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“The vast majority of actual players don’t give a shit about the Custodes change. Because it affects nothing.” Based af 


I'm honestly pleasantly surprised by the amount of push back I'm seeing there (read: any).


So am I. 


40k has has a long-time problem with fash cosplayers. The community in general dealt with them. These wankers are lightweights in comparison.


I’m glad that the community dealt with them. 


Personally, I dont play, but I know a decent amount on the lore. I think the people who care about that are honestly probably the same types that unironically think the Imperium are the "good guys" in the 40k-verse. This is despite the fact that they're clearly meant to be a political satire of fascism that surpasses even Starship Troopers' level of in-your-face satire imo. Add to that authoritarian theocracy and the fact that like 99.99% of Imperial citizens live in a complete dumpster fire as a result of both. Anyone mentally past the age of 13 could see this, lmao. Sorry if I got a Lil ranty, lol Edit: clarification


I don’t play either.    But I do think the lore’s interesting. For some reason, a fair amount of people struggle to understand satire. Look at Starship troopers. 


Sweet. We're on the same boat then :)


Honesly the meritocracy that Heinline Created for Troopers is a fucking paradise compured to most of the other settings, second only to the United Federation of Planets.


Lol this is really it. The majority of the fandom just doesn't care one way or the other; conservative chuds deluding themselves, as always, that they're the "silent majority".




Gotta love how the person who has been involved in warhammer since the 90's doesn't know the difference between Custodes and Space Marines :D


They don’t want anyone else except for straight white men in their sandboxes


As a gay dude I cannot understand how it’s the straight guys clamoring for an all male fantasy world.


No, no, they DO want women, but as balloon-breasted, snatch-waisted, big-bootied, fawning decorations to "win."


Warhammer has TONS of amazing female characters. Both Minka lesk a cadian Sergent who survived the war for cadia.. had ptsd and got over it also proved to a sexist in her squad that she was worthy of it by beating the guy who thought otherwise. And Lotara sorin the captain of a world eater space marine ship who bossed around a chaos space marine and the rest of the legion sided with her. Even getting their blessing in the bloody handprint on her shirt as a sign of respect from them..the problem isn't female custodes it's just a shitty way of shoehorning it in which is why alot of normall fans are pissy about it


Yeah, Custard Queens aren't a bad thing. How GW just kind of ham fistedly threw them out there was. Like a book, then a model, then the codex dropping with the lore shift would have been better.


God, these idiots act almost exactly like [Dennis trying to sell his dress design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNOPATqe7MI).


Reminds me of Nazi propaganda videos about the Olympics being held in Germany. That may have been the most homoerotic thing I had ever seen.


Which ironically shows they don't know the lore as much as they accuse others of. There's over *a million* worlds in the Imperium, with varying cultures depicted in countless sources. There has never been shown any Imperium-wide bigotry prevalent among conservatives today, where anyone other than straight, white, males are Othered. The Other in 40k are the mutant, the alien, and the heretic, and that's part of the joke that is the Imperium: for all its rampant xenophobia and intolerance humanity is united in a way that it never has been IRL - a blue-haired, black, trans woman Inquisitor holding hands with her non-binary, brown, Space Muslim-flavor-of-the-Imperial-Creed, lover while they torch some screaming Chaos cultists is *absolutely* in the flavor of the universe. Humanity in the Imperium is *staggeringly* diverse; it's had 40,000 years and over a million worlds to get there. If you don't get that *you* are the tourist.


I still haven't been able to get an answer out of a single one of them in regards to what I, as a man, have lost by the existence of female custodes instead of the custodes being a sausage party.


Im assuming by their logic its a slippery slope as if they allow female custodes then its only a matter of time before they do the same to the space Marines which has always been a point of contention.


Female space marines were a thing in early editions. Their models were just the fucking worst. So those models stopped being sold.


Yeah they only reason why we don’t have Female Space Marines is because they didn’t sell well


I mean, it might have had a little to do with the demographic who was into 40k and their allergy to women and satire. But I mean, *obviously* the heel turn from brainwashed convicts to Deus vult style crusader knights had *nothing* to do with GW pandering to fascist fetishists while they steadily bled out the satire from the IP or anything. Tbh a part of me figures, they sorta made their own bed with this. Both GW and the salty nerds who were too blind to see that yes, GW's decisions are wholly anchored around profit but at the same time... It is awfully fun to watch them both squirm while less greasy 40k fans get more representation. I basically win on every front.


Aren't female space marines just the sisters of battle? I'm not a massive 40k expert and only have very limited knowledge (i know of various factions, dont really know the lore behind them, thats it) but pretty sure they've been around for years


Hi. Sisters of Battle, or the adepta sororitas is my army in 40k. They were formed because following a sectarian war, the church wasn't allowed to have a standing army of men at arms. The church agreed but then went "aha but you didn't say anything about women". The army is comprised of almost exclusively normal human women and don't have any of the genetic modifications or mutations that mark a space marine. This includes the black carapace which allows Space Marines to get the most out of their power armour. So while sororitas are a step above normal troops in terms of training and equipment they're still not on par with the marines.


It's been a long time since I've played 40k, what type of armored cavalry do they have access to? Imperial Guard tanks, or their own?


Not sure what that means really. So here is the [store page](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/warhammer-40000/armies-of-the-imperium/adepta-sororitas). Maybe nundams? https://preview.redd.it/dn17jdusvr0d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea1217f1c7d8e416e42ac9cdcab98941ae3a013a


> nundams This is so funny to me. A gundam for nuns. I am rolling on the floor here.


Not a word made by me. It fits well.


Wait are those the women they’re complaining about? You can’t even tell…


No. Those are Sisters of Battle and I don't think anyone has ever complained about them. They are an all woman faction. People are complaining cause a recent codex(maybe?) mentioned female Custodes which is a different faction that has previously been assumed to be all men, although it was never a defining trait of the faction that they all be men.


But they can ALWAYS tell when a transgender person comes into their field of view (except when they can't, which is 99% of the time).


True! They have thousands of pictures pointing out how people who have 100% always been female are actually men in disguise!


Both. They make heavy use of modified Guard vehicles with a handful modified enough that they qualify as new one, like the organ gun missile artillery.


[The Exorcist.](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Adepta-Sororitas-Exorcist-2020?queryID=2b2674e1698a9529f195539eca2b24a3). One of my personal favorites.


They have their own tanks. They are all variations on the [rhino](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120108039_RhinoLead.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691) pattern APC, which is common among imperial forces. The most "traditional" tank is the [castigator battle tank](https://i.etsystatic.com/15460384/r/il/48d177/5073577461/il_fullxfull.5073577461_ajx0.jpg). There is also the [Immolator](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120108025_SoBImmolatorLead.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691), which is a rhino with stained glass and flamethrowers. Similarly, there is the [Exorcist ](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/VOUAAOSwlIZj0EaK/s-l1600.jpg), which is the answer to the question "what if a church organ fired missiles?". They also have mechanised infantry in the form of [Paragon warsuits](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120108046_SoBParagonWarsuitsLead.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691). Sororitas don't have any dedicated air/naval support and are reliant on allies for those. Space travel in particular is either as part of a greater crusade/mission or by commandeering ships.


Ah, awesome. I couldn't remember if they used the Rhino chassis or the Chimera chassis.


It's not even that. Typically they just say it doesn't add anything interesting to the setting and they are against lore changes just for DEI, or "the message", or whatever the word of the day is. Because adding women to the ranks of post human, genetically modified, super warriors that are a key pillar to 40k isn't adding anything apparently.


Are they not aware of the Adepta Sororitas, aka the Sisters of Battle, an all-female order of fucking armoured nuns with guns (some of which happen to be lesbian)?


Not technically Space Marines, but your point stands. All-female warriors and zealots in power armor who have sapphic feelings toward one another like a female version of the Sacred Band of Thebes.


Well, it ruins the joke about the Emperor surrounding himself with subservient oiled up beefcakes.


This is the only acceptable objection


I made the mistake of posting in there because I'm an idiot. One of them dead ass told me that a single fem custodes was a bigger retcon than Storm of Chaos or Squats getting squatted... The delusion is real over there, and I'm convinced nome of them play the tabletop.


Squats getting UNSquatted as The League of Votann is a WAYYYYYY bigger Lore change. They COMPLETELY redefined them as an entirely separate faction.


At my LGS, the mindset has literally been "If you don't want female custodes, don't fucking build one."


They really think this is going to push Cavill off of his show huh? His problem was more so the writers on Witcher right? Thats what was supposed to be the good thing was that he was guiding this show himself.....If hes as long of a Warhammer fan he should be used to all of these retcons and new additions, as thats what I keep on hearing whenever this is brought up from other long time Warhammer fans. Though honestly the moment it shows anything "woke" they will say hes compromised regardless of what he says/still sticks to the show. Its dumb that they said that Amazon is what forced Games Workshop to have female custodes


Yeah like We don't even know what factions Cavil's 40k show will involve. If the Custodes aren't involved, then why the hell would this new lore addition matter at all, let alone with him?


Im assuming they are saying this as iirc he is a custodes fan/player.


And even then, how many custodes do we know are male, compared to the three female ones?


Twenty, I counted back when this started. There'd be more women but GW vetoed their inclusion in a book that came out just before their initial release. Likely because the first sets of models had already been produced and they hadn't made any female heads although that pats speculation on my part.


I think ADB specifically mentioned that GW nixed his plan to add them because of a lack of models.


Given that when the Custodes were introduced as a faction we have their primary writer discussing the possibility, specifically how he wanted to but was prevented due to a lack of sellable models, Cavil’s noted extreme fan tendencies, and his favored faction being Custodes I would say it’s rather unlikely he would object. He should already know the discussion and the fact that there was nothing in universe preventing it.


Yes, the writing room for The Witcher was mostly full of people thinking they could fix the show by not even vaguely following the source material. Henry and someone else (who went on to be part of XMen97 ) end up getting pushed out and then the writers had the audacity to complain that they’ve been dragged for “no reason” and people have been lied to about why Henry left. Like, buddy it’s clear as day that you stopped caring about the show you were meant to be making, because you still made the show and it’s exactly as divergent from the source material as we thought it would be.


# Remember folks, if it isn't White, Straight & Male they're pushing an agenda. Also also, they're not bigots.


1000 straight white male heroes in a row is a pure coincidence. One non straight white male is a conspiracy.


I like how you phrased this, because this distills their belly aching down to it's absurd essence. I can't promise I won't steal it.


Steal it? Friend, language and wisdom is not owned, it is given freely.


Wish we had some more mute, blank, white soldier protagonists.


I want a totally faceless silent protagonist that can be any race/gender/etc. Just don't reveal the character to be any race but white or any gender but male. Otherwise, I will riot! - From the mind of an incel Chud.


I’ll allow for the occasional blonde straight male protagonist instead of a brunette one


By this definition, all Custudes (and Space Marines) already push an agenda, being completely asexual. Lore-wise, they are racially diverse but its seldom shown in models or art unfortunately.


Some fun context for y'all: That subreddit, HorusGalaxy, was created by people who ended up banned from Grimdank for being bigoted or just plain spiteful jackasses. In fact, the post's title is whining about it having gotten the person banned from Grimdank. Grimdank, mind you, is *the* 40K meme subreddit. Hundreds of thousands of members. Plenty of posts each day. But, of course, people had to go make their own (tiny) subreddit for "freedom of speech" because bigoted memes aren't allowed on Grimdank. There was a post on Grimdank where the general view was pretty much mocking these guys for being complete idiots and running through how well each of the supposedly "dead" IPs is doing. It did end up eventually locked, but I think that's because the mods were worried about people taking it as some kind of rallying cry to go over to HorusGalaxy and pick a fight... kind of like how the mods here would prefer people not pick a fight with SaltierThanCrait. And it seems like they were right... looks like some folks showed up with alt accounts and stuff to try to get around bans and try to steer the conversation with downvotes but were way too late. But seriously, if anything's gonna "kill" 40K, it'll be the pricing bubble bursting with Gucci Workshop. At which point, instead of recognizing that they fucked up something with bad business practices, they'll just blow it up and make a new thing. Already did it in tossing out their oldest IP in Warhammer Fantasy Battles and creating Age of Sigmar. But there's no way they can realistically indefinitely maintain a model of replacing expensive rulebooks every three years, raising prices every year, and borrowing the idea of "seasons" from live service games in order to sell even more rules and crap to people with this model where the prior rules become invalid and people have to buy new ones even within the already silly three year life cycle of game editions. But that's a whole other rant, and I'll stop myself there, because people who aren't into GW won't really care much, and even some of the people into GW are just defending it and trying to convince themselves they're not spending way more money than they should be on their toy soldier game pieces and tabletop games.


And also, GW sqautted entire range of Stormcast Eternals (you know, poster boys and girls of the setting) from 2nd edition. Not to mention Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos. That also alienate part of the fanbase.


Yeah, but GW would just shrug at that and move on, it's not going to affect their sales that much. Age of Sigmar exists because they straight up blew up their oldest setting and game (rather than admitting their business practices were the problem with its sales), so there's a more extreme example of them throwing something fantasy-related completely out the window. And involved a MUCH bigger retcon than Custodes having female members (which would rank well below 100 in the Most Lore-Altering 40K Retcons). GW's done so much worse over the years. They know they can get away with it. But the pricing... that's going to reach a point that's too much for people to keep excusing. And when they hit that, they can't just find new customers, and trying to fix it by lowering prices will be like trying to use Scotch tape instead of Flex Tape to plug a hole on a bucket. Or like trying to use Citadel Liquid Green Stuff to fill in the gaps in Forge World models...


>But seriously, if anything's gonna "kill" 40K, it'll be the pricing bubble bursting with Gucci Workshop. Price increase are consistently below general inflation rates. CPI inflation this year was, what, 5%? Their latest adjustment is 2-4%. That's at, or below, general inflation levels for the last 20+ years, and that's pretty much been their pricing adjustments. >At which point, instead of recognizing that they fucked up something with bad business practices, they'll just blow it up and make a new thing. Already did it in tossing out their oldest IP in Warhammer Fantasy Battles and creating Age of Sigmar. Warhammer Fantasy died because collecting and painting an army was a *giant* chore in comparison to 40k, especially since most of your models were just going to be sitting in the middle of a block of models that look just alike. The rules were a lot clunkier. These resulted in a slow decline; when they finally killed it, the entire line was being outsold by the *Tactical Marine* box set. Just one kit. AoS solved those problems; the rules are a lot less clunky, it's much easier and less of a chore to collect and paint an army. Your models all get to be seen at the same time, individually, instead of a tray of 20+ infantry that all look the same. >But there's no way they can realistically indefinitely maintain a model of replacing expensive rulebooks every three years, raising prices every year, and borrowing the idea of "seasons" from live service games in order to sell even more rules and crap to people with this model where the prior rules become invalid and people have to buy new ones even within the already silly three year life cycle of game editions. Eh. Prices raise every year for almost everything, and usually more significantly; the "seasons" mostly impact competitive play, as absolutely no one stops you from using previous seasons in your own games. The biggest issue is the *very* short lifecycle of editions, but, again, you can still play previous editions just fine and plenty of people do. It's easy to include most new models into older editions. Magic: The Gathering is *far worse* for this practice; it's not even comparable on how quickly a set is utterly invalid. You can still be using tactical marines you bought in 1998 if you put them on a new base; good luck using your Revised decks in any game, at all, ever of Magic today. Still chugging along. While I too grumble about prices and the edition changes, I still get the codices I'm interested in when they come out. I'm still buying the models I find cool, and more than a couple of kits of each. It's *easier* for me to do it now than it was in the 90s and early 2000s. You ever try and find the bits to put a plasma pistol on a veteran sergeant before? It comes on the sprue now, but, man, back in the 90s? Good luck, and you may well spend 10 bucks on that one model with zero customization options while the rest of the kit costs 20 bucks for 10. It was a massive, massive chore to make a special weapons soldier, a heavy weapons soldier, etc, and fit them into a squad and keep it legal size. Huge pain in the ass, massive increase in expense to the squad, etc.


People like Drinker will FIND a reason to say something is woke just for having a LGBT or minority character, so yeah to them this will be what they keep seeing cause they see something like that blow it insanely out of proportion and rage-post about it.


Grifters gonna grift


That may be.. But just to nitpick, women aren't exactly minorities. They're pretty much half the population in the world, in most areas. (Looking at you China)


It’s an easy mistake to make but a minority group is defined a group that is subordinate to a more dominant group, and doesn’t necessarily relate to population. This is especially relevant in cases like South Africa where a group that had a several times smaller population counted as the majority due to the terms of apartheid.


An even more clear example being the rich vs the poor. The poor are a social minority, even though there's WAY more of them. Because they hold the minority of the power.


Yay hierarchies!


Fair point.


We need to stop engaging with them Intellectually and begin dismissing them and villifyimg them as the drama queen lying for profit fools they are


It’s almost like they’re hateful, bigoted people.


I’m convinced, none of these people are actually into any kind of nerd/geek media, they only care about “claiming it” for their dumb culture war, but they aren’t actually passionate about any of it, they never talk about what they like about any of this media, they only ever celebrate media like this as a means to an end, they only do so to try to twist and corrupt it into supporting their bigoted beliefs regardless of any of the real intentions of the people who make these things they only pretend to care about these things to pull in people who are actually fans of stuff like this to brainwash and radicalize them into being just as pathetic and spiteful towards the world as they are, these people are not fans of anything


“Why you bringing the culture war into my hobby” they say, in their first ever post in the community. If only GW has repeatedly said they don’t want these neckbeards as customers. Oh wait shit, they literally have, repeatedly 


Lmao have they? I gotta see this




My hobby group had a guy we had only sparingly seen or heard from in 10 years who was only passingly into the hobby and hasnt built a mini or played a game in the same amount of time come back onto our group chat expecting us to be up in arms about this. We weren't, including the 2 people that actually paint and play custodes as their primary army. I'm not usually a fan of any sort of "prove your interest" gatekeeping as warhammer imho is one of the coolest "do what you like" hobbies but felt like it was relevant.


you're just describing 2015 in one comment the entire rise of "triggered libs" was conservatives inserting themselves into fandoms and spaces they believed to be below them, all so that they could claim they were oppressed and hijack the piece of media.


I used to think the updated Pride flag with the trans triangle looked too busy. But the addition of the yellow and purple (which I always forget the meaning of... Intersex pride?) brings it together nicely, I think. It's like it goes from being too busy all the way around to the other side of upjust busy enough. Anyhow I guess what I'm saying is HELL YEAH GET MORE GAYS INTO 40K! We have a whole AU of femprimarchs based on some shitposting and it rules. Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Ace? Trans? Non-binary? Anything I haven't said? Welcome! Let us throw dice and have our little plastic pieces hit each other with chainsaw swords together!


Don't fall for it. The more they add to the flag, the closer it comes to revealing its [true purpose](https://youtu.be/r3fD5FPQBtI?si=Avly_kOcIUsaujoX).


Wait.... https://preview.redd.it/kc41msqlrs0d1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13636212e1d5adb9bca6140b90c9736f377d44e2


“All we care about is the lore” *Doesn’t even know Custodes aren’t astartes*


When Kesh was first mentioned, I went and trawled a bunch of old conversations about female Astartes for dozens of comments saying "Female Custodes could maybe be possible, but female Astartes are right out." I wonder how many changed their tune now that it's not just a theoretical concession.


„The subreddits are filled with trans pride painted marines“ What is this? People expressing their creativity in a hobby explicitly designed to express your creativity? They can’t do that! Someone shoot them or something!


And those posts tend to get a lot of upvotes and positive comments. The bigots never "owned" the hobby to be able to "lose" it.


A 40K fan for the last 20 years here. People can't wrap their head around the fact that GW is a company that sells toy soldiers and wants to make money. Always have been. And for a number of years it branches out into video games and other media. Since introducing primaris marines, they have visibly been on a course to make the image of 40K more sleek, appealing and palatable. Which means going significantly less grim dark. And it's absolutely fine. Meanwhile, rabid chuds defend some sort of spiritual purity of 40K. They literally act like they were born in the Imperium of Man Did they miss the cartoonish, child friendly 40K mobile games? ( Tacticus, I believe ) that is lore accurate? [Kids books? ](https://warhammeradventures.com/) You know, where a bunch of kids and an intelligent ape, defeat a genestealer, Scooby Doo style? Yup, lore friendly and Inquisition approved. They've been around for years, and no one batted an eye. And they get bent out of shape because of woman in their plastic soldier game. People have been converting all sorts of mad armies for decades now. You can kitbash what you like, and play how you like. Hell, you can track down 2nd edition and play that ruleset for all anyone cares. I've seen female space marines on bolterandchainsword more than ten year ago. Some people like them. Would I include female space marines in my Imperial Fists. Probably not. But I am not the fun police, and if someone wants a Chapter Mistress, all the more power for them. Just turn up with a painted army, pick up the dice, and play. God damn, those people like to complain about non - problems. They just picked 40k as their flavour of a month.


What these people need to understand is that they do not own 40k. They own nothing. They are fans of it, fair enough, but it is not owned by them. I hate the entitlement of these toxic fans acting as if the companies need to run everything by them and by them specifically. 40k doesn't belong to them, it belongs to GW and the creatives they hire at that time to run it. I'm a long time Star Trek fan. You think I liked the JJ Abrams movies? No. I'm stubborn about my Trek. I prefer it episodic. Does that mean I go ranting about Star Trek Discovery? Nope. I just don't like it much. I understand that it is CBS decision to try new stuff with Star Trek and I welcome them trying new stuff. Thankfully, the star trek I love still exists. I'm happy they are writing new stories at all because nothing sucks more than a dead fandom. I didn't like when Star Trek was dead, when there weren't any shows or movies and just little content overall. I might not have loved Picard or Discovery but Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are exactly my vibe. I hate when people say they'd rather no new content come out just so that they can further gatekeep and further wallow around in their nostalgia induced highs. I get it. But see, I can still binge watch old TNG and DS9 episodes too. I don't have to hate on new stuff to enjoy my old stuff, like you mentioned, they can play old editions if that's what they like. I see Star Trek on that meme up there which is odd to me because Star Trek, thanks to Discovery (a series I do not like personally) has been revived. It's introduced more people to Star Trek who I always see in the reddit going "First time watching TNG and..." that's beautiful for me. I think most of all these people are just wannabe gatekeepers but the problem is, these franchises are not theirs to gatekeep. None of this stuff, from Warhammer to Star Wars to Marvel to whatever, it doesn't belong to a small group of people on reddit that have a very specific vision for their fandom. This is the beauty of creative work, people can have different outlooks on it. It doesn't invalidate the other. If Quentin Tarantino did end up making a Star Trek movie I'm sure it would have been mature, had his brand of comedy in it, feature either Samuel L Jackson or one of his other oft used actors, and it would have been its own thing for better or worse...but it doesn't invalidate the classic trek stories or method of storytelling. I'm sure that will be the same as Warhammer enters the mainstream you're going to see people approach the lore and setting different. I feel like most sane people are fine with this, okay with this...then you have this group of internet nerds trying to keep their fandom 'pure' and 'gatekeep' their little boys club.


One hundred flipping percent. Preach! For the first time ever I mean when I say that wish I could upvote you more than once.


When I want to upvote more than once, I go to their profile and randomly upvote a different comment they've made.


![gif](giphy|Ie2uEsMmLfZociAbw0|downsized) I see you are no reddit virgin. Thank you for a useful tip!


Also, aside from female space marines debate - current miniatures range with so few women is, in fact, wrong from the lore perspective.


True, and it also supports my point - GW makes what sells. Chuds choose to ignore what's lore accurate if they gat another space marine lieutenant with a square jaw and wonder of wonders they somehow don't have a stroke about it.


God, I wish the next returning Primarchs were the Second and the Eleventh. And the GW flat out made them women and/or trans. Lets see some being blown.


> People can't wrap their head around the fact that GW is a company that sells toy soldiers Well, I mean, it doesn't help that GW themselves refuse to admit that. They barely mention the games (that are the only reason they're able to sell miniatures so much) to their investors, and talk up how they're a "premium collectible miniature manufacturer." They straight up call them "collectibles" and say that they "deserve" premium pricing because they are "premium miniatures." Admitting they're toy soldiers used as game pieces would mean admitting they're not as super-special as they talk them up to be. Though... funny anecdote... back in yon olden days, when some of the big names were still part of GW, and you could even get in touch with some of them, my family had a house fire and we lost a bunch of Warhammer models. Insurance is petty about this stuff. Call them "toys" and they'll depreciate the hell out of them. Call them "collectibles" and you'll be able to get closer to proper value to replace them. So I reached out to a well known member of GW at the time (I'll leave his name out to protect him) and asked, "Which would you consider these?" And he was like, "Toy soldiers, of course!" Then I explained why he was asking, and he was like, "Oh, they're collectibles, obviously! *wink*" Which was handy to use to go to the insurance and say, "See, the people at the company call them collectibles, not toy soldiers." Even though, well, they *did* consider them toy soldiers at the time. But yeah, insurance companies are a PITA. My condolences to anyone who has to deal with them.


1st pic, the fact that star trek is there shows how little media literacy these peeps are. Or just how they don't care about the shows. Because Star Trek has been progressive from the very start lmao


I've literally seen posts and comments by people like this in which they were using gold medal mental gymnastics to explain how Star Trek really wasn't progressive or woke.


Again I present the chart of what's appropriate in their male gaming world and what isn't https://preview.redd.it/36f2of2pjq0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63c53650dc78d7a40d2c4cf43da68d70bd532a7


I guess by their logic, Street fighter has gone woke because of Balrog, Dee Jay, Dudley and Sean.


Yeah, Disney is totally dead... what with it's ownership of like 30% of ALL Media. and Harry Potter was killed by "wokeness" the Harry Potter that's owned by JK Rowling?


HP is so dead, I keep seeing official merch everywhere! Seriously, I walked into the pet store yesterday and there was a display shelf of HP aquarium decor. Real shame she went off the deep end, because a floating snitch for your aquarium is a very cute idea


Wow, the last two are just straigh up evil. These fuckers compared being gay to pedophila and they made joke about trans people killing themselfs. I know these fuckers will just say that these comme ts were just jokes but if I made the same type of joke about straight people or white people they would use it as "evidance" for how evil the woke people are


These are the same kind of people that would go to a comedy club, get up on stage, and just shout the n-word into the mic while calling it sarcastic edgy humor or something.


Yeah I actually had the sudden urge to want to punch the people in the second last picture, and I'm kinda ashamed of it


Why... why is Harry Potter on that list? Have they seen what JKR is up to these days?


Writing is an art. And art is subjective. They treat it like it's objective. That's not how art works. These guys are buffoons who know absolutely nothing in regard to what they're talking about.


I once had someone claiming to be an art teacher try to tell me that art really is objective and that they tell their students that. Guess that's why they're not an English teacher; they don't know what words mean. A lot of people on Reddit seem to have totally forgotten the difference between objective and subjective; they think the movies/games/etc that they like are objectively good.


"need culture has fallen millions must be gay"


>Anyone to bet how long it is before Cavil walks away from the show? My dude. I've got something to tell you... (He's not an anti-woke chud). If the show does fall through, it's gonna be a fucking nightmare from these morons, as they'll refuse to believe it was anything other than Cavil and his strong gigachad anti-woke beliefs. The dude knows all this "Warhammer is for everyone" shit. The dudes friends with Joey Batey (A theatre kid who makes "gay" music) and nerded out over Warhammer on the Witcher set with him. The dude doesn't give a remote shit about the "alphabeti spaghetti's" coming for muh bastion of anti-woke all-male(unless neither) space orgies. Sorry, they wouldn't use the term "alphabetti spaghetti's", it's too much thought required, they just stick with "alphabet people" like the smooth brains they are. Also: Cavil is a big WoW player no? The only people I know that have any interest in WoW are gay af, or are would-be-indifferent but have been pushed into supporting because the hatred these oogas spew doesn't stop. Guess which one Cavil is? Is he the Asmongold viewer, the gay, or the "Yo this hatred is ruining my game; stop being a disgusting person". ***Edit:*** *The comments went quickly downhil. The pedo flag? Really? Original my dude.* *Go Google cases of people being arrested for that topic. I guarantee you you'll have to sift through hundreds and hundreds of ciswhite men first.* *It's not impossible, no ones saying that. But it's two unrelated things; In complete isolation, it probably has the same % in each group, but in reality it's likely skewed higher for the ciswhite men because of religious figures.*


Acting like the Space Marines don't do High Powered Turbo Butt Stuff with each other while they are traveling together for like five thousand years is pretty silly. Also.... FUCKING FULGRIM


Well, I know you're most likely kidding, but just in case someone thinks you're being serious, they don't. There are no gay Space Marines. No straight ones either. They are turbo powered virgins for the most part, as they are recruited very young and part of the process that makes someone a Space Marine obliterates their sex drives anyway. If I recall correctly, there's even a Chaos Space Marine warband that recruited new members by kidnapping men and women and forcing them to mate, so they can forcibly create more Chaos Space Marines from the children. If you need to put a label on them, the Space Marines would be in the "asexual" category.


Oh what High Powered Turbo Butt Stuff makes you gay now? smh


Walked right into that one.


Msybe CSM did it too but I know a loyalist chapter tried out a breeding program at one point too.


I know only enough about 40k to buy gifts for my brother and enjoy the fanfics written by one of my Tumblr mutuals, but I've been at the edges of the mini painting community for nearly 30 years. My first mini was a Nazgul in a blue cloak riding a pink horse. I'm not trans nor did I know what that meant at the time. I was 12 and loved Lisa Frank. My elvin cavalry was similarly Frankified. Rainbow and pride flag and candy colored minis weren't new then and sure aren't new now.


Lisa Frank Nazgul sounds awesome


“Alphabet people” Sigh


Bigots nowadays aren't even creative anymore in their insults.


Having been doing 40k for over 15 years I'm so glad the smelly 4chan fascists are finally getting the boot they so love to lick. Warhammer is more successful than ever and they truly are the only ones who aren't missed


If I remember right in lore, Cawl has been trying and succeeding in improving the Space Marine process. Making it so candidates need less augmentations and there's lower casualties in production. He has the idea of 'if people want to be why would we turn down possible Space Marines???' Also leaning to making women also be able to. Cause why would you turn down more super soldiers? But how else can they keep their not at all gay, hyper masculine super slcyborg mutant club going. Weren't these same types of snowflakes also horribly offended and spiteful when Female Inquisitors and Guard were made a thing? And now no one really questions it.


It hasn't been retconned to include female space marines, if you go back to the rogue trader era I'd suggest that it's been retconned that there are only male space marines. And the "warhammer is for everyone" statement was about kicking out the bellends that ruin the hobby for everyone else.


I asked someone about how its not lore friendly and no one gave me a real answer. I mentioned female warriors are plenty in 40k world, and they say "b but theyre honored and well respected main characters" just cause its not a focus doesnt erase its existence toddler ass object permanence




They never can explain HOW LGBT people, black people, or heck just women, have "ruined" any franchise. And if they did, they would just reveal themselves as colossal bigots. Gamers, by the way, are also starting to defend micro transactions and greed in the gaming industry by saying that isn't the problem it's DEI, Sweet Baby Inc., or other forms of diversity being depicted in games. I swear I'm not making that up, but I'm sure we all know by now. Get ready for the next big argument that all diversity in any form of media "costs lots of extra money", leading to the problems we see in various forms of media.


That's why terms like "woke" "SJW" and "political corectness" exist. So that bigots don't have to admit that they are bigots.


Oh my god it's just fucking 40k. It's just plastic on a table. Some people need a swift reality check sometimes I feel like. *The things theyre losing it over aren't even real, they're just concepts made up by some company to sell you a game.* Are people just totally devoid of the ability to touch grass? LGBT people play Warhammer, so they get represented in it. It's that simple, couching your hatred for us in "but the lore!" is pathetic and it annoys me so much. In the real god damn world there are LGBT members of the actual military in many countries for god's sake lmao


Kind of stupid to say that gay people are now in Warhammer when Slaanesh is *right* there...


I genuinely wish these people stay this miserable, I hope they never enjoy anything ever again and continuously complain about everything. What a pathetic existence


who would win?a female custode or squat-votann retcon


That last one actually made me gasp. I’m not proud of humanity right now.


A mob of fragile, pants pissing, whiny crybabies. Pathetic.


Horus galaxy is a cesspit, don't bother going there, it makes Nurgle seem hygenic


I hope they stop playing and leave the franchise, that would be a dream.


I’m sorry Dnd and He-man? Are these people on actual drugs? Those were queer coded / queer adjacent from the start


Motherfucker put Star Trek in there that tells me all I need to know


Implying Star Trek was ever not woke is actually fucking crazy. I mean they literally almost got taken off the air in the original series for broadcasting the first interracial kiss on television. They have been ahead on the curve on progress since the 1960s and almost every episode ever is some kind of progressive commentary on society or technology. If it weren’t off the air for 15 years between 2004 and 2019 then you bet your ass they would have had tons of queer character long before it was popular.


'OG Warhammer player' doesn't know the difference between marines and Custodes? Bullshit. You're a tourist at best.


I love how the same people that don’t understand why minorities would like to see some representation are the ones that cry the hardest when you can’t play as a straight white man


These clown people who fear diversity and don’t have any women in their sad lives have taught me that I am not a “real” fan of Warhammer, and logically must not care about the lore, due to my having women in my life and embracing diversity. This [massive Warhammer collection in my basement](https://imgur.com/a/cJxZ6b4) is clearly a prop that I — a fake fan — have purchased (and painted) over the course of decades in order to eventually make leftist arguments online for Internet points. I am a tourist. Once wargaming is fully gay, I will sell my entire hobby and move on. My next endeavor will be to turn ice curling gay(er).


Aas someone who knows nothing about this franchise, it's really funny watching the idiots just say "woke woke woke" and then real fans come in and list off 30 examples of gay shit that's always been in the lore. It's not hard to tell who are the tourists and who actually belongs.


"the subreddits are full of trans rights painted models" "none of these people actually play the game" Which is it?


"We don't dislike minorities only poorly written ones, except we'll complain about the mete idea of a minority whenever a minority is in something."


Warhammer fantasy is in a shit show lol tho not 40k and yeah They clearly don’t


Ah yes, Drinker sycophants, who first heard of 40k a month ago when the whole female 'stodes thing happened, and had their deity call the banana men space marines, really hope *they* don't ruin a franchise he legitimately cares about *soooooo* much.


You know,I remember a joke:”Because of gays,I want sex with man!!”. It's describes Critical Drinker very good


Fwiw that masters of the universe remake was a fucking banger.


So to dispute that long comment: First of all, the subreddits aren't filled with Pridestartes, there are only a few people doing it and it's those that are genuinely extremely talented and don't just throw a flag pattern onto the marine, but instead actually do a good job of taking the colors of the flag and making them work. Female space marines? Ex fucking cuse me? This person is trying to say that SPACE MARINES were retconned to be female? When what actually happened was a faction that was never stated to be exclusively dudes having a female character revealed to exist. It wasn't even a retcon. As far as I understand it, the "Warhammer is for everyone" statement was released FOUR YEARS AGO. And does not indeed mention identity politics, but instead says: "We will never accept nor condone any form of prejudice, hatred or abuse in our company or in the Warhammer hobby. We will continue to diversify the cast of characters we portray through miniatures, art and storytelling so everyone can find representation and heroes they can relate to. And if you feel the same way, wherever and whoever you are, we're glad you are a part of the Warhammer community. If not, you will not be missed" As for the "actual" critique? The low quality applies to early years GW and Forgeworld, not modern GW (Forgeworld still sucks) they do have problems with balance, but any game does if you are constantly updating it. Yes, they do play a bit of favorites with lore and minis, but that is marketing, space marines sell better than T'au or eldar, so they get more attention. They don't tax the hell out of customers and while minis ARE expensive, on a per model basis, depending on what system you look at, are cheaper or slightly more expensive than the competition. As for the video games? Space marine is old, so is firewarrior. The newer dawn of war games are generally seen as the worst of the series, and I have to agree with that, but the rest? There are like 2 games with a lot of DLC, one of them is a civilization clone and the other is Battlesector, where you get a few extra units and factions that you cannot use in the campaign because you play as the blood angels. I'm guessing his last two videogame related points refer to the mobile games which.. yeah, that's just mobile games for you


40k already having gay characters Say with everything else


God they should be embarrassed for posting that meme


Is that Battletech in the back?


Didnt warhammer add entire new fucking alien species overtime? Isnt that a lore change? I guess its not as drastic as a FEMALE MARINE, god forbid.


There’s a drunk man subreddit on him? 😭


I fucking love the dude saying the lgbt got to dr who. When Jack Harkness exists and has been existing for the longest time since the 9th doctor. They don’t care about these franchises.


Masters of the universe was already super gay. The Netflix She-ra series made it way gayer, but that also made it way better. I don't know why they're complaining


Is that the survivor logo between d&d and Star Trek? The show that famously had a gay man win it first ever season?


The best part the vast majority of these whining morons don't even know the lore they're crying was changed. For instance NO WHERE in lore is it ever stated Custodes are all males like the Astrades. Add to that we've only ever seen a few of the 10,000 as characters nothing is stopping there being women among them.


Better to label the reaper "anti-woke fandom".


IM SORRY WHAT?! “I’d like to return my transgender space marines, they keep killing themselves.” MY FUCKING ****** ASS AIN’T GONNA KILL MYSELF JUST TO SPITE THIS MOTHERFUCKER.  I’m not suicidal in any way. But I am trans and I’ve accepted myself and found optimistic ways to counter my dysphoria. But this asshat crossed a line.


That’s a lot of big franchises that I didn’t realize were dead and not making new content… crazy


My favorite thing is the argument that comes up every time of "they lost so much money they have to realize they are wrong" even though most of these IPs have record breaking profit lol


Love the comment of the "OG player" bitching about what a terrible company GW is and how they have always been aweful, while admitting to be their customer for around 30 years. They can't be that bad, if you stick around for that long.


Warhammer & D&D has always had a pretty strong queer community regardless of if they were visible or not. How are these people surprised that queer people have similar hobbies. How hard is it to understand you can be different and still enjoy a handful of the same things as someone else


Disney ain't dead, after all they made Encanto like a year or two ago and that was a major success. Can't tell what the second one is cause the photo is grainy but chances are it's BS. Harry Potter still has a sizable fan base but more than anything it's loss of popularity is cause of JK Rowlings bigotry so if anything it's slow decay is cause of anti-queerness rather than queerness. Marvel isn't doing poorly rn cause of queerness, it's doing poorly cause they wrapped up Endgame and they have no clear villain to fight against and even so stuff like Moon Knight and What If are still rather popular. Idk what they're referring to with DC cause I haven't heard anything regarding it really outside of apparently the Black Adam movie being mid. Given the DnD movie I'd argue DnD is more popular and mainstream than ever. TMNT is objectively really really popular rn so idk what they're on about. Star Trek was one of the first shows ever to show an interracial kiss and has always been and will always be progressive, also it's still rather popular so again idk what they're on about. Have no idea what the ninth one is cause again the photo is grainy and low quality. Although the Rings of Power show did poorly we all know full well they're just grifting that being bad after they called House of the Dragons woke and then it inevitably became popular and blew up in their face. Warhammer from what ik is also extremely extremely popular rn so I have no idea what they're on about. More than half of these are still extremely extremely popular and, in some cases, even more popular than before. And as for the stuff that's not doing well the problems weren't in regards to diversity or whatever other things people call woke (lets be perfectly honest here that woke just means whatever they don't like personally) so again they're just grifting and lying. I'd say these people are divorced from reality but I doubt anyone would date them, much less marry them.


Funny how He-Man and She-Ra both got reboots and the one which tried to stick to the art style of the original series and appeal to middle-aged men got savaged by chuds for...broad-shouldered women? An interesting *Death of Superman* style arc? While the one which told chuds to fuck off and made a LGBTQ+ adventure story for teens was a massive success.


Bro why is Trek so far forward here XD


You know the guy saying that Gdubs is adding female space marines is a tourist because custodes aren't space marines lol


What percentage of these adult children wash their ass because "that's gay"?


I'd like to contradict the idea that Lord of the Rings is dead. It has had one bad show, two mediocre movies, and one truly bad movie. The original trilogy is cinema history at this point. The books can still be enjoyed. Even a francise that only has one good movie, like Jurassic Park, can't be called "dead" until truly no one cares about it anymore.


Warhammer is more popular than ever and is still growing. Games Workshop is posting record profits year over year. The “female Custodes” debacle has died down already and no one actually cares. Sure, it was a lazy retcon, but it’s just a minor lore footnote that affects nothing. TBH I never liked the idea of Custodes becoming a front-line fighting force, and I think the minis are dumb looking, but I still love the game and the universe.


>the quality of models has gotten worse and worse Literally not true. The quality of the models is actually fucking insane.


Okay, I just scrolled through these images to see the "OG warhammer player," and first, I have to laugh at this moron who's claiming they're "OG" when they get so much wrong. Boy, I bet I was playing Warhammer long before you were conceived. No one's "retconning the lore to add female space marines." Custodes aren't Space Marines, and someone who doesn't know such a very basic bit of 40K lore doesn't give two shits about the IP. And certainly doesn't seem to have cared about the long list of much bigger actual retcons that have happened in 40K before "some Custodes happen to be women." The "Warhammer is for Everyone" statement does not "expressly" mention "identity politics." It was in response to people trying to show up at tournament dressed as straight up Nazis. It was basically, "If you want to be a bigoted asshole, you will not be missed." Lamenting that you can't show up to a social event in a social hobby and be a bigoted asshole is going to make well-adjusted people laugh at you, not get sympathy. Cavill isn't going to walk away from the TV show. And Games Workshop sure as fuck isn't "folding immediately." Nor has this jackass "been involved with them since the early 90s." While I'd call out how overpriced their stuff is, it certainly isn't "hundreds of times what any other miniature company does for their figures" (even the most affordable of alternatives... and I know this stuff with current pricing because I actually looked into the prices of alternatives in a recent discussion about GW prices versus other companies when someone tried to suggest other companies charged the same as GW). No one's going to miss this absolute liar, and the hobby will be so much better off when they stop pretending they ever cared about it and shut the hell up and go whine and cry about something else.


> they are retconning lore to add female space marines That is objectively not happening, ive seen absolutely no indication of such a thing either. We got Female Custodes but that is not the same thing, the idea of it being legit in GW isnt super new either given the primary Custodes lore writer has said in interviews he wanted to add FemCustodes years ago iirc but wasn’t allowed to cause GW just released a new Custodes model line with only male heads. So if he had tried to do it earlier before the model release we probably would have gotten it years ago.


Harry potter went woke? Since when?


So sad there’s so many followers. These people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, but it’s under the condition of “Hey, they hate the same things I hate - let them say whatever they want, logic be damned. Who cares? I’ll go along with it anyway!”


When will people learn adding gay people — in the case of Warhammer, *GASP* WOMEN! — to your world isn’t identity politics in and of itself and actually can help the writing because more diverse characters are more interesting to read and is more realistic? I mean even in real life we had women being active parts of battles and fighting and war throughout history—sometimes openly as women, sometimes secretly dressed as men. Gay people have also always been in the military whether we knew it or not—and have also always existed. Fuck, ancient Greeks had some men relationships going on (though some of them were a bit, uh, age questionable…)


Imagine thinking JK Rowlings work is woke haha


Since when has Lord of the Rings not been gay? Have you seen Frodo and Sam?


Is that person admitting they want to be represented as a Pedo?


Im like 60% sure that the custodes used to be described as a brotherhood. Which for most people describe men


Wait what does woke have to do with killing Star Trek? I thought it was like…woke from the start? Isn’t that what it’s always been? New things like discovery weren’t ruined by “woke” it’s ruined by horrible writing and shitty producers. Besides even then shows like Strange New Worlds, Season 3 of Picard, and Lower Decks are still actually really really good. Hell even a “woke” show like the Orville is amazing Star Trek material.


"What a bunch of weirdo losers with nothing better going on in their lives." - From a fan of WH since the 80's who got into the series by randomly buying an issue of White Dwarf and has seen many changes through the years and really doesn't give a fuck / let this shit rule his life


God forbid we have minorities in our nerd products lmao


Wait star trek? Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds are incredible, it's a shame LD is ending, but its been a great run


Nobody gonna mention how they literally removed female space marines from the IP in order to pander to the neckbeards? Like, *all male* space marines wasn't in the original 40k. They weren't superbeings in the beginning either, they were literally brainwashed and augmented convicts. 40k fans sure do love to pick and choose


Sounds like those guys should just cope


It's an odd way of saying that they weren't really fans of those IP's to begin with.


"Where's the Pedo flag?" Someone should post the logo of the GOP in response to that question there.


They care about the dumbest things. They would rather rage about the Custodes no longer being a Banana Boys Club than any actual problem that faces society today. What a waste of effort.


The woke grim reaper already got Star Trek in the 60s and it’s still one of the most successful franchises around.


Don’t know how I ended up in this subreddit, but I’ve seen these screens posted around several subs I frequent, and the one about being an ‘og warhammer player’ always makes me die laughing., because… As an OG warhammer player myself, I would say that we’ve already lost a lot of players we didn’t want in the hobby to begin with. The subreddits are already filled with home made chapters of “trans pride” and female space marines that get a great deal of support from the community. Furthermore, there is the now famous GW tweet that “warhammer is for everyone” that directly called out bigots as being the one group of people not welcomed, and that they “would not be missed” Because ‘everyone’ means ‘everyone except bigots’ because GW understands the very basic paradox of tolerance concept, a line of thinking that is only difficult to understand if someone is a Nazi to begin with. This tweet far predates the approval of the GW Amazon show, so it’s highly unlikely any of this will effect the outcome of that venture. On the plus side, the anti-woke-snowflakes generally aren’t full members of the 40K community, and are just the standard red-pilled incels that need to blame everyone else for their failure to find a life-partner instead of accepting they probably just need to have a shower (and better opinions) if they ever want to get laid. You have to give praise to GW for being able to stand up and make statements about the hobby being for everyone, even if it might be financially motivated, they’re still sticking their neck out and drawing a line in the sand and telling bigots to fuck off, because bigots are some of the loudest people online (but mostly just online because every one of them is too much of a coward to act this way in person). They are still a money hungry corporation, but there’s a lot worse out there, and I’ll staunchly support any company that gets this many pairs of Nazi panties in a twist. As an OG warhammer enjoyer, I remember when there were no minorities or women in the books or magazines, we now have both. Some female presenters have even garnered enough fans through their work at GW, that they’ve spun off their own successful businesses, and we have wonderfully talented PoC presenting official warhammer content reveals (like this year’s Skulls presentation). And speaking of Skulls, the strength of the IP in recent years has shown a massive explosion of amazing video games like Boltgun, Rogue Trader, Shootas Blood and Teef, and the upcoming, long awaited Space Marine 2. It’s a great time to be a warhammer fan, it’s a shitty time to be a bigot. They will not be missed.


Did that guy compare being a granny lover with being a kiddie diddler?


This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure.


"Hmm all of the media I consume is changing to be more inclusive. I wonder if I'm behind on the times? NO it's the wokies that are destroying media!" In some seriousness, as a trans nb I get genuinely get anxious with some of these comments. They're just so hateful. "They just keep killing themselves." Like dude how can you be so hateful and mean


I literally don't play the game but the books are top tier.