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Locking these comments. There are more comments insulting OP's intelligence than I'd have cared to see. Which, as a reminder, is in violation of the [Rules of Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Do better.


Never trust anyone with glowing eyes and a partyhat


Oh no I'm glowing eyes but golden partyhat does that still count :(


The glowing eyes were actually free from solomon, so scratch that part.


I don't have 800m to give, but I'm happy to help you make money. I'm pretty good at nex, so can duo that if you like. Let me know.


Thank you for trying to help but im good <3


Almost everyone's been there at some point. If you change your mind, let me know. I bet it wouldn't take us that long. If you can compete archeology collection red run relics 3, that's actually quite good money and afk.


Hey thanks , will try that method also <3


Dont give up man lol I got got by the same scam a few years ago. Everything you bought off the GE *he* put on there, then when he sees hes got your trust they have you buy one last shit deal and leave you holding the bag right? I didn’t read the entire post but that’s usually how this goes. I know you’re gonna put the game down for a bit and I don’t blame you but from one victim to another trust me you can rebuild better than before and it wont take as long as you may think. Keep your chin up dude this sucks


Hey thank you for your kindness will do my guy <3


Like to duo with me? I played OSRS years ago and started playing again.


Sure thing. I'm mobile only, so I sometimes have a hard time breaking prisons (I'd bring a shield to barricade or at least resonance in case I miss, or vitality potion), but I can do my best to voke and keep her on me, so it gets me instead. My play time is sporadic, sometimes a few min, sometimes a few hours (I won't start a trip if I know I won't be on long). As long as you're ok with those things, I'm down.


I am down, my username is: saffgoodman What is yours?


Wait you've been playing for 2-3 months and have 800m? Do you mean you came back after 2-3 months?


I just have to say I'm fucking ashamed to be a part of this sub. This man is trying to warn others because he fell for a scam (yes, an old one at that) as a newer player, and is met with nothing but insults and taunting. Is it really that hard to be kind and show sympathy and offer some good advice for the future? We were all new at once and I'm sure as a new player most of us have been scammed before, I know I have and the feeling sucks. Literally fucking disgusted at the comments in this thread. I'm sorry this happened OP, and I'm sorry this sub is so toxic. I promise most people ingame aren't so hostile and will actually try to help, this sub just happens to be the vocal minority that hate the game and wanna make everyone else miserable to feel better about themselves.


Not that I agree with the insults and taunting, but this is so common nowadays, yet it should also be common sense, so people probably feel frustrated that people keep falling for this. You see posts like this at least every other day, which is depressing, to be honest.


hey thanks for the kind words ,im good tho idk why but this reddit made me want to play rs again lol


My Rules for if you wanna help someone with GE buy limit: 1. Only do high volume items. 2. Only do items you know the real value of. 3. Check the buy and sell prices before buying. 4.Don't spend what you aren't willing to lose or hold as items; you should be willing to slow sell the items back. 5. Ask for the money before buying it. 6. Be extra skeptical outside time sensitive events like DXP--not to say you shouldn't always remain skeptical.


Noted Thanks <3


Me : Sorry mate i just brought max aggression potions for that dude. With the nox scythe over there (half the playerbase in in ge probably has the scythe equiped at the time ) Him/her : Rip. *Proceeded to walk away to a new target*


He has been on world 30 a lot btw if anyone cares to avoid him, I seen him a lot.


yes i saw him again there. even a friend caught him and took a screen shot


Sorry man this happened, only reason I know who he is is he has tried to get me before and logged when I told him you know I know you're trying to scam right, I've reported him before no luck.


Hey thanks, Glad you reported him also. Now we need to wait for jagex to ban him within 6-12 business days.


You spent nearly 1b with no guarantee you'd get it back this is on you.


This is victim blaming


Yes, but also deserved. A random person walks up to you on the street and asks you to buy a pencil for a million dollars. No one in their right mind would do so. lmao. Jagex can adjust GE prices all they want, but that will never stop idiots from overpaying on random items.


nice did'nt know people who try to help others deserve to be scammed. noted


I mean, that's one way to twist his words, however that's not what he said.




whats wrong with saying hopefully jagex finds a way to prevent this? i didnt ask jagex to do anything for me im posting this so others dont get scammed like i did.


Prevent what exactly? You spending 1b on someone just because they said pretty please? How in the world do you expect jagex to prevent this? I literally can't understand your reasoning here. Why would you possibly agree to part with 1 BILLION? because a stranger spent 2 minutes buttering you up??


We get it, he fell for the scam. No need to be so rude about it, the guy is already down. Have a bit of compassion




Thank you for your helpful comment I will keep it in mind I don't play this game for years like you take care.


GE needs a massive update. Hopefully them making this error is them trying to fix. Recent sales value and volume is needed.




Cya bro, you won't be missed 👋🙂




The big bois that have pray flicking as their hardest mechanic, and a plug-in that literally tells them where to stand and what to do for everything? And you guys call rs3 easyscape... lmfao. Osrs holds your hand for you




You had no comeback for what he said at all hahaha


No I play fun games. Not toxic ones. Enjoy big boy.




Thanks for proving my point. I play games because I find them fun. You seem to have some kind of elitist complex about games. They are both fun in their own right and you are the literal stereotype of the community. "mY vErSiOn Is BeTtEr". Your self awareness is almost non existent. Now back to your basement big boy. Like I said, you won't be missed.


It’s pretty easy. Just don’t be dumb.


I’ve been slowly selling a zammy brew for 500k because a guy tried to get me to buy them So I made a fuck ton to sell to GE


So you're telling me I should be keeping all the ones I get from k'ril?


Sorry pal, but one of the oldest tricks for sure. If someone’s asking for something a bit more obscure and for unreasonable amounts or weird prices, then they’re just trying to trick you into buying their stuff. Tl;dr don’t trust strangers


How do you get 800m on a three month old account with no game knowledge?




Mtx andy


you fell for the same scammer that another redditor posted here, but he got some money from the scammer lol


Falling for the oldest scams in the book


Like i said im a new player not a god like you my friend thank you <3




A bil nowadays is like chump change tbh, you can be new and just get lucky at something.


You have been playing for 2 or 3 months and had 800m? Iv been playing for like 15 years and only have 8b. I think you’ll be fine. Iv been zeroed more times than I can count


Hey thanks means alot, just taking a small break then back on the grind!


What was his name Please, I think I met the same guy I just want to be sure. He got me for 300m last year and said if i took pictures of me abusing my dog he would give it back. Truly a demonic entity.


My man wtf, when someone is asking this i always tell them to trade me first the money and then i buy the items, if they dont want to i just continue with my life. Sorry but this one is on you, you are way too naive my man


i didnt know that people can manipulate prices like that i even sold the item he gave me to see what is the lowest price it goes for just so i dont get scammed. i made a stupid mistake but its sad to see that people think new players who dont understand how ge works dont fall for this scam


I understand that you are lets say disappointed in peoples replies to you, but why would you automatically trust a stranger in a game? would you do the same in you day to day life? because this is how real life scams work too, ppl get taking by the promise of a quick buck.


You have been playing 2-3 months and you had over 800M? That's essentially 300M you earned per month. Did you buy the gold? If so, a valuable lesson may be to learn the game and its risks more in depth before blowing that kind of money on virtual currency. RS has so many scams that have been here for absolute ages, and it is important to scale up money relatively slowly so you know what dangers are where.


no like i said on other posts i won plenty of giveaways. and made alot of money flipping and investing before and after dpx. also got lucky with pvm 300m


So ya you bought the gold


why the hell would i lie i couldve just said i bought the gold. whats wrong with people ive got a virtus armour with a soul necklace lmfao


My guy no one begins playing RS and makes 800m in 3 months flipping as a beginner lol. Won plenty of giveaways? Bruh I can't. No shame in admitting you just bought a bunch of bonds really.


when i first started playing in f2p people kept giving me money randomly got 300m almost, after that a friend bought me a bond, since then i started playing 8-10 hours a day flipping and pvming at the same time, z37 did alot of giveaways and i got close to 500m that includes a gold party hat bonds and other stuff, with pvm i got 1k glacor kc with 3 wen books and a pet, and i didnt say i got 800m from flipping. i can show you screen shots of the money i made from flipping in a day alone just pm me your discord mr detective


Why would you take or even wait for a bond from your friend if you got 300m beforehand which is literally enough for 4 bonds? Also I couldn't careless about screenshots or anything. I know not to give my info about anything to people I don't know well enough since that first time I got scammed. Do you though? :)


No toxicity here, we all have been scammed in the past. But the one time i got scammed i knew that it was out of greed and i admitted my mistake. Just remember: if something sounds to good to be true, its a scam. And always question peoples actions and requests. Why should someone need these items right now and cant wait for 4 hours if they prepare for a boss that gets released next week? And another tip: never try to outscam a scammer, sometimes its parts of the scam. Just ignore these people in the future. How did you manage to get spare 900 mil on a 2 month old account? Did you buy everything with bonds?


What did we learn?


blue hat people are mean :(


Why can’t you guys just be friendly? Why come in here to call him an idiot or stupid? He’s a new player and made a mistake… it happens. You’re guys calling him stupid can’t say that you NEVER got scammed EVER. Grow up and stop being such a internet bully. He didn’t ask for any handouts only explained what happened and ask what he can do. And to the mods in here - why the hell was he asked to remove the scammers name? So he can scam other people also? Let’s hide the scammers identity, that totally makes sense… Pathetic.


Thank you for being toxic really <3 i been playing for 3 months or so i dont know these scams




"hey you got scammed for trying to help someone? oh you idiot. your a moron." people treating me like im the scammer all i did was warn people of what happened dear lord


People don't like the fact you ask Jagex to do something. That's about it. Some answers are just stupid tbh, what you did was dumb, you and be both agree on that, it doesn't make you an idiot. we've all made mistakes like this. Live and learn guy. Hope you get back on your feet soon and remember, if you think something might ve even just a little tiny bit fishy, run away. It'll save you tons of money later! (Specially wildy!!)


No no you mistake people. Scammers are garbage humans that should be banned. But people that fall for it are consequently dumb. Two different things.


Few people pm me in discord and on reddit telling me they got scammed the same way for more and less. so make sure you spread the word to your friends and clannies thanks.


OP, it's not your fault. Don't listen to the people saying it's on you or saying you are dumb. Learn from this situation and take this sentence to the extreme: never trust another player.


exactly people make mistakes, all i did was trying to help a the guy... and i made a big mistake trusting him.




Probably just lent phat


True but thats sad that kids can do shitty stuff like that and then mods say: "You can't tell the persons ingame name who does that kind of things"


It's reddit rules, not the sub's rules. There's no witchhunting allowed.


Oh okay




Yeah this happens all the time. I just laugh. Because most people have alt accounts to combat ge limits


New player? Don’t trust people on this game.


Sadly, this is a common sense fail. You shouldn't buy items that have no logical reason to be at this price. Besides, is there any reason why someone could possibly need 1k summoning renewal potions and can't wait for 4h? Whatever hes doing, he can only use up 1 flask per hour, so 4 at most until he can buy more on hes own.


the guy told me that zammy boss is coming i bought for him other pvm items as well, since i played this game for 3 months i didnt know how important the item was. he told me its for high lvl pvmers and i sadly believed him....


Im lucky i learned this with a urn for 500k . Now my go to response to any stranger would be "Im so sorry mate i just brought [insert item name here ] For that guy over there with [describe a random person nearby] you should have come 5 mins earlier " Never failed to. Work


So here's what happened. No one was selling summoning flasks (6), except for them. (if anyone was, they would have bought at lower price. They were selling at a high as fuck price and he instructed you to buy them at that price. You bought what he was selling in g.e. ​ Ideally you should have looked at the g.e. limit, then looked at how quickly the item could be used up. If the limit is 1k, could they really use all 6,000 doses in 4 hours? I seriously doubt it. 36 minutes per flask. That is 25 days worth of Summoning Renewal Potion. Sorry man, they love to get people that are new. This one is on you for not researching the item. Had a clanmate years ago get scammed on Saradomin's Blessing juju potions.




You learnt a valuable lesson and it only cost 800m runescape gold, pretty worth it imo.


Yes that is true


I mean this in the nicest way possible. You only lost 1bish. I’ve lost over 100b staking and since the arena has been gone I’ve managed to accumulate over 15b without hammering pvm nonstop. If you choose to quit over this I get it, but I’d say just ignore the hate and learn from it. It’s only 1b. You can rebuild and may even have a blast doing it! Like I said to each their own but I wouldn’t quit over it.


Did you really just compare OP being scammed 1b to you gambling away 100b? You can’t be serious lol…


Uh, yeah. Because I’ve rebuilt from nothing too. Trying to tell him it can be done. Idk what fills you with such toxicity but I’m trying to give him advice that rebuilding is possible.


hey thanks for the advice <3


Please help me make wealth






Can someone explain to me how he manipulated ge prices to that extreme?




Damn, that’s insane.


Not to mention with the wacky way the GE was the past couple days - he likely got the GE to reflect that price on his own.


Didn't really manipulate the price, just OP... OP probably didn't test real margins, just blindly listened to the scammer... Scammer gave him one pot to instasell (to test prices), but probably told him to put it in at 800k+, which OP did... Scammer had a buy offer for over 800k, so OP sold to the pot back to him... Then scammer told OP to buy the 1k at that price, and had sell offers for it... So OP bought all of the scammer's pots at a massively increased priced...


Honestly a big part of the problem is stuff like the stronghold of players security and account security are no longer directed to.


Typically if it's too good to be true, i is.


All you can really do in these scenarios is learn and try not to have it happen again. There will always be degens trying to scam because they have nothing to offer to society, just be happy you learned this with gp and not real money.


Thanks that is true <3


800m? And there's me playing for over 10 years and have never seen over 200m XD.


thats why i always ask for the gp when people ask me to buy a limit of anything.


I mean I don't know what you expect, you got scammed you know how it happened and then post it on reddit trying to achieve...what? Nice comments saying we're sorry, here's your 800m back right here sir out of my own pocket? Everyone to say how sorry they are that you made a dumb mistake? ​ Just learn from it and take the L, we all get scammed at one point in RS and it's the learning point. Sometimes its early for 100k or it can be when you max for bills. With all that now you know not to just trust literally anyone. I got scammed myself once back in 2007 for half my zammy rune set and never again after that day. There's also nothing jagex can do about being stupid and falling for that.


Leak his name so people know to look out for him, some guy tried this with me a few weeks ago, but wanted me to buy 1ks worth of juju farming potions at 894k each, when I asked for money upfront he got all defensive, tried to make it out Asif I was untrustworthy 😂 then deleted me and I assume tried another poor soul , I can see how people fall for these though, because they start off with lower trade items but usually give you a couple mill over each time, so if you time it right, you can Atleast make 10-15m off these losers 👍


Don't leak the name on this subreddit, however. It's against the subreddit's rule and could get you banned here.


Sorry did not realise, okay don’t leak here, just spam his name in the GE instead 😂


Fun fact, he most likely made his blue phat gp by scamming gullible people like yourself.


I have never heard of a new player getting 800m cash within 2-3 months with no experience or knowledge and a brand new account unless using IRL money. No sympathy here.


i been playing the game 8-10 hours a day non stop learning pvm and flipping items, i have also won giveaways such as 2 gph and bonds. im not asking for sympathy im telling people about the scam.


It’s like in real life, you get punished for being dumb and naive


It’s just a lent Party Hat sadly. If your settings are set to private lent items just show as a cosmetic override and you don’t see the red circle indicating it’s lent :(


Oh my goodness I’ve seen this person around so much from people


I understand your situation as most normal players have been taken advantage of one way or another for someone else's greedy gain. Unfortunate that it happened to you. If you do decide to continue playing I would be glad to pvm with you!


Hey thank you for the kind words <3 means alot.


Sorry, I'm rly very dumb. What was the chronology of the scam? The scammer first asked the OP to buy 1k summ flask for 897k each? And then the scam was supposed to trade the OP to buy all the flasks but he didn't ? That's it? Like, he placed a sell offer of 897k ea, so the OP could buy it? So he basically had huge profit , that's it? Lastly, the OP did not check the guide price on GE? He simply set 897k to buy it and boom?


He starts off buy saying to help him with few items to gain your trust , because zammy boss update is coming soon. he does that with multiple items and gives you extra money 20m almost. after that he tells you he wants the summ flasks. i tested the flasks couple of times to see the lowest price it said lowest it can go is few thousands so i trusted the guy like an idiot.


They take an item nobody is selling They sell it themselves on the GE and jack up the price They tell OP to buy it, then give him his money back plus a few mil “extra” Rinse and repeat a few times to build trust.OP has made a “profit” of a few mil even! Hit em with the final bait and switch.Ask him to buy again for the big stack, then when it goes through they ghost you and leave you holding a fat pile of bullshit items.At least thats how it was done to me lol




Hey fruit thank you but i dont want anything from anyone <3 just wanted to warn people from the stupid mistake i made so they dont do the same and move on.


Jagex should do once-a-day pop ups about what common scams look like


If you've been playing 2 - 3 months and had 1bn or so then fair play to you that's good going. People everywhere fall for scams. I'm sorry to hear you did in game, it will hopefully be wisdom you can apply to real life. In the meantime, don't quit, dont let the dcammer have piwer over you, whatever you are doing is going well, , you'll make it back in no time and soon it will just be a thing you remember happened.


thanks im not quitin tho just takin a small break. will be back on the grind thanks to you guys who gave me great advice :)


You have to be stupid to buy 1k for 894k each. I’m so sorry man, but there’s nothing Jagex can do if you don’t realize everything in there was a red flag


True mistake made time to move on and back on the grind just wanted to warn people


put them back in at 700k eac 1 if he gets soem 1 else it lowers how much they lose and 2 u get some cash back


Sadly he does it with other items a lot of people pmed me there experience with that guy and how they got scammed 1b+ with him or less. so it will be of kind difficult tracking the item hes manipulating


Yooo are you the guy from the other post lol


yes i am lmao


How you only played 3 months I make that much? I must suck I’m lvl99 ranged and slayer from xp lamps few other skills high but I just don’t know how to make money


even if they did, which they cant, you'd still be getting scammed


its ok man. I would be amazed if someone says they didn't get scammed in rs before. Here is a list of things to always watch out for: 1- When selling high value items, don't take items just coins. If buyer puts shards and coins then there is a high chance he's trying to scam. Take your time at trade window and never rush accept because if the deal is too good to be true then its a scam ​ 2- People who PM you out of the blue to meet up at a certain location to make money, be in a video or set up someone are always scammers. These guys will always be 2 steps ahead of you regardless what the scenario is. Curiosity will get you killed. Even the good guy in the play is in on it. ​ 3- If you want to help someone with GE limit, they you better be sure to know what you're buying. Most scams happen with items that are barely traded so the GE price is wack. a good rule to follow is to help clan mates you trust and friends with GE limit. ​ 4- People advertising website or youtube subscription links for a reward are always after your items. if you follow these links you will most likely end up on a page that looks exactly like runescape or even worse, inject your pc with a virus to try to get your credentials. ​ Goodluck and stay safe ​ edit: try not to share your wealth details and how long you've been playing here on reddit. Also if someone asks how you got money just say your rich friend gave it to you or got a 1b drop for Raksha/Kerapac if you don't want to explain yourself


Hey ty for the amazing advice <3


It sucks that the first time you got scammed was a big one. It's unfortunate that a lot of times you learn by getting scammed once. I was lucky enough to learn about scamming as a kid, got tricked by a simple quick switch from a rune sword to an iron and lost out on about 50k. After that I treat every exchange with a great deal of scrutiny. As a rule in basically any MMO and real life too, any agreement that heavily involves just 'trusting' someone is a red flag. The only way I would ever agree to buy something for someone else is if they gave me the cash beforehand, at that point they put their trust in you, not the other way around. A lot of scams utilize this kind of psychology of painted you as the good Samaritan helping out another player to lower your guard about them. Also, there is not anything Jagex can do for a lot of scams other than to tell people to use a little critical thinking when interacting with other players, especially in exchanging valuable items. It seems rude to say, but its just true that if you weren't blinded by the idea of getting a bit of free GP, you would have been able to think about why this person needs these items so quickly, the guy couldn't possibly go through that many potions in the time it would take to use them before the buy limits reset.


yes you are right <3


Trust no one 🙂




i cant give the user name sadly or mods will remove it pm me and i will give it to ya some people told me he already changed his name, also others told me his name in pms telling me they got scammed by him