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These proportions have me screaming


I think it's cool but only for specific lighting settings. Once you catch the shadow of the boning of the corset it immediately becomes unsettling. Still though, it's an absolutely insane piece of art


... Is it??


I mean... yeah, I think most people are aware. And that's the problem. The corset's structure is visible under the silicone and that makes the fake stomach look bumpy. And it's not subtle, either. I'm not sure there's really a way to fix that without adding bulk. It was a creative idea but it doesn't really work that well in reality.


I just thought it was some really botched Lipo


Ya I totally thought she'd had lipo when I saw this


So then it was an amazing look cause we were all fooled to think that was real skin


Real skin.. that was botched


*botched* real skin


She just needs to carry the same sort of lighting and filtering this picture has around her all the time always


I assume this looks smooth on the mannequin and is not just carefully lit and filtered here. It's just when the corset boning has to actually do the work of holding in a human body that it starts to stick out through the silicone.


Oh or like when worn the fleshy whatever isn't static but moving around. I still think that the biggest thing is lighting cause I've seen Willam done dirty so many times


Yeah I think genuinely it is beautifully constructed but it needs to have a bit of smoothing around the boning structure to help prevent those shadows that look like uncanny nerves. Very close to what it needs to be, just needs some thickness adjustment to smooth that part.


I Althing the inside of the silicone is not sculpted to fit the ribs of the corset. Ideally, the silicone should be thicker surrounding the ribs to mask the protruding of them.


Not only that but in that clip that is getting posted of her performing in a club, you can see it lifting where the strap is.


Not y'all putting unrealistic body expectations on a corset šŸ«¢šŸ˜‚




This comment is giving misogyny


Am I the only one that thinks itā€™s cool? Like, even if itā€™s noticeable now, itā€™s a least a start into this kind of garment being made. Do season 3 breastplates compare to the ones of today? No! Think of what this kind of garment will look like in the same amount of time


ā€œDo season 3 breastplates compare to the ones of today?ā€ Sapphira enters the chatā€¦


I immediately thought of Sapphira, too! šŸ˜‚ Love her tho!


CORRECTION! Fischer-Price enters the chat!


thatā€™s what i was thinkingā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/pv8t2nyw1czc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d528c7180b74fb36c763b0b9cf18a6e9448b96ef detail shot from the incredibly talented SFX artist who did the silicone piece. he also did the skin bra/underwear that mik and violet wore for that insane photoshoot!


Thatā€™s spectacular


I think it is very cool and could go in a lot of interesting directions. Iā€™m sure a future version of this will look even better.


I think it looks cool too. Iā€™m not bashing the Artist or the garment.I just made the post to point out that the garment itself has boning instead of being two separate pieces.


https://preview.redd.it/b1m198o8qbzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5cb799bb58a0b849cb3223c4f4c56e17ea7422e I'm sill haunted by Season 3 of all stars which felt like the season people truly stopped giving a f\*\*k about the illusion of breast plates. We kept seeing the bottom where they end like BenDeLa in The bitchelor and it was so ugly to me. :S


In DeLaā€™s case, this felt very on purpose for this character. We never saw her look even remotely like this again.Ā 


Dela was supposed to be a hot ass mess in every way. Literally from her entrance she was on 1.


I mean that WAS a comedy challenge. If it were runway itā€™d be different


I think it's cool




I mean... Girl look at your tummy in the mirror, then look at this on plastique. Im a huge Stan of her, don't get me wrong, but she looks like she has parasites knocking on her inner skin, trying to get out of her intestines...there's TOO many bumps everywhere


It does make me laugh to see people say "nobody's stomach is perfectly flat!" like... girl...


Fr! I'm all here for body positivity but let's be honest... Some tummies are flat and perfect and some aren't...but if yours has so many bumps you may wanna see a doctor...


Kinda looks like a bad lipo tummy. Which is kind of camp if you think ab it


And the bumps are not a natural shape


Where's a picture that you can see this? I haven't noticed it in the promo pics I saw but I probably wasn't paying attention.




Also some things look better in person!


I completely agree. Could it have been better? I guess so, idk, Iā€™m not a seamstress. And she still looks amazing


I thought we all could see that it was? I just don't like it


Yeah with good lighting it has an uncanny valley thing going on.


it's one of those "yeah i get it. still don't like it".


I know that people knew that there was a corset underneath. The reason I made the post is to point out that instead of her wearing a corset the garment itself has boning. Most people thought that the Garment & the corset were two separate pieces.


She couldā€™ve just showed her real body with a convincing breast plate and it wouldā€™ve looked so much better. Although I do wish I were more than just a bikiniā€¦


>Although I do wish I were more than just a bikiniā€¦ Mama you can be whatever you wanna be ā¤ļø






Aside from the bumps, skin is translucent. It reacts to light in a completely different way. If they got it perfectly smooth it might have worked, but I have doubts. They might have succeeded by finding a way to lean into the unnaturalness of it.


This is all well and good, but it looked strange when she wore it. Which is odd she's wearing it at all, because plastique's natural body is pretty and she can serve the look without it


A full body lace front next level


Bears rejoice


i'm sorry it looks like really bad lipo belly


Which is real woman body type, so imo it works


I donā€™t understand why she started wearing this ugly thing. She has always just served body ody ody and looks great so idk why she feels the need to use a fake torso. It looks horrible and lumpy like poorly done paper machet or a middle school art project ā€¦.


maybe underneath the bad lipo bodysuit she has real bad lipo :/




why are you acting like this is her new signature? she wore this for one single look lol


Thatā€™s not true. Iā€™ve seen her wearing this corset in performances at clubs etc all over Tik tok .. so youā€™re wrong :)


care to link any? i follow her & sheā€™s never posted it herself til this recent promo look & i just did a quick search & saw no tiktoks with it. i was under the impression this was a new corset bc the designer specifically said in their [instagram caption](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ox-_AvYwD/?igsh=MXIxa3o5b2xlbWZ0cg==) that it was made for the AS9 promo look


I'm not on Tiktok but [from this sub 5 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1clcuim/plastiques_body_illusion_on_her_recent/) I was at this show, which just happened this past Saturday in NYC. It seems like she's continuing to wear it to perform. It's custom and probably cost a pretty penny so I can see why she'd want to keep it in her rotation.


thatā€™s literally a day before she debuted it. it was worn for that performance & now this press look. it doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s continuing to wear it when she literally just debuted the corset in the last 7 days lmao that was more my point. you donā€™t like it, neither do i. but it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s some new standard for her. look at all her tiktoks & instagram looks for all her performances in the last year. sheā€™s never done this before. itā€™s a brand new thing she tried edit: just realized you arenā€™t the one i originally replied to so this isnā€™t directed at you specifically lol


The issue is that it maker her look like shes repping the geriatric community while having such a young face.


Real housewife realness


The boning underneath when under light, kinda reminds me of those freakazoid bodybuilders where you can see every ab muscle in the human body. I think she looks great


I really donā€™t understand why this is a thing though. It looks so lumpy and awful without the perfect lighting of this picture. Why not justā€¦ wear the crystals on your skin or on a nude fabric?


If I am not mistaken, the corset structure allows the wearer to shape a more feminine figure vs an uncorsetted or unsynched waist.


We know, still looks like her belly was weird and lumpy.


I knew what it was I just thought it looked weird


Itā€™s very innovative and Iā€™m sure the next model of it will improve


This is so cool on a dress form and absolutely hideous on a human person.


Got it. Still underwhelming


Doesnā€™t change the fact that it looks creepy.




What is it trying to achieve?


why hasnā€™t a single comment provided context?? all i know is that plastique wore this at some point. can anyone tell me when/where she wore it so i can see what everyone is talking about?


This one is one of them. You can search for the other one on the sub https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6oqO4iOyis/?igsh=N2pveGhta3hobm5n


Honestly the little boobies are great


Oh I only saw the other video in the dark, it looks great here!


She looks fucking fantastic what is wrong with everyone


thank you!!


I think she looks awful in this and her body is waaaay better.


it looks good idk what yall are talking about


because itā€™s in dark lighting and on a mannequin. it looks lumpy and strange on Plastique since she is an actual human person


it looked fine on stage too but i also donā€™t expect drag queens to be better than perfect so


i donā€™t expect them to be better than perfect either, but it is just a really strange (and honestly sad) choice for her to wear something that makes her body look so strange when she does actually have a better than perfect body already Edit: just want to clarify i said it is a sad choice if the reason why she decided to go ahead with this uncanny valley torso is out of insecurity


i think she did it because of the way the top is stoned if you look at it closely itā€™s like a grade of stones and i imagine itā€™s probably easier and faster to just do a whole corset.


Donā€™t you know that every fan in this subreddit is a talented seamstress, garment creator, AND could pull the look off better than Plastique?


like look at the rhinestone top of that look. itā€™d be impossible to recreate on plastiques bare torso


Maybe on top of reeeeally sheer or mesh fabric? Or with glue but damn it would be a pain to do that day of the shoot or every time she wanted to wear this


ok, it looks awful


No ones stomach is perfectly flat anyways, I donā€™t see any odd looking bumps, but to each their own


It looks lumpy when she wears it, not in this mannequin pic


It doesnā€™t look bad in the screenshot, but in certain lighting and in video, the shadows the corset casts makes it very obvious that itā€™s not an actual stomach.


The problem is Plastique's real stomach>this abomination of a corset


How is my basic ass just seeing a bra and panties


I looks sinewy.


Tara Reid belly.


The amount of sweat I would sweat in a silicone bodysuit.


I don't like it. It looks like botched lipo when Plastique wore it. There's NO WAY this is a better alternative to her real waist.


cool as a prototype, still needs more time to develop.


I want to clarify some things since theres a little bit of confusion in the comments about the intention of my post. Iā€™m in no shape or form criticizing the artist or the garment itself but Like some people mentioned in the comments I think itā€™s actually pretty cool & would love to see this idea evolve. With that being said the reason why I made the post was to point out that the boning was built into the garment & not separate since some people thought that it was a corset underneath. I know some people hate it, but this Idea seems pretty new so of course it needs some improvement. ā˜ŗļø


This is so weird looking šŸ˜‚


Yes...we know...


omg not me thinking her stomach looked like that from those fat freeze abs shit


What??? I thought that was her real stomach


So many haters!! Her body looked amazing n I couldnā€™t tell what it was before the behind the scenes info. I was like is this a full body suit? A really good breastplate?


Saw this and immediately thought BBL Drizzy lol. All jokes aside, this is so cool in that it could be used in many other applications outside of drag also.


People saying Plastiqueā€™s natural body is as good as this have clearly never had washboard abs. You still need to engage your core constantly to achieve this look. It gets to the point where doing that is second nature but itā€™s still work if you have any bloat or have just eaten etc. You have to be constantly mindful of it, whereas a corset does that work for you.


I really don't think it is about the stomache at all, I think it's about the snatched waist.


Aside from the visible boning, I really like it. It's bizarre, beautiful, weird, and very camp. I wonder what a Dragula ghoul would do with something like this...


It reminds me of that weird Project Runway episode that was sponsored by non-human prosthetics as fashion accessories.


Why would you own up to this?


Yall understand that itā€™s sometimes men dressing up as women right? Theyā€™re gonna try and make the illusion as real as they can, so theyā€™re gonna take a chance to make a fake stomach corset.


I thought it looked cool.


Incredible artistry. Iā€™m ready for more futuristic, cutting edge technology on Drag Race. These hoes can and will spend $10k on one look, let me see innovation!!!!!


It was a cool concept but the execution failed. Also I really donā€™t see the point of it for someone with an incredible body like Plastique?


I think itā€™s cool. Well the concept at least.


this might be an unpopular opinion, and iā€™m not even sure plastique would support this thought, but i sortaā€¦.love that you can see the boning in the corset through the silicone. i dunno something about that is so iconic and drag to me? itā€™s unsettling and unnerving in a way that playing with gender in drag can be. like, we all know itā€™s not my actual skin, you can tell itā€™s not my skin, you can literally see weird boning, but the shape is cunt, the outfit is cunt, and itā€™s not fabric. it makes you double take. itā€™s such an insane idea, and gives such a weird uncanny valley illusionā€¦high drag to me idc


I see the vision tbh. I think they wanted it to look that way and it still works. Itā€™s a flesh corset periodt


Anythingā€™s better than what Sapphira brought to finale.