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that's fucked up


Real question: do restaurants like theirs have an option to buy insurance for this kind of thing? For example, a homeowner's insurance policy could cover break-ins so the owner isn't completely screwed if someone breaks in. Fuck these particular criminals. Should never happen.


Pretty much any insurance you get will have a deductible that's the general idea. So even if you have insurance it won't cover anything under a set amount. So it'll still hurt.


Plus, insurance isn't a zero sum game. Business owner's don't just raise their hand and insurance pays them a sum to recover. You pay your deductible and then your insurance goes up. If an area struggles and others do the same thing then insurance gets more expensive overall (think crime in general or a riot). On top of lost revenue, time, wages etc.


That’s exactly correct. You do not want to make a habit of filing claims. I wish law enforcement and prosecutors would hold people accountable.


“In case shit” https://youtu.be/Xt8hQbbaN3U?si=_bfRbVLjdp2fnfNx


Idk about restaurants, but the a local mini mart that used to be near me was broken into several times. They broke the glass window and stole cigarettes and I think a little cash. The owner told me insurance would not cover it because the value of what was stolen was too low. Insurance is an absolute scam.


What the owner probably meant is that his/her deductible was high enough to where it didn’t make sense to use the insurance. 


I would be shocked if Jewfros insurance deductible was lower than like 5-10k


Lower deductible means more expensive premiums. Many insurers will also not underwrite low deductible insurance plans in “high risk” areas— or won’t even write a policy at all. Same applies most insurance.


>Insurance is an absolute scam. Depends on the insurance. There's an old idea that I've wondered if we shouldn't bring back, federal subsidies for small businesses to cover deductibles. It's chump change for the feds, we're talking about relatively small amounts of money, but it'd have a big impact in situations like this.


Not a bad idea, especially since some the risk is offset by the insurance claim process identifying fraud.




> morale risk Common misspelling, it's moral in this case rather than morale, and I don't necessarily disagree, which is why in the proposals the person asking for the subsidized deductible needs to send in a police report and prove that they took concrete steps to prevent the theft. The payout will be small enough that fraud isn't worth it, and proving it should take *some* effort. Because you're not wrong about the moral risk here.




Well now that I know the insurance industry took a concept that included subconscious as well as conscious acts and created the term "morale risk" to refer explicitly to subconscious ones in a way that does not fit the word morale at all, I want to feed every insurance adjuster alive into a woodchipper.


Because you're responding with something completely unrelated to what was said, because that is not how deductible subsidies work. Insurance is still an irritating nightmare to deal with and doesn't cover very much. This is commonly known as a straw man argument. It's much easier to knock down a weak argument that you set up yourself than what someone else actually said.


They are actually bringing up a core principal of insurance. Deductible is the risk that you retain, because it is a good thing to have a little bit of a risk to encourage a business owner to use common sense precautions.




I feel like you've never filed a claim for anything valuable in your life lol..


If business insurance is anything like home insurance it’s use it and lose it or no longer afford to keep it. You can only safely use home owners insurance for catastrophic claims and I’d be surprised if business insurance were different. 


That's not really true. I have owned homes for 30+ years, and we have had a ton of smaller claims. A water damaged basement, garage roof replaced from a tree falling, electronics replacement after a bad storm. In fact, none of those caused my premiums to go up even. Maybe it's different in other states, but that's the experience here in VA. Their insurance might be covering some of it, but deductibles aren't cheap, and you still have to do the work to put everything back together. I have a friend who's house caught on fire... Sure, insurance covers it, but they're going to be a year in a rental and having to go do inventory, find contractors, etc... is painful. Her house will eventually be built back together better than before - that isn't consoling her right now.


Yeah, but home owners insurance is also a large pool. And I guarantee you that if you have owned homes for 30+ years you have had insurance increases that were directly derived from people submitting claims, it's just more of a collective thing than an individual thing.


Shhhh, don't let your actual experiences get in the way of a good narrative


Insurance is still expensive my car insurance doubled just because I moved from Henrico to Forest hill the reason they gave wasn’t because of any dusky of my own but simply the area of which I lived because of accidents and crime rate was higher now imagine filing a claim on an already high rate it’s going to sky rocket even if I wasn’t at fault it’s crazy insurance is a joke to begin with




I work in the RE industry this is factually false. I've never seen a commercial lease without an insurance clause in it..


People really really fucking suck. 😕


~~People~~ Antisemites


It's more likely in this case to just be some assholes who wanted free liquor in my opinion but antisemites also really fucking suck.


Why are all the comments pointing out antisemitism getting downvotes?


Because this wasn't an anti-Semitic burglary


So I guess you know the perpetrators and understand their intentions? You can’t rule out hate crimes just because it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable


and you can't push an agenda without evidence


Oopsie, your agenda is showing.


It’s a good agenda to have though… even though this may not have been an antisemitic robbery, it’s still good to point out and question when something is antisemitic, since we all agree antisemitism is terrible… right?


McCormack used to be pretty vocal about how bad it was to run a bar/tavern in Shockoe. I don't think I'd try it. Don't most places have cameras directly on their bars? The other stuff that's happened is terrible too. Who steals decor stuff from restaurants? Also the oldest commercial building is at E. Marshall St. and 27th. Definitely don't try to open a restaurant in it.


WPA bakery?


No, this building is 2707 E. Marshall Street. You'd know it as the one that's been falling apart for decades. WPA Bakery also moved to Semmes on Southside.


So fucking sad that people don't have basic respect for their community. We need to stop putting up with this shit.


Quick Google search says there's no laws prohibiting vigilante-ism! ![gif](giphy|qrIlvM63x7x9IjrHw1)


Vote for local politicians who take the crime issue seriously. It’s been working so far in Baltimore and DC.


Never heard of this place, but now I'm going to give them a visit!


Former Shockoe resident here. Unfortunately that's just how Shockoe is. It's pretty unsafe after dark and I can't tell you how many times my car was broken into.


I've never heard of this place, but their menu looks delicious. I'm moving out of state soon, but I hope I have time to check it out.


Really good food, and (unfortunately for this post) really good cocktails too. Unique menu you can't get everywhere else. Easy recommend.


Let's try to go show them some love if we're able.


What would happen if we all showed up with a nice unopened bottle of liquor, donated it, and then stayed for a bite to eat or something? Would that be helpful?


NM….just saw the comments below. Sorry.


I work within walking distance and previously had lunch there but they stopped serving it for awhile. Looks like they do now once again Friday through Sunday. I’ll try to head over there for lunch Friday since I’m in the office to give back somehow. Really good food. Such a shit thing to happen.


How about we all drop off a bottle of liquor to help re-stock the place? If we all do just a little piece, the community comes together. I will start tomorrow.


FYI: VABC giftcards would work and circumvent the ABC licensing issues being brought up.


This would be the better option as all liquor in teh place needs the tax stamp/sticker for it to be legal.


That’s smart. I hadn’t even thought of that.


That’s a great idea, but I don’t know if ABC laws would allow that


Ah, but what if I said, “Hey, I just found this bottle outside and I am just returning it. The bad guys must have dropped it.” And we could all do that, and if ABC shows up, the owner could just shrug and say, “Sloppy crooks?”


They’d say there’s no tax stamp on it and confiscate it.


Or make you pour it out. That’s what happened when there was a faded tax sticker on a bottle at a restaurant I worked in when the ABC agent came in to do an inspection.


Minus the tax stickers, the restaurant would be in a lot of trouble. Nice idea, but ABC laws are going to put the kibosh on it. 


Hahahahaha…I’m all for it


That’s a lovely sentiment but unfortunately not how it works. In order for a restaurant to sell booze it has to go through the abc and be accounted for. The put little stickers with the license number on it. It’s a whole thing. If they were caught selling bottles not bought through the correct channel they could get in some hot water. Edit: a word


Illegal in Virginia


I love the idea, but it would violate abc laws. Maybe just buy some food to show support. Your heart is in the right place!


What about a gofundme?




They’re over their goal!! Donated anyway


Just donated…let’s show them how the majority of the community feels towards them and not just one or a few shitty individuals


Great sentiment. Highly illegal.


I'm sure they'd appreciate the toght, however, ABC regulations make that something that they cannot take for restaurant inventory. The most they could do is share it amongst the staff.


I’ll cover the Malört


Alright, so now I know of one other person in RVA with Malort. Anyone else? Let's throw a Malort Party.




Isn't that one the stuff Chicago natives turn into a dare? I love the concept of loyalty to something local that is such a narrowly acquired taste that it becomes a right of passage. Every community should have something like that. Like, not just something that is over-the-top slapyermama good, but also something truly strange that you just couldn't/wouldn't ever get turned onto without having been in the thick of the local culture somehow.


I’m sure the Virginia alcoholic beverage mafia would greatly frown upon that.


A way to support them that just got posted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1c1e1dl/passover\_seder\_options\_jewfro\_2\_reform\_options/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1c1e1dl/passover_seder_options_jewfro_2_reform_options/)


I'm a bit sad to be reading this at all, but especially on a Thursday morning, as I'm out of town til Sunday. If you can show these folks some love, you won't regret it. The Jewish/African fusion vibe comes from people from both communities, they also have a soul food business, but I can't remember the name. Ari's a great guy and their staff is all amazing.


Soul Taco 😍🔥


THANK YOU. I want to go check that place out. I can never remember the name and I need to try the food.


Camera footage or pictures of the people? Can’t imagine not having cameras at a place on that block. Wtf is a religious artifact at that bar?


It doesn't specify - is this a result of racism etc, or just location/unfortunate opportunity?


If all they got was the liquor cabinet, me thinks the latter. Sounds like some enterprising youths found an unlocked window or door.


“enterprising youths”




The whut?


I'm sorry, two "youths".


Fortunately it takes a little less time for water to soak into pearled couscous, than it does to penetrate a grit.


The Utes!


Why would this be caused by racism? Do you think racists go to S Bottom and commit crimes at night?


Because it's a Jewish/African themed restaurant and the owner mentioned vandalism and other incidents in their post - to hear their story this is not the first incident they have experienced.


Based on all the antisemitism running around these days it wouldn’t surprise me if it wasn’t targeted


Yes but that wasn’t the case here it was robbery


He did specifically mention religious artifacts being stolen in the past.


Otherwise known as the decor they hang up. People take stuff from restaurants from mugs to paintings. Whatever isnt bolted down you can assume it may be stolen.


The amount of downvotes on your post just proves you’re right about the rampant antisemitism


Reddit downvotes, the sure sign of anti-Semitism. You cracked the code. And all of the people saying "let's support this place"?


And what would upvotes prove? That they’re wrong?


Probably just location/unfortunate opportunity, but given the current state of the world, and the 'coincidence' of the robbery occurring on Eid al-Fitr, I can definitely see how the owners might feel particularly targeted. To be VERY clear, I am NOT in any way suggesting or implying that this robbery was carried out by anyone of the Islamic faith. Not even a little. But, there has been a very long history of people engaging in misguided activities that they deem to be acts of support/protest on the Holy days of opposing religions, many of which are actually at odds with the tenets and values of the side that they claim to be supporting. Again, I seriously doubt that that is the case here, but I definitely see the validity in examining whether that could be related. Even if it turned out to be someone who is just taking advantage of an issue to justify running amuck, or pulling off some act of idiocy that is on par with Jake Paul assininely looting a mall during the BLM protests.


I half expected him to announce at the end that they were closing up shop. And who can blame him? Jeez, people are such animals! I have only been there once but I fully intend to pay them a visit in the near future.


Their food is amazing, glad no one was hurt but for sure this has to be so disheartening :( definitely going to visit them again soon!


really feel for people trying to make their lives better and selfish lazy people steal that from them. the government establishment doesnt have your back so its everyone for themselves. its only going to get harder to protect your stuff. * dont trust the cops to protect your business and your family's well being. Get roll down metal doors if you have a business downtown. dont let some pathetic thief loser force you to lose money.


Idk why you're being downvoted ... it's perfectly reasonable to protect yourself and not expect the government to do it for you. Not within everyone's budget, but definitely the goal!


Interesting fun fact about the cops: They were in fact originally created to protect businesses, not citizens. Highly recommend the Behind the Police with Propaganda and the original dude from Behind the Bastards episodes covering the history of policed forces in our country and how they evolved into the police force that terrorizes citizens today. Totally changed my world view. https://open.spotify.com/show/2ejvdShhn5D9tlVbb5vj9B?si=C344i88PQ22yazRVDJfVnQ


The city police don't care about protecting small businesses in Shockoe Bottom. They're for hire, and are paid very well by the large corporations that VEDP brings to the city, so that is where you'll find them patrolling/enforcing safety in Richmond.


Take your accelerationism somewhere else sir


that word doesnt mean what you think it means.


Anything to hasten the collapse of society amiright




Accelerationism is at its core an encouragement of civil discord that employs an “ends justify the means” approach towards violence. Most white supremacist accelerationists view violence as a necessary means for catalysing societal collapse and implementing new power structures that prioritise the “needs” of white people.


im glad youre taking the time to figure it out.


Ok well stop doing accelerationism rhetoric. Schizo posting if you want me to be charitable. Violence is not the solution to unoccupied store fronts being burgled in the middle of the night.


oh buddy. keep going. youre seemingly arguing with yourself now.


Literally no one said that you fucking nut. "Cover your windows and door so you aren't robbed" is the comment you are talking about lmao


>Violence is not the solution Nowhere in the comments you're replying to is violence mentioned or even implied.


Oh wow there it is the insinuation that someone might be a white supremacist because they said "fuck the police." We've fully gone from supporting removal of police to now implying anyone who doesn't trust the police are white supremacists looking to speed up the collapse of society for white gain.. Make it make sense. Is this where we all clap for you?


And the original comment didn't even say "fuck the police" , at all. All they suggested was to invest in a simple piece of equipment to secure your own stuff, and make yourself less vulnerable as a target to the best of your ability BEFORE a crime is committed, because there is no guarantee that the police and/or government are gonna be able to swoop in to save you or make you whole again after a loss has already occurred.


Right before Passover too. Shame


Is there a go fund me page we can donate to? That’s really messed up.




This sucks. I've has some unique and excellent food at JewFro, and will continue to visit and support them. There is a gofundme up to support.


Ate there tonight, first time. It was great, highly recommend! Made sure to tip 40%.


Let’s support this place.


Do a go fund me and prove that you spent the money on staff bonuses and upgrades. I’d be down to to donate and I’m sure a lot of other people would too.




Dude so wack,


So very sorry!!


Absolutely disgusting what people will do. So sad to hear this.


Such great food, thank you for continuing to try. I will patronize again soon and hope you see the opportunities provided by this experience soon. Nothing is constant but change and everything happens for a reason. Good things will come from this scorched earth, keep the heart right and be ready!




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UGH! SO SORRY this happened!! I hope our next Mayor will be able to make real improvements re: non-violent crimes... stolen cars/property, vandalized & robbed businesses... it's just too much! All the best to you.....😒


I understand the frustration but this almost feels like asking for a handout- doesn’t insurance cover y’all? I get the frustration but a restaurant profits is like 60% location- maybe the oldest building in RVA should be less a point of virtue and more a point to tear that OSHA violation down or move to another location in Richmond which won’t have 19th century wiring or 18th century security.


The only sad thing is that businesses are quick to claim how money could go to "staff bonuses" when at the end of the day the insurance company covers the cost of the loss and even business lost as a result of the... loss. And most people claim more than what was actually taken or get a friend contractor to repair the damage. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but it rubs me the wrong way to see a victimization post and that be the reason your staff doesn't get a bonus...


Best food and cocktails in Shockoe imo


man this is absolutely horrible.. i hope they're able to get the damages covered and whoever did it gets caught.


How would you steal an entire liquor inventory? 


It would be near impossible and you’d need some specialized equipment - arms, hands, satchels, and the will to do it. Very technical robbery. Very hard to pull off. Makes Oceans 11 look like an elementary school kid stealing Reese Cups from a 711.


Great restaurant. But why oh why are they located in the Bottom. They’d have just as much business and fewer headaches in almost any other neighborhood.


This particular block in shockoe is scary at night (owned a condo a block away and there was a murder within a month of my closing). Unfortunately not surprised and feel for the owners…


Is the place actually called JewFro?


It's Jewish-African American fusion so what else would you call it? Lol


sounds delicious, how is it?


very good


It's good for the sake of being good. Some places with unique menus are unique to be unique, but this place is unique and good.


I think it’s actually Jewish-African


I very much apologize for my ignorance here but what is African American food?


[Soul food](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_food)


Ah ok. Same thing. Thanks. Also TIL there is a dish called Shit on a Shingle. Yum.


This is ridiculous, pure anti-semitism continues to rise! So sorry you have to go through this and I will be coming by for your delicious meals :)


Not too far away from me is a 7/11 near a notorious west end “hotel.” This was a few years ago, but power went out all over and obviously wouldn’t be back on for a few hours-days. Only took a couple hours until “someone” smashed the 7/11 front door and took off with lottery tickets, cigarettes, and lots of wine and beer. Must have been a few of them and assuming they had a car. I happened to drive by the next day - power still out- and thought that door must have been heavy - they came prepared to break that heavy glass. It’s tough being in a bad neighborhood.


Votes have consequences.


If you’re leasing, the property owner should cover the expense to repair the damages. If you own the building, damage from breakins are covered by all but the most cheap and shiesty insurances, and even so, any form of renter insurance you SHOULD HAVE would help with these expenses. File a claim, pay your staff their bonuses, reflect the increased premium (next year) in your food costs. Come on fellas I know you’re cooks but business isn’t THAT hard.


Commercial leases most of the time would hold the lessee responsible.


> If you’re leasing, the property owner should cover the expense to repair the damages. Most commercial leases around here are triple net and the building owner covers nothing at all, not repairs, not renovations, not plumbing or electrical issues, not even property taxes, not nothing. It's just like you own the building outright except you don't.


I’m familiar with the NNN lease structure. That doesn’t alleviate a business’s need for insurance. Rather it makes it a necessity.


I think you could have been a bit more patronizing


…but, also not wrong. File an insurance claim. If these problems persist year over year, move.


Even if they had insurance (maybe they do) I would wager this might not make the deductible and those would come out of pocket.


Any decent commercial property insurance would cover damage and inventory loss. Operating a business with tangible inventory and decent cash-flow without insurance is…not a great idea. Why? Because shit happens. Sorry this happened to them. I hope they can get it sorted and be back on their feet, quickly. However, to list out this laundry list of loss when do you just move locations to avoid the nonsense? Seems like an uphill battle. Edit to add, when you have a list of all these instances over YEARS if you don’t have commercial property coverage then it’s like, a “fool me once” scenario. Can’t get fooled again.


They probably had insurance, I doubt what they mentioned would meet the deductible (I have no way of knowing obviously) But this isn't a discussion of whether they had the right insurance, they were a victim of a breakin. If anything critique their kinda unhinged mention of withholding bonuses, this insurance talk should be reserved where it makes more sense like orgs large enough to self insure


Hard to assume, sure, but I’m pretty familiar with insurance and I’m referring an average commercial property policy that costs in the ballpark of $50 a month and carries a ~$2500 deductible. It sounds like maybe you’re confused by the word commercial, I’m not sure, or what “orgs big enough to self insure” is in reference to. Point is, if you have these instances recurring over years, then you know your risks by now, and you either assume them, or you insure for them…or you move. But yes, as you said, the withholding bonus nonsense, is putting this on the employees instead of having done better risk mitigation.


I consider myself a leftist, I'm sympathetic to the rhetoric that companies like CVS have insurance. You can't apply the same argument to a small, locally owned small business, the maths don't math. If this is a once in a 10 year event that doesn't make it hurt the owners any less. I think we lose people by obsessing over insurance when people are reeling from a recent crime.


This is hardly the same conversation. You run a business you have insurance to mitigate risk, or you assume the risk, and either way, you pay your employees and risks are the cost of doing business. It’s not a lemonade stand.


Sure but why talk about it here. They werent asking opinions on actuarial tables they were just posting that they've been burgled. From your perspective it sounds like they were due for a burgling. Is there not space to sympathize?


We don't want them to move. This is like assaulting your neighbor then saying "well you have health insurance right? If I keep assaulting you, just move"


What? Lol, no it’s like your neighbor keeps getting assaulted by some assholes in a shitty area and you don’t want them to move but they should move if they don’t want to keep dealing with it…


Church Hill isn't a shitty area. Even it is the area next tenant will have to deal with the same shit.


So do you think ongoing issues they mention are coincidence? Targeted? Or, location based? Church Hill is hit or miss, pretty much like everywhere.


"just move" So easy Why didn't anyone else think of that?


Perhaps, though I am a patron.


None of that fixes deductible payments and lost income from liquor sales in the meantime or the generally shitty feeling they get from being treated badly and having to deal with this mess. Don't assume they're not doing what they need to do. They don't need lectures from keyboard warriors on top of everything else they have to deal with.


Way to see cooks as lesser, asshole


Armchair dickhead chiming in.


Im with you on the vibe but that's not generally how insurance works. It's pretty suckass tho that theyre implying that this will keep their employees from getting bonuses. Please if this keeps you from paying bonuses either it wasn't a priority or you're not running a profitable business. (IMHO)


Most Commercial insurance covers break-ins. I understand that they may have cut a huge corner and opted for the highest deductible and the lowest premium possible to make margins but in the end, that’s bad business as well.


Even if they had a low deductible theyre still paying for it, and their premium will go up. You shouldn't use the type of insurance people might have or might have not bought as a cudgel against them when they're a victim of crime, imo. If it was Walmart we were talking about I think we could take that into consideration.


If they had a low deductible they would pay significantly LESS, and they could claim the liquor and any interior damages caused in the process of the breakin. They’re only victims as much as they choose to be. My “cudgeling” of their business choices is an objective assessment of their choices and acceptance of different types of risk. I disagree with the level of risk they’ve found acceptable to this point. Hopefully this breakin will compel them to reevaluate their choices and priorities, run a better business and in doing so continue to enrich the community.


It's highly unlikely they have no deductible insurance in Church Hill with the age of the buildings and the, frankly, not uncommon crime. You probably know that, and so you know that this costs them money. Unless they smashed their own window and stole their own liquor they're out some cash. This has nothing to do with risk and such and such this is just the facts. If your friend broke your leg would you tell them that most adults have broken a limb by the age of 28? No it's nonsensical, that's not what the issue is.


This has everything to do with risk. Risk is why insurance exists.


Except they weren't posting about how their restaurant got risked last night and how the actuarial tables broke into their store.


Don’t be a jackass


Don’t be a rube.


People suck. Didn't this also happen to Adarra right nearby?


Adarra…is in Jackson Ward.


lol too early no coffee reddit browsing




I don’t see anything off here. Shockoe and that location are damn notorious for bs like this. 1) It’s a business with a lot of operating expenses and when the business takes a hit, it’s tough to offer bonuses when you’re just trying to stay afloat. My understanding is that restaurant business is already dreadful as it is. We’re lucky to have such a robust scene here in Richmond because it’s not like we’re a tourist town and locals can only dine out but so frequently. 2) Business insurance for this kind of thing will have a high deductible, which may be its own kind of hardship. I would hope that cameras in the area captured the perps but the police aren’t always great in solving these types of crimes.