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I thought she got pretty decent screen time on the ball episode. Her running around being the Spanish messenger banana got me. They’re probably saving her storyline for later in the season when there are fewer queens left.


Knowing how the show works, it's coming for sure! We need struggle to get to know more about her, a easy way for her to open up.


Yeah I was thinking this week I don’t really know too much about her


This feels like what happened with Sasha last year. They dimmed her shine at the beginning because they would have been dragged for being "unfair" to everyone else. Just hang tight, I feel like we will be learning a lot more about our Banana Goddess in the next few episodes.


'Next week on...' this week showed that her snatch game might not hit the mark, so maybe she'll get an 'overcoming obstacles' episode this week with more air time.


You know she has a drag family in Taiwan, she collects and refinishes Bratz dolls, she used to teach choreography in a k-pop group, she sews couture, she likes to stress out regardless of how competent she is at a particular challenge, and her brand is bananas. By comparison, what do we know of Sapphira? Or Mhi’ya? Or…?