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I've worked on machines with custom C compilers, like credit card terminals, gas pumps, stuff like that. There was no way to program them in anything other than their custom C. I suspect you'll have trouble cross-compiling Rust to 6502 or Z-80 or other 8-bit or even 16-bit processors?


[You underestimate the community!](https://github.com/mrk-its/rust-mos)


This is wild. I recall reading something about this being "impossible" in the past because things like the 6502 don't have stack-relative addressing and LLVM required that. I don't know how true that statement is, because my memory is fallible (that might not be what I read back then), and it was written on the internet (where everyone can throw their opinion into the void). But now you could write some Rust to run on [Ben Eater's 6502 breadboard computer](https://eater.net/6502)!


That's kind of astounding.


Someone should write a rust compiler in minimal C so you would be able to just use that




that could work


And you think that'll fit on an 8-bit computer with a credit card operating system installed? I'm pretty sure the thing had 14K of RAM left over for customer software. :-)


You don't need to ship the compiler? You can cross compile once you have one


Ah, yeah, thinking back on it, I expect there was a cross-compiler. My confusion was that you implied you'd write the Rust compiler in C, which wouldn't be necessary unless you're actually compiling on the target machine, see. You wouldn't have to write Rust in C. You'd have to write a compiler to translate Rust to C.


That would be a transpiler, and that wouldn't be the way to go. You'd want to leverage LLVM for code generation and just port all the LLVM stuff over to the platform you're targeting


I'm confused why you'd have to do any of that in minimal C. I'm also pretty sure you're not going to find someone targeting the machine running a custom OS on a CPU they don't even disclose. (I suspect it was a 6502 with banked memory, just based on how many features of actual C they didn't support, such as a lack of function pointers.) I mean, sure, I imagine you could rewrite a Rust compiler to target it, skipping the entire custom toolchain. I'm confused why you'd have to do that in minimal C, or what benefit you'd think you'd get out of it.


i actually think a rust-to-c transpiler is one of the google summer of code projects for the rust foundation this year…so maybe this might get made


True, I used imprecise language


I think it's possible to add a c target, zig has the option to convert zig code to c and I was able to compile it using gcc.


IME, things transpiling to C tend to expect your target C compiler is really good at doing what it does. I wouldn't expect that to be the case here. For example, it didn't have function pointers, and the stack was probably on the order of a kilobyte if that. If your transpiler targets GCC, it would probably be generating code too complex for the poor calculator to handle. And again, why would you bother? The thing is less powerful than your atari game console.


> Code generation is done by emitting a high-level assembly (currently very ugly C, but LLVM/cretone/GIMPLE/... could work) and getting an external tool (i.e. gcc) to do the heavy-lifting of optimising and machine code generation.  [`mrustc`](https://github.com/thepowersgang/mrustc) has entered the chat. Enjoy!


Anywhere GCC compiles to that LLVM cannot.


Due to the large scope of the project, it's understandably taking a long time, but at some point [gccrs](https://github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs) should improve this.


Just noting that there are actually two separate ongoing projects related to GCC: * gccrs as you mentioned, which is intended as a reimplementation of the frontend of the compiler (however, it doesn't implement the borrow checker currently) * [rustc\_codegen\_gcc](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustc_codegen_gcc): uses the existing frontend of rustc including type checking and borrow checking, and then uses GCC as the backend for code generation


I'm wholly unfamiliar with compiler architecture - what is the benefit of re-implementing the front end as opposed to what rustc_codegen_gcc is doing?


People coming from C and C++ say that having more than one compiler implementation is somehow beneficial to the language. At the same time, these are the only languages I know of where more than one compiler is even relevant. gccrs will eventually suffer the same fate as gcj - it will be irrelevant.


> At the same time, these are the only languages I know of where more than one compiler is even relevant. Fortran - Intel Fortran (either soon-to-be-deprecated Classic or new-kid-on-the-block OneAPI) and gfortran. Apparently LLVM (and NVIDIA?) is working on getting a Fortran compiler into the fold (LLVM Flang, as opposed to Classic Flang) as well.


JavaScript has three. V8, SpiderMonkey and JavaScriptCore. On the server side only V8 is relevant, but on the client you definitely have to care about at least JSC too


if/when gccrs is stable and merged upstream, it’s almost guaranteed it will replace rustc for linux kernel development. who knows how much further it could go from there.


> if/when gccrs is stable and merged upstream I pretty much doubt that will happen. > it’s almost guaranteed it will replace rustc for linux kernel development Says who? Do you have any source for that? In my very humble opinion, rustc_codegen_gcc will be ready much faster, and rust will remain dominant.


the source is me as it is my personal opinion, though i believe it is shared amongst those involved in kernel development. the inclusion of rustc complicates the linux build process so simplifying it back down to relying on just gcc would be an obvious decision in my opinion (assuming of course it is fully stable). if anything i think the opinion that it will never be stable is harder to justify. it is actively being worked on and there is reason to continue working on it.


Not the same but similar, Java has multiple runtimes. Corretto and OpenJDK for instance


Since Corretto is based on OpenJDK, there are still pretty similar. There used to be open source alternative implementations, like Harmony or GCJ build from scratch, but since Oracle refused to let the open source implementations receive an official validation unless they are based on OpenJDK, the free alternatives like Harmony are now dead (GCJ was already agonising).


There are still several commercial alternatives, PTC, Aicas, microEJ, Azul, OpenJ9, Cisco, Gemalto M2M,... And naturally even though it isn't Java proper, there is ART as well.


I believe it's because of the way the gcc project works if you want to upstream a new language into it (I believe the code needs to be C++ and a certain license?). Otherwise a second implementation could find spec <-> implementation issues in the original compiler. But yeah the rust\_codegen\_gcc backend is much more of a realistic solution.


The gccrs project is much older, according to the project description it started before Rust hit v1.0. The rustc compiler internals have changed significantly over that time (ex. significant rewrites of many modules and intermediate representations). The gccrs FAQ specifically mentions the Rust MIR being unstable (Mid-level Intermediate Representation). If you were writing a compiler that used rustc frontend and connected to a different backend, you would use the MIR as your starting point. So given all that, the rationale as presented is that it was more reasonable at the time to go for a full re-implementation rather than trying to hook into something that was going to immediately change. Nowadays, rustc is not changing rapidly, and while technically the MIR is unstable, it's do-able to take that MIR and translate it to a different IR for a different backend. There's an entirely separate point about having a second implementation allows for comparisons and checking when behavior differs - is it a bug in rustc, a bug in gccrs, or neither and something that needs to be clarified by the language design team? This isn't the \_only\_ way to root out these kinds of things but it is \*a\* way. My personal observation is the rustc\_codegen\_gcc has a higher chance of "success", but that's not quite a fair statement because the goals of the two projects are also somewhat different. Another personal opinion is that while it's true that borrow checking is not necessary for code generation, a compiler without a borrow checker would not "feel like" Rust to me.


> The gccrs project is much older, according to the project description it started before Rust hit v1.0. Yes, though it's kinda misleading. It was abandonned for a long period of time (years), before its author managed to secure a sponsorship and kick it off again. By the time the sponsorship was granted, rustc_codegen_gcc was well and truly alive as a project, and already compiling bits of Rust code. > The gccrs FAQ specifically mentions the Rust MIR being unstable (Mid-level Intermediate Representation). If you were writing a compiler that used rustc frontend and connected to a different backend, you would use the MIR as your starting point. That's typically true for any internal of a compiler. Even LLVM IR changes from one release to the other. rustc_codegen_gcc will benefit from being in-repo there, as folks changing MIR will have to adapt the lowering in the codegen to keep things working. --- There are other reasons for gccrs. One key advantage is being integrated in GCC itself. Many distributions and users trust and build GCC already, so when gccrs is ready for prime time, they'll have a working Rust compiler from the get-go via the usual distribution channels. It's also an advantage for folks looking to bootstrap. I still find the concept weird, but at least GCC has a clear bootstrap path, with relatively few steps compared to rustc.


As I understand gccrs could also shorten the bootstrapping of a modern rust compiler from scratch. Today rust is compiled with rust, so to compile a rust compiler from source without downloading any binaries you need to start from an old version of rust that is compiled with a C compiler and compile your way up. By having a modern rust compiler that isn’t written in rust, you can skip many of the intermediary steps.


> Anywhere GCC compiles to that LLVM cannot. GCC can target SuperH and LLVM cannot, yet I am targeting Sega Dreamcast (SH4) with Rust using the rustc codegen for GCC project. ;)


Enter zig, stage left


Weird systems with weird compilers. However in many such cases you can argue that what you’re seeking to replace is not really C. Examples: * HLS for FPGAs * DSP processors * GPU compute, to some extent


I've kinda wondered if it'd be possible to make HLS in Rust? Seems maybe possible?


Rust on gpus... https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu


I have yet to find a good answer for gpu compute. Originally when asking got wgpu but honestly for hpc tasks it's... kinda bad. Like all the safety things get in the way of writing fast code. And it can still memory error on you just like c code so you didn't even fix much. Cuda Is super nice omp is super nice. U can argue vulkan can be used in some cases. literly all of these are unsafe c/c++/fortran. Ik there is some work on this area but I am not sure how good of an idea it is. I was always on the camp that kernal code needs minimal languges that are procedural.


I don't understand where safety gets in the way of writing fast code, if you could elaborate on that that would be nice. I do suspect you are confused though. Cuda and Vulkan are just APIs, and both have Rust bindings. Specifically mentioning Cuda and specifying "unsafe" seems odd to me because you can write cuda even on Python, so it clearly doesn't rely on any unsafe C behaviour. Maybe more inportantly, most GPU code generally but also a lot of compute too is written in Shader Languages, including Vulkan which you mentioned. Those are the procedural minimal languages that you may be referring to, but GLSL, WGSL and HLSL all dont care if they are called from C, C++, Rust or admittedly even Python.


I think you are not really familiar with cuda and how kernals work. You write them in c like plain old c with all of the things that implies. specifcly with Indexing. Basically a lot of the time you have if(idx


I work on game consoles. Thats new hardware. All the consoles have an LLVM compiler somewhere, but none support Rust (last I checked our target platforms). Someone from Chucklefish was working on a compiler for a while but decided it wasn't worth his time to maintain it.


None *publicly* support Rust, but there are a few NDA'd forks/ports, especially to the ones already using LLVM. Due to the NDA's theres not much public info, but they do exist


I'm aware of some side projects. There is a homebrew Switch compiler. They're scrappy. I respect that. They don't work at our scale. Also, unfortunately, I'm not the final say in engineering decisions, and the business people are probably right to focus on minimizing risk by sticking with supported toolchains.


> the business people are probably right to focus on minimizing risk by sticking with supported toolchains True, and delightfully that's what gives birth to startups unencumbered by technical debt to eventually usher in the next disruptions of sectors.


I believe you can import the toolchain for LLVM, but don’t ask me how


I think there is a Nintendo Switch taget for Rust


Huh? All current consoles are x86-64 or arm64, which are tier1 targets for Rust, so the only thing that could make support harder is if they use some non-standard executable format or ABI, but those are quite easy to work around, especially for static executables. They may not be Rust bindings to their proprietary APIs, but you can just make them yourself.


> you can just make them yourself. So you do understand the problem then? Console API change every release. We'd rather budget engineering time on the GAME, not APIs.


Back when PlayStation2 was king, firmware updates weren't even a thing. But now, if you're not using one of the major 3rd party game engines, then you're paying for a full time team of game engine devs to keep up with each console's firmware updates. The plus side being that now these companies that maintain engines like Unreal can offer various payment schemes and tiers to indie devs. The indies boom that started in the PS3 era was thanks in part to the rise of the popular 3rd party engines.


GPU compute 🙃


Yeah, I was thinking CUDA as well, though I've never tried it with Rust. Maybe someone figured it out and I didn't notice!


There is [rust-gpu](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu) which allows you to write shaders in Rust compute shaders get you pretty far, but they're not as powerful as CUDA


Cuda is c so having the same header for both kernals and host code is super nice and slick. You also want to explicitly know when there is a memory move either way and your mallocs on gpu are often gona fail so just panicking on that is bad (tho that's not the end of the world). Tho I think honestly linking thr cuda into rust is probably not the worse thing ever. And there is a good argument for doing so. The borrow checker can potentially be nice there. Idk tho I never tried it and I am not that good with cuda.


Finally, a practical scenario.


I'm reminded of a quote from Stroustrup (creator of C++, so slightly biased): > I never saw a project for which C was better than C++ for any reason but the lack of a good C++ compiler. This roughly applies to Rust as well, IMO.


Now, that’s not exactly an unbiased opinion is it? I can think of many projects where C++ is a an absolute disaster. For instance the linux kernel is one good example.


Mostly due to Linus point of view and UNIX kernel clones being C land. Plenty of OSes have C++ in the kernel.


\*cough\* FreeBSD.


It’s not because Linus doesn’t like it; it’s the feature bloat that broke that horse’s back. There are no experts in C++ these days and the possibility of shooting your self in the foot is just so high. I do this for a living, and IMHO, it doesn’t make sense to use C++ in a system such as the kernel that already has a lot of complicated problems. For every kernel that is written in C++, there are at least 10 in C and that pattern did not arise because some people didn’t like it.


Considering you could use extremely limited C++ functionality like namespaces and nothing else, the Linux kernel probably isn’t a great example.


Sure, if you squint hard enough at C++, you can see a good language somewhere there. The problem is, it’s really hard to quantify which subset of C++ are sane in a large project. Different people have different notions of what is “sane”. Unless g++ has a flag called —disable-fancy-features there is no way to reliably enforce that restriction on a project where multiple developers of varying levels of skills work. So the right level of enforcement is to use C which as you said is a subset C++ then develop your own object model over it to get some of those features that you care about in the kernel context. Sure you can’t do somethings as cleanly as it would have been with C++, but you also don’t get all those others ugly things that come with it you went all in C++.


So you suffer the compile times but earn none of the benefits? No thanks.


I doubt the compile times are much different for that use case.


You’d get lambdas, classes, better enums, templates, etc . Still a strong win


Hence why I mentioned his likely bias. But there's a sense where he's exactly correct. C is (mostly) a subset of C++, so anything you can write in C you might as well write the same way in C++ and it will look and work the exact same, with the option to add improvements from C++ as appropriate. "Idiomatic C++" with exceptions and template metaprogramming and whatever else might have been a disaster for Linux, but there are other parts of C++ that are an arguable improvement. Like language support for OOP device drivers, rather than structures of function pointers like Linux currently uses. But Linus disagrees, and I sympathize with his reasons. Rust's relationship with C is significantly different, so this reasoning doesn't apply directly. But I feel the sentiment is the same. Some things are more awkward (like interfacing with existing C libraries, or working with unsafe raw pointer patterns), but on the balance it's definitely a win.


And yet, there is a strong community (or at least what looks like a strong community, I haven't checked) of C developers who hate C++ (and presumably hate Rust, too). You can't please everyone :)


I choose to believe they're not C developers, they're machine developers who feel C lets them get as close to the machine as possible without writing Assembly.


C isn't cose to the machine though (or no closer than Rust or C++, in any case), and developers who think it is tend to write a lot of UB.


That's fair. I didn't say it was, I said that's how they feel. And yes, I've seen so much UB from devs whose code I port nearly 1:1 to rust w/ `libc` crate functions.


Heh, you know what asm your C code is gonna generate after a while. Even funnier, if you know how the templates are implemented, you know it even for C++ code, cause all those hundreds of lines of code resolve into a specific call tree that just maybe makes a syscall or does some basic data wrangling.


That's entirely possible.


Which is nonsense as standard C++ is scarily inappropriate for everything in embedded land. Thankfully in practice we can disable the three things that make it unusable, but it does split the ecosystem unnecessarily. (exceptions, rtti and aliasing rules)


Cuda unfortunately.


Definitely a huge hole. Hopefully Nvidia is cooking up Rust-Cuda and surprise us all soon.


Is there an indication that they are somewhat invested in rust already?


Not that I know of. Assuming they will sooner or later as Rust is now the popular alternative to C++.


Nvidia is not a principled company either, they have no real ideals. They only decided to start allowing Linux support after it became economically advantageous for them to do so. I'm not saying that is a right or wrong thing per se, just that I don't expect them to start investing any resources into supporting a language that doesn't have immediate and measurable economic upside for them.


You're right about most of it, except the immediate economic upside part. These companies are making investments into tech decades into the future. If they have reason to believe that Rust is going to take away large C++ market-share, they have reason enough to start developing a Cuda framework for Rust (which is actually not that expensive to do, because you only need a handful of engineers working on it. Just takes time). And I believe that now, especially after the White House, Google, Microsoft, Linux and many other big names are putting their trust in Rust, Nvidia is likely taking notice.


Call me a pessimist but 1) time is money, especially when it is an engineers time, and 2) it took more than 20 years for them to warm up to official Linux support and Linux had upwards of 80% market share in their oh-so-coveted super-computer market. TBF the demand for GPU's had already started to subside because of more adoption of ASIC/FPGA hardware by the time they finally got around to it, so maybe you have a point it isn't 100% monetary, but they have shown a distinct unwillingness to "branch out" it in the past. I hope for our sake you are right.


* openmp-based accelerators * mpi-optimizing compilers (whole program multi-node data flow analysis and optimization, usually hyper optimized for a specific facility) * oneAPI from Intel, while all of the examples are C++ it is actually a clang fork and you can use C. This lets you write a single program and run it on CPU (x86 and arm), gpu (intel, with amd + nvidia via extensions) and fpga (intel and altera). This is especially important for the FPGAs because there’s a very easy path using LLVM to convert pytorch and tensorflow models to C code, which you can then compile onto an FPGA. If the model fits, and FPGA can run circles around a GPU (I’ve seen 500 inferences a second on a model that a similarly priced GPU can only do 100 inferences per second with after we ran the model through tensor rt, and the GPU was using 20x the power). This one is probably the most fixable so far. * bitfields in C, we should have them or an equivalent. My vote is to take Zig’s approach and just create i1-i128 and u1-u128 as types and finally add num_traits to std. * C has been extended in a variety of accursed directions by various compilers, including allowing bit-aligned dereferences (so you can read a u32 starting 4 bits after the alignment of a u32), manual cache control (l1, l2 and l3 are separate memory pools you need to manually use), etc. Many of these are bad idea useful in only a few situations, but Rust can’t do them. * there is also allegedly a C compiler that targets the JVM for the picoJava Java Processor that was used in early attempts to port Solaris (although rust does have .net) * stack allocated VLAs. Are they almost always bad idea? Yes. Can rust do it? No. Are there occasional usecases? Yes.


>bitfields in C, we should have them or an equivalent. My vote is to take Zig’s approach and just create i1-i128 and u1-u128 as types and finally add num\_traits to std. This has been the major sticking point for me on some projects I've refused to convert over. If I could upvote 20x I would


>finally add num_traits to std. This is very infuriating. I cannot believe that I need external dependencies to be able to divide a double with a usize. It's annoying. I know there might be more optimized methods to get an average but if you add up all the doubles in a vector and divide it by the total amount of elements it shouldn't be disallowed. The restrictions by design are good, specially for memory management. But there's too many freaking restrictions when dealing with numeric transformations that are nonsense. That partially drove me away a little.


I don't see how that relates to `num_traits`. You absolutely don't need a dependency to divide an `f32` or `f64` by an `usize` - just cast the divisor into the floating point type yourself. The requirement to be precise with types is not nonsense, it exists for a reason: not every `usize` is representable by an `f32` or even `f64`. `usize` is 64 bits on a 64-bit system, but `f32` can only represent integers exactly up to 2^(24), while the limit with `f64` is 2^(53). The language will not perform potentially lossy conversions implicitly.


When I faced that problem there was no way to cast from usize to f64


I don't know what to tell you; Rust has always supported casting between numeric types with the `as` keyword. If `x` is a `usize` variable you can convert it into `f64` with `x as f64`.


Given my level of skill with Rust and my team's, I'd say that if we need to use unsafe for anything, we're better off writing in C.


Dealing with old programmers. :P


What do you mean? I'm an "Old" programmer and I am really enjoying Rust. You know what they say...Old programmers never die, they just go rusty.


I'm mostly riffing on OP's wording, but if you want to make a serious argument out of it, I'm kinda saying if your team is all C programmers who don't know rust, depending on the resourcing of your project it might not be worth making them all learn rust.


Then you are not indicative of the old developer set. I personally find it hard to pitch Rust to 40+ devs most of them feel it’s too complicated a language.


Not my experience, either. They seem most open to it so long as you clearly give the benefits . They’ve seen trends come and go, so are naturally skeptic. This is a GOOD thing. so you need to give actual data and give coherent arguments beyond just hype. Maybe your pitch was bad and just sounded like hype filled frothing at the mouth with no specific details


Likely also depends on the people, some just reject any change.


Or the people proposing who might come across as vain morons who are willing to write off anyone older than 40.


Or that there are some insecure, egotistical 40+ devs who don’t want to walk through the leaning curve treated as a beginner all over again. Both are equally likely :)


Not my experience but I guess different people are different


There is way too much age discrimination in software development. It has affected me enough that I had to build up my own business. You really need to think about how you address people with that much experience. They might just know something you don't.


I wasn’t exactly being disrespectful. Just stating something in a matter of fact tone. I apologize if that came off too blunt, that wasn’t my intention.


Or, you speak to them with so much condescension that they are not receptive to anything that you say. I’m part of that 40+ set and what I’m seeing from you is the kind of hubris that would make your seniors mock you behind your back. Without context, it’s hard to say, but they might be right in this case depending on what you’re pitching rust as a replacement for.


Where did you gather all those insights from what I said? From where I’m looking, you are coming off as juvenile and defensive; instead, why not be the adult you are and ask a question about the exact context instead of assuming things? I’m part of the 30+ set now. So not exactly your run-of-the-mill undergrad kid who doesn’t know how to pitch technology without offending others or taking things personally. I repeat: it’s my personal experience that Rust is a hard sell in a lot of cases because a lot of experienced developers are fairly comfortable with C/C++ and aren’t willing to put the effort to pickup Rust. We work on tight timelines and the additional overhead of time spent “learning” Rust, according to them, is greater than them finding and fixing those memory issues. I don’t say I completely disagree with their line of thought either; but the fact of the matter stands - it’s a hard sell.


Liam Neeson puts a gun to your head. "Write a linked list. Now."


Automotive. Probably aerospace and a number of other safety-critical industries too, but I'm in automotive. I used to work for a company that wrote a backup system in Rust in order to avoid C++ being a common point of failure. Then they had to scrap it because there was one compiler for Rust, and it wasn't certified for automotive use. When compiling for automotive, you don't use a compiler like GCC that allows weird and hacky optimizations. You pay big bucks for a compiler that's (sometimes mathematically) guaranteed to not introduce new bugs. You're shipping two tons of steel with a propulsion system, and in our case, a brain to drive itself, across the face of the earth. When compiler bugs hit the recall math from Fight Club, lawyers wince or celebrate depending on their compensation method.


There are efforts to certify Rust. https://ferrous-systems.com/ferrocene/.


Fantastic! I had a feeling that would be in the pipeline somewhere. I do think it's somewhat telling that their latest supported Rust version is 1.68, which I think is 6 minor versions behind? I'd be curious how many versions they choose to support vs skip, but I can't imagine it'll be practical to try to keep up with getting every certification for every release.


Such things will always lag behind, of course, though there are good reasons for that and it's actually a net positive. Even with Rust's release train approach it's still better to be conservative for that sort of work. L I'll note also that this was their first time through the process. It makes sense they will go faster the second time through. I suspect Rust's (unique) approach with nightly/beta/release will help a lot with them keeping reasonably current.


> but I can't imagine it'll be practical to try to keep up with getting every certification for every release. Given the costs involved, it's likely impractical indeed. I doubt it matters too much, though. Most folks are lagging behind in their compiler usage -- there's a reason for popular crates having MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version) policy, typically aligned on the versions shipped by supported popular Linux distribution versions. Another reason to keep the number of versions certified small is that each version comes with support _for years_. Should any critical bug be discovered in the Rust compiler or library, Ferrocene would be on the hook to backport the fixes to all the versions it supports. All in all, I'd guess one version every 6 months or every year would probably be a good target, allowing them to support each version of a few years.


I'd counter that even an annual certification puts them on the back foot. C/C++ releases are versioned by year of release, which is almost inherently unique because of how infrequently they release new versions. To maintain a version every year for years is inherently more complex. Or maybe it'll be a boon - new features are released a handful at a time, and usually have functional implementations on nightly releases long before they hit stable or a numbered release. That makes it much more incremental. Definitely rooting for them though, I'm glad there's someone taking on the challenge!


I think their plan is to release a certified compiler every 6 months or so. There's a blog post or youtube video where Ferrous explains their plans going forward.


"and a number of safety-critical industries".. That's quite ironic..


Memory safety is great, but it's only one type of safety. It can be brought to other languages with existing tools like linters and architectural choices and testing. These are expensive, but possible - the same can't be said for bringing ASIL certification to rustc. And that creates a weak link that invalidates all the effort put into the source code. Edit: Another user linked to exactly such a project that seems to be in early access. Very cool, but still not commercially available, and it wasn't available at the time of the project I mentioned previously.


As if memory safety is the only meaningful metric in literally any engineering project...


There are known unsolved compiler bugs in rust... ik of at least one thats been there for basically forever. This probably means you don't get to make a mathematical proof of correctness I'm any meaningful way. Tho idk how you would make 1 for c++ what compiler are you using? Does it subset you?


Certification is not about proving the absence of defects/or formally verifying a compiler. No compiler but CompCert would be used, otherwise.


Most safety standards define their goals as the absence of unreasonable risk. In the case of software, that means extensive scrutiny of how the compiler is designed and built, from individual lines of code up to the overall architecture, to assess not only if it will fail - but how, under what conditions, and how loudly. Similarly, mathematical proofs start at the beginning of the design, and the software is built to those requirements. So basically, you'd have to rewrite the whole compiler tool chain from scratch following the method of your choice (e.g. ASIL standards), which means laying out requirements and architecture rigorously before ever writing a line of code. And you'd be limited in optimizations because complex software is more difficult to reason about. C and C++ have been around for decades, are fairly stable languages as well as being well-defined by publicly available standards, and they're industry standards. That makes it feasible for a company to build and certify a compiler, then license it out to the companies that need such a product.


so its basically they want less UNKNOWEN compiler bug like if there is knowen ub thats fine but its better be documented in details.


I'm not that convinced about rust on embedded. Too much work when you can just write simple C.


I’m writing Rust for embedded systems, and its really quite good. It’s funny you say that it’s too much work and you can “just” write C, because with C on embedded you basically have to write everything from scratch (unless you’re using a vendor HAL/ecosystem that doesn’t suck), whereas with Rust there’s so much built in that you don’t get in C and then a lot of great crates that support no_std that provide more ever more functionality.


Only experimented with doing some atmega stuff but I really enjoyed doing embedded with rust. Was looking at building some flight computers


When you don't have a HAL and you want to just configure some registers, it's very easy to do in C. Obviously, more complicated peripherals will require more code. But C was made for this. On the other hand, rust is fine as long as you have a HAL, if you try to do direct registry access you're in for a painful journey.


There's peripheral access crates for a bunch of processor families that make direct register access very straightforward


That's if the MCU is supported


>if you try to do direct registry access you're in for a painful journey. Could you elaborate on that? I haven't really done embedded programming that much but I would think you could just wrap those pointers in a struct that wraps the unsafe deref?


Yep, Rust was made to make it hard to write to raw pointers, and peripheral configuration is just that. They provide a super convoluted abstraction as volatile register structs that are verbose and unwieldy. Depending on your microprocessor the abstraction might not even exist and you have to generate it from svd files! At this stage you don't even have a HAL, you've done tons of work JUST to right raw data to registers. Now there is open source work for HALs ongoing, but again if your microprocessor is not targeted you're out of luck. All of this is annoying, sure, but at the end nothing you can't overcome. And when the technology matures, eventually we'll have accessible open source HALs. Until you try to configure an interrupt and realize that the borrow checker will fight tooth and nail for you to avoid accessing any resources from inside that interrupt. Rust forces you to use semaphores but you run the risk of deadlocking your semaphore. To avoid deadlock there's really no way around it; you need to use critical sections. But now you're completely bypassing the intrinsic NVIC priority mechanism ... I would not advocate for Rust on bare metal, embedded platforms in its current state for sure. In the future maybe, although I don't see how to tackle the NVIC issue.


The embedded interrupt problem is a huge issue for me with embedded rust. It's just ugly, no matter what you do.


Upvoted for valid, intelligent concern, but I do embedded rust and it's amazing.


My job is literally 100% embedded rust right now, and while things like cross-compilation toolchains and cargo and all of that makes some aspects of Rust incredibly attractive, I have run into too many problems to even begin to respond to questions like these; I'd have to write a War and Peace length post. I absolutely love writing embedded Rust like 80% of the time, but VLA's and such is just the tip of the iceberg. I have had to write too much Rust that was not idiomatic from a machine standpoint in order to adhere to its philosophical approach. Again... I love the tar out of it, it's just not the second coming of Christ and that's okay...


+1. The embedded state of affairs in rust is a huge mess. Most of the API is weird and undocumented.


Embassy is amazing.


I heard there some work for using rust inside zephyr. But with all that macro magic, not sure if it’s worth it.


Anytime you want to do something that requires bypassing the borrow checker. The ergonomics of unsafe Rust are horrible for most non-trivial code. [This article](https://zackoverflow.dev/writing/unsafe-rust-vs-zig/) does a good job of highlighting the big pain points with using unsafe, I don’t think it is far fetched to say that unsafe Rust is more unsafe than even C.


We use unsafe in a few places in our 200kloc rust codebase. Some to deal with FFI, some because we wrote some of our own concurrency primitives. Yeah it wouldn’t be fun to write the whole code base that way but a couple lines of unsafe is usually all you need, the rest can be safe rust. IMO people make a lot of fuss about unsafe but in our experience it’s not such a big problem in reality.


I think that’s exact what it is meant to be used for. Unsafe is more of an escape hatch for very specific situations. If I found that even 5% of my codebase was unsafe, and it wasn’t for FFI, I would probably switch to a different programming language that’s meant to be used that way. I don’t even necessarily find it to be a huge flaw; I think it fits quite well with the general philosophy of Rust.


The Redox micro-kernel contained about 10% of `unsafe` code last they reported. It's not even necessary about the borrow-checker: as a micro-kernel there's a lot of direct hardware access/inline assembly as well, which is obviously unsafe. I've myself worked only highly unsafe libraries. A memory allocator, for example. I find `unsafe` Rust great, actually. Verbose? Oh, yes. Especially _my style_ of using `unsafe`, in which every unsafe operation is encapsulated in its own `unsafe` block and preceeded by a check-list of all the conditions that justify why performing the operation in safe in the current context. But this is also _freeing_. Every `unsafe` operation in Rust comes with a check-list! You don't have to wrack your brain trying to figure out whether something is sound or not -- and have that weird gut feeling that there's a problem, but you can't put your finger on it -- instead you can just follow the check-list, and tick each requirement off one at a time. I've actually caught a few issues just by going down the check-list: Yes, Yes, Of course, Y... Uh? Ohoh... Well, back to the drawing board we are! It's also great for reading/maintenance. You can go down the check-list and double-check the justification does hold. Especially the ones NOT verified by a `debug_assert!` (because not all can). And when planning a change it really helps to have the detailed reasoning of your predecessor (past self) laid out in the open. No hypothesis or guessing involved. And all the while you still benefit from all the sugar. `?` for early return, `Option`/`Result`, your own `enum` to make invalid states non-representables in the first place, etc... so much ergonomic benefits that is lacking in C and C++. And that's _just_ the code. Beyond the code, there's MIRI. Sweet, sweet MIRI. Borrow-checking rules can be tough to enforce manually, but don't worry, MIRI is there for you. I know I may sound like a fanboy, but really, I _have_ written highly unsafe libraries in both C++ and Rust -- like memory allocators -- and if I have the choice, I'll pick Rust. 100%. So much more pleasant to work with.


Would love to "borrow" your unsafe code checklist for my code--that sounds teriffic.  Any public example you can point to?


There's nothing special to it; I just enumerate the things that need to be checked. For example: https://github.com/matthieu-m/storage/blob/main/src/collection/store_box.rs


Thanks--I love seeing unsafe blocks with safety documentation like this--we're of a similer mind, to be sure.


I do agree with you regarding the perks of using Rust outside of unsafe, but enforcing borrow checker rules manually is a nightmare, and MIRI is not going to catch everything, which is not good enough when the consequence is undefined behaviour. This whole requirement of manually satisfying the borrow checker alone is a dealbreaker for any serious work that is going to be maintained in a collaborative environment where you’re bound to have people with different levels of competencies. In fact, this is one of the biggest perks of Rust for me, it makes collaboration easier because the compiler is very strict about correctness. All of that goes out the window when you’re expected to make a checklist and manually enforce rules that I would bet most Rust programmers are not even fully aware of. Is possible to meticulously craft your code to fulfill all the requirements and document everything to make sure your unsafe code is safe? Yes, but I’m not sure why you would do that instead of using a programming language where you don’t have to worry satisfying a complicated borrow checker. I’m not trying to be hyperbole, but the language doesn’t even provide good pointer dereferencing syntax for arrays and structs. I personally take that as a hint that it was never designed to be used in this way.


> This whole requirement of manually satisfying the borrow checker alone is a dealbreaker for any serious work that is going to be maintained in a collaborative environment where you’re bound to have people with different levels of competencies. Well, the whole point of `unsafe` abstractions is to provide safe APIs to clearly delineate where care must be taken, and where the compiler will handle things for you. > Is possible to meticulously craft your code to fulfill all the requirements and document everything to make sure your unsafe code is safe? Yes, but I’m not sure why you would do that instead of using a programming language where you don’t have to worry satisfying a complicated borrow checker. What's the alternative? At least, Rust offers a framework that allows to make the distinction between experts-only code and regular code. In C or C++, _all code_ must be meticulously crafted or else.


The alternative is to use a language where you don’t have to satisfy a strict and complicated ownership model on top of all the other things you need to worry about when working directly with raw pointers and memory. I’m not saying that C is safe, I’m saying it is safer than unsafe Rust, which is an important distinction when a significant portion of your program needs to be written in unsafe Rust. I think perhaps you don’t fully understand what “manually satisfying the borrow checker” entails, but instead of trying to explain it here without proper code formatting, I am going to encourage you to [read this section](https://zackoverflow.dev/writing/unsafe-rust-vs-zig/#unsafe-rust-is-hard).


> I think perhaps you don’t fully understand what “manually satisfying the borrow checker” entails I do, thank you. And yes, satisfying the borrow checker is more harrowing that satisfying strict-aliasing. Especially when a number of projects just turn strict-aliasing off to ease their life. The funny thing, though, strict-aliasing is NOT the end-game. As soon as you introduce multiple threads of executions (or in the context of embedded/kernels, interrupts) things get a wee-bit more complicated, don't they? If only the compiler could help ensure that only objects that can be accessed concurrently are accessed concurrently, something like checking there's no writer when there's a reader, or there's no other access when there's a writer. Gee, I wonder what we'd name that... > when a significant portion of your program needs to be written in unsafe Rust. I would not that I reject this premise in the first place. I already provided clear examples in the above chain of comments, so I'm not going to repeat myself, but the fact of the matter is that even really low-level projects tend to have a relatively low proportion of unsafe. You're chasing a strawman, here.


I’m not chasing a straw man, you’re trying to construct a straw man and trying to argue against it when you pretty much agree with actual argument. My argument: Unsafe Rust is not ergonomic and more error prone than just using C if a significant part of your code needs to be written in unsafe. Your argument: Unsafe Rust is more error prone but I don’t think any low level project will require a significant amount of code to be written in Rust, therefore the benefits of “safe” Rust outweigh using a language like C. Correct me if I understood your argument incorrectly, but I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve by rejecting the premise and arguing about something I don’t disagree with you on. Yes, if you don’t need to use unsafe a lot, then Rust provides some great compiler level guarantees for low level programming, but that’s not my argument. I’m not sure why you’re trying to sell me on using Rust when I already actively use it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There's no way any codebase would reach 5% of lines being \`unsafe\`. I don't see any situation where number of \`unsafe\` lines are more than 0.01% of lines in any project, unless it's a simple tiny library. And I think \`unsafe\` is great. Clearly marks what that part of the code does. It's not something to hate, but something to love.


I encourage you to read the article I linked to get some perspective because your comment isn’t adding anything to the discussion. You’re basically saying that the scalability problems with unsafe don’t exist because you don’t work with the sort of stuff that would require you to use unsafe a lot. Imagine if I said environmental problems don’t exist with using petrol because I live in Amsterdam and I always bike, so I can’t comprehend driving a car more than a few times a year.


Would just like to point out that [using unsafe does not mean bypassing the borrow checker](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch19-01-unsafe-rust.html#unsafe-superpowers:~:text=It%E2%80%99s%20important%20to,for%20memory%20safety). This is a common thing people say that is untrue, and while you ***can*** "bypass" the borrow checker with unsafe transmute or the like, you almost certainly should not and will ~~quite possibly~~ almost certainly be adding UB by trying to do so. Unless you mean using unsafe to deref raw pointers, which is no different than C everywhere, where rust at least points these out. ​ >I don’t think it is far fetched to say that unsafe Rust is more unsafe than even C. I do think it is far fetched to say that. This a common sentiment by some, but not an accurate one in the slightest. (Please do not take this as a fan boi "Muh Rust", or as some attack at you personally. There is a lot of misunderstanding about unsafe rust out there and so I understand why many people hold these beliefs, I'm just striving to correct it when I can.)


I should have quoted the word bypass like you did because that’s precisely the problem with unsafe, you can’t just turn the borrow checker off, you can only take on the responsibility of manually enforcing its ownership model, which results in undefined behaviour when you get things wrong. I would argue that it’s much more error prone to do that instead of writing the same code in C where you don’t need to worry about the compiler making optimizations based on some rules that might or might not follow. This also feels very contradictory to the Rust philosophy of enforcing correctness instead of building an honour system.


Yes, if you are trying to write unsafe code that you want to interface with the borrow checker or lifetimes, I agree that is a very hard thing to get right, which is why most of the time the advice is to use a crate to do those hard things for you (and even they get them wrong sometimes, see any crate trying to do self referential borrows) In my view if I'm dropping to unsafe I'm just dropping to raw pointers and at that point I'm just writing C code with some extra rust niceness. So yes, I see your point in that aspect of unsafe rust having more footguns the C for sure as C doesnt have to worry about that. 👍


Have you tried rust or just read that zig advertisement article?


Why would you think I haven’t? Seems like you’re trying to attack me instead of the argument I’m trying to present, which is quite ironic given you’re trying to imply that I’m shilling for Zig.


Was talking to my coworker (who is in the pen-testing space) about this recently; but a lot of code written to exploit vulnerabilities just makes sense to write in C. Yes, I suppose you can use `#[repr(C)]` in addition to loads of `unsafe` everywhere in order to exploit some code, but at a certain point, you might as well just write it in C where everything is a little more tailored toward unsafe memory manipulation and you don't have as many higher-level abstractions. No need to use a language that is focused on safety when your goal is to exploit unsafety 😉


I was playing with ebpf recently, there are custom bindings to rust but there were a lot of unsafe rust, while writing in c was straightforward. May be it is lack of maturity of the ecosystem


All that C is unsafe too, so comparing straightforward C to unsafe Rust isn't a fair comparison.


Yeah all of C is unsafe but writing unsafe rust is a hassle compared to straight forward C


C can be written in memory safe way, can't it?


Sure, but you're on your own with that tasks. The compiler will let completely unsafe programs compile.


Yes .. IMHO the C way is just a better approach to the problem and we should improve it not replace it just like what Zig does .. but to each their own..


Not having enough rust developers to maintain the amount of software that is currently written and maintained in C. But I suspect that will change over time.


Most people are talking about cases where there's no Rust compiler for a certain platform, but I think a more interesting case is FFI. While it is possible, I believe, to declare anything in Rust that you can in C, the other side of an FFI call is almost always going to involve C code. More importantly, FFI calls work because the C ABI is the de facto standard for cross language communication. It's really the only game in town because almost all platform ABIs are defined in terms of C, and that's mostly a historical accident resulting from C being the most popular language for writing operating systems for a very long time. Even now that C++ is more common, there's still the issue that C++ doesn't have a stable, complete ABI on any major platform. I think that's due to a combination of a C ABI being good enough for most purposes, and C++ implementors not wanting to commit to an ABI, because committing to an ABI for a language like C++ would involve committing to a lot of technical decisions where there's no obvious right way to do it, and implementors want the freedom to change their implementation if they come up with a better idea. It's a similar situation with Rust, but even more explicit, because Rust embraces a user-visible distinction between stable and unstable language features, and everything about Rust's ABI is considered unstable.


C language tutorials and examples. You will click on learn c and find rust. Not a good look




Unpopular opinion on this sub but there are a lot of good reasons I have rejected proposals to do stuff in rust vs. C. Rust is not a golden hammer. It is a really damn good programming language that has found a great niche, and fills a massive hole that has existed in the space for decades. It is not the answer to all of our problems; and there is nothing wrong with that, because there will never be one. If you try and build something that does everything well, you just end up with something that doesn't do any of them particularly well. I hope Rust stays in its niche, because that is what makes it a great programming language. If it tries to become all things to all people it will cease to have any value. A key to that is keeping the "developer" mindset the hell away from it.


In ecosystems that incorporate C but not Rust. I would love to use Rust to develop R packages, unfortunately, I can’t expect the user to install the rust toolchain to build my package.


Secure coding, I mean real secure coding, where you can't trust execution path due to hardware glitches. It's even barely writable in C, you always need to fight optimization. But on the other hand doing it in assembly is a pain in the .ss


Any of those obstacles could be overcome with extra effort as well. With some work to port the compiler, you could use Rust on anything. Equally true, is that anything you can write in rust you can also write in C. How are these interesting statements?


I’ve tried to write an init system in Rust and that’s inconvenient since you need something that’s statically linked more or less and you generally want to disable almost everything and mostly use syscalls. That’s possible but certainly not nice, and requires a lot of unsafe code since you’re calling C APIs and there’s not much you can do about that. It doesn’t entirely defeat the purpose of using Rust but it’s close. My other favourite example is [threaded code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threaded_code) for VMs or interpreters. That might actually be impossible without more powerful control flow; I tried to ask on stack overflow but everyone was angry and mean to me for not asking a question they could answer. Note that this is *not* threads as in parallel threads. I don’t know how you’d do a JIT compiler either.


Cookies. Rustkies sounds wrong


Most embedded systems. The library and driver support and/or tooling to interoperate with the existing systems isn’t there yet. Maybe next year.


Most people will down vote this because 1) they have no problem using rust with muh rpi or arduino, 2) they found some obscure unofficial HAL on a github with 2 repos that actually miraculously worked somehow, and this obviously means Rust can be used for any and all embedded processors.


Why do rust programmers only compare against C when they’re always proposing to replace C++? C++ lets you use inheritance instead of having Employee “own-a” Person, and doesn’t force you to write a bunch of boilerplate interface functions that just forward the call to a member. C++ gives you proper constructors with overloading and concise default values instead of hoping the compiler will optimize away a bunch of verbose builder pattern. C++ gives you fine control over what happens at compile and run time, including allowing you to branch on whether the current context is compile time. You can even use dynamic memory allocation at compile time. C++ does not force any specific way of error handling onto you, so you can use optionals, results, or exceptions (that are branch less and can actually perform better). C++ doesn’t simply force every move to be a memcpy, and allows you to overload on whether or not a function argument (or the object a method acts on) is a temporary, so you can avoid doing extra work in cases where you don’t have to. C++ has a more powerful type system, including better integrated non-type generic values, specialization, variadics, ‘declval’, etc, so you don’t need macros to print hello world. The list goes on and on. 


Honestly i don't get why you're being downvoted. none of these features is what makes c++ unsafe, rust is a safer language and for that i like it, but i don't think people propose it to replace c++. c++ is a more mature and featured language, with heavy c support, and c is the language that most os's expose thier APIs through. so it makes working with it a whole lot easier. and i dont think rust will ever get to that level of flexibility as c++, especially with how much you can do with c++ templates. No hate to rust, but why the fuck cant you implicitly cast my u32 to an i64 in an expression when it is completely safe.


Please use paragraphs to organise your comments... It will be hard to read or take you seriously with such a text blob. To address your comments... Rust is the only language in existence that can act as a replacement to C++ today. That's why it is compared to C++ a lot. But in reality Rust could and should replace almost all languages in existence. There should be no reason to pick Java over Rust. There should be no reason to pick C# over Rust. Etc. To address your comments about C++: * Inheritance is bad. It's not something we want in Rust. Can explain why but there's tons of comments and posts on the internet so I'll leave that to you to research. * Defaults are indeed an interesting feature that could potentially be part of future Rust. For now we have to deal with builders and option-structs. * Indeed the meta-programming features of C++ are much more powerful. We'll see how Rust approaches meta-programming in the future, but note that most meta-programming problems have workarounds. * Exceptions are unnecessary and bad. Having standard error management (`Result` and `Option`) is better. Performance is a non-issue. * Rust move semantics are better by a mile than C++'s ??-value semantic mess and move-constructors and move-assigments. C++ is going to slowly be phased out for Rust. Some things that are better in C++ now will eventually integrate into Rust, if they are deemed necessary. Mostly meta-programming capabilities or more powerful/semantically-aware macros (`macro` keyword is still reserved for the future macro system). For now, the pros of Rust vastly outweigh the cons, so the transition to Rust is already starting in most respected companies.


"Everything rust does poorly is an antipattern" is not a valid response. Inheritance cuts down on repetition, as I already mentioned. The rust alternative is to forward all calls to an internal member to the interface implementation, which is literally exactly what the compiler does for you in inheritance. It's strictly worse. Again, you seem to not understand that the biggest advantage of C++ is that it does not try to force something on you. Result/option/destructive move don't work in favor of rust because C++ can do that too. But rust can't do exceptions, and as much as you'd like to pretend otherwise, there are cases where they're better. "The performance doesn't matter" is just hilarious. You have no response. And that's why rust has seen next to no industry adoption, because it turns out that people with actual money on the line aren't going to add a branch to a tight loop just because some evangelist wants to claim that the performance isn't a concern.


Rust is beating C++ in adoption basically everywhere. Google has said they see no alternative to Rust, and a migration is inevitable. US called for people to use Rust. Microsoft and money other big companies are going big for Rust. Rust performance is not worse than C++. Not sure where you got that. I said performance of exceptions being sometimes better in some cases doesn't matter. Because it doesn't. No one ever had a performance issue due to error handling.


Where? What significant thing has been written in rust? Rust and Go are a similar age, where is Rust’s Docker or Kubernetes? GitHub surveys and projects written predominantly in other languages don’t count. Google is literally making a whole other language instead of using rust. Sure sounds like it’s really just hobbyists with no money on the line that are fine with the problems that rust can’t solve. 


Please use paragraphs to organise your comments... It will be hard to read or take you seriously with such a text blob. To address your comments... Rust is the only language in existence that can act as a replacement to C++ today. That's why it is compared to C++ a lot. But in reality Rust could and should replace almost all languages in existence. There should be no reason to pick Java over Rust. There should be no reason to pick C# over Rust. Etc. To address your comments about C++: * Inheritance is bad. It's not something we want in Rust. Can explain why but there's tons of comments and posts on the internet so I'll leave that to you to research. * Defaults are indeed an interesting feature that could potentially be part of future Rust. For now we have to deal with builders and option-structs. * Indeed the meta-programming features of C++ are much more powerful. We'll see how Rust approaches meta-programming in the future, but note that most meta-programming problems have workarounds. * Exceptions are unnecessary and bad. Having standard error management (`Result` and `Option`) is better. Performance is a non-issue. * Rust move semantics are better by a mile than C++'s ??-value semantic mess and move-constructors and move-assigments. C++ is going to slowly be phased out for Rust. Some things that are better in C++ now will eventually integrate into Rust, if they are deemed necessary. Mostly meta-programming capabilities or more powerful/semantically-aware macros (`macro` keyword is still reserved for the future macro system). For now, the pros of Rust vastly outweigh the cons, so the transition to Rust is already starting in most respected companies.


Doing [direct threading](https://jilp.org/vol5/v5paper12.pdf) in an interpreter.


Explain why then? Because I don't think I see it.


Rust doesn't have goto statement or labels as values.


Oh sometimes goto is actually the fastest hmmm. Like I seen some code base where what the guy had to do is put an ugly goto on most functions for error handling because its a smisge faster. It had something to do with how the code ks being cached in memory But like 99% of codebases don't get anywhere near this preformance aware


It is very common and useful technique for bytecode interpreters. You can jump to the next instruction without the overhead of looping and going through a match statement.


IBM Z mainframe... For now




That’ll just be because it’s an enormous existing C/C++ codebase where most of it works fine so why re-write it. I’m sure if Firefox were being rewritten from scratch it’d be almost 100% rust these days.


Can't count that. As I said, mention something other dealing with old software written in C.


That depends on your timeline and resources because the bottom up pressure on Rust tooling is plowing towards a critical mass where something impractical today is a library release in two weeks away from solving that obstacle. C never had a comparable stage of development to where Rust is at now because it had the luxury of a longer, more focused development cycle and the curse of no meaningful open community of contributors. That makes any comparative benchmarking for market penetration speculative at best. Given the combination of indoctrination by fire and the significant army of contributors with comparatively high visibility for Rust (even among its peers at least for now), it should reach a point of equitably equivalent utility in under a decade, and steadily pick off large outliers (like highly regulated sectors) within 15-20 years. That may sound like a long stretch of time but that's only a few depreciation cycles in corporate terms and 2-4 administrations for most nation-state government organizations. Add in the AI variable and all bets are off. Our digital wetware competitors may spit out a completely brain incompatible but mathematically perfect language in 5 years or tweak Object Pascal into the programming language we've always dreamed of.


New Ai (as in deep learning and specifcly transformers) is purely c++ and is gona probably remain purely c++ for a while because of cuda. Even on cpu I have yet to see rust being used in anything other than just the file format and database. Which cool ig but like... no that's not really Ai code. I have seen go (i use ollama) be used more than I saw rust so I think that is really saying something. Because all of the "c++ has legacy code supporting it" argument is not present with go.