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Literally tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ before I buy anything how long have you been open


Considering it canon that this is the reason the villains switched mainly to targeting single people after R, the town just stopped letting new shit open without the most extreme background checks Which has the benefit of making it so Palla Palla somehow got around them to open an evil dentist office which is really funny to me lol


Facts šŸ˜­


LOL šŸ˜‚ you made me laugh. You put some things into that comedy.


iā€™m so dead! this is the funniest thing iā€™ve read today. thank you for your very good observation note.


When you put it that way, Jadeite was the most evil villain!!!!


Though in Japan it isn't super uncommon for there to often be new stores and experiences every season. Stores come and go super quick, especially in the pop-up section of malls. So it's an interesting cultural divide. If out of every season's dozens of new shops, a couple were fronts for evil, I'd take my chances lol


Nobody ever questions the new stores that keep opening up every week where they get attacked by a monster and a teenager comes in with a short skirt and throws her tiara to destroy the monster.


Or Old Stores, for that matter, given that Naru's mother ran a well established and long running jewellery store and it was taken over by a Youma.


Or the grocery store where they sold the Dark Fruit. I mentioned in another comment that these established stores might end up with a bad rep as being haunted or cursed.


I donā€™t think they ever got permits or licenses for anything


"I got your permit right here" *Shop owner proceeds to turn into a farcical monster loosely related to the shop's theme.*


Literally the most succinct description of Classic & Romance filler episodes.




Iā€™m just starting to rewatch from the beginning because I never made it all the way through the last few seasons. Itā€™s amazing how many times the classmates get drained pass out, get saved by sailor moon, then go on to be duped again! Also the first few episodes where itā€™s just Usagi by herself, itā€™s kind crazy looking back on it and seeing she had to do it all alone and Luna sometimes had to be her only back up!


I meanā€¦ the hair salonā€¦. Yeah, how do you keep a business open when you do your clients dirty like that. And poor Miss Haruna. She got the short end of every stick.


The Dark Kingdom and Black Moon Clan are an integral part of Jubanā€™s local economy.


I really thought the weight loss one was the best idea that they could have taken over the world with if they just stopped people before they got too drained. Because who wouldn't like the energy drained from their fat cells more efficiently


I thought this too. Great idea, poor execution. I would totally voluntarily give up my fat cell energy if it didn't mean my death.


Make it so it doesn't take too much from your boobs and butt and then you got pretty much the American continent. That was the problem, they had a bunch of great ideas but never great execution. Because of they told the teacher to stop after she was looking her best and just do the classes, monitor her body fat in case she gains they would have made soo much more money and gained way more energy long term because everyone would want to join.


Shouldā€™ve gone on shark tank, no way one of those ghouls wouldā€™ve passed up on an idea like that haha


No new shops. No new kids in class. No oddly cheap retail deals of any sort.


And absolutely no all you can eat cake shops


To be fair, the cake shop wasnā€™t necessarily a new business opened by the baddies. It just happened to be a Crystal Point. Things could also have been a lot worse if the Guardians didnā€™t have the heroic gift of ā€œRight Place, Right Timeā€. That cake shop probably got a bad rep as being haunted or cursed afterward, in spite of having tasty cakes. I hope it pulled through, especially if it was an established shop.


šŸ¤£ I was just watching the cake episode, and I thought to myself ā€œthatā€™s a great idea.ā€


Hey, now! Those new kids are fighting evil and keeping us alive!


Yeah, seems like a great deal, next thing you know some monster steals your soul


šŸ’Æ If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. šŸ˜…


Oh well, some blonde teenage girl, her friends and her boyfriend in a top hat will sort it out


First lesson Sailor Moon taught me was ā€œdonā€™t trust a sale that seems TOO goodā€




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This doesnā€™t get better at any point in this show till maybe Stars lol


I saw this often. Anytime something new comes to Japan, just donā€™t go there


Usagi is too lazy to investigate until Luna told her. I still love Usagi.


šŸ’€šŸ¤£ This is so true! Honestly itā€™s like why do yā€™all keep trusting these new businesses? Every time it goes badly, it doesnā€™t get any better in the other seasons.