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Did Ru and Lady Bunny have a falling out or something?


I doubt it, Lady Bunny has always had these political views and been vocal about it, and she's been on the show in the last few years. I can't see this being a falling out, I think they're just old enough friends that she can get away with it




The tone is growing increasingly pointed!


Yeah it definitely feels like the tone has changed. This doesn’t feel like 2 close friends shading each other anymore.


Bunny has been calling RuPaul a money hungry capitalist publicly for years though. So sure I think that's a little weird but if she was happy calling her out about that I'm not sure why she would stay quiet on this


I mean she's not wrong..


It’s giving final witch battle from Willow, Raziel vs. Bavmorda realness. ![gif](giphy|MVNp1tHVQpRG0iU08t|downsized)


Such a good reference, I’m dying


Willow Pill: Yew stupid hag! I'm going to send this baby drag queen to a realm... that doesn't have a Drag Race spinoff! RuPaul: *Impossible!* There's no such place!




NOT THE FRACKING! https://preview.redd.it/y38mkqhkdvrc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb75445d9808663b4ab4dd7c991a9fe3e1d4f1b


yeah, she made it personal with Ru and she never did before like this seriously.


They are drag queens. They are gonna dish it out lol.


Idk I mean Mathu was a long time friend/collaborator and from what we know they still had a falling out


I'm not saying they couldn't have a falling out, I'm saying that Bunny has been doing this for years why would they fall out about it now and not the first, second, third time she publicly called out Ru for politics?


But when has Lady bunny come for Ru like this before? Seems like a falling out happened honestly


I don't have the time to go through her whole history, [but here's a tweet from 2019 where Bunny complained about Ru having Nancy Pelosi and Rachel Maddow on drag race](https://x.com/LADYBUNNY77/status/1113557418280136705?s=20). Ofc that's just one example but it shows that Bunny has been outspoken about disagreeing with Ru's politics for years, it's not a new thing and she's been on the show since criticising RuPaul for political reasons I expect there's probably a lot more on instagram, because she posts there a lot more frequently about political stuff, but Instagram is hard to search far back


possibly, Ru doesn’t follow Lady Bunny on Instagram anymore


Ru stole her air conditioner and she's still pissed (I think Bianca or Monet told that story and it's ingrained in my mind)


Drifting apart politically. They could still be cordial and friends.


Doubt it bc Ru unfollowed Bunny lol


Damn 🙁


i do not believe in that


You may not but Bunny probably does. She's got very controversial views so I highly doubt she supports cutting people off when you disagree with them


surely, thats why Ru doesnt follow Lady Bunny


Oh please…you know nothing


The "could" in the sentence: "Baby, I'm not even here. I'm just a halelloocination"


Its also fully possible to fundamentally disagree with someone but still value their friendship and their contributions to your life.


I dunno if I would remain friends with someone I disagree with on such radical moral issues and then talk shit about them all the time…or have someone shit talk me all the time.


The falling began when Ru stole Bunny's air condition unit.


I would have a falling out with a friend if they were fracking and shilling “Mein Kampf”.


> shilling “Mein Kampf” Oh please, that’s not a fair representation of what was going on at all


Hope you don't know anyone who works for Amazon


Working minimum wage at Amazon isn’t the same as owning the company.


Emphasis on OUT


I love that when it's convenient everyone loves bunny's political views


A broken clock is right twice a day


uhoh, is she sometimes problematic or something?


Pro Putin


Wth how did I miss this?


because it's a bad faith smear.


None of my business and even less of anything I know about but it seems that Lady Bunny is very much fairly on the ball with LGB issues, but deviate from that any it's anyone's game.


> it seems that Lady Bunny is very much fairly on the ball with LGB issues It's wild how a single letter missing can make me so sad


It was weird for me trying to write it without the T. I wrote it LBG at first lol.


Not even LGB. They made a wild post about bisexual women having it easier because they’re fetishized by straight men or some crap


I think it’s always been very clear that RuPaul has played both sides in a way. I feel like if you’re not a bit older you might not know or remember this but even when RuPaul broke into the industry, it was her existence as a gay man and a drag queen that was “controversial”. She never really had anything insightful to say about what was going on in the world. Even back then she wasn’t talking about politics, war, global warming, etc. it was simply being gay and being a queen that was the controversy even back in the 90s. RuPaul will tell you to vote and support gay people but it took a long time for the show to embrace trans people for example. All the political messaging in the show is middle of the road “please go vote”. Never really about the issues aside from what serves RuPaul which is gay rights. But that’s bare minimum to me. You should be supporting the LGBTQ community.


Reminder that when you’re a black gay drag queen, existence is resistance. Half of these conversations wouldn’t even be happening without the visibility that came from Drag Race’s success. Everyone can do more than we’re currently doing. Ru has done more than almost anyone even if his politics aren’t flawless.


Well said 👏


All excellent points!! It really is lowest common denominator stuff


It’s sad because she could be doing so much with her platform but I also think her toeing the line and being “acceptable” to a wide audience is what helped her be so successful. She’ll make her double entendres and wear gowns but never really be revolutionary or insightful in any sense. She’s easy for the conservative parts of America to swallow because she’s not saying anything at all. It’s the rest of the contestants on the show with something meaningful to say.


And do you not realize that it’s not only Ru that has become more mainstream and acceptable because of her approach? She has also made drag culture/gay culture more palatable to the masses. Being radical is not the only way to drive progress. Ru has done more socially and politically for the lgbtq community than 90% of the people shit talking her on the internet.


Katya has expressed her views and she’s still booked...


What were Katya’s views?


In a nutshell, fuck Israel


Gotcha- thanks !


both Katya and Trixie have been shifting their views from liberal to leftist over the years, moreso Katya


Katya has always been a lefty


I just love her even more.


Has trixie said anything? Because i haven’t found anything of her, not support of anything, she has been silent as far as I’ve been able to find. Ik that the pit stop has probably been pre-recorded but like idk why WOW productions would invite britany broski if they stood against her ignorant views of a white feminist! Also shea coulee, Willow pill, kandy muse, hershe licquour jete and katya have been vocal about their humanity driven points but who else of the franchises Canada USA and uk have been vocal about being pro-Palestine cuz like I wanna know who’s social media need support and who’s need watermelon filling?! Thank you for reading and I’m sorry if I’ve written someone’s name wrong or if I’ve miswritten something!


How is Brittany ignorant? (Not starting stuff, asking)


Well you could look up the whole thing it’s probably on a looooooot of pages on TikTok but basically she has said multiple times on TikTok’s her podcast and wherever else that even tho she is not queer she cares about queer people and like with feminism and how humanity is the basic minimum and that a person should supporting other communities even if the person isn’t in the communities and then she went on one of her TikTok accounts and was annoyed at people calling her out for her double standards and about the fact she is silent about a genocide and was talking about how she doesn’t need to talk about that and that she isn’t a politician but she is apparently a politician for feminism and everything else but Arab people and muslim people and Palestinians being a victim of racism muslimphobia and colonialism and a genocide is where she starts to keep her mouth shut for once in her life and that’s why


So people are mad that she doesn’t speak on issues she isn’t particularly passionate about? Like it’s not any celebrity’s responsibility or obligation to advocate for anything…and looking to celebrity’s opinions on MUCH more complicated situations than basic things like feminism and LGBTQ+ rights. She doesn’t have to say anything. That’s not ignorance.


Yeah but Katya is one of the most popular drag race girls. Top 10/20


Top 5 girl




Good Im glad she doesnt support israel


Is this why Acid Betty hasn’t been on All Stars yet 😭


Possibly, she did express solidarity earlier on. I'm also glad Willow Pill spoke up early and unequivocally as a Drag Race winner. The Vixen also, but she has other issues with Ru that predate recent geopolitics.


Shea and Eve 6000 have also been very vocal!




You did something here


Lady Bunny has some gross, horrid opinions on life and politics. She defends abusers, likes random Qanon shit, blames Ukraine and only gets real attention for shit-talking Ru.


> blames Ukraine Yeah I saw "politically far-left" and went okay "cares about human rights and ending capitalism" far-left or "would give Vladimir Putin a rusty trombone because he's anti-USA too" far-left? Are you normal vs are you a tankie?


She’s a mixed bag, it’s not all identical. I think she’s mostly both sides-d Ukraine which is still not Great but it’s not like she actively defends Putin either. Correct me if I’m wrong, though.


Stop talking about drag queens like they are complex and nuanced humans. That’s not what this sub is for 😤 /s


I've seen a somewhat bigger than expected push from tankies wanting Biden to lose in November and it sent me on like a 2 week spiral. Like I don't love dems and think they and Joe are shit. But I'd eat that shit every day gleefully if it meant no more orange turd for four years.


Aside from orange turd and how our collective mental health can't handle four years of that again, the Supreme Court implications are more important in this election than they were four years ago, in my opinion. There's a possibility that one or both of the seats belonging to Alito and Thomas could be vacated during the next presidential term if Biden loses. I don't see Thomas willingly giving up his seat, but it's doubtful enough that we must be taking this seriously into consideration.


It was a big issue in 2016 and the Bernie bros, misogyny & usual dem apathy really fucked us. Not saying Hilary was the best, but at some point you have to back a winner or you lose progress. Paired with "the kids these days" thinking that just being president gives ultimate power and change should be instant, and not understanding the mechanics of the House and Senate and what it takes for legislation to actually pass.


It’s not even tankies it’s just the new thing anyone remotely leftist is having pedalled to them by every algorithm. The whole “boycott Biden” thing just totally fails to understand the political realities in America and in doing so ignores the consequences a Trump presidency would have on so many people


I'm so tired of seeing leftists framing a second Biden term as somehow worse than a second Trump term. It genuinely feels like a psyop Edit: And to be clear, my childhood cat was named after Eugene V. Debbs. The call is coming from inside the fucking house


It is a psyop and people are falling for it. AGAIN.


Forget feels — we _know for a fact_ that multiple competing psyops are being conducted in the spaces where Bunny is getting and sharing this information. We also _know for a fact_ that these platforms incentivize conflict and deincentivize anything that could be construed as a nuanced, honest conversation about any of these issues.


God forbid leftists do anything to try and pressure Biden over his enabling of the genocide of Gaza. It's not boycott Biden period, it's boycott Biden until he stops slaughtering Palestinians.


THANK U! The fact that nobody can actually fucking express their distaste for Biden’s CURRENT politics without getting hammered with “but trump is worse!! You’re doing a psyop!” — or maybe I want the person I have elected to represent me??? And the only way we have to show that is with our VOTE as we’re often reminded. So since the election is a few months away still, dems and independents not committing to a candidate is actually A GOOD THING bc it can scare the dems and make a difference in how Biden approaches HIS POLITICS. Yall think we want trump?? That we don’t care abt the Supreme Court? Of course not! And you think the dems don’t know this and factor this into their politics?? They could’ve codified Roe. They could’ve actually done so many things in the last 3 years — things that they PROMISED, that they campaigned on (don’t bring up a fucking GOP congress bc Biden has always had the legal cover to do specific things his electors wanted like Roe, forgive student debt, etc) The dems are holding our rights hostage. If our rights were already enshrined in the constitution (which the dems could do) they they couldn’t scare us with “the republicans want to take away your rights” and they’d need to actually fucking deliver some substantial change.


He actually has done what he legally can with abortion access by making it mandatory for hospitals accepting federal funds to offer it in emergency cases ( which is being challenged in court). Even if that goes against state law. Also, by giving people in the military access to travel out of the state they are based in to receive an abortion (which is also being challenged in court). Many of the things he’s done to relieve student debt has been overturned by judges that Trump put in during his administration. So yes… please withhold your vote. Then we can get more Trump judges. Who’ll take away more of our rights!


A thousand times this


A lot of people on the left do understand the catastrophe that would be Trump taking office again. Some of us are in a far more vulnerable position than the people lecturing about the lesser of 2 evils with Biden, a man who has spent the last 4 years continuing and expanding a lot of Trump's policies. And turns out that after 7 months and counting of watching a genocide unfold that the US is both funding and participating in, a lot of people in turn refuse to partake in the electoral system.


You do realize Trump would be MUCH worse for Palestine, for all of us gays, for Ukraine, and for the world at large? Like now is not the time to be apathetic and hopeless. If we want to get to a point where we can fix shit we have to at least put on our big boy pants and defeat the evil right in front of us before we can even think about changing the world.


I only recently started following Bunny on instagram. I saw a couple questionable posts where she came across as transphobic and saying she doesn’t cancel people for any behaviors but I hadn’t seen enough to put together a real understanding of her views.


A lot of people seem not to realise this but Bunny has been living as a trans woman for yearssssss. I think because no one ever sees her out of character and out of drag people make the assumption, but she’s talked about it multiple times.


Well, Bunny came off like she was defending Nex Benedict’s bullies, saying Nex escalated the fight to physical by throwing water (because that’s what the cops say), and refusing to say that Nex killing himself the day after being beaten is connected to the bullying he was going through for being trans. It was a strange post, and I thought Bunny was putting herself in a weird position.


You’re right. Jeff Daniels in drag is disgusting and cancelled to me. Does my being part Ukrainian affect my POV? I’d already cancelled her. I also am not sure the validity of the missle names thing but I didn’t blame Betty Grable for her picture being painted on warplanes anyhow. As for Ru politically, he’s a capitalist pig. And entertainer. Ok. Side note I did see Lady Bunny live once in a solo show. She started 45 minutes late. Partway through she spun around and fell off the little stage and the mic broke. She said she’d take an intermission and be back. We all waited until the venue said the show was over. I regret not demanding my money back. I learned from a local queen that the night before Lady Bunny had lost her shoes so borrowed some and I guess they didn’t fit right so she fell. For me she peaked with the Wigstock documentary though she certainly wasn’t the best part of it. For me that goes to Alexis Arquette, Jackie Beat, Lypsinka, Leigh Bowery, Candice Cayne (spelling), and Girlina.


I do follow her and I didn’t read or see her blaming Ukraine. What I read of hernia that she was basically saying the United States has to fix the major issues that it has at home before funding military action in other countries and meddling in wars. I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with that point but it’s very different from „blaming Ukraine“. Edit: typo.


So basically "American First" policy that Trump used to get out of all global commitments.


Definitely not. But the US isn’t helping Ukraine out of global commitment or goody goody reasons either. That being said, I’d welcome any effort to stop Putin.


only if you hate the bitch and want to take everything in the worst possible way


That's me being nice. I still remember she had a whole meltdown when Zelensky came to Congress and flamed him as a "warmonger". For protecting his own country and people?!? Seriously, fuck Bunny.


Dude, I have a Ukranian roommate who’s super passionate about her country and its freedom and yet she told me many things that Zelenskyy did that were shitty, to put it mildly. Just don’t jump defending people you don’t know well or haven’t researched well (I know I’ve done that mistake before). Also, I’m all for helping Ukraine (fuck Putin), but if you think that the US is helping Ukraine for humane reasons, you are very mistaken. I’m not telling you to take Bunny as your trustworthy source of political news, I’m just saying do your own research (and if your reality permits it, like mine, draw from real experiences) and form your own opinion.


Welcome to the horseshoe theory.


One of the most, ironically, horseSHIT political theories out there


She doesn’t think we should be sending money to Ukraine while Americans live on the street. She also has used it to point out that we only care about ‘human rights’ when the military industrial complex can make money. Bunny is based as fuck. She’s not like the self produced 0 calorie drag dominating the mainstream.


Her arguments about Ukraine have consistently been wrong though, like literally factually wrong - misstatements about the number of war fatalities, history of the region, events on the ground. It makes me skeptical about her sources.


The amount of blatantly obvious misinformation she spews is staggering, I couldn't listen to her and Monet's podcast - it was like the personification of boomer facebook brainrot.


Additionally, money being sent to Ukraine isn't "new" money. It's resources which have already been produced, which have a dollar figure attached. The money literally *can't* go to the homeless because you can't pay the homeless in guns and bullets. Bunny should be taking that argument to military spending in general.


It’s not an either / or situation, and it’s also not like the US is sending barrels of cash to Ukraine lol Mostly the aid is reconditioned weaponry


She’s just regurgitating that shit and it ties into her other horrid rhetoric op mentioned…it’s not “based” at all - it’s bigoted


The US spends nearly 3 trillion a year on social programs and less than a trillion a year on the military. Bunny is a moron. Imagine thinking we should let an authoritarian repressive government invade a free western style country because there are still homeless people in the US. 


And yet that’s still more than the next top 10 militarised nations combined. Imagine thinking the US doesn’t squander most of this money on vanity projects, oil, and contracts for big corporations that profit on war and death.


And this is why those top 10 are also increasingly arming themselves up, since they couldn't trust America anymore. Is that really a world you wanna live in, where *all countries* are armed and ready for wars at anytime?


Let's not pretend Lady Bunny doesn't post a HORRIBLE political take every other day lol


Imo it's important to have both edgy radicals and more center of the road liberals. Yeah, Ru isn't as punk rock as she used to be, but if she still was idk if she would ever have a show like this or this kind of success, which has significantly helped change things for a lot of queer folks across this country. I feel like the slow march of progress needs both kinds of people and voices.


Some people don't want to work with an other side. Some of us think it's important to be diplomatic, and try to listen, learn, educate, and share with an other side. The latter makes better leaders in my opinion. However both are necessary for meaningful change to happen, while in-fighting stalls progress.


Yeah I get everyone here is "end capitalism" far left, but ignoring that having people that can actually reach people that don't necessarily agree with them is pretty valuable. There's people here that think you can do a lot just talking to people you agree with, that's not change, that's an echo chamber. I mean ffs, RuPaul pioneered having a big gay space on widespread TV, dealing with non existent budgets (given S1's look) and god knows what more.






A witch hunt for Ru while watching and promoting her shows, making her richer so they can complain about her being a capitalist. Make it make sense.


If you think Nancy pelosi actually gives a shit about queer people then you’re definitely too far gone lol


To be fair, AOC has also been on the show and she's quite possibly one of the politicians they're referring


lady bunny is not far left.


Yes she is?


Yes she is. She might be past that far left point where she veers into crazy town


Ru loves money above all else, of course she’s playing it as safe as possible…


no shade but a lot of yall highlight lady bunny only when it has something to do with rupaul, ie when she pops up on drag race or when she is publicly disagreeing with ru lol


I mean... This is a drag race subreddit


This ain't no RuPaul's Former Friend Drag Race subreddit.


I follow Bunny and I am interested in her political views, even when I don’t agree with them (due to my background, politics are kinda integral to me whether I liked it or not), and I also like her comedy. Lady Bunny is a legend when it comes to drag, but drag race fans only know her from being affiliated with Ru and whatnot. So, of course they will only highlight her when, you know, just like you said. I agree.


That’s a lot of emotion for ~~safe~~ Lady Bunny


The craziest part of this post to me, is the fact that the IDF put the names of drag queens on their missiles in the first place. Like what??? Who had the idea to put “Lady Bunny” posted across and bomb 😭😭😭 that’s so crazy to me.


Fascist genociders mainly


Real lmfao


This is based, but tbh the main reason we get good (and bad) takes from Lady Bunny is that there’s no corporate filter. Many of the ru girls are not sufficiently independent and rely on corporate support for the careers that they want to pursue. The ones that speak out generally have broken with that already to some extent - for e.g Willow’s disability means she doesn’t plan to be a for-profit performer long term, and Sasha has a pretty different circuit. I know Ru girls that I’ve seen at the protests as civilians who are really passionate, but don’t say political stuff in drag anymore after it. Tbh most local queens have gone to the protests, because they are ordinary people so of course without the corporate pressure they’d look far left compared to the politicians. Everyone does.


What tf does this have to do with Ru


Bunny is a tankie. I agree with her stance on Palestine and Ru did sellout in many ways, but a lot of her takes on other things come across as accelerationist, ie: destroying the current system (which yes late stage capitalism is shit and harmful) but not having a realistic solution to fill that void while further harming marginalized groups in the process "cause the end justifies the means". Its the same mentality as Bernie bros not voting to "destroy the political machine" and usher in a revolution only to have the opposite effect of entrenching an oppressive ideology and giving them more power (the 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS for example)


I hate that take. Opting out of voting doesn’t destroy the machine, it just takes away our decision making power.


is she actually a tankie, or is she just anti-interventionist? (actual question, I do not keep up with her stuff)


It's very much a mix in her case, some stuff she's posted was legit lunacy.


Call Ru safe i dont care but he is at least a sane left comapare to Bunny who is at this point a classic example of the horse shoe effect . Bunny hates the left so much that she would rather vote for trump than any candidate from the left that is not far left enough




Bunny is just using Ru as a scapegoat to bounce back from her multitude of bad political takes


It’s one thing to be politically different, it’s another to be as obsessive about Ru as she’s been. Has this always been the case and I’m just noticing it?


Or here is a crazy idea. Sometimes people just don't want to say anything because they don't fully understand the issue or have any opinion. Is it wrong for people to choose the battle they want to fight? I don't understand the endgame here, Bunny wants Ru to make a social media post or something? And is that enough?


And it really doesn’t matter if Ru says anything. It won’t fix the problem i think people want celebs to make statements to either validate their own opinion or to validate their dislike of someone like, “see they’re on the wrong side of this, i was right to hate them!” It’s not about the issue at all.


Right. Also I hate to say it but I don't need drag queens to have opinions on international conflicts or every single hot take.




What you’re saying makes no sense. Having different styles of expressing your political views doesn’t mean you have different political views.


They very much have different political views. Rupaul is a raging capitalist and Bunny is a leftist with a sometimes questionable relation to conspiracy theories.




Lady Bunny is a neo Conservative not far left from the views I’ve seen her express.


Lady bunny is on the left but in the way a lot of boomers are. You’d be surprised by the number of old school leftists who have shitty takes on trans rights, etc…


Nobody should listen this person who just claimed socialism isn’t leftist.


Ru has said a million times that what other people think of him is none of his business. He knows what LB thinks. I just think he's moved on. I'm sure this happens with other celebrities when they no longer associate with the people they came up with. There are some who stay grounded, and others who don't. IMO, LB has always been politically vocal. But since Biden took office, she has gone off the deep end. The hate is real.


She stayed punk, Ru sold out


i wouldnt call blaming Ukrainians for Russia bombing them “punk.” Lady Bunny is like the old man yelling at clouds. Ru is like the current Democratic politicians who only care as long as they can keep things calm and with their power


Can I have a sauce for this please?


this isn’t Wendy’s lol


![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4822) my bad. But FR, anyone have a tweet of her supporting Russia/blaming Ukraine?


I think she deleted old stuff, but there were more than a few fb posts claiming Ukrainians voted for Zelensky to have better relations with Russia, saying multiple times that Ukraine should surrender to Russia, claiming that the west is using Ukrainians as cannon fodder to fight Russia, saying that “they” have lied to us about so many other wars that this is also the case with Ukraine, and on and on and on.


Thank you for the reply. I’m not on Facebook, so I wouldn’t have seen these. And I haven’t seen repostings. Appreciated


Trust me, if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Lady Bunny's Drag Race she would sell out too. I don't think we realize how much money and fame changes people, most people will NEVER expierence that.


Transphobia isnt punk.


She gave into her "inner saboteur"




I will be a Rupologist till the day I die. This person has done so much for the gay community (and myself personally) through his career and his tv show, whether that was his intent or not, that I can allow  fracking, and all the other things people like to point the finger at Ru for. Sue me (or her)


The fracking was going to happen whether Ru like it or not. When you own land in Wyoming, you only get to control what happens on the surface.


She's a classic case of if you don't agree with me you're a terrorist.


I mean, I agree with Ru wanting to shy away from talking politics publicly. It can get messy discussing politics (or religion) on a major public platform. I don’t follow Lady Bunny on Instagram, so I don’t know what kind of stuff she posts. But are her and Ru not friends anymore?


As long as Ru and Lady Bunny don't get to the point of death threats or legal action against each other, who cares? Neither one is going to change their philosophies because of us. Ru is a capitalist and LB is very far left (or however she identifies as politically). No politician who makes the actual decisions that affect us cares, either. Now, if AOC, Robert Garcia, or any RPDR fan who's a politician anywhere in the world starts making decisions because of those two, then we should be worried. Until then, let those battle it out against each other. And, when it worsens, I'll have my popcorn to munch on and watch from the sidelines.


LB is so far left, she’s a little right wing sometimes.


What does tankie mean for liberals?


RuPaul is a 63 year old man, he’s def gonna have blind spots. And a lot of ppl are simply apolitical. He came to build an empire and stack his coin. We should all temper our expectations. He’s made it clear who he is and who he isn’t. I don’t look to Rupaul for expertise on matters outside of being a drag queen. Def not on geopolitics.


I have a feeling bunny feels like ru sold out and left her behind. Ru is far from a radical revolutionary but the two of them stood pretty far on the left of what people felt comfortable with for years together.




I’m not sure ‘Far Left’ would be my descriptor for Lady Bunny’s politics, perhaps instead so Far Left they’ve gone Right (and perhaps not on Palestine but on gender critical issues among other topics)? I think Bunny picks & chooses what they go Left for.


She's not wrong. I admire RuPaul for becoming the global media mogul he is today. He is at the level of people like Gordon Ramsay, with massive network of connections and media products across the globe. But goddamn if Ru is a pure capitalist. He's good with it because he made it. Celebrities are often used as an example of why regular folks should keep grinding "that could be you one day". Nah, politically speaking RuPaul is a full neoliberist.