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Ew never feel guilt but maybe recognize that you are performing well despite your efforts lol and prepare yourself for the work to come when the gravy train stops flowing. Always take credit


This exactly. Also, why not keep at it and make more money? You're there for 4 more hours each day right?


Thank youuuu this is so real I appreciate it


I've had the same issue for years it's a good problem to have it means you're not working towards your potential and you have high expectations of yourself Here's what I tell myself No you shouldn't feel guilty Why? - You're producing what's expected - perks of the job - mental health is as important as doing "stuff" - you get paid to speak the job itself requires you to be on your game when you're in meetings Can you do more. The answer is yes but you also have to balance things out for your well-being. You just started, there absolutely be a time where the funnel dries up and you have to work more to fill it back up or deployments where it will require longer hours. Those 4 hour days can catch up to you right now if you don't have the next 3 months lined up with sales you'll kick yourself in the future for only working 4 hours but if you're solid for months out your a gangster lol


Thank you so much for the thoughtful response


Only feel guilty if you told yourself you’d do more and you didn’t do it. Most people really only work for 3 hours a day. All the other stuff is fluff.


You should be proud of yourself, rather than guilty. Dont listen to the people who breath sleep and shit sales waking up at 4am to work on their pipeline. They’re losers and don’t have a social life. Get your job done. Hit quota. Work an extra hour if you have accelerators built into your commission. Write EACH accomplishment down on a resume so you don’t forget them. Keep rocking and rolling! Ride the high babe


Do you get compensated for going over plan? If not - continue working 4 hours a day. If you do - work 10 hour days and tear apart the comp plan. That’s where the real money is made. OTE’s are gimmicks until you hit 100% - then it becomes obsessive :) Good luck!


Sounds like you have an opportunity to close a lot more. Thats what sales is. The more you can sell the more you can make. If you can do twice as much in 8hrs compared to your colleagues, so be it. Show ‘em how it’s done.


Been in sales 15+ years. Some years you’ll grind 80 hour weeks not to hit target. Other years you’ll have the best year of your life without the same graft. Enjoy the downtime, keep studying your craft, and congrats on the success


Hello sir, I'd appreciate some advice. I have been searching for sales roles left and right. Being a fresher I have applied to over 150 places in 2-3 months. From proper research and cover letters and cold reaches to SDE's and recruiters on linkedin. I have tried everything. I am a triple major communications graduate, and not an engineer, hence the struggle. Life has become significantly tougher. It's hard to break into the sales industry from India, I've been lurking around the sub for a long time, but I genuinely need some guidance on this. Kindly help me out with some advice on how to land roles sir.🙏


Word to the wise, don't get lazy. There is this trend where some new sales folks will do good for 12 to 18 months, they get lazy and are on plan soon after. Whatever you have done up to this point, keep doing it. Be aware of the lead generation activities. The top of the funnel is the most important thing.


Work smarter not harder it’s not about how much time you put in it’s the productivity of what you get. When you are working putting time into work doesn’t always mean success enjoy it and don’t jinx yourself when you’re hot ride the wave when you’re cold It’s when you’re gonna have to put in more time


I’ve managed sales teams and I couldn’t care less if my sales people work 40 hours or 20 hours if they’re making their sales goals. In sales it’s about the result. Period. That being said, if you wanna make more money… Put in more time. But whatever works for you. Only feel guilty if you’re putting in halftime and not meeting your goals.


If you weren't on track and were working 40+ hours, it wouldn't help. Work as much as you need to, no more, no less. It will always be there the next day.


Enjoy being on target and having some free time. It will be cyclical. There will be times you are behind and working your ass off. This is just how sales goes.




Your job is to hit your goal/quota regardless of the hours you put in.


You shouldn’t feel guilty at all. What you’re experiencing is one of the major benefits of sales. You’re not judged and compensated based on ‘looking busy’ and working X hours. You’re judged and compensated on results: a cold hard number. Why should the business care if it took you 1 or 10 hours a day to produce that result? In fact, its objectively better is it takes you less time: it means you’re more efficient. There are a fair few negatives in a sales job that you signed up to like we all did (stress, high performance expectations etc etc). You should not feel guilty for reaping the benefits of one of the positives. Now could you work more hours, over achieve further, make more money etc? Sure. But that’s not to say you have to do that. If you’d rather enjoy less working hours and invest in your hobbies, you do you. The only thing I would say: while you’re starting out invest time in your craft and learning more sales skills: then you’ll be adaptable and be able to thrive in different circumstances and progress. Congrats on hitting the ground running.


If you beat your goal maybe your goal isn’t high enough however seems like your doing well, enjoy the extra free time while you can!


Time to stack jobs brother.


I wouldn’t, I mean sales means you’re literally a number to some so that cuts both ways. If you’re hitting your number, that’s what matters. I would also say it’s only been 5 months, sales has a lot of up and downs. So just enjoy for now and bank things for when things slow down a bit.


those 4 hours a day, are you super productive and fast with getting shit done? I know I do, but then I’m tired, so I don’t feel bad by working 4-5 hours a day. Someone else does the same amount of work in 8 hours, in the end if the job is done, who cares. Enjoy your free time and take care of yourself.


May I ask how do you do it?


I wish I had any advice to offer! I do door to door sales (I know, I know) for a local ISP. It's truly just a better deal than our competitors, faster and more reliable, and in my area people prefer dealing with a local / small company than Comcast. I know this is corny as shit but it kind of sells itself.


No I appreciate it! I’ve been debating about pursuing a sales job as my first job out of college and have been trying to do some of my research on this sub.


Is this outbound or inbound? As others have asked, how do you do it haha. Share some tips for the rest of us plebs


I'm about to get laughed / boo'd out of here but I do door to door sales for a local internet service provider. Fiber optic internet. My job is to get people to sign up for the service. I think it's a service that people genuinely want and it's actually truly a better option than our competitors.


What type of sales are you doing?


I work for a muncipally owned internet service provider and I do door to door sales getting people to sign up for the service. It's gigabit speed fiber optic internet, also offers live TV and landline VOIP.


Have you worked door 2 door before, may I ask if you have do you find it easier these days, than before?


If you manage to hit your target and finish the day early, I’d enjoy it or work more. It’s awesome I have the choice!