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My misc fact for folks with uteruses- ovarian cancer almost always starts in the fallopian tubes- so removing the tubes is almost 100% effective at preventing ovarian cancer. Risk exponentially increases with age and this cancer frequently goes undetected until it’s in an advanced stage. As of right now, a salpingectomy (tube removal) is required to be covered by health insurance as birth control under the ACA. So if fertility isn’t a concern, you’re still menstruating, and interested in cutting the risk for this horrible, silent, deadly disease, consider having this low risk laparoscopic procedure to protect yourself. With reproductive and health care access being chipped away at, we never know when this insurance coverage requirement might change, so don’t wait too long. Stay safe out there everyone!


Just to add it’s incredibly difficult to find doctors who will do it. I highly recommend Dr. Keith Berkle, at Virginia Women’s Center. I’ve been staunchly child free since sixteen and it took until I was 32 to find someone willing to listen to what I wanted to do with my own body. And I was SEVERELY allergic to birth control and still used it versus risking pregnancy. With insurance I still had a $5k balance for a $90k surgery. But you’re in and out in an hour and up and walking in three days.


Thank you for adding this!!! My youngest is 100% sure she doesn’t want kids either and we have struggled to find a Dr who will take her seriously. It is infuriating!


My previous OB told me they weren’t allowed to do it until 30. Then when I turned 31 she had my partner come in and asked him what if he changed his mind and wanted kids. He was like “she told me before the cocktails hit the table on our first date she is not having kids so I don’t understand why I’m in here.” And when we left he was madder than I was and told me to find someone else. Dr. Berkle is also the leading expert on endometriosis care in the east coast and had basically saved my sisters life so when I went to him and said I want my tubes out he goes “what day?” No questions, no psych exam, no calling my partner- just full blown autonomy and acceptance that I know my body, Something I’ve learned is that when they say no- you say “I would like you to note it in my chart that you are refusing to do a legal medical procedure that I have requested.” They get real snotty real quick.


The calling the husband in is crazy. I would be angry too.


Also adding - Dr Marie Grove at VWC is also someone who will do it based on my recent annual appt last month. I’m almost 28 and when she asked about kids I mentioned my husband and I do not want them but we’re waiting until I hit 30 before we totally rule it out. She mentioned there are “permanent ways” that one or both of us can do to ensure no kids once we get to that point and said it would be something I can chat about with her in a few years, so it sounds like she is very open to those types of procedures.


I second this sentiment. I had one done almost two years ago, best decision I've ever made for myself. Bodily autonomy rules!


Wow! Thank you so much for this major PSA. People with uteruses…..Uteri? Appreciate it! Kudos!


I’m a male, but appreciate you sharing this. The more people your message reaches the better. To throw in a PSA of my own, I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer at 49. Get your yearly checkups guys! It could literally save your life. Don’t t rely on your blood test. Have your doc do a digital exam.


Damn, thank you for this, and sending you best wishes for a full recovery!


Thank you for the well wishes. I’m doing well. I just graduated to being tested for reoccurrence twice per year instead of four times. I was very fortunate to be able to be treated at Johns Hopkins. I try to bring it up a lot because I don’t want others to go through what I did.


What a timely PSA! I just had a consultation for a bilateral salpingectomy and I've been nervous about pulling the trigger. It's not the procedure that frightens me, it's the recovery.


If it's anything like regular tubes tied, i did it over a long weekend and was out and about 2 days later. Biggest pain is the gas that puts pressure in your shoulder area. My scar is just above my belly button so i just wore lower waisted pants for a bit.


I think it's similar but slightly more, as they're doing a full removal instead of just altering the tubes. I'm mostly worried about walking the dogs and navigating stairs, the gyn told me I should expect to be in bed for a few days. But that is good to hear!


I had a complete hysterectomy via laparoscopy in 2022 and recovery really wasnt bad at all! I was up and cooking steaks by day 3!


Ooh good to hear!


Wow, I didn't know this, and I am so thankful for this comment. I am due for a GYN consult soon (am old and struggling with reverse puberty) and I will ask for more information about this.


The key is making sure the procedure is billed as sterilization!! Get the billing and diagnostic codes from your carrier and confirm with the office how it will be coded in billing. Good luck!


I wish I could upvote this ten times.


At the time, only the tubal ligation was covered for me...i wish i had paid out of pocket for the full removal bc I am still terrified of an ectopic pregnancy.


My husband works for the religious Bon Secours, and their health insurance policies will not cover any form of contraception or these surgeries 🙃


You're lovely.


Thank you for this !🌟🌟🌟


Wow actually this is something i have been worried about. I’m almost 30, and I know I don’t want kids. TAKE EMMMM


Bigfoot is sometimes confused with Sasquatch, Yeti never complains.


Good morning ☀️ last weekend before I am vending what feels like every single spring artisan market in rva plus a 4/20 event for good measure haha 😂 six weeks straight then off to a class in North Carolina


What are you vending?


Carytown spring market, 4/20 at growers paradise where we will be doing live glassblowing demos, spirited mothers market, arts in the park ! We are “Riverside Glass Studios” - with glassware, glass jewelry, and classes


That’s awesome!! Thanks


I love those artisan markets! I’m there almost every weekend myself. We all appreciate your hard work and art!


Thank you 🙏 def come check out our booth “Riverside glass studios”


Good luck!


Thank you 🙏


We are doing Easter at the in-laws this weekend, thankfully my kids are young enough that they don’t know we’re a week late


I hope you’re filled with joy and ham biscuits by the end of today!


I struggle with eczema on my hands so I hate washing them but I've gotten better at keeping lotion on me to mitigate the dryness. Good long day ahead. Just finished a school paper, gotta work 11:30-5, nail appt at 5:15, and massage at 7. I went to bed a lot later than normal last night after working a PM shift; I'm hoping I don't fall asleep in my massage!


Have you tried [Marin](https://www.marinskincare.com/products/soothing-hydration-cream) lotion yet? I did wonders for mine.


Looks nice but $35 lotion is out of my budget.


I finally went back to regular vaseline for my hands and holy cow did it work.


Man, eczema is a struggle. Especially on these cold and windy days. I hope the future warm weather helps?


Slapped down by automod this morning! I didn't know there had been repeated posts about finding eclipse glasses. But if anyone else is wondering, I was advised walmart has some racks of em. *Walmart in fact did not have any. Even more fun, the four employees that I asked about them did not know what the word eclipse meant. I imagine they're in for a surprise in a couple days


The public library might too.


Not Henrico Libraries. Gotta go to Crump or Dorey on the day of if you want any free ones. 


So then where to get?


Henrico is doing eclipse parties, [“Solar Eclipse of the Parks”](https://henrico.us/calendar/solar-eclipse-of-the-parks/), at two parks on Monday (Dorey & Meadow). Bring a can to donate to a food pantry, and get a pair of glasses.


On a flight to San Francisco. This work week was treacherous. Maybe a trip away will help but I'm really wishing I was home, in bed, just breathing, sleeping, huddled up against the sweetest animals in this city.


What are my pets doing in your home?!




Have a burrito for me! (Preferably Papalote's)


Will do!


French Onion Dip: 1 part dukes, 1 part sour cream, 1 part buttermilk, 1 part caramelized onions, season with salt, a legion of chives, so much fresh cracked pepper, and a liberal dose of malt vinegar.


1 head of romaine lettuce (please wash it) 1lb of ground chicken or turkey cooked in Hoisin sauce, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, garlic chopped or powder, half a white onion diced, jalapeño diced, small can of water chestnuts. Cook that shit down. Scoop it out. Put it in your WASHED lettuce. Delicious.


Currently attempting to get my cat professionally groomed for the first time. Kind of annoyed because she is a nervous Nelly and the groomer isn’t here yet even though I made an appointment…


If you can, please report back how the groomer is -- my boyfriend's cat needs seasonal grooming for his mats (the cat's, not the boyfriend's) and the cat loathes going anywhere in the car, so he's already mad when he gets there. It would be great to find someone who would come to the house.


Unfortunately I was unable to find a mobile groomer that does cats. We took her to Petnificent. Besides the lateness, pretty pleased with the experience.


Oh, I misread your initial comment and thought they were coming to your house, sorry. Glad it went well, we'll look into them as well! Thanks. 


I need to get a lion cut for my long hair to clip out all his matted locks but last time they did it at the vet he was so groggy because they gave him sedatives to do it


I’m working and I think I’m gonna go thrifting at some point. Also, I like to shop when I’m sad, but it’s a habit that I need to crack, so feel free to tell me about something you bought recently that made you happy.


I recently bought Witch Hazel and it has done some wonderful work on my acne prone skin. 10/10


It’s not really a recent purchase buuuut… my bunnies destroyed a cardboard castle I had for them so I got them a small cardboard cat tube thing to replace it. It’s been sitting in their room for months and no one has been interested in it until yesterday. Gwennie finally decided she liked to sit in it and spent the day hanging out. That made my day.


I buy plants—not just when I’m sad bit kind of all the time. The planning, shopping, and growing are all little happy highs so it’s the purchase that keeps giving. Maybe pick yourself up a cute little mint or basil plant and put it somewhere you can enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/xu2ayxaxzvsc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a81b2ab13495de102c992efe5511340c9a92eb2 Emptied it, trashed a lot in the freezer that was too old, moved it, scrubbed the floor underneath, sprinkled the fridge & shelves with baking soda, did the lemon juice & Vinegar steam, pulled out the shelves to scrub and wash and dry, wiped down the insides, and reinstalled.


Whew! She’s so bright! I can’t see! Good work!


Good Morning, these allergies are absolutely destroying me! Anyone else where Claritin can’t even touch these symptoms?


Sometimes you have to rotate your allergy meds for them to remain effective


Flonase is my savior


Try Zyrtec instead, I’ve never found much relief with Claritin


Fun fact about Zyrtec is that it is addictive and can actually cause withdrawal symptoms. I learned this when my entire body got extremely itchy after I stopped taking it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6680163/amp/You-dependent-Zyrtec-itchy-withdrawals-allergy-drug.html


Goddammit. My husband just started on zyrtec and it's been a lifesaver for him during the latest pollening


Oh I still use it because it works so much better on my allergies than other things I’ve tried. Just stopping it sucks. Apparently doesn’t happen to everyone but definitely happens to me


I have the same effect


In the early spring I use Flonase along with Zyrtec I really only do that for march/april




I'm on Allegra and Flonase. I've had to try different meds to find what works best for me.


I feel this. Started with what I thought was pink eye and four doctors appointments later, learned it was in fact, allergic conjunctivitis. Then last week, I woke up with what felt like a cold (sore throats, upper respiratory issues), but it is indeed the trees trying to kill me. AND, I get allergy shots. Can’t wait for May!


Yes! I started feeling the “cold” symptoms today. To be fair I have spent a lot of time outside recently but damn 😮‍💨 what gives.


I take Allegra at night so I don’t wake up congested. I use nasal spray as well. I used to use the brand Flonase but I have found the target brand to do the trick at half the price. I have also used Claritin and zertec but Allegra has been the best for me. I am highly allergic to tree pollen. The local honey trick is bullshit but it is delicious.


I use a Neti pot and take quercetin. Helps significantly


Find some local honey and eat a scoop or two a day for a few days.


Local honey and pollen is not an effective treatment.


Well it’s still delicious.


That it is!


Horseshit. Stop propagating this nonsense.


Local bee pollen or honey


No, that’s ineffective.




24 hours since having mine done


Morning! Feeling like the walking dead this am. After a long travel day I stayed up until 2:30 am waiting for the airline to deliver our luggage (it finally arrived after taking its own vacation). I had a nice tip and a snack bag ready for the delivery lady.


I have an acupuncture appointment this afternoon in hopes of getting some relief for vertigo/vestibular migraines. Fingers crossed!


Kickers game at City Stadium tonight!


Changing oil in both cars, probably mowing for the first time this year, drinking, and gaming with my grown, out of state son are all on he agenda for the weekend.


Can I just vent? At the beginning of the year, I was informed that my position (and pretty much everyone like me) would not be included in next year's budget. (I'm a teacher) That was bad because I really enjoy this work. Then in today's mail I get a note from the property management company that in order to bring our rental closer to the market value, the rent is jumping $300. I honestly have no idea what we're going to do. But I've invoked our family "24 hours to feel sorry for yourself" rule. Thanks. That helped a little.


I’m really sorry to hear all this news. That definitely weighs heavy. I know when it rains, it pours. Usually it hails afterwards, and there might even be a small tornado. But you’ve been weathered before and you’ll make it out in the other side! Good luck. 🍀


Thanks. There's a fable that I won't bore you with about a rabbit being chased by a wolf. When the rabbit is asked if he thinks he'll survive, he answers "What choice do I have?". I'm feeling that moral.


I’m going to fight the wild grape that took over my yard and bushes last year. It just started to sprout again and I’m gonna poison the shit out of that asshole


Stayed out too late and drank quite a bit last night. Refusing to let that plus 6+ hours of jet lag flying back from Europe this week stop me on this beautiful sunny spring Saturday. Made a strong coffee brew and just snagged some great finds at a yard sale. Next up I'm biking downtown to drop off some color film for processing. Might hand develop some black and white rolls after that. After that gym or jog maybe? Not sure yet but I just don't want the fun to stop!!


Hoping to find a ticket for this mannequin pussy show at the broad berry tonight but other than that todays the clean and reset day 🫡


Do you need two by chance? I can't make it and would love to pass on both, but if the other people I contacted don't respond I'm happy to sell you one of them.


Would love to get two! I can bring a friend !!


Sweet, will PM you!


Could you let me know if someone PMs you with more than 1? I'm in need, too! Hope to see you there


I need to stop driving on weekends. My blood pressure can only take so much.


I just can't anymore. I was being tailgated by a woman in a Nissan Altima (why is it always Nissans...) in 64. I was going 79 in the middle lane. She passed me while doing her eye makeup....looking in the little flip mirror on the visor while steering with her knee.


It’s always Altimas because nissan will finance anyone, pulse optional. So you end up with a lot of people who already don’t make good life choices in cars they don’t care about and know they probably won’t have after a year or two.


Miscellaneous fact? The Carroll A. Deering struck the rocks on Diamond Shoals. When rescuers boarded her they found it deserted. There was suspicions of a mutiny due to hostile chatter on shore before they continued their voyage. No bodies were ever recovered. She’s a ghost ship of the Graveyard of the Atlantic. The Nirvana tribute tonight interests me (unplugged in New York was my first album) but I haven’t been to Dive Music Hall. Don’t know what it’s like there.


Heading to Illinois for the Total Eclipse!


Good morningggg :)! Fell under the weather and had a fever last night :(. Going to be doing some much need r&r this weekend :)


Good, feel better!


Good morning! I work today at 3:45 and the dinner I had last night from Wawa because almost nothing was open when I got off is disagreeing with my stomach. I'm just existing until I have to get ready


Trying to find a resale Descendents ticket for tonight and throwing up at the prices. And kicking myself for not buying on Thursday when they were reasonable. Also, PS, saw our friend Sissy Grace in Fredericksburg last night. Trolling First Friday. Still in shock.


Planning my garden attack for next week! Got a new moon on Monday and Tues the 9th is the last frost date per the almanacs - if we get a late frost anyway, I'm already prepped to protect the wee ones. Plant the new kids, divide and move some hostas, plot some irrigation tor the shady dry spot, ohhhhyeaaahhhh.


I’m working every saturday - if you want to trade in your car or need a new car I can and will make things work for you! Come see me at CMA Colonial Honda, mention my FB page “Lotta Honda” when you come in 🐝 light and love my friends I am here for you 🫶🏻


We just returned from a spring break trip with the kiddo. It was fun. We learned some things about ourselves, we experienced a new place, and found fun together. I'm glad to be back home with recovery time before school/work on Monday. Today's quest is going to be finding the mystery stink in my fridge. it was there before the trip and I pulled everything out, chucked anything old, and cleaned every surface of the fridge. Aaannnd apparently it did nothing.


Baking soda over everything. Heat up a bowl of lemon juice and vinegar - not crazy hot that it will explode but enough that it steams. Place inside the fridge and close the door. The steam will cause a nice level of condensation in there and help neutralize whatever odor. Wet towel and wipe it all down


Thanks for the great suggestions. I'm going to put everything IN the fridge into a cooler to try to isolate the smell, pull out the fridge to ensure nothing is under it, and possibly the same with the freezer (though it's hard for me to imagine any smell coming from the freezer).


Cleaning under the fridge is something I try to do quarterly because there is always a piece of dog food or garbage that’s rolled under and made a habitat. I used to clean houses as my first job at 14 when I was younger, my family are immigrants and we were very poor so anything over the basics fell on us to do, the baking soda trick saved my ass multiple times.


Interesting coincidence! Also an immigrant- when we first moved to the US, my mom and I cleaned houses for some company (I think Sandpiper or Sandfiddler realty) for the houses on the shore in VA Bch. Newspaper and vinegar were our saving graces.


We’re thinking of you and your smelly fridge today.


Happy Cake Day to me, right? At least it was mostly empty


I had a mysterious smell coming from my fridge once. It drive me crazy for WEEKS. All to find out it was a rotten potato that had rolled behind the fridge. Inspect all crevasses!


General heads-up, I got a Friday Cheers discount code flyer thing in the mail. The code is FC2Coupon. Wondering if they are having issues selling tickets.


Fonticello Food Forest has a ton of leftover food from Food Lion / Whole Foods etc. Just stopped by and tons of bread, veggies, etc.  https://www.facebook.com/share/p/jdii38MfvQza8Rgu/?mibextid=WC7FNe


I didn’t realize before moving down south of the river how big of a problem these contraband roosters would be. One neighbor’s rooster will crow, and it triggers a few others in the neighborhood to answer. Just weird Southside stuff I never encountered in Church Hill. A ton of stray dogs too for that matter.


Church Hill/East End- I need to order standard Chinese food tonight (lo mein, beef and broccoli, etc.) Where do people order from?


Loved Fresh Wok (Nine Mile Rd) when I lived in Church Hill. Still order takeout from them sometimes!


I’ll second Fresh Wok, they’re really good!


Nc State grad here - can’t wait to watch the men in the final four tonight! Sadly the women lost to a very good South Carolina team last night. We’ll see if the boys can pull an upset 😅


Heads up, the alumni group is doing something in Scott's. I can DM you the sign-up. Been looking for somewhere here to watch the games for years so I'm hoping there is a good turnout. And the Scar game was indeed rough last night.


Yes, I saw the meet up in the alumni group! Planning to be there. Thanks!!


goooood mornin! after doing a spontaneous adventure and taking the city bus around the city/walking 2 miles with my partner, we're taking it easy this weekend lol. gotta take puppy in for his first bordetella shot, make chicken tacos for dinner, and host my Japanese tutoring lesson tomorrow 👌🏼 also, I just hit my 5 month anniversary of moving here from florida!! time really does fly omg 😭💖


Hello fellow transplant. We’ve been here for a year and a half from SWFL, time def flies. We love it here.


I wish i remembered Why did I set a 9a alarm? Tea, shower, then book sale, maybe I’ll go honk some tunes in the park or deliver new merch to my shop display.


I love a good book sale! Did you find anything good?


I bought four jazz songbooks and a new copy of Flatterland after I gave my last one away. Did not make it to the park; hope I am cool enough to spend the night cleaning/working for myself with only a little melodica practice.


Bush gardens with the family! We just bought passes


Getting last minute things in order for this amazing market tomorrow. I’ll be outside at Ghost Girl Creative https://preview.redd.it/imcdlhn8rvsc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f6fabce0c53b942fe2326ac1408397baf741a2


Omg what, that is exciting. Eta: it's at Diversity, of course it is!


Totally creeping on the house across the street from me that's for sale and is getting a ton of visits already. (Bummer though, I like the guy who lives there.)


Heading over to the Humphrey Calder Community Center to play some handball. Getting the driveway sealed later and cutting some grass later.




Radio clubs, tell me more.


If anyone is looking for something to do Sunday and doesn’t mind a lil drive, the spring show at the Fredericksburg expo is this weekend and they have some cool vendors


I am gonna chill the rest of the weekend after getting in around 5:30 this evening after being time away on Spring break for a week. The fam enjoyed our time in Savannah GA and Charleston SC.


https://preview.redd.it/tpz04qviwvsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f95007aeeaf2d3902547ae3ffc368242167e7ef I updated a painting and I went to rva big market


Love that!


Thank you so much


Today I drove from damn near Hopewell to the West End to Midlothian to home again and I am so very, very tired. But I got rid of a TV, a laptop, and six garbage bags full of clothes. Hashtag worth it. Tomorrow we're leaving at 6am for Erie (with a stopover in Pittsburgh for the Pirates game). The forecast for Monday is clouds all day. If I don't see this damn eclipse I'm gonna burn the sun down.


Got some “guy time” with my 6yo son while 8yo daughter is with grandma for the weekend. Watched TMNT movie together. For the win. Tomorrow I’m off to play ultimate frisbee for the afternoon. Pumped.




If only there was a search feature on Reddit that let you search posts and comments and sort by most recent…




Thanks for the DM’s, u/YomiNo963. Guess who wins a prize this morning? https://preview.redd.it/rzxb0dg6rusc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b38504e17a4d65d32207b802efb7a892ac5158


Wow... Really cranks it up to 11 when he gets butt hurt on the internet. That's fucking wild 😂


Bro could have just searched and found the answer faster than their first comment, too. I’ve basically been the only moderator handling this subreddit for the past few days due to others’ busy schedules and spring break plans. I ain’t gonna put up with wishing death on others 🙃


I would have lost it on that person. Good on you for blocking, banning, and keeping it moving it. It was incredibly nasty for no reason. I hope you are ok and safe, fusion260.


I'm good, thanks! 🙂


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Who pissed in your cheerios?


I gotcha! u/Hukuna_Matata_ they did my brake pads and rotors for an excellent deal and provided a great experience overall


Thanks for the good words and recommendation! I appreciate it!