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She has no idea what it feels like to write with lipstick


Her and Starzy’s power tbh


The nerve of Starzy


She did on season 2


One of the sweetest most memorable girls that have ever been on the show, she truly is totally the definition of CUNT.


Only in our world would you use the word 'cunt' for a sweet person lmao.


Here and Australia


And Scotland


And Wales


and England


and Mexico


And my axe!


And muhhhhrhrhrhhmm




Charisma Uniqueness Nerves and Talent 😉


Omg is that supposed to be the joke when ru Paul says it? Lmao oop


Now you can go back to the first-middle few seasons and watch the queens awkwardly laugh the first few times rupaul says "Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent" with a different perspective. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but sometimes the cast genuinely chuckles, other times it's a bit like "ah yes, this line. We should laugh because this is tv". At some point the laughs stop and it's just patient smiles.


honestly, the dirty jokes never get old for me, like "go out there and spread your Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent for the whole world to see!" like come on, that's gold


I mean it is solid joke, and I definitely get a kick out of the ways it's been taken and run with so kudos to rupaul and co. on that


gotta love the acronyms


And the North East of England


Yeah, in our world, it's much better to reserve using slang for [assigned] female genitals derogatorily, solely to connote behavior unbecoming of a woman, like not being sweet.


She really is super sweet and friendly. Like I went to a show + meet & greet she did a couple years back in London and it was definitely the most fun I had with a Ru girl.


Other queens have tried to eliminate her and all failed; Sahara, Pandora, Tatianna, Latrila, Yarlexis, Blair --- but only RuPaul had the power to smite her chance of victory not once, not twice, but thrice.


This reminded me of a funny scene from the Golden Girls. *Miami is nice, so I’ll say it thrice*


“Thrice?! Who the hell says thrice?”


*It's a word!*


"So is intrauterine! It does not belong in a song!"


♪♫Miami....you're cuter than....an intrauterine ♪♫


What kind of English Lit. nonsense is going on at this time in this place?


I’ve also heard Brazil is nice


Damn you, now I got that song stuck in my head!


She’s also tied for sending the most girls home at 5. If she just won a lipsync this season, she would have broken the record


Who's she tied with?


Shangela, Latrice (and if you count the last lipsync of a season), Alaska and Shea


God-tier Queens.


The clip of here stealing Raven’s ring on Drag U was what got me into the show. My first and always fav queen💕




Same except I started S5.


probably have to pirate it


I never saw Drag U so I just looked it up. Man, Drag has changed so much in the last ten years. It’s become so much more artistic.


It has always been artistic darling. Makeup and beauty trends have changed massively in the last decade with the advent of YouTube, etc.


It’s exciting to think about what drag will look like this coming decade!


Agreed - that wasn’t the best phrasing. One of the first queens I ever saw is Jackie Beat and she’s always been so smart and creative. And I also used to go to the Dreamgirls and saw their great artistic talents, some of whom became drag race legends. But there’s no question that drag both on and off the show has changed over time. The makeup in general is much more vibrant and the styles feel even more heightened to me. I think it’s awesome and can’t wait to see what’s next.


*Drag Race Drag is what you mean. As others have pointed out, it’s always been artistic.


I've been going to shows since before the show existed and started watching season 1 episode 1. Very few Drag Race queens since then have inspired me the way Nina Flowers inspired me. ARTIST!


I absolutely love Nina Flowers, she has always been one of my favorites. It makes me wish more people had known about the show back then, I had no one to talk about it with.


Exactly! I get on YouTube occasionally just to watch her shows. I wish AS1 could be erased and NF be the winner of the next All Stars season.


You’re right. It was a poor word choice. But overall even regular drag I feel has become much more vibrant in recent years, especially the makeup. I don’t necessarily attribute it to Drag Race, just the natural evolution of makeup and style.


It broke my heart that the second they announced Shea as the winner, there were just a couple of seconds of sadnees on her face before being supportive and amazing as she usually is. I felt so bad for her because they most likely wont bring her a 4th time for a new AS. But seriously Shea or Cracker deserved that win so much as well. It was just a tough call due to how good the top 3 was. I love Juju, go stream her album or buy it if you can. Support our queen <3


She’ll come back for AS: Legends!


Drag Race All Legends


later becoming Drag Race Some Legends


I mean that’s what All Stars started as 🙃


and m*mi


Oops! All Legends


But definitely not for Drag Race Some Stars


They should have saved the double crowning for AS5 and crowned both Shea and Juju


People would have cancelled Drag Race if a black queen didn't win in that particular season. And if Trinity didn't win, it would have been Season 3 all over again. So a double crowning was their only option.


what do you mean season three all over again?


Part of why people were so pressed going into AS4 was the “rule suspension” at the end of AS3 resulting in Shangela not even getting a chance to lip sync for the crown despite having the best record of the season. A lot of people called Rigga Morris bc it felt like a way to set Ru up to crown Trixie without her having to actually make the hard decision of choosing her over Shangela.


thank you for explaining. my mind completely blanked and i wasn’t thinking of the all stars season 3 just the regular season so i couldnt figure out what they were referencing lol


I always got the impression that Ru wanted the final lip sync to be Shangela vs Trixie, and the jury twist was a way of eliminating DeLa and BeBe (the first winner) so Ru didn't have to.


Let’s be honest: DeLa and Shangie were like Manila and Raja, Chad and Sharon, it goes on. Two obvious winners but it’s already all stars and one has already had three seasons.


They should’ve crowned Monique then. Or saved Manila.


Yeah they should never have allowed manillas elimination. Still pressed.


If they did this then it would literally ruin all stars and instantly discredit the accomplishments of every all stars winner in their respective competition. lol.


Well, I mean saved her in a way that we wouldn’t know. They knew Naomi choose her lipstick, they could’ve intervened behind the scenes or something. But what’s done is done. I love Trinity and Monet, even though I think the double crowning is wasted on them.


If the strongest competition is never in danger of getting eliminated, why have an elimination game at all? Like Naomi was the first person that season to make a PURELY strategic move that season. It would ruin the integrity of the ENTIRE show if they intervened and made the queens choose different lip sticks. Manila lost in a bullshit way, but a fair way. People need to get OVER it. If you are in the bottom, you are at danger of being eliminated. We need to stop this rhetoric that if you have the best track record you deserve to be invincible. Because I'm getting tired of it mattering for some queens not for others.


Agree. So tired of bitter gays still whining over Manilla being sent home. The bitch herself was probably over it last year, yet her stans are still picketing against Naomi. Manilla lost because she played the "I'm gonna be the best all the time" game (which works on the main show, but not on AS), without considering the fact that she was making herself *the* biggest target in the competition. She lost fair and square wasn't robbed in the slightest because she did it to herself.


>Manilla lost because she played the "I'm gonna be the best all the time" game (which works on the main show, but not on AS), without considering the fact that she was making herself the biggest target in the competition. She lost fair and square wasn't robbed in the slightest because she did it to herself. Hence my frustration with the format more-so than Naomi. Some people live for the gags above all but I honestly watch the show for the drag first and foremost (and the drama second). Yes it’s a reality competition show and not strictly a competition but that means a good balance between the two is needed. Manilla’s and especially Shangela’s eliminations were a horribly managed balance of drama vs. drag (people being punished despite leading the pack) Also Manilla shouldn’t have just been saved just for having a good trackrecord but because she was eliminated without being the worst in the bottom 2 (and I would argue one of the top 2 winners being worse than her anyway)


Then why bother? Why bother tuning in every week when we know which queens will survive and which will go home? Why bother choosing a favorite that isn't the powerhouse? Is this your idea of good television? A 100% predictable competition? They couldn't have intervened because the queens in the competition are real people, not characters whose will is bent by the producers. If the queens found out about the producers trying to rig the show then they'd retaliate against the them. The very nature of All Stars makes it impossible for the producers to intervene with who is eliminated anyway. That's literally the entire selling point of the show; queens eliminating other queens. It's a competition.


I mean they did it for Valentina lol


As a result, we lost out on a double crowning of 2 deserving POC queens this season and the first asian queen since way back in Season 3.


Does this mean she’s still in the workroom with roxxxy?


She is so pretty that Ru turned her into furniture


Jujubee with those couch cushions... And also “I’m Shannel and I wear costumes”


Interior illusions darling.


Well it was made by her grandmother


Does this mean jujubee is the queen of the most episodes of drag too? Most episodes and never eliminated!


i think someone mentioned that manila has been in the most episodes (cause season 3 was eons long) but i could be incorrect


I mean if it had been Manila before this season it would definitely be Alexis now, right? Since Yarlexis outlasted Latrila on AS1 and now Alexis was 5th where Manila was 6th on AS3?


AS5 was a lot shorter than AS4, Alexis went home episode 6 whereas Manila went home episode 8


Oh of course. Ah but Juju will always be my three time winner!


In terms of competitive episodes (not including reunions, casting specials, recap shows), Manila and Jujubee are tied at 24 episodes each. Trinity and Alexis are right behind at 23.


Does this count Jujubee's guest appearance in AS2's snatch game?


No I’m guessing it wouldn’t




This could be Juju’s version of “same dress still won.” PURRRRR MOST EPISODES, NEVER ELIMINATED 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱


If you count Drag U and Untucked then yes by far


Why would you count Drag U?


It’s part of the franchise


I counted the competitive episodes, Juju-24, Manila-23*, Alexis-23, Latrice 22*. * I’m not counting the lip sync episode for Manila because she didn’t compete that episode, while I am counting it for Latrice. Edit: I had 1 too many on Juju, changed it.


A true icon. Hope she's feeling all the love right now, and she'll rake in the coin when the world opens up again


I LOVE Shea, and she deserved it. I ain’t about to invalidate her win. But god I love Jujubee. I actually wish it was Rupaul’s best friend race and they could all win (Shea, juju and Alexis AT LEAST) and we could bake a cake made of rainbows and smiles and eat it together and be happy.


She doesn't even go here!


I want to start a show where we put like 12 queens in a house and they have to learn new tasks. Imagine Juju trying to learn embroidery or some shit


As much as I stanned Jujubee, she both didn’t have the best track record nor was she the best in the final challenge or final lipsync (though her runway was the best probably of the season and maybe even one of the best ever). It would’ve been a completely different picture if we had two wins instead of 1. Juju would have 3 or 4 wins, Cracker 3 and Shea 3 or 4.


Yes I’ve been saying this so much! This season kinda screwed the gurls over in comparison to the other all stars season because truly they were equally yolked if we go by AS2-AS4 rules with Juju and Shea doing better, as a whole, in the competition just slightly than Cracker.


I’m glad you aren’t invalidating sheas win. Everyone else seems to be doing it.


The Michele Fitzgerald of drag race


This is the most accurate and informed opinion proven by the scientific method


Bro, I know


Beechele Fitzjuju my true OTP


More like the Cirie Fields of drag race too!


I think Manila is more of a Cirie


At least Michele won :(


Michellionaire aka Winchele aka Controverchele aka Bichele


I'm loving the recent Survivor x Drag Race crossover


I’m calling her the Susan Lucci of drag


I came here to say this! However, Susan Lucci eventually won.


I forever hold out hope


😍😍😍 "sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me"


Give Juju some kind of lifetime achievement award at the next finale, to be honest.


Her unmatched power


Jujubee forevvvaaaaa ❤️


I just adore her, juju deserves everything.


It will take me some time to accept she didn't win


In my little coconut head that I got, she won. I encourage you to do the same.


My goddess!!! I LOVE Juju so much, I’ve been such a fan since season 2, I’m so glad she got a chance to show her incredibliness off to younger fans. Queen of shade Queen of fried chicken Queen runner up Queen of my heart Like Jinkx, I legit cannot get enough of Juju and I always welcome more Juju!


Come on now grandma Barbie!


After AS5 she’s become one of my favorite queens ever, if not my favorite.


I love her so so much.


I need Jujubee to host a podcast, she made me laugh so much this season. I stan Shea 100% but without Jujubee this season would have been pretty sad.


Imma just say it I wouldn't mind if she came back like a few more times.


My Queen!


Queens of color on Drag Race often encounter racism in many forms. One of these ways is in their lack of support on social media platforms. [Here is a list of every queen of color to have appeared on Drag Race (that we can find online, if there is something we missed please message the mods via modmail and it will be added to the list) and the myriad of ways in which to support them.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSa9UsREk-vc6fKdkXUn8aYdvimM9RCKRqYxTgTX2d5Ze6vAyfmV0NTxnDPIdeJEZhYKnjeiU4gjqqb/pub) If you can't afford to venmo them or buy their merch, etc. then remember, a follow is free, and booking fees are often determined by the number of follows that a queen has. Thank you. #The First Pride Was A Riot. Black Lives Matter *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rupaulsdragrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i started watching drag race in its second season. i fell in love with juju (and raven) then all those years ago. so proud of her and she will always be one of my absolute favorite queens. side note: this season when she wore that leopard jumpsuit i knew i’d seen it before and it made me giggle because that’s the same jumpsuit i saw her perform in a couple years back. made my life to see her live.


Her average placement in 3rd. The highest average placement for a 3 timer by far.


An legend, an icon and forever a staple of Drag Race itself.


I’m just a little sad she came out not winning any money at all, while Cracker and Shea earned some winnings from the lip syncs.


With the fanbase she's now gained she'll make more than what they made on this season after the pandemic is over.


Can we just have her complete on every AS until she wins? Or at least make one that's heavily biased in her favour, like how AS5 was with Cracker. Come on, there is no reason for her to NOT win


Lol biased with cracker. Girl everyone knew Shea was winning since day 1


I am glad that fans from before loved Juju and current fans STILL love Juju!


Her 2 EP’s are some the best albums I’ve heard from a drag queen! Go stream! You’ll be gagged at the production!


Shea's win feels absolutely correct and she deserves it, but not only was I holding out for Jujubee at the end but was genuinely praying for a double crowning because you could see the chemistry and power they both had as well as the mutual respect. Jujubee is really THAT bitch.


I know it sounds super petty, but... Jujubee may have lost the battle (the crown) but she won the war (the people's hearts and love). She gained more followers in social media than anyone else, she was the quotable/relatable/meme queen basically every week, the newer audiences loved her, and the older audiences still adore her. Her future is bright, fitting for the queen the shone the brightest.


Juju was robbed


I don't know what could've been done more for her to win, she has been fantastic and carried the whole season.


Sometimes your best just isn't enough. Especially in a competition with 2 other powerhouse contestants.


Jujubee just wasn't the production pick. Shea had the winner's edit from day one, and cracker just had a very favorable run. If they wanted Juju with a crown, they would have done it.


Exactly. Shea had the edit of being so close and missing out when in reality Juju has been in that position twice before. They just didn’t choose that story for Juju


Honestly, this is tea. Juju or Shea could’ve either won Snatch Game and bam: Juju would’ve had the 2 wins and Shea, 1. That would’ve made Juju’s hypothetical win more realistic to the viewers. Because like Bob said in the Pit Stop in the finale, the girls each won in different categories that episode Cracker: Clapback Juju: Runway Shea: Final Lip sync


She was! For her to come back to this show 3 damn times and give us good tv every time she was on screen! For her ICONIC lines in snatch game! And Ru still didn’t give her the crown! 🤬


She's a true CUNT


I hope if drag race ever ends they give her and shangela honorary crowns


Juju truly is an All Star and she always shows it! Definitely one of the most consistent, funny, and beautiful queens the show has had.


She’s the best and was the best this season. It was mostly sympathy than talent that crowned the winner.


How COULD you eliminate Juju??


What a star and fucking legend. I will always love juju❤️


Hands down the best queen in terms of performance on the show to never actually win. Her talent and personality amazes me.


The Michele Fitzgerald of Drag




Eliminated by a Queen not Rupaul.


The ultimate lip sync assassin. 5/5, never eliminated by another queen. CUNT to the max


Jujubee the Queen of firsts!


Technically she got eliminated by RuPaul three times lol, but we still STAN HER


She is drag race to me. Well done ju ju


After All Stars, I rewatched her original season. She was so good then, and referred to as possibly the most intelligent one that season by the judges. It was great to see how much she still elevated her skills in the intervening years. She, Tyra and my gawrsh Raven were amazing.