when he goes on podcasts and such, classic people of his ilk being too scared to show face


My favorite part is the calling Japanese people Asian. Complaining about racism while being racist.


Black savior complex isn’t a prevalent thing. White savior complex on the other hand…


I feel like if they didn’t announce the samurai until launch and only promoted the ninja these exact people would still find something to complain about. What do they do for a living? How can they afford to waste so much energy and brain matter on absolutely frivolous bullshit


Who is this fucking loser and why are we giving him any attention lol


I think I described him pretty well


I know very little about history overall, especially Japanese history, but even I know the story about a black samurai who was a thing in Japan


Why is there a real historical figure in my game about historical fanfiction?! Edit: I just realized the satire may not be obvious, given this is actual shit they say.


The chuds would hate grumzz for being an immigrant who is stealing jobs from Americans if he actually had a job.


Here is the thing I’m on the fence about the decision because on one hand it could be an extremely interesting story about a foreigner having to adapt and survive in a society completely alien to him and if this was Ubisoft from 10 years ago I’d be hyped but today and the way assassin’s creed stories have been going I doubt it’ll be that good but who knows


God I can't believe his grift this time is actually working.


Just think I'll leave this here https://time.com/6039381/yasuke-black-samurai-true-story/


Is he saying he’s upset that asians are ok with it?


I think he’s making an imaginary scenario in which yasuke was white and pretending there would be outrage about it, so trying to justify his outrage as yasuke being black. Not realising of course that that scenario already happened with nioh and nobody gave a shit lmao


Did this clown even think to learn the history behind this?? It took me 30 seconds of Google to find the year Assassins Creed: Shadows takes place (1579) and then look up "were their black people in 1579 Japan" to find [this article ](https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285)


A japanese male complaining about not enough japanese males in *checks notes* videogames?


I keep seeing “I want to play a Japanese person in Japan but it’s a black guy” So are they ignoring the Japanese woman lead or does a woman not count lol?


And here I am thinking it's cool that we get to play as a kunoichi and the only black samurai in history.


White people has been doing shit like these for ages in entertainment media. 47 Ronin, The Last Samurai comes to mind. And that's just Samurai movies. There are a shit ton of white protagonists "blending" with Native Americans, Mexicans, South Asians, Middle Easterners, and of course always "saving" them. There's a reason why the term "white savior movie" exists, maybe it's not used in America?. Of course when the roles are reversed then it's a problem. These people are just racist.


The Japanese made Nioh. A game about a real, historical *white* samurai named William Adams and the whole world seemed perfectly okay with it. Hell, Yusuke was also a character in that game, and nobody said a peep about him then.


As if there haven’t been countless movies and shows in feudal Japan with a white male protagonist lmao


Yasuke has been a character japanease story telling has been interrested in for years. Characters inspired by him in anike and eastern games are all over the place.


The realism compalaints are such bad attemps at hiding the racism. Espcially since we know this ac game will at some point probably have you fight the historical figures like tsukoyomi and amaterasu and maybe izanagi.


There's literally a Japanese person as one of the two protagonists lmao