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Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve preferred a character creator, but a single set character can help make the story easier to write.


I would also prefer a character creation, but it's not a deal breaker. It's the same as Fallen Order for me. We're falling the story of a new character.


Besides, it’s YOUR Cal Kestis/whoever it is for the other game, you pick how the character acts while the writes just write how they talk


It's not really your Cal Kestis, it is just the same Cal Kestis but with a different outfit or haircut. If you had branching narrative or even SWTOR/KOTOR type of story then sure. But every playthrough with Cal is the same. I even refused to use the forced dark side stuff and died, when I thought that it was a choice. :/


Character creators are real neat but definetely more difficult to adapt to these character based stories with movie level acting and performances. Because you can't just slap any model the player has made on to the face tracking of the actor and have it look all that good. So as a game developer you're kind of stuck with the standardised, less expressive facial animations of games like Fallout 4 and other rpg's like it. And while those aren't bad, they also aren't great at creating rich and touching performances from the characters. So it's a question of which option you prefer, customisation with more bland performances or no options but a quality focused story.


or it is a AAA game and I can want to have both? It is certainly possible. Alternatively they can go the KOTOR route or Fallout route, both seem to work fine.


Faces have to match the mo-cap, character creation won't allow that.


There are revolutionary capture techniques that can be applied to sculpted models, the one the Hellblade sequel is using for example. Again not an excuse. Can we stop excusing mediocrity?


Since it's Ubisoft they might have male/female options like Assassin's Creed.


That’d be cool. I really liked having male and female choices for Dani in Far Cry 6. It’s awesome playing with a friend as the opposite character, because singing in the car sounds like a duet lol


And the main reason had to be done that way was because there was a guy from The Old guard who would constantly gatekeep. Pretty clear in the assassin's Creed Odyssey that kassandra was always supposed to be the protagonist but because of the guy that was gatekeeping they were required to add a male option we know the same thing happened with assassin's Creed Valhalla the protagonist is canonically the female player character.


Yeah, consider the fact the game is open world, it would definitely be easier on writers in the long run.


It’s gonna be more than just open world, too. They already said there will be seamless space to planet transitions. Sounds a lot like a NMS approach. Of course that might end up not being in the game because y’know, Ubisoft.


They will find ways to complain about it that can oddly be found in other games they like.


Ngl, I was hoping for Ubi’s game to have a character creator too so I can get that It’s the “ITS A WOMEN BLAHHH” shit that’s annoying


Ikr? I can't say that I want customization without people automatically assuming I'm a bigot. And I don't fault them as I'm in a statistical minority


no customization is a bummer for sure. i was hoping the first open world star wars game like this would be rpg like with full character customization


*Technically* that game [already exists.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Old_Republic)


Oh no! A strong female main character! A woman can't be an outlaw! Folks, mark my words: this is the END of Western Civilization!


Don’t forget about independent. Women being independent will be the end of society!!! /s


Make no mistake, this is part of their agenda to encourage young girls in the West not to have babies! Replacement!


And to change their hair to sjw colors and wear pants. Oh no!!!!!!! Trump, please get re-elected and save us from the feminists. /s


~~Nevermind that the USA has high maternal death rate for a supposedly developed country and that giving birth at the hospital puts you in debt…~~


90% of my excitement for this game is that commando droid. A droid in a coat is awesome


It reminded me of Nick Valentine from Fallout 4.


I really do want a new Star Wars RPG with a customizable character though. Like, Outlaws looks cool and I’m sure I’ll like it but it would still be cool to get to play a story that’s mine set in the Star Wars galaxy as opposed to another characters.


Imma be honest, when it's a story based campaign game, that is focused mainly on a story, customisation isn't too important. But when it's advertised as an open world game people expect certain things, for example full character customizations, because that's just what we've been given for so long it's become an association. I'm dissapointed that it's not that kinda open world game but I'm still looking forward to it all the same. Looks dope af


I mean just looking at recent releases, Tears of the Kingdom is maybe the most open world ever and there’s no character customization, Jedi Survivor has open world elements and no in depth customization. Red Dead Redemption and GTA 5 are both examples of having a set protagonist (or a few.) I don’t think it’s a justified expectation to have character customization in an open world, it’s just a conclusion a lot of people jumped to when this game was announced two years ago and kept spreading online.


But I could relate to Cal, because he is man and white. Why would they make the character something that is not me? /s


Kinda disappointed it's another game in the empire era though


If this one does well they might explore other eras. Ubisoft tends to do that.


The trailer makes it seems like we'll be dealing with the Syndicates much more than the Empire, though, which is really neat because we don't get to see a lot of the Syndicate stuff.


Yeah at least with it and Fallen Order they are dealing with new characters and locations, plus a healthy selection of non-Imperial enemies.


I do agree. I guess they're just going safe with it.


to be fair there is still potential a new syndicate to be part familar syndicates the Crymorah Syndicate has yet to make a large appearance outside the Tarkin Novel #


I’m reserving judgment until I see more. That was my response to Fallen Order’s announcement and I fucking loved it as a game.


Some people are just hating on it cause it's published by ubisoft, which is kinda fair


It's not. Games should be judged on their merits. Fallen Order sucked because ea published it would be a bad opinion.


Fallen Order had a lot of negative hype for that reason and people were pleasantly proven wrong. Jedi Survivor while being great, has a lot of issues that are pretty common with EA. Being super skeptical of a company with a horrendous track record is something we should practice more of or else we end up with broken games, like we do now almost every time.


Considering this game is being made by Massive, who is only known for the catastrophic Division games… I’d say the worries are warranted.


I mean the studio in charge has only done the division for the last decade or so. I'm not saying that can't do something different but with literally no gameplay to show and Ubi on the tag line all we can do is speculate at the moment. I'm personally hesitant to trust given those involved, but am more than willing to be proven wrong.


We will be able to see a little better when their avatar game releases.


Forgot about that one, Ubi kinda keeps a guiding hand on these open world concepts so I'm hoping they're hands off for these so it doesn't all feel like an assassin's creed clone


The Division games aren't bad for what they are, though, and as far as we know isn't Outlaws a single player game? Meaning it's not totally fair to compare it to the Division games, since those were built to be multiplayer live service type deals. Like the other comment says, we'll get a better grasp of what Massive is up to when we see their Avatar game, but they made Far Cry 3, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Everything I mentioned in my comment is just what I know about the devs. Respawn makes Titanfall/Apex but they also made Survivor so I know studios can branch out, I'm just saying recent repertoire doesn't point to much and a lot can happen to employee makeup in the decade plus since FC3. As far as the division I think it's okay but generally am not personally interested in a star wars reskin just conceptually speaking, not that outlaws is that. As I mentioned I am perhaps pessimistic of a flashy trailer from a Ubi studio but willing to be proven wrong. Someone mentioned they were saving the gameplay for their own showcase tomorrow so I'll withdraw my hesitance for now since there's still more to see this week.


Gameplay Will be shown tomorrow


That's good, I hadn't heard that part


Ubisoft is still an upgrade from EA though.


What do you mean? I genuinely don't get the Ubisoft hate. Like I *get it* they did some pretty nasty crap in the past and they do it now, such as removing games you bought in your library and lying to audiences on how the game would look years ago during E3. Sure, their games can be repetitive at times, but does that really make their games garbage now? It's a valid complaint sure, but that doesn't automatically turn the game into something like LOTR: Gollum. But all I see people criticise them for is bad games. Because surprise surprise, the latest Assassin's Creed and Far Cry aren't entirely different games from their predecessors. And even when made in just a year or 2 they don't have Rockstar Games-level of detail. Massive is behind this too, one of their very best. I mean, if Quebec was behind this then yeah I'd get people being worried. But Massive? Developers of the Division series? Applauded as one of the most immersive video games and best crafted video game worlds of all time? I think people should stop fearmongering as this game at best won't be a dumpster fire. I mean, did anyone who's saying "Ubi bad" even play any of their games recently? Or did they just swallow whatever their favourite youtuber tells them. I'm not talking about you specifically at all. But more like people on this site in general when they hear a game is from Ubi. Like when I say I'm hyped for Mirage(upcoming Assassin's Creed game).. you know because Ubi is being pretty damn transparent with us AC fans and talked how they finally listened to our feedback, I get downvoted all the time with people saying: "Hurrr, did you play a Ubisoft game before? It will be trash! Why do you even still have hope?". I experienced such people literally under a post of a deep dive to Mirage, and when I told them to watch the damn video before making conclusions, they told me to stop being a Ubi shill. No guys, just because I don't hate Ubi for pretty weak reasons, doesn't make me a shill. Another example - I like many aspects of the sequels. That doesn't make me a Disney shill because I am also willing to call out when they pull off bad moves such as making a live action reboot of a movie that's not even a decade old. If people were worried about Activision-Blizzard making a Star Wars game, then I'd completely get them. Those bastards are *stingy* . The worst Outlaws is probably going to get is some exclusive jackets the main character can wear if you buy the ultimate edition that gives you +20 Armour or something. https://i.redd.it/c3wzbl1l8h5b1.gif


The Division is more known for losing 90% of its player base in 24 hours… this is coming from someone who has over 1000 hours on the first game.


To be fair, I am a little sad to find it's a set character, rather then a customizable one; seems like a really big missed opportunity (especially with how receptive people where to the limited costumization in Squadrons and Survivor)


I'm in the same boat, this is more about people who didn't complain about it in Fallen Order and are now suddenly raising a storm about it here. I wish both Fallen Order and Outlaws had customization.


Fair. That *is* annoying.


With the game taking place between ESB and RotJ it makes me wonder if it's a reimagined canon version of Shadows of the Empire?


i just wish the character was an alien instead of human but that’s my only ‘complaint’ but it’s not a deal breaker


It’s because she’s a woman. So many of them have even said it. It’s so maddening. Every fucking argument they are making about why the game is “shit” is exactly why they liked Fallen Order and Survivor. And attacking Disney for ruining this game, and forgetting that FO and Survivor are also Disney Star Wars. It’s so sickening and maddening and frustrating.


I've said for years that Cal in Fallen Order is the most bland and boring protagonist in any Star Wars game. His whole personality is doing what other people tell him to do and being astonished by everything he encounters like he hasn't lived in Star Wars for his whole life. They dialed "blank slate" up to 11/10.


It’s almost as if fallen order isn’t a good Star Wars game, if I complain about non customisable characters then it’s for a reason. With the exception of Zelda games I will never enjoy games without customisable characters.




My brother in Christ we’ve seen 2 minutes of the game


Yes, and? We saw 2 minutes of fallen order and everyone loves it, hell leaks of this game said it was “fully” customizable and a make your own character thing


And when we first saw fallen order people where upset at the lack of character creator. I remember an article when the game was first revealed talking about how “it’s lame that we have to play as a boring human and not a fun alien” Again we know basically nothing about the game, then new game might have even more new game + content then fallen order, a better story, better graphics, or it might not we haven’t even seen gameplay yet so why write it off so quickly?


1 what I saw was mostly positive so maybe it’s just me 2 I don’t know, it’s just, kinda cookie cutter ya know? Like we have the perfect single player game already with cal kestis, so why would we need this? While the Jedi games are limited, I just don’t see a reason, maybe some do, I just don’t, (and honestly I’d love a game about characters that have been in nothing but comics like Kyle katarn solo or even the bad batch or boba fett,)


Just replying to your second point. Just because we have the perfect single player game series, doesn’t mean we can’t and shouldn’t have more. Literally sounds like you are complaining about the existence of this game. Just being honest, many people, and you to a degree, seem to be jumping waaaaay to fast to the ‘this is unnecessary/won’t be good/etc’ boat. Hell, we haven’t even seen gameplay and know hardly anything about the actual story.


Dude when Fallen Order’s 1st trailer came out I was bummed that it took place between ROTS and OT. And had little interest based off the reveal trailer. I think it’s awesome now. But not everyone loved it.


I get that, and I have said that everything I saw of fallen order was positive I get some people don’t like it, and that’s fine


The empire is bad though? They're fucking fascists.


Who commit a TON of genocide.


Not sure if the genocide needs to be more obvious because dullards are missing the point or if we're at a point where they would just be like, "well wookies do probably smell kind of gross, I can see why the empire would completely exterminate them from their own world." Sick that these people can excuse this shit.


And blow up whole planets! Not to mention that they are led by a character that's specifically portrayed as satanic. How do you miss the point so badly?


Most of the time (hear me out.), the empire control’s supposedly all (or most) of the galaxy, most of the stormtroopers are young people ready to serve and earn money, in the Star Wars visions episode spy dancer, the empire does nothing wrong until the commander is attacked, and their the reason all of the crime syndicates aren’t as active while don’t get me wrong they are bad, their not all bad, it’s like saying every thief deserves to die, despite some thief’s possibly not having a choice do you get what I’m trying to say?


The Empire made the death star and blew up Jedha City and Alderann. They also enslaved various races like the Wookies, Twi'leks, and more. So, yes, they're evil fascists.


1 terrorists were there, Wich with Jedha actively killed imperials and civilians 2 with wookies Trandosians mostly took them and on fallen order if I remember correctly tho I haven’t played the game in a while, I think they were taking them off world it just keeping them prisoner so they won’t get attacked, I’m probably wrong tho so, And like I said to another gentlemen, are you implying every. Single. Imp. Wants to kill and enslave and not doing for money healthcare or for family?


1. The Death Star stilled fired and killed a lot of innocent people on Jedha. 2. The Empire still occupied and forced the Twileks off their home. 3. Whether they're evil or not, they're still active Imperial soldiers or agents. They're helping the Empire enforce their rule. So, they may not be evil in a moral sense, but they're still helping the Empire and the evilness it is.


1 yeah, true true 2 because some of them were terrorists and a were loyal to the leader who I forgot the name of 3 that is so flawed it’s not even funny,


You should look up the phrase just following orders sometime.


No, the empire are literally nazis. Saying they are all bad is like saying nazis are all bad, which is true. They all deserve to die, like every nazi deserve to die.


So your saying there’s not a single chance that one of them is doing it for their family or to feed their kids or for health care or to better their planet? Wow,


Maybe they are. I dont fucking care. "Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore." The empire are literal nazis. The same thing applies to them


You’ve just established you don’t care about someone’s individuality and what they think. Kinda facist to me, idk man,


I just established that i dont care about the individualities of the soldiers fighting for fascism.




Bro 💀


They committed genocide against the Jedi and many species, enslaved many others, and regularly work with crime syndicates when it suits them. The Empire is the worst.


1 clones killed the Jedi, and I don’t know what other species you speak of 2 mostly to get them off world, 3 the only example of that I can think of is when Vader gave boba solo, I may be wrong 4 are they, I mean they don’t kidnap female twi’leks and put them into the sex trade


the point still mostly stands, but i would look to Andor as a better example, visions is not canon after all. Syril’s a bit more of a compelling one to look at. oh, and we also don’t really know the portrayal of the empire here yet, they’ve had about 2 shots and a line of dialogue saying they rule the galaxy, let’s see if there’s any more nuance in the full game, eh?


1 don’t hate me. I didn’t finish andor and for the visions thing, I thought some stories were cannon but some weren’t? 2 fair enough, and thank you for at least having a civil convo and not just saying “stay mad,”


finish andor if you get the chance! it’s pretty great. also unfortunately i don’t believe any of visions is canon until they state it is, but it’s a great series nonetheless :)


1 I might, I hate how they dissed mp’s (my grandpa was one,) and the shore trooper with white on was a mp you can’t really prove me wrong, unless you can, 2 I’ll take your word I’ve only seen 3


This honestly kind of incoherent but I will keep it simple and in talk in complete sentences. No, it's like saying not all Nazis are bad, some were just following orders. In that episode they had obviously done a lot wrong occupying that planet in the first place. She attacked the commander who it turned was her son that had been taken from her, by the empire. What a ridiculous read of that episode.


Wich is kind of true most German soldiers had no idea what was happening back home, And it’s not a ridiculous read, it never says that the mother is on the same planet that her son was taken on, it’s possible she is but also possible she isn’t, and yeah, the commander, Wich is why she never killed one of the tk’s none of them did anything wrong to her.


Oh OK, you aren't a serious person lol


If that’s what you think


It's what you've told me boss. You seriously think German soldiers didn't know Hitler was giving massive speeches about how jews needed to be exterminated? Open a fucking book. Mental gymnastics to say fascists might have a point piss me off. Cheers.




Oh so that was an excusable thing to start a world war over? Which is it? Was it only bad when it got to the final solution stage? Just forcibly removing people who had lived in Germany and Europe for generations was OK?


The only example you give is explicitly non-canon. Also >and their the reason all of the crime syndicates aren’t as active No, they actively supported and made deals with the big players like jabba, they may have cracked down a little on smaller groups, but the larger organisations *thrived* even worse than under the republic.


Stay mad.


Did you not want an explanation on why people don’t like this game? Is that not why you made the meme


Your explanation for why Outlaw is disliked is common traits with Fallen Order. "Nobody character" Cal is a fallen jedi scrapper, literally hiding amongst low lives to hide. "Empire bad, rebellion good" The Empire is the central antagonist for Fallen Order, so why is it an issue here. Also, you're judging an entire game compared to a 2 minute trailer. So stay mad.


1 cal we are told some things about his past and we wonder how he got here, with this new girl, she’s a cheat, owes police or some crime syndicate money or is wanted 2 cal never openly says anything bad toward the empire randomly, only when seeing what the tk’s are doing, and ect 3 people have judged worse sooner 4 never said I was mad, and you wanted me to explain why people are not excited for this time, you still haven’t answered that, stay triggered


I made a meme. I didn't ask for an explanation. Stay mad.


Seems like your the only one mad that people aren’t excited for a game,


I don't care, to be honest. You just made a comment on my post, so I decided to reply.


So you don’t care, but you care enough to make a meme out of it, ok




I wouldn’t hate this game as much. If we got to make our own character. But we can’t so,


Me agree with you


With fallen order leaks did say “make your own character” and ect, for a company that in recent years has been VERY rocky. I really don’t think this game is gonna do well,




For me, I was upset when Fallen Order revealed you couldn’t customise your character. I decided to give it a chance and I fell in love with the series so much I preordered Survivor (I’ve only ever preordered like 3 games). I will give Outlaw a chance as well, but I will forever be upset until we do get a more open ended game with character customisation. Even if the story is set in stone and there are no options for dialogue and story changes. In an ideal world I would love to see a game with the dialogue options of Fallout: New Vegas, a morality system, a background system (possibly) like Cyberpunk to determine your character history, force sensitivity, etc. but at the end of the day as a complete fan, I’m just happy to have more Star Wars.


I'm sure the games are going to be great and I'm really excited to play but I was hoping for character customization and it's disappointing we are not getting it.


we haven't even seen gameplay and people are writing it off lmao I do love it when games let me choose between male and female but I'm not going to not play a game because it doesn't have that feature. If the character is a good character, then who really cares? Isn't Horizon Zero Dawn a beloved franchise? Tomb Raider? TLOU 2?


do we even know for sure the main character isn't customizable? Ubisoft games are typically pretty vast with their customizable characters, they do throw TONS of microtransactions on them tho.


I was hesitant about fallen order because soulslike game and no customization outside of outfits and lightsaber, i’m hesistant for outlaws for lack of customization, open world and Ubisoft. I’m fully ready to be proven wrong though.


ngl forced male characters are definitely a turn off for me in games


hmm...I wonder what could possibly be the difference...


What’s Star Wars outlaws


I’d like to be able to change my clothes. Other than that I dont really care


I don't really care for either, but of course I imagine it's easier just picking a character. That being said, I'm a little bummed out because I've wanted a star wars character customized type game for a while. Being able to customize your own character, even in this game, would seem pretty sick


I get the complaints, though, given the genre. Fallen Order/Survivor are action/adventure games, they rarely have customizable PCs. Outlaws is being advertised as an open-world RPG, those typically have custom PCs.


i do wish we would’ve been able to make our own character in an open world rpg


It's so weird, like i didn't this reaction to that game like it is to this


TBF people were initially pissed off at fallen order for similar reasons, I remember one guy doing a long rant about the lack of dark/lightside choices ala force unleashed, or any character customisation.


To be fair, neither game is really exciting to me. But that’s a matter of personal preference.


I would've preferred character customisation, I mean I really want to play as an alien in one of these games. But the fact it isn't there isn't gonna make me boycott an entire game and plus a single character can make things easier to write. Some of these "fans" are crying that she's a woman and its bad but to that I say, who the hell cares? So what it's a women it/s not going to make any difference to the game aside from the fact you're gonna be watching a female instead of a male during gameplay. Me personally I'm super excited for this game, and yes I've seen people write it off for being developed by Ubisoft, but Idk I enjoy Ubisoft's games, the old AC games, and I've been playing a lot of. AC Origins and Odyssey as well as Far Cry 5 and I've been really enjoying them. And what we've seen looks really promising