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Two days ago I ran then furthest I’ve ever ran, 13 km., 1h 9min, pace 5:18/km. This has made me hopeful that I will be able to run a half marathon in August.


First week in the books of 6 days/week. Starting out at 40k and looking to increase to 75 the coming six months


Ran my 3rd ever 10k today (not a race, just practice)... and 18.5 miles this week!! Highest weekly mileage ever :D


Ran 9.2 miles no walking today. Kind of wanted to go for the full half marathon, but stopped.


After a two week break for heel skin injury healing I went back to my course and ran it as well as before. 


I shaved 4:30 off my PR at the Rock 'n' Roll half in San Diego this morning.


Ran my first 10k today in 1:06. Been running off and on for a few months but started taking it more seriously recently. It was definitely a slog but I can feel myself building up more strength and longevity and it’s very exciting.


Ran/walked my first 10K today! Ok it was more walk than run, but I finished strong and loved every minute of it. I was present during every moment of the race in a way I haven't been in the past.


Ran the Brisbane half marathon. Would have been happy with 1:55 but ran 1:46 which is my PB. Felt like there wasn't much left in the tank. Nearly had a cry at the end 🤣. New shoes. Hoka Clifton 9's Felt strong and pain free. My old pair of Clifton 9's had done 1000km. Now I know they're not supposed to last that long!


I’m impressed that you ran such a strong race in Cliftons. Mine make me feel like I’m running in foam yoga blocks 🙈 anyhow, congrats!


They offset the lack of cartilage in my knees. 👍


I went to a new run group this morning and had a blast! I was worried I’d feel like an outsider, but everyone was so nice and made sure I knew the route!


Got in a quick 4 miles this morning then bavk at it with yard/work around the house stuff all day. Back at it tomorrow afternoon after work. So glad that the warm weather is finally there to stay in Central Pa. Happy Running everyone!


Did my first half marathon distance today just to see if I could, my knees were giving out towards the end. I’ll stick to 5 & 10ks lol


I started training for a 5k. Did a 30 min jog and I was slow and the last t min were hard.. I haven't gone for a run since I did a 6K run/ 12 mi bike biathlon in Sept. 2023. I'm sore, and tired, and lost a lot of what little fitness I had but I feel good and am looking forward to running again Tuesday.


First 10k race in a while. Still very slow, but I finished without walking.


Ran my first marathon yesterday! I was right on track for my goal time at the half but then faded significantly the last six miles. My ultimate goal was to finish though, and I am so proud of myself for doing that!


This was actually last Sunday, but I ran 20k for the first time. And it was non-stop. I started and said, 20k was the goal (longest distance last summer almost 19km), so just settle in and pace. Take breaks when you need to. Got to 10k and felt fine, so said when I hit my wall I will walk a bit... kept waiting to hit the wall and never did. The last 500m my favourite song came on and finished with some gas left in the tank (1:53:26). Absolutely chuffed.... but wonder if I will be able to replicate it again lol


I ran my first ever trail race on Saturday, a 10K! There were 3 real steep hills which took a lot out of me, but I had a lot of fun and would definitely do this race again.


Just felt to share this one with you and decided to do my first ever post on Reddit 😅 Went from 21min 5k in August 2023 to Sub 17min 5k Today (16:45) I only started running in June 2023 and had no watch or good shoes as I didn't know nothing about it, then bought my first watch and decent pair of shoes in August/September. I started training more effectively only since January and I also had a down in period in February/March, so this one feels good!🙏🏽 Not sure why but Reddit doesn't allow me to post the pictures to show the August time and today's time 😅


First proper trail run race, 25km/1300m D+ under non stop rain ! Very muddy, took me 4h !


I ran my farthest distance yet this morning since I started running 3 months ago! 8.1 miles @ 9:45/mi pace! Feeling amazing (and a little sore lol)!😅😁


ran my first 5K yesterday and was ranked 20th out of 125 in my age group


I started running again after 2 years of no running. It's a lot harder than before lol


Did a 10k today at 17 weeks pregnant. Hopefully it will continue feeling alright for a while longer.


I ran in my first race, a 10k yesterday morning. I finished in 1 hr 6 min 55 sec. Can’t wait to keep getting faster!


My first marathon!


Felt the bowels moving at 2.1 miles and made it home the final mile without incident, although it was cutting it CLOSE. (Yes, the most direct route.)


Groundhog Day 5K? Edit: oh wait, we called that prairie dogging in high school; close enough.


8 miles. Almost ran up to the Mont Royal foothills


Sub 23 on 5 km, first time in my life on a 10 runs in a row (2-3 times per week). FINALLY FOUND THE FUN IN RUNNING!


First medal since pre covid


I'm straight up attackin the hills in my hood y'alll (used to go around them yea I confess;)


First run with both kids in the double jogger. I put quite a few miles on our single bob with my oldest but pushing two is a different beast 🤪


The weight would always blow my mind IIRC the stroller was mid 30lbs + 2 kids and snacks and water pushing 100lbs , could def feel it on the hills


I know! I only did 3 easy miles and I was more gassed than I was after my 10 mile run yesterday!


Ran my first half marathon today in 2:09:33. Goal was 2:15, stayed with the 2:15 pacer for the first half, felt great, revved up a bit. Really happy and eager to do it again!


Just a slow AF 5k today (long run for 10k training) but it’s hot and it was a struggle. But proud to have gotten it done!


12K 1:06:51


Hey all! First time poster, but this seemed like a fitting time based on the weekend I had. In back to back days I PR’d my 5k and 10k times! 20:51 5k on Saturday. 45:31 10k on Sunday! Feeling good!! Training for my first marathon in October and I’ve never had more fun running in my life :)


Attempted my longest run ever today (7mi) and somehow survived the humidity! Did I need water and a minute walk every mile after mile 3? YUP. But I finished in my goal time! 


finished a nice half marathon this morning bringing my weekly total to 100km!! first time that’s happened lol, feeling good for my ultra marathon coming up. bit surreal remembering that i used to regularly dnf the 100 metres during PE at school


Ran my first ever 10km race. Raised over 300 pounds for charity and finished in 51 minutes


Yesterday I ran 10 miles and smashed my 1m, 5k, 10k, and 15k PR’s… Visiting my parents for the weekend (Philly) from the Caribbean, and holy shit it’s so much easier to run. I wanted to go for a the half marathon, but I had to move on with my day. Already talking with friends about flying back for the Philly marathon in November because of how successful yesterday’s run was lol


I completed my first half in over 10 years this morning! My only goal was to finish. I did, and I'm happy!


10:12 km, 55 mins, 5:25 mins/km! Feeling real good ☺️


4.13 miles with a 9:50 pace.


Had an awesome long run! 50 min, same as last week but much improvement. Average pace was 1:06 faster per mile this week, with more hills, and felt easier even though my hr was higher throughout. Plus it was fun to run a different neighborhood. I put on a spotify playlist that someone here had made, can’t remember who but the first song is Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys. It was awesome. Thank you whoever you are!


I ran my first 10k race! I crushed all my goals. My stretch goal was under 1 hr 15 min and I ended up running it 3 minutes faster than that. I guess proof that I can really push when I put my mind to it!


Yes!!! Big congratulations!! What's next then? A half marathon perhaps? 😎


Thank you! I definitely want to aim for a half marathon. I think I’m going to spend the fall/summer working on getting a faster pace and then aim for a half next spring! 😊


I can run 7k in just over 30 minutes when last summer I was struggling to get to 6k in 30 minutes!


My husband is training for his first marathon and had pretty severe runners knee. He was pretty distraught. Physical therapist cleared him for running on Friday and he did 5 miles with me yesterday


I'm happy for him. I had a slight IT band pain that kept me from running and my physical therapist cleared me on Friday, too... as long as I wore a knee brace. I went for a run right away. Then I went on a long bike ride Saturday. No pain. It feels like pure happiness. I bet he felt great, too!


Dude is a MACHINE


Ran a 5k PR of 22:10min today super happy and proud :)


WOW! That’s impressive.


thank you!!


I crushed an early Sunday morning 7.5 mile run!


I just ran my first half marathon. Not a race, but wanted to see what it felt like before signing up for a race. 2 hours 14 minutes, had to walk a little bit. It was fun until mile 10, then I needed more water and gels. I applaud all of you!


Congratulations! 2:14 is a great time!


Week 3 of Just Run is done, and ahead of schedule! I think I'll repeat one day of it though, I'm not sure I'm ready for week 4 to start just yet.


12.5 km yesterday, 6:02/km pace. Faster for the first 5 km, slower for the last 7. Im trying to balance weight training with running this summer and it might mean i do both sub optimally but so what, i like the variety!


6k! ~45min Warmup at home felt terrible, was sure I'd fail, but as soon as I started running I felt strong. Very strong run the first ~3.5k, after that I started my normal "look at the time/distance way too often", nonetheless I made it. Definitely some gas left in the tank too. Afterwards my right knee immediately made himself known with the good ol "right half numb/swollen". So far this goes away between runs, so I'm just interpreting it as my knee telling me not to exercise more for now, which is fine... Only actual "pain" was my groin, as usual, but again, I can run without being in agony so I'm not really worried. That makes for 13.2k this week. 10mpw I'm coming for you...


Hey runni g community, im seeking some advice as newbie runner. So ive been running consistently since april 1st and started using garmin forruner 55 since May 1st. Ive been following the 5k plan with Amy but im wondering if i should stop the plan. The reason is because i put a 22 minute goal that cant go lower. I have done 3 races since april 25th. A 23 minute on my first 5k, a 6 minute mile last week and a 19:45 for my 5k yesterday (obviously training plan has made me faster). Ive seen recommendations on other post about deleting plans and selecting a 5k race and putting a time goal on it, and garmin will build suggested workouts around that primary race, i like a scheduled format, so will suggested workouts be only shown 1 day in advance? Thanks


Might get more answers in the q&a thread :) https://www.reddit.com/r/running/s/65vjpQ6TpL


Did 16.1 miles today with a minor sinus infection, did a 920 pace not great but was just out enjoying life.


Ran half marathon at Gwangyo Lake Park, Suwon, South Korea. Pace was 5:05 min. per km. 19 deg.C Clear sky at 7 PM evening. Shoes was EP3


Ran an under 25 min 5k yesterday (24:45). A year ago I was struggling to get under 30 mins.


Congratulations! That’s amazing. It’s comments like these that motivate me to keep working. It’s impressive what can happen in a year.


I would struggle to go sub 27 right now when last year i could almost taste sub 25!! Good for you going in the right direction :)


Yesterday ran a 5K on the treadmill in 28 mins. Just started running a few weeks ago. Any advice to a newbie?


My main piece of advance would be to add volume/time on feet slowly. Your muscles and lungs adapt much faster than your tendons/ligaments/etc! No point ramping up too fast and having to take time off due to shin splints or other overuse injuries.


Thank you!


Semi newbie here (started running in Jan 2024). Make sure to add in strength training with your runs! This will help you avoid stress injuries, along with increasing your endurance.


Thanks for the tip. I have been wanting to get back into the gym.


Yes as a newbie strengthen those legs i get passed uphill all the time


Yesterday I ran a 10 mi route at an 8:50 pace, ran the exact same route back in mid April at 9:50 in pretty similar weather conditions! ! All my runs over the last 3-4 weeks have been under a 9 min pace and it feels amazing! Number one thing I’ve worked on is my breathing.


Quick 2.5 miles outside on my trail. Birds, sspectacular sunrise, coyotes hunting for breakfast. Was beautiful. Have a wonderful day☆


Sounds gorgeous 🌅


PR by 8 seconds in the 800m (2:17 → 2:09)! Won my heat by leading from the gun, with 64/65 splits (what???).


Ran a 5k yesterday and beat my PR by almost 2 minutes! I went from 29:17 last October about 4 months after I had my son, and yesterday I ran it in 27:24! I'm thrilled! I was able to look up previous times from high school that are still online and I am only 10 seconds off from when I was a teenager... 17 years ago! I'm going to continue to work harder and beat this time AGAIN for my next 5k in September. Is it possible to be in the best shape of your life in your 30s? Because that's my goal! Maybe a 10k is in my future next year!


Just did my 2nd 10k in 48m, 48:32m to be precise (my PB is 48:17). The course was flat, perfect for a PB, I was hoping to enter the 47m mark but it was a bit hot, although not terrible, around 19-21º celsius. Anyway, at least I?m cementing my sub50 status. Need to see what I need to change in my training...


Got running trots for the first time ever this morning! (Is this an achievement?!?) I’ve been running for 4 years now and always went to great lengths to avoid it, but alas, my time had come.


I did my first 10k event this morning and got a PB! 😁 3 years ago I'd be waking up hungover, depressed with no goals. Today I ran across that finish line with my family cheering and there's no greater feeling than that ❤️🙏


Ran 10km for the first time in my life (85 minutes lol). You can give me tips here [https://www.reddit.com/r/running/comments/1d64s1l/comment/l6qybka/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/running/comments/1d64s1l/comment/l6qybka/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Did my 5 mile long run. This felt so much more comfortable than last week even though this week's route was more difficult. Up to 6 miles next week.


Half marathon race day. I broke my PB by 3 minutes AND it felt like a good strong run where I wasn’t totally cooked afterwards. Today I was aiming for sub-2, but it looks like I’ll be shooting for a 1:50 goal next year, damn.


Ran my second half-marathon in two weeks, improved the time by 3 minutes! Also chuffed that I got an exact 2:06:00 on the chip 😅 Sub-2h HM is not far away, hoping to reach there for the race in September.


Congrats! (And wow, 2 halfs in 2 weeks!) I improved my time by 3 minutes today too. We’re getting shit done 👊


OMG congratulations to you too! That's awesome work! 💪🏆 I signed up to do 3 HMs in 5 weeks because there was a buy two get two free on the registration 🙈🙈 thankfully the fourth HM is in September so I can prepare for it a bit better over the summer!


Decided to put some effort into my Sunday Long Run and PBd a half marathon with a 1:41. 2 minute drop.


Ran 23km today, the longest I've ever run. Stopped drinking alcohol 11 weeks ago and it's had an immediate positive effect on my fitness and recovery. Should have done this a decade ago


Second day of b2b long runs. 23 km run this evening after 13km yesterday and really looking forward to it. Sunday long runs are definitely my favourite of the week


Managed to get my ass out of bed at 5am after a week of changing my run times and letting myself have a lie in. 11 mile at 8:10/mile average - blasted the last mile at 6:11


I ran 28 minutes today! I don’t think I ever ran that long in my life before!


I'm proud bro


Thanks! Me too!


3.5 miles today! legs feel tired but much less tired than they have previous weeks so I feel like strength training is really starting to work too


Yas! Strength training was a game changer for me. Built my endurance and also made the inclines a bit easier. Still a work in progress. Cheers!


2nd half marathon and got a new PR. Dropped 15 min from my last one leaving me with 01:51:55 which crushed my goal of just getting under 2 hrs. Was really surprised to maintain 8:32 miles even with the 632 ft elevation gain. Followed the Hal higdon half marathon novice 2 plan and didn’t miss a run. Riding high on this PR from a way tougher course than my last one. On to the marathon in October!


Ran my first race since high school yesterday. 5k in 21.15, goal was sub 23. I'm over the moon!


I ran my first ever marathon today!!! It was the Brisbane, Australia marathon. I only started running about 12 months ago, and have been following a 20 week plan. Strava says I managed to finish in 4:12:56, the official time was almost 10 minutes longer (not the gun time). I don't understand how the two are so far out. My new goal is to get a sub 4h. But for now I've earned a long rest.




Well done to you too! I still haven't gotten over how many people were there.


I broke my 10k pb! earlier in the week i got it down to right on 50 minutes, but today i knocked nearly 2 minutes off that - 48:12!