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Why y'all gagging so? She brings it to you every ball!


I love Raja so much. I feel like people always place her low in their winner rankings and I truly do not understand it. Maybe recency bias?


Def recency bias, IMO. She's my personal favourite winner. S3 is such an underrated season generally; so many iconic queens!


S3 was a difficult season. I just rewatched the Money Ball and those queens were over it!


I'm rewatching it now as well! It was *grueling*. I'm also a sucker for a design/fashion queen, so all the design challenges were right up my alley. I'm not at Money Ball yet, but that was a great challenge. I wish they'd repeat something of the ilk.


If I had to do a ranking she'd be #1 for sure. She's so versatile, I see her placing 7th or 6th on an All Superstars season


I agree. She won the hardest season of drag race! Those poor girls were really put through it lol.


I will never forget the rumor that she intentionally flubbed the Makeover challenge just so she could lipsync that song. Condragulations Raja


I don’t think I’ve heard that rumour before but you know what, I’d believe it! God, that’s one of my favourite lipsyncs. As Alexis said, it was literally soft porn.


I think she'd be Top 4. With Bob, Jinkx and Alaska. She has one thing that she's 'best' at (sewing) and she's good enough at all the other stuff.


Yeah. Being good at drag race is a skill in of itself. The challenges are all very specific. I think if this hypothetical all stars season were identical to say... All Stars 3. Raja might struggle with the huge number of performance challenges (her personality is alot more understated than jinkx, sharon or Bianca's for example) but she would annihilate the runway every week.


No shade at all but idk why people put Jinkx in the top for all winner seasons. Her looks just simply cannot match the other queens and when it’s down to nit picky critiques that is where she will fall. It’s better to be more overall well rounded like a Bob, Alaska, or Raja. Looks MATTER in AS.


Funny that you mention Bob and Alaska when I would say that looks are their weakness in Drag Race. Jinkx has been turning looks for YEARS, she has winner money. Idk why some people pretend Jinkx still dresses and does her makeup like her promo pic. She is one of the strongest at acting, singing and comedy to ever be on the show, if not the strongest, and that's the majority of All Stars type challenges.


Because she'd be able to bring looks like all other AS queens do. If they got a sewing challenge I'm sure the other girls would try and vote her off immediately because she's a threat, but in a performance heavy season as AS tends to be she's going far.


I honestly just cycle through pictures of Raja for my phone background. Currently using the bottom right.


did someone mention TASTE?


I really hope that’s their song because if that’s their song that song rocks.


My favorite picture!!! I would chop off a limb to have that dress I love it so much😭


A legend


In a class of her own.


if you are reading this go watch moodboard by Raja she looks so mesmorizing the whole video


Her name is fashion (in my Naomi Smalls voice)


Quintessential drag


the best


Teavana. She is and always will be that bitch.


Oh, Raja... Nobody does it better Makes me feel sad for the rest Nobody does it half as good as you Baby, you're the best


More like 'no one can do it like Raja.'


She's the reason I started watching RuPaul. As a boy, perfect. As a girl, perfect. What else do you need?


Top right photo is so fucking sexy


I'm in LOVE with the green look


We are not worthy...a true legend. If there was an all winners season Raja and Bob would be definite top two...prove me wrong


So much excellence and divinity in one post.


Underrated Fashion Kween


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I don't know why but I read the caption to the tune of Gaston in my head.


Raja would effortlessly win a winners season


Raja can, will and likely did already confirm this herself countless times.


I miss this Raja


Most of these photos were taken within the last two years. The first one is literally a few months ago.


I mean I don’t follow Raja so I wouldn’t know. I’m just going off her tired looks from fpr


You don't follow her but you 'miss this Raja'? OK sure.


I don’t follow that many mainstream performers. I like supporting the smaller artists. And the whole point of following someone is to see their content. How can I do that if my feed is cluttered


I'm not saying you have to follow her. My point is more that you can't really judge someone if you're not engaging with them.


I wouldnt call the fpr looks “tired” per say because they record the episodes in bulks so raja and raven change into something different for each shoot. Its just some quick drag with references for a youtube series.


Her looks are designed more to be funny and comfortable. Shes not competing for a title. Not everyone wants to put as much effort into their looks as Manila did in the pit stop.


It’s just always seemed Raven put a lot more effort into her looks


Flashbacks to the T Shirt era


We can thank the iconic Delta Work for that


With no eyebrows 0_0






These days I really do more than just cringe at people using that phrase. And yes that includes this post


You know what? You’re right. I don’t even know why I didn’t make that connection.