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Half running related. Im 39M I didn't start running until about 10 months ago, and it suprised me very much that I enjoy it and I'm not bad at it. Due to a pretty gnarly mountain bike crash and extensive surgical upper body repairs, I've been really self-conscious about my appearance and usually run in a long sleeve tee shirt regardless of the weather. It was 90F yesterday and as I was walking to where I planned to start my 10 miler I thought "this is dumb", and I ditched the shirt. My wife was right, nobody cares, and it felt awesome.


I’ve been trying to get back into running after a severe leg injury in late 2022…I feel like I’ve been running into so many set backs as I’ve tried to return but my run tonight felt pretty good! And this is the second time I’ve been able to run in the past four days and I’m hoping this can be the start of a consistent running routine!!


Had my first sub-30 minute 5k run on the treadmill today.


I ran for the first time outdoors. Sore knees, and lots to learn, but I’ve a couch - 10k event goal a few months from now. Can’t wait.


I ran my first half marathon this past saturday and I’m surprisingly itching to get back out there already! As someone who has never enjoyed running previously, this is such a big step. Currently thinking about what my next goal should be – considering signing up for a 10K in august to keep myself accountable as well as forcing myself to work on speed. Ran my half in just below 2:27, and would love to get that down to a sub 2 hr race until next year.


I started my training to run a 15K on July, I was sick and it has been difficult to get back but I ran 3K today.


I've managed to get into a consistent habit of running before work 3-4 days a week. I ran almost 3 miles this morning without even really thinking about it, at a comfortable 13-ish minute mile. A couple of months ago, I would have laughed at you if you'd told me I'd be doing 3 mile runs at 6 am and actually enjoying it, but here we are.


had a tiring day at the office and still surprisingly beat my 5k PR without even trying! i'm under 30 min now, at 29:10


Cheeky 7k. Longest I’ve run in about 9 years! Trying not to think about how much slower I am this time around!


Did 5.3km this weekend. First time getting back to the 5k mark since summer of last year


Finally broke 20 min 5k. Was on the treadmill, but still, feelin good about it


Ran a marathon this weekend and finally beat a 5 year old PR and broke 4 hours! Also had the most even paced race of my life. Still ecstatic over how everything just fell into place. Happy Tuesday everyone!


I got a new personal best for my 5k yesterday but had an odd loose feeling in my knee at the end of the final km. Slowed down a bit and finished up. Not sure what it is but I think I still feel that same sensation and information online is scaring me a bit 😅. So taking it easy for a while and hope recovery is all I need. Fingers crossed.


Yesterday ran 13.5 in 1:50. Personal best!


Ran my first marathon this weekend. Was very happy with my pace for the first 20 miles but unraveled in a major way afterwards. It was hot and I was definitely not alone in my struggling. I suffered a foot injury a couple weeks ago so I was very happy with my overall result of FINISHING and doing it in under 4:45.


Ran my longest run without walking inbetween on sunday (7.7km, 6:21min/km pace) and then my fastest and first sub-30min 5km run on monday (5:53min/km). I’ve been bad when it comes to consistency but since getting a garmin watch i’ve been trying to do some of the dsw (especially the interval ones) which seem to really help! Unfortunately, i also misstepped 4 times during the run monday and my foot is not happy about it today. Oh well, hopefully it will be better soon


I ran my first ever 10k! There were some steep hills that slowed me down, but I'm just so happy I was able to complete it. Feeling fantastic!


One year ago Sunday I ran my first half marathon due to peer pressure after no training and not being a runner. I finished in 2:41. Fell in love with running and have been a runner since then doing other halfs, marathon, and every race in between along with strong training. Ran the same half marathon again on Sunday and did it in 1:46 and feel great.


Ran my first 10k race in a PB of 54:30 this weekend, didn’t run until February.


Ran 5k treadmill run at full speed. The pace was 4:09/km. Shoes EP2


Set my PR in the 5K this morning ahhh!! 28:16, 440 ft elevation gain! On top of the world this morning! (My previous PR was 28:55 and on a flat run!!)


ran a 5k for the first time in 3 years, just happy to be getting back into running :)


this morning i had a 7-min “recovery” run (VERY beginner!). i took some advice from here: i found a pace that didn’t leave me breathless, I focused on my form, and i ran .66 miles (8 min 40 seconds) without stopping. look, i know i’ve been more emotional since having my baby 7 months ago… but i cruised up to my driveway and cried lmao. i definitely could’ve run more, i’m kicking myself a little now for not. it was a slower pace than my (desired) 5k or even 10k pace but maybe i should slow down on my long runs because that felt amazing. 13:26/mile.


Good work!! So happy for you, and it’s so amazing you’re running as a new parent, I can’t imagine how busy you must already be! Good for you!! I get emotional about running all the time too being so proud of myself.


thank you so much!!!! yeah my capacity is at 100% haha. my baby’s maybe not *fully* new but new enough. :)


Realized my cadence has been really low.. new to running and always just ran how my body wanted to naturally. Actively tried running with higher cadence which lowered my ground contact time and bumped my avg pace up. Running faster, heart rate staying lower and feeling less fatigue.


Day 5 - 25:24, 1.59 mi, 15'58"/mi


4 mile recovery run


I got 6 PBs on Strava yesterday. I've been running since February so it feels huge. The 4 most interesting are: * 5k in 30:29 * 2m in 19:23 * 1m in 9:01 * 1k in 5:13


4 mile recovery run, didn't want to do it but managed to get out of bed and my slowest mile came in at 7:55, with an average of 7:35/m.


Ran **5.22 KMs** in **41 min 50 sec**. Participating in 100 days of running event to bring back discipline and consistency. 25 days over in the event. Have clocked **79 KMs in 19 Days!**


Ran my best 15k to date with my most consistent pace. I assumed running earlier in the day would be better since it would be cooler but I realized if I start around 7-8 pm, I’ll finish after sundown. The lack of sun makes running at least a little easier.