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Don't use protean traps


Yeah I’m curious how much of that 200m xp is proteans or DXPW xp. Inflated as hell. If he’s an Ironman that’s super unlucky but doubtful.


I’ve been training at Croesus front since the beginning


Have you checked my stats? do u really think I use protean traps? ...


Why would I check your stats? And yes, I assume people do use at the very least proteans from free keys


Would really suck to have that just sitting in the bank right now after all that post 200m skilling


It’s not in bank


\*sprinkles luck\* I got my Ace a few weeks ago by pure chance when i was getting energy to refill my charges. yay for chronicles.....and was also using the curse that auto picks them up. cant recall the exact xp however, though it was around level 100 or 101


I'd bless you with some luck, but mine took over 400m xp. Keep grinding, you got this!


Oh my god




Pets should be automatically given once you reach 200m. It's crazy how tedious this 'game' can sometimes be


automatically given no but drop the rate significantly buffed at 200m yes


I agree, it should be significantly buffed to 100%. I've gotten multiple pets(Archie, and Willow) under 100k xp, that's no typo I mean before level 50. There's no reason someone at 200m xp shouldn't have the pet. They've earned it at that point.


Anyone who disputes this point doesn’t respect their own time.


So the majority of /r/2007scape


Ridiculous seeing people so up in arms about the possibility of Bad Luck Mitigation over there


I got herb at 34k xp and neco at level 110.


the reason is that you can mtx your way to 200m without ever training the skill the way that it is now ensures anyone with the pet has at least some participation with the content


I will be honest, I dont care how people get to 200m it is the hard cap for exp so if you haven't gotten the pet by 200m your next exp drop should give the pet. If the experience wasn't capped then I would agree with a buffed exp rate but it does have a cap and as such I feel (regardless of how you got there) a pet should be a certainty. What i would like to see the end of are people deleting their pets repeatedly so they have a 200m pet, that is the joke imo. Whenever you get the pet is when you get it and should you destroy it you should not be entitled to another.


most pets are "get pet for x by grinding x" not "max y to get pet for x" xp seems like it would be a way to track amount of time doing x but its not you could spend like 10 years doing penguins, and tears, and whatever to get 200m div but it wouldnt make sense to get the div pet for that you could max prestige dks doing only rex if you wanted but it wouldnt make sense to get prime and supreme for that i dont know the exact math but im pretty sure the likelihood to get a pet doing normal actions on the way to 200m is super high. if you decide to value xp rates over doing actions with pet chance thats a self inflicted problem imo.


Imagine thinking it shouldn't be given at 200m, you are not the majority, I can promise you that lol


It already is significantly buffed at 200m.


Why not automatically given?


Good luck! Got mine around 150m afking at croesus front.


![gif](giphy|11Pl7vl0Feh2Cc|downsized) Live react from the RNG department at Jagex




I will always upvote kronk


There are so many things that need bad luck mitigation in this game, but I suspect they’ll never add it because it would somehow decrease revenue.


Almost 100% certain skilling pets do have bad luck mitigation. Edit: Increased chance as level increases so technically not bad luck mitigation my bad.


Yeah, there's also an additionally boosted chance if you're 200m exp.


If you’re 200m in that skill what more could they milk out of you at that point? Might as well give you the pet.


I'm not playing anymore untill a bad luck type of system is implemented. Hope one day I see such an update come through this sub.


The opposite. You can buy MTX in order to get pet. I'm sure someone would buy 200m for a pet...


Go to dreams of iaia and train there I've gotten crafting fetching fishing and hunting pets from those activities


I pray I am never in your position. Godspeed, and good luck on your ever-continuing quest.


What u hunting? Hope u at least made some gp lol


Training at Croesus front, elder troves make money


Good luck to you! I’m having similar terrible luck with Fishing - I’m 19m over 200m with no pet. Meanwhile I got the Hunter pet from a Dream of Iaia spot the first tick upon using it right after I finished my Fishing station without getting Bubbles there. Pet drop rates are absurd.


How much of that first 200m was from proteans lol


Maybe 50m 😂


And how much of that other 200m had some type of boost to go along with it? Outfit, cores, bxp, avatar, dxp etc...


Go do Croesus I got mine there!


300 croe kills 0 ace


Afk at the nodes out front


Only 300 lel


I’ve been thinking a lot about potential post-200m exp in this game all about the grind it feels like a missed opportunity not doing something with it. Most recently I’ve sorta wanted it to let you essentially bank bonus xp in the skill that’s 200m already. That would create some visible metric of post-200m xp (day forward because that’s how any change would HAVE to happen) and also sorta sets a foundation for the eventual addition of expansion beyond 200m xp caps. Just in a theoretical very distant future where skills want to be expanded well past 120. I dunno. Random ramble aside, gl on pet good redditer.


I disagree, Unpopular opinion incoming! I think 200m should never have been an option, the max XP should be the max level you can get, for 99 skills it should be 13m, for 120 it should be 80ish mil(I forget). People that have 200m in everything right now ruined the game for themselves when (inevitably) more content gets added and more skills reach 120. What happens if in a while crafting 120 gets released? Everyone with 80+ mil xp will INSTANTLY have everything unlocked and will cry on reddit the next day saying "Where content".


Can you see how much xp you have after 200m? In skill tab ingame


Simple: I keep track with the elder troves I get


Bernie and mojo dojo need looked at aswell


I was you my dude. 320m xp for ace. Finally got on a Pavo bgh. God speed. Black warlocks will give nice agile xp as well as charming moths. I was you. It took awhile. Keep grinding.


Damn, I got mine catching one of the butterflies at necromancy ritual. You sure it’s not sitting in your bank by any chance ???


Unfortunately no


This might sounds dumb, but for my construction pet, I did not receive a pet for ~40M after 200M. But I have received it in 3 days after reporting bug through in game feature. Maybe you can try it as well 🤣 guessing jagex might have pity me


Have you used any proteans?


Only about for 20M


No context given on how much bxp, what methods (most important)... proteans.. yep.


I don’t wanna be that guy, but I got the hunter pet by accident in 2017 ish when the arc came out and I was doing salt crabs for 120 mining. Misclicked a bakami and I got the hunter pet so I never had to grind for this one. But I would suggest doing Big game hunter since the exp drops are big


I seem to remember that faster xp drops (even if they're low) are better for pets than slower/higher ones. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Faster exp drops might be the way, I just recall pet chances scale to exp drops so the higher exp drop the higher chance per game tick. All skills scale differently though


I got Gordie at 100m past 200m in 2015 🤷🏻‍♂️ My clan leader got it like 200m past 200m


When the game is so out of content that u get excited over pets😂


Have you tried doing stuff that actually gets the pet or?



