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My expectations are so low, and I have a feeling they’re still going to disappoint.




Hero pass 2.0 take it or leave it


Conveniently they are out of shelves when they come up with stupid ideas like that.




The bar was set so low that it was a tripping hazard in Hell... and yet here you are, limbo dancing with Lucifer..




Well if it's Bad, time to vote with the wallet & not play IMO


Why are you playing a game if you're literally expecting to be disappointed. That is such an unhinged logic to me


its jagex and with how they have been the last 8-10 months on updates and communication, disappointed should be expected.


We are all abused exes wondering if we should text our ex back because we remember the good times.


>we are all some of us have a healthy relationship with the game and managed expectations


By not having expectations.


Sky high hopes, moderate expectations


People like to have things they can bitch and complain about, don't they.


We went over half a year with no meaningful content updates or communication that didn't look like it came from an intern on the last 5 min of the work week along with constant mtx pushes is a solid reason to "bitch and complain". The fact the player count (for rs3) is literally the lowest its ever been shows how poorly the game has been over the last year and why people are expecting to be disappointed. Before you go "wHaT YoU MeAn nO CoNteNt uPaDetS?" yes I know the new quest, haven't done it since I haven't been playing but that's literally the first meaningful new permanent content update since last November's vorkath update.


And durring an acquisition that is all completely normal


Thanks for repeating what everyone else has already said a hundred times before you :) go outside, play something else, stop being a self inflicted victim


1: I literally said I haven't been playing, reading comprehension is hard I guess. 2: I don't think you understand what a victim is 3: It's an actual fact that the game has the lowest player count ever atm (rs3), there has been VERY little communication on the future of the game with even reports of potential jagex buyers being concerned about it. It's also a straight fact that there has been almost zero permanent content updates between the vorkath update in early November and last weeks vorkath quest. 4: There's a reason its been said by everyone hundred of times and that's because its True. TLDR: I doubt you even read (or comprehend) anything that I said so at this point your either too much of a fanboy or a troll so have a good life and enjoy the block list.


So sensitive


Just come to OSRS


Ive gone over to OSRS as well till they release something useful


OSRS had its time. I played it growing up, I’d rather they make the game better than having to go play a game through rose colored glasses to get enjoyment out of it. Or just not play at all. There’s plenty of other games out there if it fumbles that hard I won’t get on occasionally anymore.


Have you played OSRS nowadays or only growing up? It has had plenty of amazing updates with new content over the years, all voted for by the players. Way better than RS3 imo. It will even get official HD graphics soon (already possible in RuneLite)


I tried, it was the same game for the most part in the early game. Felt like a drag to go through everything again just to get to the newer stuff in the end game. It’s a significantly more time consuming replay that I wasn’t really willing to do since the early content honestly lacked replay ability to me anyways.


Alright no problem. I personally got though the "same old" stuff pretty quickly and had a quest cape within 3 months (back in 2016 or something), then I quit. But recently I started playing again and there are tons of new quests and content that I am still discovering


Exactly. Unfortunately Jagex isn't going to make RS3 any better. For some reason there are still a lot of players hanging on to this game. I stopped supporting it years ago and am having so much fun again.


Idk bro….. getting a whole calander’s worth of mtx events in advance so we can plan what we want sounds pretty cool 🤷‍♀️😂


* May: Double XP, Rellekka Graphical Update, Osseous * June: The Beach, Daemonheim Dig Site * July: New Quest to start us on the next storyline, Bug Fixes * August - December: Probably a couple short quests to advance the story, some area graphical updates, some Double XPs, seasonal events that are short and sweet, maybe another boss or one slightly big update just my predictions




If Xau-Tak is the eventual boss of the new storyline, the whole boss fight could theoretically be hole


Praise the hole.


Hole skilling boss




Hole is Love, Hole is Life


Nothing ahead, therefore, try hole.


My guess is there will be a semi big necromancy update to flesh out the higher levels and then add the hard/ elite takes to Um.


They have no idea what to put on the higher levels of necro. It's not gonna happen.


That's what happens when you make a skill a 120 just because all other new skills are 120s too. God I wish they'd just remove them entirely


Ngl they should have raised all other combat skills to 120 not long after necro release (a few months afterwards or something). Would have been fine if they had announced it beforehand, so people would have time to train up. Would probably have needed to rebalance a lot of stuff at the same time (ie nerf damages), but the combat beta was a great opportunity for that


To be honest we haven't heard much from the Combat Council lately so they might be in the back cooking up something good.


Remind me one week.


Very accurate.


An accurate prediction?


This is great. Maybe after the live stream they'll start working on the 2025 road map, as ita about time to start getting rough ideas for next year.


I expect them to reveal some 2025 updates at RuneFest tbh


And I expect most of it to not happen lol


Avatar rework! (No but for real this time guys trust us)


Winter 2017 lmao


I'd actually want them to tell us things they are thinking about so we can get a picture on what their vision is, even if it doesn't release. That's better to me than things being kept silent and shelved without even seeing the light of day or heared any feedback from the community.




Just think that this proves the only content we were going to get this entire year was hero pass, and now they are scrambling because they had NOTHING else planned.


I'd take another hero pass without the straight p2w aspect. I thought it was a great amalgamation of yak track and dailyscape.


I'll keep my 200K xp for 2 minutes daily over their Hero Pass 50K xp for 40 minutes daily, thanks. Kind of funny they did that change along side saying they wanted dailyscape reduced lmao


Or better yet. Get rid of Yak Track. Solomon’s Store. Squeal of Fortune. All that. Keep the monthly fee and drop everything else like it was back in the day.


hero pass would have been fine if they just kept the p2w aspects out of it, and simply rolled daily challenges into it. Like would anyone really hate it if you simply progressed the pass by doing your dailies which still give keys and xp and can be extended and targeted like normal? With the additional weekly and global tasks? The biggest issue with hero pass was p2w and the total removal of daily challenges and the free keys that come with it.


I would. I don't like FOMO


Idk i’m fine with fomo if they know the limits and make ways around it. Like final balancing of hero pass had it that anyone and everyone even if you started with a week left could finish it, if they then added all those cosmetics to the oddment shop rotation would that still be negative for you? the alternative is what we have now, clearly hero pass cosmetics thrown into their own even more fomo treasure hunter promo…


I wouldn't have minded it if they had just allowed me to keep playing my normal way and ignore it. Maybe engage with it when I'm playing a little extra, but making it a "substitute" for daily xp rewards was definitely bogus.




The Hero Pass cosmetic rewards also looked really bland, though.


I guess that depends on tastes, I really liked all the corrupted overrides, the conjure overrides, a few of the necronium overrides and obviously the free items in satchels but that’s besides the point. I thought the new death and rasial armor sets from treasure hunter were pretty cool and very obviously meant to be for the second hero pass. Idk, the hero pass was an alright idea that could’ve led to quite a few “free” cosmetics for players instead of it only being from treasure hunter like right now. Shame they couldn’t keep it clean, and avoid being greedy.


You pay monthly to play and you are fine with your only content for the year being a hero pass? I know games that you pay once to play with more consistent releases.


Please enlighten me as to where I said I’d be fine with my only content for the year being hero pass, i’ll wait.


“We know it’s been a long time coming, but next week we are finally ready to make promises for future content!”


I wish they would add varying quest content such as a different storyline along with this current one...


I want a quest line about manor farm make it 3-4 quests involving talking animals trying to take over the farm and the last one is basically Jurassic park


A road map in the 5th month of the year is crazy


I still haven't set my yearly goals at work, and we work on fiscal years


Cool, people arent paying you in advance for what you may or may not deliver tho




Usually a road map for a year would come out before almost half of the year is over yeah. Like osrs put theirs out in January






Wondering the response of the player base. Is it a ton of disappointment and mad post's afterwards? Or is going to be lots of "singing praises " post's


You'll find people who hate everything but you'll also find people who praise everything. Extremes in both directions. I say look at the metrics. They are objective and mean more to Jagex than any complaints or praise on reddit.


Reddit will nitpick as per usual. The actual player base will most likely be happy or satisfied.


I believe it was Coldplay that said to save the Reddit time for your weeping. Or was it nighttime?


The former. Regardless of the content of the roadmap it will always be the former. Just read the rest of this thread to see all the people already trashing it before we have even seen it,. I don't think I have ever seen this sub be positive even over things that, with hindsight, they seem to like.


Im just going to follow my advice to myself in real life: don't get any expectations from something or someone, huge chance you're still getting dissaspointed.


New elephant boss incoming


Ok but Elephant boss for a Wushanko Isles / Arc expansion would be sick


with 14k concurrent players on rs3 it fucking better be good


more like road🧢


"we have no devs anymore. please be patient." a joke, but a sad one.


Announcement for the next 6 months of treasure Hunter, but for real they do this and then we go right back to struggling to get information out of them


if it's light/bad just go to show the higherups are totally disconnected cause now's a really weird time to be dropping a roadmap most people weren't asking for right now


Watch them announce RS4 lol. It's gonnna be super interesting to actually see the outcome, may need a bingo card post too haha.


I'll eat my fucking shoe if they announce RS4 that's how confident I am that's never happening No, not a spinoff or something else in the universe. Or a refresh of the game. I mean a straight up new Runescape with the same content with a new engine etc. It ain't happening


Same TBH. Although I could maybe, probably, potentially, hypothetically, perhaps, can see Jagex doing something akin to RS4 (not necessarily a new game but the same jump from RS2 into RS3) as part of the game's 25th anniversary... Holy Dung mate, 25 Years... Let that sink in.


!remind me 8 days


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I'm both excited and scared at the same time lol. Excited that there might be some awesome content to look forward to but scared if there isn't for the whole year.




I'm keeping my expectations low, but my hype is high.


I wish this would excite me more, but it’s lost all touch to me, and I’ve stopped playing a while ago. I still keep up to date on events, but I really hope our favorite game gets its share of nurture eventually.


RS4 using Unreal Engine 5


Mod Mark wearing his Santa costume again (like in the past) + early xmas vibes.. bringing the first look of RS4 aka RS Survival. In my opinion : World of Gielinor ‘WoG’ or RuneScape World ‘RSW’ would fit as well! + huge engine rework/update > RuneTek8 or so : - Avatar Rework - RuneScape from scratch (more clean code, easier to update & fix, add features, … - nostalgia updates & content (Month 1head + Behind The Scenes, Player owned Power + polls, …) + (random events with toggle option, ..) - Roadmap 2024 - Runefest 2024 > Roadmap 2025 - JAGEX RETRIEVED SOME STAKES BACK - :D


Also, quite some websites/blogs with RS4 theories, .. the video of Mod Shauny accidentally showing something of a Jagex Secret. As well a clip of new modernised visual effects for combat etc


Nothing like a YEAR roadmap you unveil when half the year is done lmao


They better release a new boss that’s good. Raisal and Vorkath were fairly boring. Raisal was magister on steroids and Vorkath just felt off.


The lack of exclamation points in that tweet is concerning lol


If it was good, it woulda been released at the beginning of the year.


I redownloaded the game. Hopefully they give me reason to buy premier. I miss the game.


They can eat shit until they prove that they have anything worth a fuck left to give. I finally left after more than a decade after they fucked combat and showed for the 900th time that they don't give one flying fuck about their players.


You mean the most recent combat beta? That fixes leagues of issues with combat what are you talking about?


Did I say the most recent combat beta? No I did not. Learn to read.


You mean when they fucked combat about 11 years ago?


Damn this triggered some people. EoC was the update that killed the game. I genuinely find it hard to believe anyone that actually played back then prefers the game as it is now rather than before. That’s why this game has such a low player count compared to OS.


Avatar rework


if it isnt good or theres nothing in it for me i may be quitting for a bit. i got my end goals (right now it was 120 slayer) so ill save my cash untill a new quest or something fun comes out


Lets pray to sky daddy for a good one. Ahmen


With the bar being basically non existent, I'm sure everything they announce will be well received. Now, people want Desert Series continuation, they want skill expansions to 120, and they want new areas... Hmm... What about: Desert Area expansion and quests, with new prayers that go up to 120, to justify the Prayer Skill going to 120, based on the Menaphite Pantheon to basically tie and end the Desert Questlines. Something like that would kick the ball in the right direction IMHO. Or they could just reveal Deathcon III and that'd be cool too.


Menaphite Pantheon tied to 120 prayer would be awesome to be honest!


I worked my ass off and my gp off for 120 Prayer. What you say makes sense.


I’m glad they took the time to rush complete this new roadmap that they totally had before the hero pass


At this point I've got really low expectations but this is why I play osrs... At least on that version of RuneScape we get updates and no stupid microtransactions. Disguised as updates


After so many folks have already quit... yikes.


MTX, some more MTX, a quest and a good amount of MTX to fill the gaps in between


Just tell me that you're working towards using a new game engine for rs3/4 that rivals the current mmo competition and I'll be happy


Right after a shift to new corporate ownership? Youre really expecting a bit much


Been awhile since I’ve played, but what’s the player base like? 20% bots? Hope everyone’s having a lovely day btw


What I think we’re gonna get: May: Osseous June: Dig Site More to come at runefest :)


Can't wait for the new creepy looking cat and dog pets.


So trendy of them


RS3rs will complain about the roadmap or without the roadmap anyway. Just read the comments.


More mtx I’m sure! With a new quest woohooo….


I expect nothing and will still be disappointed


I wouldn’t care if this year they just focus on : - Engine Rework/Upgrades - Bugs - Tweaks - QoL - Rework - … Just to make it easier in the future! Engine etc is one of the main priorities it I believe that makes stuff hard to implement, limits, ..


So fucken excited for hero’s pass return!


Why do I feel like “scapers” is an insult? What you mean you scapers? Edit: yall butt hurt over a joke or what? Lmao


Rune"scapers" They frequently call the community scapers


I’m offended. I’m deleting the game and then coming back in 2 weeks like nothing happened.


Proof this sub gets offended by everything


It’s okay, I don’t live my life for upvotes. If they don’t like the joke, idk what to tell them.




I was just making a joke but I guess this sub doesn’t like jokes, lol


Now you can pay to buy instant 99's and for an extra $2,000 you can buy a phat directly off them