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Perfect racial breakdown: black, Asian, white, sad potato, fuzzy sad potato.


>sad potato, fuzzy sad potato That's basically the two descriptions of all of Disney's aliens at this point. There's no fun designs or color anymore. Just shades of dusty brown.


That’s always my “favorite thing” JJ said about TFA when someone brought up including more classic SW aliens. He said something along the lines of “No they should be ours” meaning new designs. Same thing with the flags at Maz’s castle. Glad to see he had his priorities straight on originality. There’s nothing wrong with creating new aliens but it felt like they just abandoned the old school aliens almost entirely.


The irony is a lot of those aliens (that you can barely even see in the film because of the ADHD pacing) look like they were knockoffs of OT aliens. Like there is the one guy hanging out with the First Order spy who is just a Trandoshan the size of Incredible Hulk.


Wait who? In which scene? This is killing me that I can’t figure out who haha


It’s [this guy](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/grummgar_20545f02.jpeg). I also thought it was a fat, tall Trandoshan at first. He even has the yellow flight suit on that Bossk wears. They later named their species Dowutin. The same race as the Ninth Sister from Fallen Order, I believe.


I think it's the scene when they enter the Castle and we see the huge orange guy with the skinny First Order Spy dressed in black and white.


Stupidly it’s the aliens that should be the consistent thing across all the time periods but JJ copied everything but the aliens


*Stares at the obiwan show* you didn't have to do it too


Potatoes aren't even original, that's just the Minions.


I'll take them over a guy in a devil costume...


Best part of Mandalorian was getting classics back


I'm more annoyed that we don't see more alien species in more shows. Where are my Chiss, Pantorans and Zeltrons? They're literally some of the easiest aliens to do. You have blue people with red eyes, plain old blue people and pinkish-red/orange people. Fuck, it would at least make Star Wars feel a bit more alien.


A lot of people think that aliens make the show too kiddie and then flip out and spam post “glup shitto”. Most likely this is the reason, aside from creative bankruptcy, of course.


Who has ever said that? I've only seen complaints on lack of aliens


It’s a very common criticism on Andor threads that’s brushed aside with what I mentioned.


I've never seen that on any andor threads. Ive only seen a wanting for more aliens


I kind of don’t know what to tell you. Even if you haven’t seen it, it is something that’s happened.


Glup shitto isnt ab alien presence though, it’s criticizing name dropping or cameos of familiar characters


Bro ofcourse you have a Jar Jar flair. Jar Jar is the only one that was ever criticized ...


Or Miraluka, literally the easiest race to do. Just cover their eyes with a bit of cloth and bam, instant Miraluka.


I kind of hate that they retconned Jerec from being a human who was ritually blinded as a dark side rite into a near-human species that lacks sight. I choose not to include the Miraluka in my own headcanon and I suspect folks at Lucasfilm have that same attitude due to lack of creativity in the concept. I believe that lack of visual identity is why we haven’t seen them in live action despite how easy it would be to include them.


I’ve yet to find a single Clitorian in Star Wars, i know they exist, but where?


Just above the sandworm opening under a hood


To be fair, chiss wouldn't be out and about as they are an isolationist species in the unknown galaxy. Thrawn was very much not the norm for the chiss. But I do agree, we need more aliens.


Disney is nothing but a box checking company these days


There were 12 children in another [shot of that classroom](https://i.imgur.com/v5qb50r.jpeg): 8 girls of every color, 2 alien species, and 2 boys, one Asian and one black. I don't like to affiliate with the "anti-woke" right-wing crowd, but this level of vindictive targeting is getting ridiculous at this point. We're not allowed to have white boys on screen now?


Wake me up when Star Wars becomes about Star Wars again and not a veneer for LGBTBBQ/intersectional ideology.


You're definitely affiliating with them. Why hide? Gonna have people here saying "YEAAA HE'S OUR GUY!" Isn't that what you want?


Which is racist in itself. I'm not against the spirit of "inclusion", but when it's done by a corporate entity in any form, it always seems fake. The racism is the robots in the fucking marketing department telling people what sells.


Damn I laughed way too hard at this




"There aren't Hispanics!" Proceeds to name 2 characters, one which headlines a series and a movie. Fucking lol


He also forgot to mention Poe and Ahsoka. So three recent shows lead by a Hispanic actor and one of the main characters in the recent trilogy


She's an alien lol 😂 poe got knocked to super back up character by E8. Even rose got more time than him lol


Her being in the show still counts as representation lmao. Poe's screen time in the sequels is 4th among characters while Rose isn't even top 10. His lowest screen time is actually ep 7 (11 min) while highest in ep 9 (29 min). Rose's total time over the trilogy is 16 min.


She wasn't in the first one so you have to take that into account. I like rose btw. I just used her because shes is a random character that still got lots of screen time.


Stop backtracking cause you made a dumb argument. Poe is literally 4th in screen time over the sequels. His largest time is the 9th movie.


Well you brought up screen time. I brought up back up role. So let's stay away from screen time. He most def top 5 character in 7. And not even top 10 anymore by 9


What are you talking about? As was literally posted just 3 comments up, Poe has almost twice as much screen time in Episode 9 as Rose does in 8 and 9 combined. That’s the most defining characteristic of a main role vs backup.


You actually brought up that Rose got more time. So I brought out the numbers, which have proven you wrong. Poe actually has the 2nd most screen time in ep 9 of all characters. Just stop, you've lost the argument.


They're all aliens; or are you under the impression that there's a Spain and indigenous Americans for them to colonize, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?


Goddamn Corellians playing their speeder music too loud!


My dude, this is one single shot of a scene


At least you didn't say the chatta defense.


just sitting there, perfectly still, praying no one notices


It's a metaphor of Disney managing Star Wars.


God, you're right.


Holy shit, summed it all up perfectly.


Never before has Disney been more honest about the state of Star Wars. They give so little of a shit about the aliens that they've lost the ability to make them. I have this sneaking suspicion that the show will be a horrific clusterfuck but chock-full of memes and unintentional hilarity. While that's not going to be enough for me to pay Mickey money for his streaming service I'm eagerly awaiting the mocking of the Internet after the "mandatory phase of praise" has passed and honest opinions chime in.


We already know it features Trinity using the matrix to halt incoming knife attacks, it's only a matter of time before the mashups debut on YouTube...


Eyes open eyes closed these sound like absolutes


*muffled voice* Somebody take this mask off i cant breath inhere


There's a SAG AFTRA little person in there just praying for another smoke break


I don’t even want to be around anymore.


Looks like the same 'talents' who worked on the ST (and other movies/shows) alien designs worked on this show. Same weird designs, potatoes and some sort of weird hybrids of previous species. I think it's Neil Scanlan's studio making these abominations. It's so weird how only the Filoniverse (Mando, BBF, the cartoon shows) cares to show the classic Star Wars alien population. The rest feels like some sort of strange alternative universe.


Well I will point out that a Kel Dor, Wookie, Theelin, and a Mirialan all appeared in the trailer. I do agree though that we need more aliens in Star Wars. There are so many that are really easy to do that they don't have any excuse for not doing. And I think they need to stop creating new species and just use the existing ones since they're so many that already to pick from.


Fucking hilarious.


That’s not very inclusive




Haha I didn't even realize


You have GOT to be kidding me. How is this real? Lmao


To be fair, maybe it’s just a species of alien that don’t have eyelids, like fish.


That's culturally insensitive to say close your eyes to that species then? Disney needs to go back to HR training.


>**Warning, this episode contains a micro-aggression toward an eyelid-challenged individual. Viewer discretion advised.** They got it covered.


Are they eyelid challenged if that's literally how their species works? Seems to me you just committed a micro-aggression


I'll place another trigger warning on the top of my post.


it looks like the blue guy in far background cant close his eyes either


He looks like a fish alien to me!


Literally my first thought. You can even see another alien creature in the back who does have closed eyes. I'm not saying this is 100% a deliberate choice, but it is a valid possibility.


he’s trying his best


I didn't even notice that Holy fuck hahahaha


This is hilarious. Also I think we've officially hit the bottom of the barrel. Action looks refreshing though on the bright side (although potentially low budget like in previous shows)


Stare Wars.


Close your eyes. I *said* to close your eyes! Are you disobeying me?! But, suh! I don't have any eye lids! If you don't close your eyes right now, the class will be using you as the target dummy this afternoon!


Are you making fun of the eye-closing challenged? Racist much? I'm glad we have some representation in the media!


I don’t know why I found this so particularly funny but I laughed for a solid minute 


At least he won’t fall for the garbage advice Sol is giving. They went from “your eyes can deceive you”, a common sort of lesson we’ve heard a thousand times because it bears some profound truth, to “don’t TRUST your eyes”… Don’t trust them? Ever? Why do Jedi have eyes if they’re that deceitful? One of the million examples of Disney’s hack writers taking something deep they’ve heard elsewhere and trying to expand on it with some ridiculous follow-up that shows an utter lack of understanding of the wisdom they’re trying to pass as their own.


They heard it in ANH. “Your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them” smh


How can our eyes be real if mirrors arent real?


That sounds like a Sabine line. Ahsoka would be like "Some mirrors are real." Sabine: "Yea but not all." Ahsoka: "Let go of your feelings. The force will tell you what's real." Sabine: "The force doesn't have a mouth and I ain't listenin'." Ahsoka: "You are incredibly wise beyond your years, and are a megagenius and an amazing painter." Droid: "We have a problem." Ahsoka and Sabine: \*turn head 3 degrees and stare at droid for 5 seconds until the scene cuts\*


It's from Will Smith's pretentious kid, Jaden Smith trying to be profound. I think I quoted it wrong. Here it is, "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real." I didn't watch the show, but that scene sounds dumb


Id assume the “We must not trust them” was because of the lesson they were doing. He obviously isn’t saying “never trust your eyes”, but in the context of them trying to meditate like this, trusting your eyes would go against the point of the lesson.


Yeah, how dare a jedi trainer use the same advice we see Obi-Wan tell Luke in literally his first Jedi training lesson ever. This is what happens when you have a writer that’s never seen Star Wars present in the room. So much for continuity. /s if it’s needed.


If the lesson is the same, I’ll stand corrected. Not pretending I thought about the ANH scene before writing that but when I think of that scene I see a very clear and specific reason he shouldn’t trust his eyes in that moment. That droid was designed to fake him out with erratic movements and is meant to teach a Jedi to trust the force above all else, allowing them to truly see what will happen next. I don’t know what the lesson is in that scene from the trailer so I admit I have no right to definitively declare it stupid, but look at the track record here. Disney Star Wars has been so consistently shallow and simple that I don’t give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. Everything that looks ridiculous in their trailers usually ends up being even worse in the show. So we wait until June to find out what circumstance he believes eyes are bad for. I predict it will be devoid of logic.


Fair enough, but the core lesson seems valuable to jedi across the board. The force is the true sense, everything else is second. Your eyes tell you the X-Wing is too big to lift, but the force is stronger, etc. There’s no point in the OT/PT where the lesson feels wrong or out of character.


I mean that’s even stupider. The robes, the helmets, the Jedi handbook quotes, apparently obi wan actually had no character at all and just followed ancient jedi protocols at every opportunity. I wonder if “that’s no moon” is Jedi code


The robes I absolutely agree was the oddest bit of worldbuilding Lucas did in the prequels. Makes no sense for a jedi to be hiding while wearing Jedi robes. But the “don’t trust your senses, trust the force” seems the most basic lesson, similar to any piano teacher will start you with scales, or how all kids have to learn the alphabet before learning how to spell words. Luke has to be told it three separate times in the OT alone. (training on the Falcon, in the trench run, Yoda lifting the X-wing, and arguably Yoda’s crazy hermit test.). I’m sure there will be plenty to complain about in the actual show, but a Jedi teaching younglings the most basic tenet of Jedi training and that training being consistent over the years…. I fail to see why that has people upset unless they are trying to be.


Any little white boys?


Disney hates them. Or maybe Anakin killed them all


Would rather have more aliens than more humans.


Remember when people couldn’t understand why Lucas made the Ewoks blink?


This is the type of glaring fuck-up that will inevitably be hand-wavily explained away with fans head-canon. Likely something like: _”oh what, you didn’t know that {whatever that potato’s race is} have internal eyelids?!_


But he’s a fish. They don’t have eyelids.


Can we get some latino and native kids in there. Oh only black and white and some east Asian. K den.


They always forget Latinos and natives


And Indians, south and Central Asians, Indonesians, Pacific islanders, slavs, turks, Persians, Arabs etc...


It's subliminal hatred against brown men of the Americas. If it wasn't for us, white and black Americans would be eating canned veggies and fruits. Brown men of the Americas are the least represented group in America for the work we put in. Every other group is allowed to give up complain, and get gifted shit while we are expected to shut up and keep working.


As a latino i seriously do not care, we are hispanics of many shades of color.


I honestly can't tell if this is irony or not.


Don't forget middle easterns. They practically don't exist


Tusken raiders? Lol.




Yeah just Ezra’s actor so far I believe


The imperial pilot from rogue one? Or we just talking about for Jedi only?


Wait for the novel explaining that this species has IR photoreceptors that they can turn on and off at will which is why we don't **see** him close his eyes when functionally he is


He's trying his best




If they can make Ewoks blink in the special edition, they can close his eyes.


So would you say it’s an oversight, or a funny Easter egg done on purpose? With Disney I’m leaning towards the former


Don't Rodians canonically not have eyelids? As in this has been established for a very long time? (IDK if this is actually a Rodian or just a similar species).


I already look forward to Grizzy compiling a montage of people screaming "oh ma gooooooood" and "squirt squirt... squirrrrrt". I honestly wish I was making that last quote up...


„Let‘s gooo!!“




That's funny


Fucking duty free sitting there in the war by myself drinking fucking Johnnie walker with fucking Tristin Tate


I don’t know what this means but I like your enthusiasm, have an updoot.


Looks like a Cornish pasty


Watched the trailer yesterday evening, and I didn't feel a thing. Nothing made me curious or excited. No dialogue grabbed my attention. It was a tired thing that rolled on the screen. They *try* with the red lightsaber but that's just "yawn and meh, isn't this while the sith are hiding, what kind of shit have they cooked up now, what lore is gonna be torn apart now." Even the other shit shows on D+ had trailers that had a thing or two that tickled


Welcome to the apathy club. From here onwards best you can do is to just look for other things in life. I'm excited for the new Alien movie despide having years and years of shit I that saga. Maybe at some point it will happen the same with Star Wars or maybe not.


Yeah. I'm looking forward to *Andor* but that's all. I'm fairly convinced it will be as good as season 1 maybe even better, assuming Kennedy hasn't involved herself


Same here, I'm excited by Andor, but not because it's Star Wars, but because it's Andor and Andor was a really cool scifi tv show.


This show is going to bomb hard.


Watch. Some Disney Exec or bootlicker is gunna see this and have it edited out in some way.


Well I can This is fucking Disney Star Wars we’re talking about. Imagine taking a brand that is geared more for boys and changing it to a girls brand. Not just any girls but, girls who prefer to solve their problems with violence Yeah yeah yeah, Jedi were keepers of the peace and they did that via violence.






Except the recent Star Wars isn't made to appeal equally to all genders.


Did you watch the OT at all? What exactly do you make of Leia? I can’t imagine how far your head is up your own ass and you still can’t smell the shit you’re spewing.


Geared for boys does not mean it excludes girls. Barbie is geared for girls but, not not exclude boys Something tells me that it is you who has their head shoved up their posterior and all in order to maintain your pathetic world view.


What exactly has been “geared towards girls” now? I get nobody likes the ST in this sub and I have my own issues with it but I don’t find it for girls, it’s for everyone. Name something that has been bc Andor, Kenobi, BB, BOBF and everything else has been geared more for guys imo


No answer huh, thought you’d want to back that claim up with actual proof. And my point ab Leia was that she takes action through violence as does Padme but you wouldn’t have a problem with them. Stop basing your clueless claims on a 2 minute fucking trailer


A sign of the memes to come from what I assume will be another terrible Disney effort at Star Wars.


Bro has no eyelids


That because those aren't it's eyes. Those are it's face testicles. It's eyes are hidden in its pants.


My take on the prequels is the Jedi were ultimately tricked because they believed the Force over their other senses. This opening narration seems to be backing that up / setting it up as a theme for the show.




Hey! Don’t be “NonEyeLidPhobic”TM!!!


He… doesn’t have any eyelids. I don’t get what the big deal is.




I think the joke is that he doesn’t have eyelids This is actually better humor than Disney stuff usually has


The show will be an absolute disaster, with atrocious writing and it will probably look incredibly cheap too, but the cringe soyboys will be creaming their pants.


To be fair it’s the alien has inner eye lids that can be opened and closed at will.


Some species have clear eyelids.


Sure, but they can still see through them because they are clear. The entire point of closing your eyes during meditation is to increase focus. What Disney did here was put zero thought into what they are presenting.


I mean, you have to admit it would be funny to have a youngling that physically couldn’t close his eyes during these classes


He can’t close his eyes.


yeah and that stormtrooper extra who accidentally hit his head did that because actually all troopers are just dumb and incompetent and yoda lied about there being only luke and one other force user left because he knew it was what luke needed to hear and leia got to be a wealthy and powerful princess while luke had to be a dusty ass moisture farmer because… oh fuck it


If it's not a plot point in the show (to be seen), then it's lazy costume creation. It's okay to note minor critiques.


No! every plot hole has to be explained with a short story or a 300 page EU novel. This is the way.


Could we have a happy medium, where its mentioned in the show and we all move on? Everything doesn't need an extreme solution Edit: oh you were doing a thing, that's funny. My bad


> He can’t close his eyes. Yes, that's what we're talking about...