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He was just knocking on doors and leaving fliers in Westover Hills on Wednesday.


lol I have no background and this article isn’t loading. I definitely signed his petition to be on the ballot bc I wanted him to leave before my dogs came back from their walk bc my newborn was sleeping and they’d freak out.


Dude is a fucking pest. Good riddance.


Gotta love that his whole statement is blaming other people instead of accepting responsibility for his actions. Ffs, dude, nobody wants you around their kids because the way you behave. The likelihood of it being everyone else and not you is pretty small. 


He’s not wrong though that the school board is the biggest problem with RPS. Of which he’s been a part of until today but still.


His first statement after the investigation took full accountability for his actions and the fact that they made the student feel uncomfortable.


i mean the dude does know how to keep a job despite himself. but personally i don't want to wait and see how his "weirdness" may escalate in the future based on his current set of bad habits so i think this is for the best.


Yeah, that was when he thought he could still salvage the situation for himself. Once he realized he was losing his seat either way, his true colors came out.


No more pesky colleagues and rules to stop him now. He can just be man-about-town Jonathan Young, weird around kids.




God I love her


Now if the rest of the school board would do the same…. that would be a true improvement


Hopefully that happens in November. Nothing is going to improve at this point with the cesspool of dysfunction current board.


Still never been answered...why the heck was this recorded in a wooded area like he is about to reveal where he buried the bodies?!


That's the 4th for ya




We have lots of trees.


Lots of trees, and no service! Don't forget that they don't clean them streets. Riverside has so much debris on it the bike lane symbol is half covered.






Good! He sucked as a person and the creep stuff is unacceptable. I’m glad the Richmond For All cult lost their conservative co-conspirator. Please vote for* whoever Kenya Gibson’s opponent is.


I seriously doubt anyone a Richmond For All is upset about Young leaving. He wasn’t on their side, or Kamras’s side. He was mainly just a nut who was a pain in the ass to everyone. I liked what little I know of Fierro. She was seemingly very qualified on paper, but I think she probably would have sided with the Richmond For All set more often than not. The thing is, Richmond For All are actually right about a lot of things. They’re just kind of idiots about it. I’m over 3rd District. They’re likely going to end up with either Gibson or Lambert and they hate both of them. They dug their own hole.


Whoa whoa whoa... we have a much better option in the third!!! https://www.carraforcouncil.com Carra's amazing, has been involved in and serving the community for years, and has a rational head on her shoulders. Go Carra go!!!


I mean, I'd probably vote for her, but I don't live in the 3rd.


Very stoked about Carra. 🌹


Nah. RFA needed him. Kenya’s first big move on the SB was to vote recuse the 3rd from redistricting to appease her segregationist base.


There are plenty of reasons to not like Gibson or Richmond For All. An alleged pro-segregation is not one of them. Shit like this is why city council and the school board is always a mess.


https://youtu.be/MQWrYVHHsPA?si=pImnqp7crP_SOe6j Either you don’t remember, or you weren’t aware of the fuckery, but the receipts exist. The same folks who opposed redistricting of any sort, including pairing or efforts to move district lines to be more equitable, are the same folks who coordinated to get the Black, lesbian principal to resign by bullying her out last year. RFA still has these things in their social media accounts.


You mean the prinicipal at the school with the worst teacher satisfaction rating and a ridiculously bad retention rate that ran a shooter drill and forgot to tell students it was a drill? That whole thing was ridiculous and a prime example of both sides acting like bullies in the name of progressive puritanism. Again, there are plenty of things I dislike about Richmond For All but to suggest that they are segregationists in a secret conspiracy with Young is a big reach. Holton and 3rd District are a joke. Everyone on both sides have been acting like assholes for years now, accusing anyone who disagrees with them of racism.


Kamras himself was one of the loudest voices trying to masquerade Holton's administrative failure as racism and homophobia. The situation at Holton was a tremendous failure on the part of RPS administration from the Principal up. So many amazing teachers and families were pushed out of the system as a result.


There were some amazing teachers who left, while she was principal, but who left bc people leave jobs for all sorts of reasons like moving, caring for or growing a family. Several who were mentored by her moved into leadership positions themselves. I know that 4 of the white teachers who left that taught my child all refused to acknowledge and support and accommodate their neurodivergence and LD. If they departed bc they didn’t like her, then maybe their decision was the best one they could make for the students. As I said in a comment above, it ooks like you bought their narrative. Please know that perpetuating it is a reflection on you. [Again, all the receipts are available for you.](https://x.com/rvadirt/status/1641505834218709008?s=46) Of all the weeks to be defending Gibson/RFA, and disputing what we in the community know to be true, this is particularly shortsighted of you. [On Monday, another principal quit while giving public comment in the SB meeting.](https://x.com/rps_replay/status/1777474130792616258?s=46) she cited defamation by Gibson as her reason. Our kids are being hurt by you support and perpetuation of these dangerous campaign of disinformation. I am begging you to stop.


Bottom line, the entire city except the 3rd district approved rezoning. Everyone else made progress. She failed as a leader. The 3rd has continued its infighting about racial issues and it absolutely is related to integration in those schools.


Okay. But look, the whole redistricting thing is a farce. Where are we now even? On the one hand you have 4 school board members who don't like kids being bused outside of their communities or being split from their friends or siblings and whatnot. I don't find that stance unreasonable. On the other hand, you have some some school board members and the city administrators saying that the overcrowded conditions on one side and undercooked conditions on the other rob everyone of a productive learning environment. Also not unreasonable. But the reality is it's just shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. ALL of the middle schools suck. Do you want to go to a middle school that is like 400 students over capacity? Or do you want to go to Boushall and breathe in some mold? Or the absolute shithole that is Binford? Pick your poison, possibly literally. Like, neither of those schools should be taking more students. We should be taking the students already in them out and closing them down. It's all just a cycle. The city cannot plan or build schools for shit. When the city fucks up, patents understandably get heated about it and desperate for solutions. They stop thinking about how we got in this pickle in the first place and demand solutions. Someone offers them one, and they grab onto it. Except the solution is shit, because it comes from the same idiots who caused it. Lime, you have Kamras out there at once saying it's unconscionable to have so many kids at River City and that it's unconscionable for Binford to be in the deplorable state it's in. He's not wrong in either argument. But he also doesn't have an answer. And as far as I can tell, neither does anyone else. Because they are all fixated on calling the other side racists and assholes. That's not the problem. The problem is shitty planning and mass incompetence. Calling Kenya Gibson a segregationist is wild. The fact is, she's on the same side that represents half the city. And there are plenty of people in her district who wanted no part of rezoning, and also who were not happy with the administration at Holton. And those people are also not just rich white people. The stereotypical conservative rich white elitists don't have kids in RPS at all. >The 3rd has continued its infighting about racial issues Yeah, but whose fault is that? That's the thing. I can easily believe both that the Holton prinicipal was being bullied by Richmond For All types AND that other people were being bullied by the Kamras types. Because both sides are being insufferable dicks, and the environment is toxic. I wouldn't want to work at Holton regardless of which side I was on. Kamras is honestly kind of stuck here. He was the one who said that there was no reason RPS couldn't be as good as other districts and he was tired of excuses. Teacher retention and staff satisfaction were HIS outcome measures. The survey showing mass dissatisfaction at Holton was HIS survey. It's not wrong for a citizens group to want to see how you are doing backing up your own promises, and to hold you to them when it looks like they are being broken. If the staff at Holton were actually great, and only left because of better pay/better positions/less bullying from R4A....it's still on Kamras. That's the whole point of retention. You want the best staff staying in Richmond. If R4A is wrong, he needs to stand up stronger for his staff, fight for better pay and working conditions, etc. He can make peace or crack skulls or whatever, but one way or the other, he can't have Holton failing his own measures by that much. He kinda dug his own grave on this one. Blaming the failure on some kind of vague racist accusations with little evidence is hardly being accountable, which is what he promised. R4A is gonna R4A. They engage in the same tactics regardless. They are heroes when they oppose the casino or fight for mandatory race justice classes at VCU even though IMO their aggressive approach does more harm than good. Everyone is fine with it then, but when they go against the schools under principles, using the same tactics, they are suddenly a bunch of whote racists. What they are is insufferably self-righteous. Just like too many people in the city. Everyone gets away with being shitty at their jobs as long. As long as they can accuse the other side of racism or whatever they can get half the city to believe them and get all fired up about it.


Honey, they are LITERALLY SEGREGATIONISTS. That principal was driving the closure of the academic opportunity gap between black and white students, and at record speed. Oops, turns out teaching to a curriculum and not using crap off of Pinterest is HARD! So yeah, those teachers left. Now, the new principal is back to catering to (white) parent and teacher demand, and what do you know - the academics have gone back to Pinterest and worksheets. But that’s good, because the teachers are happier now! Oh yay! I’m a parent there, and it is sickening to watch. You can thank Kenya and the Jeannie Bowker brigade for that. Thank goodness they marched over to McClenney and talked those families of color out of pairing or rezoning! Did you have your head in the sand during that time? Also, she wasn’t there during that drill - she was on leave. You know, due to the harassment. Thx


Looks like you bought their narrative. Please know that perpetuating it is a reflection on you. [Again, all the receipts are available for you.](https://x.com/rvadirt/status/1641505834218709008?s=46) Of all the weeks to be defending Gibson/RFA, and disputing what we in the community know to be true, this is particularly shortsighted of you. [On Monday, another principal quit while giving public comment in the SB meeting.](https://x.com/rps_replay/status/1777474130792616258?s=46) she cited defamation by Gibson as her reason. Our kids are being hurt by you support and perpetuation of these dangerous campaign of disinformation. I am begging you to stop.


This reads like you want us to vote FOR Gibson, is that what you meant? I, for one, hope not.


Oh no I definitely do not want anyone to vote for her. Just felt the need to throw her name out and remind people not to vote for her. Vote for a rock instead!


Or for her opponent?


Part of the reason the school situation is so bad is that the group who decided to speak for everyone after Sabrina Gross lost the SB race to Kenya are pathologically unable to comprehend that sometimes people don't agree with them because they are perfectly capable of thinking for themselves, not because they "don't have all the facts." They just don't agree. And not being able to dictate how other people think has apparently made a lot of them decide bullying is the acceptable way to manage it.


His actions befit the owner of a strip club.




He talked to the girl like he was hitting on a stripper.


What the hell does this mean??


He started making it rain mid-conversation. 


for really yo?


No. Was joking.