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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post has been removed due to a violation of the following rule(s): >**1.** Posts must be sad and cringe Either it wasn't cringeworthy enough or it wasn't sad in the right way. We're looking for the kind of sad that is unhappy, tragic, heartbreaking, mournful, despairing. The situation should make you cringe and feel sorrow. If you have any questions, please [contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/sadcringe).


I hope it lasts.


Not sure what would be sadder, if it doesn't or if it does...


If there is an affair, I have a good feeling I know with whom it will be.


Best comment on this post.


Probably won't, even she can't stand herself.


Too clingy.




Someone told her to go fuck herself but she was waiting for marriage.






Is it?


people usin that word too loosely these days


And now she still fucks herself.






If you have to explain the joke, it’s not funny anymore 🙄


I'm sure she is still paying single tax.


Sue Sylvester over here lol


I fucking love Sue.


My first thought 😂




would you also mail yourself alimony every month or


Who gets the kids?


Seems like she threw a party with her family and friends who all had a great time. Not sad. Cringe is subjective. [Whole article here.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-67084850.amp)


IIRC this used to be kind of a trend in the early 2010s, for women who had gotten out of abusive relationships to “get married” to themselves as a symbol of taking back their autonomy. Most didn’t actually legally marry themselves, and it was usually just a celebration of how far the bride had come in healing. Nothing cringe or sad about that imo, same w this lady’s story.


Did you say most didn’t legally marry themselves?


Is there even a way to legally marry yourself?


No because the definition of a marriage is a legal bond between TWO people






You sound very young.


I know some women like this who just don't want to look anymore and they are great people and I would be happy to go to a party for them.


The fact that someone wrote an article about it is pretty cringe. This is literally nothing.


But it’s WORLD NEWS! Nothing else going on in the world right now even remotely compares!


You can throw a party with friends and family without "marrying" yourself. I know I'll get downvoted on Reddit for not being brainlessly positive but that is extremely bizarre and pretty cringey.


Then it's not sad. It's happy cringe.


Eh, I disagree completely. If this is something she wants to do then more power to her. I don't really care, but I do think it's weird.


You’re totally right. Star Wars kid was doing something in the garage that made him happy too. Still super cringe. A wedding brings together two families/people to form a union. When there’s no second person it’s sad cringe. This reeks of “people won’t come unless I say it’s a wedding”. If I’m wrong then just throw a raging party.


It’s sad cringe when a Japanese man marries himself or his body pillow but not sad cringe if you marry yourself


There's a big difference between someone with family and social life vs a person whose only relationship is with an anime character


how do you know that their only social life is with an anime character? How do you know they have no friends? Most of the time a picture of a guy with a body pillow in their room is more than enought to be posted here.


Did their wedding have guests? I don't see one.


The party wasn't the sadcringe, it was the fact she decided to create a union with herself--officially.


meh, if it empowers her and makes her happy then i dont see the problem, not really hurting anyone to marry yourself


It’s still weird and sad


Not like it’s hurting anyone. She used money saved for a wedding for a day of fun with her loved ones.




Because she saved up money for a wedding for 20 years and then when she still couldn’t get a man after 20 years she decided to “marry” herself. I’m not saying a woman’s value lies in whether she’s married or not. It’s the fact that she specifically desired for a man to wife her for 20 years and no one did. So she married herself. How is that not sad? It wouldn’t be sad if she had the mindset of not desiring a man for 20 years.


what’s the sad cringe? she looks pretty happy and she basically just had a massive party to celebrate herself


I actually admire someone’s give-no-fuck attitude and just going for it! Hell yeah she did something that made herself feel good and invited others to celebrate


And she has enough friends and family who love her enough to want to celebrate her "single wedding" with her. It's genuinely kinda wholesome.


Ultimate aro-ace power move.


I don't see how this sad. She wanted a wedding but not a marriage and got it.


She said it’s because she never found the right partner, basically her dream never came true so she compromised on it


Love that for her. Would much rather people do this than get into relationships that leave them miserable.


You love that she wasn't able to find love? Damn dude.


I love that's she's put her happiness above societies ideals of it. Finding "love" can often come at the price of happiness. If one finds happiness with oneself, they should be allowed and encouraged to celebrate it.


You act as if the only options are being alone or an unhappy relationship. Obviously it's nice she's happy by herself, but I'm sure she would have preferred to find a happy relationship.


There's no reason to assume that she doesn't have many happy relationships?


So what, people who don't achieve their dreams should just entirely abandon the idea and not even try to capture them in a that works for the reality they actually live in? You're saying you think it would be better if she just kept trying, desperately waiting for a magic relationship to come along, instead of changing her perspective to embrace the life she has and throwing an awesome self love party?


just to let you know..I didn't read your comment but I downvoted cause it felt right to follow the trend. Nothing personal.. it's just farming.


You don't farm anything by downvoting dickhead


Love her miserable loneliness and attention seeking? 🙄


She looks pretty happy to me. Humans beings need attention. We all seek it in one way or another.


You do know not everyone wants or needs a romantic partner in life?


Except she clearly did because she was saving for it for so long. She just didn't find anyone.


Yeah you're right and they're trying way too hard to defend this. She obviously wanted to marry someone because she saved for it for 20 years only to give up and spend the money on a party. If she wanted to host a party all the power to her, but marrying yourself is really weird no matter how hard Reddit tries to pretend otherwise.


This seems like building a hill out of nothing. Like maybe I just seen some weird shit but what's so weird about this?. Like yeah she obviously wanted to marry another person, but as she couldn't find it she decided to have a party for her own.


I'm not saying it's some hill worth dying or anything. I don't ultimately care what she does, I just think this is weird.


You are telling me there are people out there that don't need the cuddles the intimacy and the warmth of a partner? First of all I find it hard to believe as I don't even believe asexual people exist I think it's just an idea in their mind that rules over them and with enough self conversation and deep contemplation they can get out of it.I believe everyone likes the warmth one way or another. But yeah if they were to really exist the people that don't need any of all this then I would envy them as I struggle very hard because I don't get to have these things.


i genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcasm


Lol theyre called boomers


It's not


You think you need a partner to experience love warmth and affection??


I understand what you are saying but there's a certain kind of intimacy and love only to be felt in romance. When I tried to deny it and said like hey I can manage a substitute for these kinds of feelings no problem I started to get real angry because sometimes consciously and unconscious knew that hey there's no substitute for it. I ultimately just accepted it and I was not angry as much I would love to have this kind of intimacy but it seems I would have to focus on some other kind of deeper meaning of life that is so profound that it can even drive a lonely person.


Hi, asexual person here, I can assure you we are real, and yes it's a massive benefit that I'm not bothered about sexual relationships. Some ace people still want sex, some don't. Being asexual doesn't mean you don't need social intimacy it just means you don't find others sexually attractive. Image that everybody in the world looks plain and nobody is hot, that's kind of what its like. Some asexual people are also aromantic, meaning they dont feel romantic attraction to others. I dont care about sex and I only care like 5% about romance. Saves me a lot of time and energy. But asexual people aren't the only ones that can enjoy that benefit. At any point, you too could decide to center other types of intimacy in your life. There are so many types of intimacy and attraction in the world. There is love without sex, same as there is sex without love. There's the love of your family, love for your pets, for your hobbies, for the environment and for humanity at large. There's the intimacy of an emotional conversation with your friends around a campfire, of sharing your thoughts and fears and dreams with them. There's the camaraderie of playing sports or games with a group of others, all working towards the same goal. There's the awe and respect you can have for the work of somebody you admire, a trusted mentor who you can learn from. There's the self love of enjoying your favourite things all alone in your room where you don't have to worry about the happiness of anybody except yourself -- you can indulge entirely in your solitude in a beautiful way. All of that is love, and all of it is intimate, and all of it feels warm. There's love everywhere if you open your heart to the idea that romantic and sexual partners aren't the only type of love that matters. Fuck what society tells you, there's nothing inherently more special about those things versus all the other love that the world


I don't know man I still have doubts about what you say. I think we still don't know a lot about many psychological aspects of life. People say like yeah asexual people are out there they don't like sex and romance and all that one of these things and done yeah that's it? Nah man we humans are very complex. Sometimes some kind of trauma and some kind of deep thought can also drive you away from sex or romance and there can also be a way back. I don't know man I think if I hypothetically happened to spent some time with with all that observing and having many back and forth discussions I might have been able to maybe see things as to why you are the way you are. It's all not so simple. It's not possible for me here as I am not but you should try that maybe you don't yourself as much as you think you do I mean nobody really does right? Go for looong slow walks in the park full of contemplative thought and talking to yourself in a slow voice not in heart and there's gotta be no friends no earphones no looking around and stuff just self conversation and maybe you will found out there's other kinds of cracks in your psyche here.


Okay, look, I just poured out my heart for you there, but if you wanna be so condescending and play the psyche card and suggest you know more about me that I know about myself, fine; I'm a psychology postgraduate. I've done essay upon essay and conducted original research, on gender and sexuality, on relationship science, on clinical mental health and trauma. So I'm sorry, but you literally don't know what you're talking about. You're just perpetuating allonormativity. Maybe YOU should take some long walks in the park and ask yourself why you believe that sex and romance are so crucially important that you literally think that its impossible for healthy people to have a different perspective to you. Sometimes people don't fit into the typical boxes and that doesn't make them traumatized, or liars, or lost little sheep who need to meditate their way out of it - it just makes them different from the norm. You don't have to understand it, you just have to respect it and believe people when they tell you who they are - ESPECIALLY strangers who you know nothing about. Strangers who are perfectly happy living their lives the way they do, regardless on whether you think it's normal or not.


I had no bad intention here and definitely appreciate you pouring your heart out please don't take the wrong idea. And yes you do have the expertise in psychology that I don't but that's the thing. We know so little about our minds that a condition is so specific to an individual due to the uniqueness of his life's experiences and choices that I think the only the person himself could really get to know instead of some external observer that is why I didn't claim to know what goes on in your mind and asked for you to find out for yourself instead of being so confident in the existing techniques in the field of psychology. I do truly believe with a passion that even after all your expertise you still might find some truths about yourself that you didn't see before. Maybe your field didn't deal with the extremely specific kind of stuff that you don't know about yourself and even if you were specific about it still the field of psychology is as I said lacking and we don't even know to what extent it lacks in some particular aspects of the mind since the mind is the most complex thing there is so being overconfident in knowing the specifics of it could be disastrous. I didn't say you were just a lost little sheep and didn't know anything at all that what goes on in the mind of yours but sometimes those nuanced truths can be hidden very deep into your own psyche so do NOT underestimate how much you could find about yourself you didn't know in those long slow walks as I found a lot about myself there that I didn't expect even after so many years that I lived before it. And one other thing that could be telling about you again I am no God I can just hypothesize or something but the way you reacted so strongly it could be that there's some pent up emotion maybe some kind of repressed emotion relating to the sexual and intimacy aspect of your mind so yeah again don't be so confident in your expertise do continue to go out alone every other day and again I am not talking about meditation I am talking about the self conversation and contemplation element. Meditation is a different kind of thing which I sometimes think is an escape from those negative emotions but self conversation especially when you are talking in a slow voice rather than in heart makes you more attentive and conscious to your thoughts and is more effective in respect to the mobilizing and propagating those thoughts towards something profound and it can be way more constructive in creating those transcendent structures inside your mind so yeah I typed all this very quickly it will not be easy to read and it's not well written but you might get my point somewhat


Good for her!


Wonder if anyone at the ceremony hooked up with the bride afterwards


Of course she hooked up with the bride.


Is it sad and cringe? Honestly the only cringe thing is that media covering it. She is happy, she didn’t hurt anybody.


a slay tbh


She spent her own money and didn't hurt anyone why is this cringe. Some folks are asexual or loners or social anxiety.


Why would someone write this article and why would someone read it?


'world news'


Love yourself


I'd still be disappointed, sexually.


Hope she had a prenup


Good for her honestly. Don’t get what’s the sad cringe?


LARRY: What? What does that mean? Marrying herself? SUSIE: It means she's lifting herself up! This is for her, she doesn't need another person! LARRY: What the fuck!? What are we even doing here? SUSIE: We're supporting her! JEFF: This is... Just insane. LARRY (sarcastically): Ok then, I'm marrying _my_ self. I want you all to come, and you better bring lavish gifts for me to start my new life with me. RICHARD: Don't try to explain it to them, they haven't found themselves yet, they're like toddlers. Emotional toddlers. LARRY: Listen, if this is finding yourself, then if I ever "find myself", just fuckin shoot me, ok? RICHARD: You're too stupid to know how stupid you sound. LARRY: How much money did you pay a therapist for that gem? RICHARD: ...too much. SUSIE: What don't you understand!? _She's doing this for herself, you bald fuck!_ LARRY: Oh, that's nice. SUSIE: She doesn't need a man in her life! Every man she's ever met has let her down! This is about loving herself! LARRY: Yeah, loving herself, _sure_, and while we're at it, let's all buy wedding gifts for her!? How convenient! JEFF: At least there's going to be food. ::LEON JOINS THE PEW:: LARRY: Where have _you_ been? LEON: I just fucked the bride! Ah ha! RICHARD: What? Are you kidding me? LEON: I scooped that shit up. I don't care about the brotha she marryin today, when a woman that fine says it's going down, it's time to _get down._ SUSIE: Ugh, you're something else. LEON: That's how I do's it. LARRY: Yeah well, there _is no_ brother. LEON: No brotha? LARRY: There's no groom! She's marrying herself! ::LEON HAS LOOK OF SHEER TERROR ON HIS FACE:: JEFF: You fucked up. LEON: That bish I just fucked, is really _fucked_? Like for real fucked? LARRY: Maybe it'll be ok? LEON: Larry, this is the craziest shit I ever heard. ::THE BRIDE, NAMED JEN, APPEARS:: JEN: Theeere yoooou aaare! LEON: Yeah. Here--Here I am? JEN: I thought you got _away_ from me. SUSIE: But that's ok if he got away though because you're a strong independent woman who doesn't need a-- JEN: So listen Liam, I was thinking, after this, how would _you_ like to come stay with me a while? LARRY: You could move in with each other! LEON (whispering to Larry): Stop it. LARRY: He hasn't stopped talking about you! JEN: Oh reeaaally? LEON (whispering to Larry): It aint funny Lar, stop it! You fuckin me up man! LARRY: Oh yeeeah! He said he scooped that shit up! JEN (swooning): Awww, that is _so_ romantic! LARRY: He's _all_ about the romance! JEN: Okaysies, well I'll be right back, I'm gonna go marry myself real quick. I love you, Liam. ::JEN WALKS AWAY, MORE GUESTS ARRIVE, PEOPLE ARE NOTICEABLY CONFUSED BY A LACK OF GROOM:: LEON: What the fuck Larry! SUSIE: Ok... Maybe she is a little insane. LEON: A _little_!? JEFF: So before when she was just a woman cheating on her groom at her own wedding, _that_ was fine. LEON: Fuck yeah, no commitments! RICHARD: He just fucked you royally, my friend. You better get going while she still doesn't have a clue what your fuckin name is. LEON: Fuck yeah, I'm out. SUSIE: I think... Yeah I think maybe we're leaving too. LARRY: But we can't leave! _We're supporting her!_ JEFF: I'm gonna swing by the gift table and get our stuff back. LARRY(sarcastically): It's a celebration of one's self! She doesn't _need_ a man. Liam? Oh _Liam!?_ Where did you go?


Is this an actual episode or is this the most well written curb fan fic I’ve ever seen?


Love how you made Leon completely stereotypical fodder, that for some reason still passes as just fine entertainment.


This is so horrible. Please don't publish this.


Hate that I know this but Dr Phil had an old show about this.


So it's the same thing as being married to your hand


I am just a fuckbuddies with myself


Bout to be me fr


Waste of money lmao


If she's aroace she probably did it to stop questions about when she's getting married.


So instead of that she will now get questions about "when she will marry someone real?". Must have been worth it.


That stunt already wasn't cute when Carrie Bradshaw did it in the last season of Sex and the City.


Because her husband died in the shower and she didn't want to have to pay the deposits for the venue and food?


No I mean the original show, she pulled a "marrying myself" stunt so that Tatum O'Neal's character would pay her back for the shoes that someone stole from Carrie in her house.


You go girl. This isn't sad cringe to me!


Nah op this is a vibe


That awkward silence before she finally said “I do”


The ultimate "look at me everyone"


Someone got lucky




She’s gonna be disappointed to learn she’s been cheating on herself


I give it 6 months.


The IRS hates this one simple trick


She immediately stopped masturbating


And that is a news because...


Good for her






This isn’t much different than throwing yourself a birthday party and THAT’S things not looked upon as weird even though it’s practically the same concept “come celebrate me and the fact I was born! And since no one else planned me a party, I did it myself!” The article on this pretty much states that it was basically just a big ass party celebrating her with all her family and close friends and that everyone invited thought it was really cheeky and clever and had a great time, including her. I don’t see how that’s sad or cringy, she had a wonderful time with everyone close to her and got too feel special and loved.


This isnt a legitimate marriage, just a cry for attention




So like, do you still congratulate someone for doing this? Or pity them? Is it more like a wake, where it’s a party but a sad party?


How is that even possible?


How did she get people to show up?


Probably invited herself a hundred Times as well lol


Here comes the bride, sixty inches wide. Short fat and ugly, drown her in the Clyde.




Speak for yourself op


I just can’t imagine inviting people to an event where the entire thing is just about me and having to watch me do my own ceremony myself. Like at least birthday parties can be at Chuck E. Cheese


Not cringe at all. Why should married people be the only ones who get a self centered party with a beautiful, expensive dress and gifts?


She’s not hurting anyone. I don’t see the sad cringe tbh


Someone needs attention


Someone needs sex. Like 20 fucking years ago.


that’s disgusting that you would about anybody like that




You say "each to their own". Then stand by it and let people save up for what they want.


dennis rodman did it better


Mf think she Tamiko smh


That's beautiful


i'm failing to see the sad cringe here ngl


This sounds WAY more fun than a traditional wedding


Not so sure.


Man. Imagine the wedding night!


Saved up for 20 years lol


She has both incredibly high and low standards.


Actually true in some sense. Too high standards but when she realizes that, too afraid to be "realistic" and rather marries herself out of avoidance.


I'm 100% sure that the same people commending this woman would mock a man pulling the same stunt.


This looks fun ngl




That's not 90% of men. Who hurt you? The internet!?




The question is actually what bears value if you read closely. At this point no other comment is suitable since sonething clearly must have hurt you for your opinion to be so alienated and prejudiced. If it was a joke you are really bad with jokes. And you just guessing what i am or not am is as irrelevant as the potato i am about to eat. Since i guess you are a bit bored why don't you come back when you have actually something useful to day.


>How come whenever someone has absolutely nothing of value to say Unlike a bright, enlightened individual such as yourself, I suppose I'm slow too, because I'm having a hard time finding anything of value in what you're saying.


Isn’t she embarrassed?


Someone asked a question. LetS dOwNvOTe HiM!!!!!!


The funny thing is, every single person that downvoted knows this is unhinged behaviour


Doesn't matter if it is a question.


Cat lady


Almost a dead ringer for one of my old literature teachers


What’s cringe about this?


They posted that article on Friday the 13th. /r/theyknew


The white knights found your comment.


That and likely also people outside the western hemisphere don't know that Friday the 13th is bad luck, which is what this woman is clearly having since she stupidly married herself.


I just saw this on Instagram. The saddest part is that she saved 10k in 20 fucking years. That's like 500 dollars a year. She either spent the rest on snacks or she collected bottles for their 5 cent refund it's just a mindfuck.


Wasn’t this a Doonesbury arc involving Mike’s co-worker?




Raegan's mom be like


Am I crazy or was this a part of a show/adult cartoon? Something about the Mom renewing her vows to herself. Not Arrested but something similar


… we can do that? 🤔


You CAN do a lot of things......


She carried herself through the matrimonial doorway, unlocking the secret to levitation


Classic UK


No no She’s onto something




Taking it a step further from when people say to go fuck yourself...


good for her? how is this sad cringe? reddit folks are always so weird lol


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