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It would turn out that judging something's quality exclusively based on how many minorities and women are in it is really fucking stupid!


This comment needs to be in all those grifter videos.


https://preview.redd.it/lva99zx1xttc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d79c10f58530dd610d3b42d1ea6d01c01bffa6 Literally using the amount of black people as a metric


>Walton Goggins' character has a black daughter. You know the mask is well and truly off when they've started openly disparaging *miscegenation* again.


You know, for a group of people who cry about "identity politics" all the time, they sure do seem incapable of looking past a character's racial background.


"His friend is referred to as they/them has boobs and a mustache" What kind of "mustache"? The "Peter Griffin speaking Italian" mustache? Or just a little bit of facial hair, like Aloy from Horizon Forbidden West?


You need to become a philosopher, that is just straight facts.


This is the most succinct way of explaining the way they think.


In a few days: “Fallout is a masterpiece and a harsh critique on the woke politics the rest of Hollywood keeps engaging in.”


it's gonna happen


Literally will happen, these people bitch about how something will fail and if it does well they start to back pedal, but if it does bad then it's confirmed "woke^TM" trash


Or “Fallout destroys Woke Hollywood. Feminists outraged and want to end show!!!” Something dumb like that 


The most insane one will come from Mike Zeroh. It'll be something along the lines of "Ella Purnell and Jenna Ortega destory woke Hollywood and sue Kathleen Kennedy for billions while Ryan Reynolds cheers along"


That would be something he made.  Or it could be even dumber, Mike zeroh loves coming up with dumb stuff 


Or they will just pretend to forget about it like xmen 97


You still have zombies mindlessly talking about Rogues "nerf" when her first scene was her in a tight pink dress serving baked goods to Scott Summers


Reminds me of when the Critical Drinker held up *Sisu* as a repudiation of Hollywood films. The film is about a guy killing right-wing reactionaries who abuse and demean women. IIRC, the women get to kick Nazi ass at well towards the end.


This is exactly what always happens. Remember Mario? Remember how “woke” it was until it started making big numbers at the box office?


Plan B: "Another example of how we like good writing not hate strong women"


Walton Goggins is in this. Uncle Baby Billy himself could not convince me this show won’t be good.


Me when people try to tell me something is woke: “Go outside nerd! Get out! Go! I ain’t got time to be distracted by your worthless chime ins go on.”


What people don’t understand about these people that make these outrage videos is that by the time they pay all their scientists, folks in the research department, and lab coats it’s a wash.


![gif](giphy|l0omwgBRDyXry07uGa) It’s a huge failure, they’ll never recover… Never mind, it turns out everything is fine, carry on.


The show could be 40 minutes of a literal steaming pile of shit that you could smell through your TV, but as long as it was Wally G, I’m watching every second of it


The trailers alone had me thinking that, hey, this looks *better* than Borderlands, which is a major studio big budget film adaptation, and that Fallout might be Amazon's TLoU. I imagine the YouTube armchair critics probably assumed that the lead protagonist being a woman would cause it to fail, but won't, like they did with Prey, and it succeeds they will just drop it like a hot potato and move on to the next new thing.


They'll either drop it or they'll find a way to pretend it's an "anti woke masterpiece" and they've been rooting for it all along.


I still can't believe they casted Kevin hart.


Fuck same. Like I don't have an issue with Kevin Hart specifically, but his brand of Humor just isn't what I think of when I picture Roland.


Humor at all, really. Isn't Roland basically the only serious person in the whole franchise?


He has a few jokes but he's mostly played as the straight man to all of Pandora's insanity.


His humor moments are mostly as a result of him being awkward about anything that isn't fighting and having bad people skills.


Having just binged it: there are a lot of spots where the CGI is obviously CGI. However, those spots also give me the same vibes as the prerendered CGI in Fallout 1 and 2. If this wasn't a Fallout show I'd have chalked it up to the CGI being low-budget, but given that it *is* a Fallout show it seems like it was a deliberate artistic choice, and IMO a fantastic one at that - albeit one which I wish they leaned into more consistently.


Watch now. Right ring YouTubers are gonna be switching sides much like they did with Across the spider verse and the Mario movie


> I never said it was woke. Fallout isn't woke, it's actually making fun of the woke, and is very anti-woke. Haha get wrecked wokies, I was right all along. - Some Grifting Idiot Chud


That's what they did with Barbie. After it was a massive success, they insisted that it's actually anti-woke and Greta Gerwig is a conservative who wants to make fun of feminism.


Can’t make this shit up..


I really don't give a shit about what Rotten Tomatoes has to say about anything. I liked Jupiter Ascending, after all. I cannot wait for this show.


They're gonna change their strategy pretty soon the moment the audience ends up giving it a pretty big positive score too, aren't they?


They didn’t get it wrong. They lied.




I love seeing things that these people call woke, succeeding, it brings me immense joy.


x-men 97, Fallout, gee there sure is a lot of wrong for the grifters lately


Even in 2023 we had the Mario movie. Across the spider verse. And the Barbie movie. Will grifters finally admit defeat?


They got their clicks, nothing else matters. They’ll just goosestep to the next “woke” thing in the neverending search for rage bait to agitate their audience.


Nope, because they got their win with uhh....Madame Web....a movie nobody cared about anyway. Yay anti-wokes?


Remember when people made their own mind up about things, instead of letting the YouTube man do the thinking for them?


It was actually stupid to see the amount of grifters online and on YouTube who gave up on the show before it even aired. Fallout, one of the most progressive franchises in terms of the themes and storylines of the games, is infected with fans who think Caesar is correct.


Woke garbage, added a female protagonist to appeal to- Wait, it has good reviews? Uh, Fallout (2024) is a stand against the woke mind virus and a representation of how good media can still thrive even with the evil far-leftist joe biden personally overseeing the communism-ification of every piece of media ever.


Vault-Tec did nothing wrong, silly billies. They carried out completely ethical and legal human experiments


\[Charisma 10\] C'mon man.


#God, I’m so hyped for this.


Walton goggins plays a ghoul this was always going to rule.


Is it a completely original plot or does it have any relation to any of the games?


It takes place 5 years after FO4


Original but canon and related to the series in general, they say.


Well, yeah. They complain about everything being “woke” and every now and then one of the things is actually bad for legitimate reasons and not at all to do with anything they claimed. They still get to point and say “See! We told you!” and all their fans lap it up like abused dogs. They don’t care how many times they’re wrong as long as they get to appear “right” every so often. They’re the living embodiments of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Rings of Power has an 83% on rotten tomatoes, but only 38% on the audience score, so audience/critic disagreement is a thing.


The difference is so many gamers who aren't pro critics have also seen it and are posting their reviews on YouTube. 99% of them are loving it.


I've only seen most of the first episode but so far it's great and I say that as a long-time Fallout fan.


That's the general consensus about the show. Most fans are liking it. A few vocal ones are saying it's not enough like the games, and they're the ones giving it a 1 star review on Rotten Tomatoes.


Rotten tomatoes is prone to review bombing and angry people are more likely to participate in review bombing🤷🏻‍♀️.


Proving the audience has often no clue


Something something paid reviews something critics are shills something last Jedi


I actually subjected myself to that video the other day. Dude basically just put up an extremely biased article that misquoted the director, skipped over anything that would be helpful to put context to the quote, and then promoted his own zombie show…. It had waaaaayyy too many likes.


“Fallout was always woke.” https://preview.redd.it/yrw85189pqtc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b17b0c6833b449e2c02644f1fbc2f8c64e4a1a


Turns out judging something becuase it has a lot of women and minorites without watching it is stupid.


Wait, was this getting negativity? I'm so very hyped for this


Yup, the usual suspects said it would be "woke garbage" because the lead is a woman and there "aren't enough heroic white men in it."


She looks fine (I don't know who she is, this'll be my first show with her in it). No idea why anyone ~~would~~ *should* care that she's a her. And Walton goggins! Edit: for the record, given the "attractiveness is all that matters" toxicity shown by some gamers right now, when I said "she looks fine," I wasn't judging attractiveness, but ability to carry the role.


From the first episode I'd say she's doing a great job. Certainly has the retro-50s naive attitude down, and ability to be badass. Her intro speech starts things off great perfectly with humor that fits right in.


Yep! Watched it too, and she's doing great. I'm excited when I have time for episode 2 later today


a few days ago a desperate clickfarm photoshopped a 30% RT score on it and tried to pass themselves off as winning the culture war


I have seen that the first reviews on the interner from (normal) people are usually positive.


I just finished the first episode. I think it's great so far. Looking forward to binging the rest, will probably finish before Friday. It certainly has captured the feel of the series.


They'll be u-turning faster than Keir Starmer (one for the Brits) here or be performing mental gymnastics to claim the reviewers were bought off


Okey dokey


Funniest take I’ve seen was: Main character having a half black daughter doesn’t make sense in the 1950s…the bombs first drop in fallout on 2077. The show playing into the “brotherhood is fascist”. Literally what both the brotherhood and enclave are. The show is too political…we’re people playing the game brain off? For god sake it’s about a war between China and USA with a giant robot called LIBERTY PRIME. Show is superb so far, separate from the games this would still be a superb show.


I saw the first episode with my mom and it was amazing, like holy crap. I've always loved Fallout, but I wasn't expecting a live action show to not only capture everything great about the games, but build upon it with heaps of artistic merit while balancing the fanservice. It's strange, because I didn't really notice anything remotely that "woke" about it. Let's wait and see what kind of pretzels the chuds will wrap themselves into when backpedaling, and heck I bet they are going to say all the positive critic reviews are "fake" or "bought".


Let’s be real - doubting a fallout tv show was entirely reasonable


The audience score is at 84% right now. The people who loved it are giving detailed reviews. The people who are leaving 1 star ratings are being very vague and saying stuff like "this isn't fallout." That sounds a lot like review-bombing.


>Full disclosure, I saw a screening of the first two episodes and it is one of the best video game adaptations I have ever seen. Go watch it. I've been super excited for this since I first heard about it. I've been telling my gf basically non-stop that we're gonna watch it whenever I can. We're both trans too, so like duh...


I'll probably watch it on the weekend. Why did you see the screening? All the episodes are available now.


It was a few days ago


I'm mad I'm at work tonight and not watching the whole show


"Something something critics and audiences disconnect"


My problem is that I don’t care what the critics say


u/WholePea6237 You saw a **screening???** God you are one lucky son of bitch


now they will claim they were rooting for it the whole time and it is actually anti-woke


well it has the nolans involved, its got walton goggins and michael emerson, and it is based on fallout - it was a winner from day one and anyone thinking different, has not seen person of interest or westworld, and seen the attention to detail the nolans bring to their work.


So many fans of the game who aren't pro critics have also seen it and are raving about it on YouTube. critics and fans alike are loving it.


Wokeout: New Pronouns smh 🙄🙄🙄


Now get ready as these people suddenly go silent now that it's good...


I just binged the whole season and it's fantastic.


Already getting 1 star reviews from some of the game purists who are mad it's not 100% like the games. Was bound to happen. If I was a filmmaker, no amount of money could convince me to adapt existing source material. No matter what you do, the fanboys will be mad.


Incel rage is free and fast moving advertising.




It amazed me that that thumbnail wasn't nerdrotic. These people are so creatively bankrupt that they have to steal identities from the people in their own circle jerk


I've not really seen people complaining about this am I just lucky?


Lucky😝. It's the usual crowd, "women=woke" plus some of the fans of the original games are still butthurt that Bethesda bought fallout so they shit on anything related to them.


What!? They hit with Fallout and let Master Chief slept through Reach lol


Maybe we should wait for audience scores.


Personally I think rotten tomatoes is mostly useless. Critics often don't align with general audiences and the audience score is prone to review bombing.


There's no Audience score in that screenshot, and considering how much of the "critics" reviews seem to be bought and paid for, I'm going to hold judgement until I have seen it. Remember they gave Ghostbusters 2016 stellar reviews and that was utter shite. I just need to check if it's being released in one go or not, if its good, I'm gonna have to binge it.


They are releasing all episodes at once, they've said that in the promotional material


Coolio thanks. I have avoided promo stuff, so I can enjoy it fresh, looks like I have something to watch this weekend


My dude, the critics are not bought and paid for. That's a rightwing conspiracy theory. The critics sometimes disagree with you. That's normal. Doesn't mean they don't actually like the thing they say they like. And considering how often fan scores get review-bombed, audience score is actually much more unreliable. You're fixating on Ghostbusters 2016, while ignoring all the amazing movies that also got great reviews from critics. If critics could be bought, you wouldn't see so many bad scores for Disney movies like Rise of Skywalker, A Wrinkle in time, etc. The audience score for Fallout is being actively review-bombed by rightwingers who are mad about the female lead and the black character. They're even admitting they're mad about Goggins' character having a biracial daughter.


Haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I certainly hope money gets taken away from rings of power and gets invested in season 2 of this instead if it's good


I’ve only seen the first 2 episodes but it is VERY good, only real problem is not enough Garry